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2009-08-19 2:08 PM

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Subject: orthotics?
Anyone use these and have good experiences?  My chiropactor recommended them for SI joint/hip issues.  He had me take out the inserts from my running shoes and use the orthotics.  Not sure I'm comfortable with that.  Anyone have some advice to share?

2009-08-19 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: orthotics?

I have orthotics and love them!  Nothing bad to report from me.


I mainly only wear them to run, but some days I wear them with work shoes and it feels great.

2009-08-19 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: orthotics?
Yes, basically, I woul d be on a cane without them.  Started with a custumized (expensive) pair over twenty years ago.   When I misplaced them, I went with a name brand non customize pair. They did relatively well, then my feet changed again.  I have been making do with the cheap online "Walk Fit" of late.   Can't beat the price and they come with a selection of arch heights and heel jell inserts.    I have about four pair of them.      One day I probably with have to go back to expensive custom orthodics.  Just hope they will be covered by insurance. 
2009-08-19 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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West Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: orthotics?
I have them in my running shoes. They are expensive but cheaper than PT. I have been wearing them for about 3 years now. I probably would never run without them. I got them after sustaining an overuse injury and have been injury free since. Well, for the most part (other than poor calf stretching).

I would get them if a DR recommended them.
2009-08-19 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2358492

Subject: RE: orthotics?

Just keep in mind that they might take some tweaking or redoing. Mine actually gave me shin splints (and some sort of weird bump thing on my shin) - since it's really TOO much arch for my already high and stiff arches. But the lift in the one shoe makes a HUGE difference. So now the goal is to try to find a happy medium. Just know that it might not be a quick fix. Now that I've had problems with mine, I'm hearing all of these stories from other people I know about all the problems they had with their orthotics!

And yes, customs are expensive and not all insurance plans cover them - my current insurance doesn't. Thankfully, I got them under an insurance plan that covered at least part of the cost, before I changed jobs. 

2009-08-19 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: orthotics?
Been in mine for 8mo now. Love them. Without them, I was fighting lots of tightness in the hips & shins. With them, nothing.

They do lots of corrections on my terrible feet and make things managable now.

0 complaints

2009-08-19 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Subject: RE: orthotics?
I have them in my running shoes and I just ordered a pair for my cycling shoes from two different places.

I asked my orthotics maker if I had 20 pairs made would they be the same...she said no. You need to consider who makes them and if they will follow up with you.

One of the main differences between the two was one casted my foot in a neutral position. The big downfall of doing it that way is the way my foot is when weight bearing is not taken into consideration..the orthotic maker has to guess. My arches collapse differently and not typical. The cycling orthotic maker used a different technique and made a mold of my feet with weight bearing. She also measure my arch with and without weight so my orthotics will correct the issues I have.

My running ones, I met with the president of the orthoic maker and she made them and sent them to my podatrist who gave them to follow up. New orthotics maker watched me run and said they didn't correct enough on right foot and put to big  of a lift in my right one to offset my longer left femur.

New place I went to I met with orthotics maker, she asked a lot of questions, measured my feet many different ways, she watched me run in my orthotics and spent about 2 hours with me. She will follow up with my cycling orthotics for 6 months making sure they work correctly.

I share this as I think you need to consider who makes them as they are expensive.

If you can go to the person making the orthotics not sending them out, and they follow out I think you will in general have better possible outcome.
2009-08-19 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2358492

South Jersey
Subject: RE: orthotics?

Were they custom orthotics, or did he just hand you a pair and tell you to try them?

2009-08-19 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: orthotics?

P.S. My insurance covered them 100% when my Podiatrist prescribed them.

2009-08-19 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: orthotics?
I'm on my third pair of orthotics since 2000.  Won't run without them (or sometimes an off-the-shelf set that I'm comfortable with).

You definitely need to take out the insoles from the shoes if you decide to use them.
2009-08-19 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: orthotics?
I got a custom set made.. and since I'll be doing off-road running with already advertised creek crossings I had to pony up for the $450 ones.  I have had a bit of time off from using them and my feet actually started to hurt.  my chiro used a scan of my feet to get them made since one of my feet is flatter than the other.  They feel really funky at first, but now they are quite comfortable. 

2009-08-19 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: orthotics?
austiry - 2009-08-19 2:08 PM Anyone use these and have good experiences?  My chiropactor recommended them for SI joint/hip issues.  He had me take out the inserts from my running shoes and use the orthotics.  Not sure I'm comfortable with that.  Anyone have some advice to share?

Been doing that for YEARS.  But are they custom?  Custom is the way to go.
2009-08-19 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: orthotics?
If you are using them in conjunction with PT/therapy and strengthening exercises, then sure, they can be great. If you are using them w/out addressing the underlying issues causing your problems, then you may be setting yourself up for issues down the line.
2009-08-19 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Delafield, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: orthotics?
A big fan of my custom orthotics. One piece of the puzzle, but a big piece in my opinion.
2009-08-19 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: orthotics?

Will never again run without my custom orthodics. 

2009-08-19 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: orthotics?

Edit to add:

Mine are custom made from multiple molds. One while sitting and one while standing on one leg. Insurance paid 100%

Plus, the podiatrist had me jog on a treadmill for an extended period of time watching my foot strike. He filmed it and put it in slow motion to show how I overpronate.

Slowly we used different inserts until he found some he liked seeing on film. That gave him a good idea of the degree that I overpronate.

Lastly, he took a measurement from my belly button to my ankle on both legs to measure length discrepency. He lifted one leg by 1/4" to help.

2009-08-19 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Subject: RE: orthotics?
I use custom orthotics in all of my shoes: bike, run, every-day. The ones in running shoes are usually nowhere near the quality, not to mention the fact that they don't address the specific needs of my skeleton.
2009-08-19 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: orthotics?
I was developing Planter Fasciitis last Fall.  I have not had any problems with it since getting custom orthotics. 
2009-08-19 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Maynard, MA
Subject: RE: orthotics?
I was actually going to start a thread on this after I came home from my run and my shins where a little sore, and it think it's due to my high arches. 

But my question's are
1)  If you have custom orthotics, where do get them? (I assume you have to have a doctor visit. and go to an orthopedic.

and 2 ) If you are just using ones bought at a store or online what brand do you recommend?

2009-08-19 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Subject: RE: orthotics?
Had problems with plantar issues due to flat feet.  Stretching and custom orthotics have helped.  I went to a podiatrist, had my feet cast and now have orthodics for my running shoes, bike shoes, and casual/dress shoes.  I am an advocate for custom orthodtics.
2009-08-19 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2358492

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: orthotics?
Had custom ones made after going to PT for patellar tendonitis, based on my activity she wanted to address my overpronation with orthotics as well. Went to someone who was a sports PT that had moved into making orthotics, she was also an active cyclist as well as a runner so she had a good feel of where I was and what I was doing.. cost me about $250 for the pair.. no problems since the end of PT for pattellar tendonitis and the orthotics.....

2009-08-19 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2358492

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Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: orthotics?
My doc sent me to a Podiatrist who actually advertises in local tri mags.
$380 for the custom molded 3/4 length pair, supposedly covered by insurance but haven't seen the refund yet...
I had herniated disk around L5, one leg longer than the other, and random pain in my knees from running.
Like someone else said- the Orthotics were a good piece to solving the puzzle.  I am much more pain free now.
If you get them, please do make sure you go back for a few follow up visits.  The Podiatrist made a number of adjustments by adding material and shaving parts down on the orthotics so they feel like a more natural extension of my foot.  I only wish I could put them in my high heels!

Also, in my sneakers, I sometimes wear them UNDER the existing think insoles.  I like the extra cushioning.
2009-08-20 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2358492

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Subject: RE: orthotics?
yes, they are custom.  my chiro fitted me by standing inside some sort of foam insert.  I'm not sure expensive they were since he said my insurance would pay.  It sounds like the podiatrist can be a little more specific and might be the way to go if these don't work out.    thanks for all of the responses.
2009-08-20 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2358492

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: orthotics?

There are a lot of positive endorsements for orthotics here.  They can obviously be very helpful to some people.

I'm going to relay an opposing view.  I've had foot problems for more or less the last 4 years.  I've had a couple of sets of custom ones.  The podiatrist adjusted them a few times as well.  I've tried off the shelf ones.  My feet have continued to have problems and actually developed new ones wearing them. 

I'm now going the total opposite route.  Working on barefoot running and minimalist shoes.  Plantar fasciitis is unknown in cultures that don't wear shoes often or at all.  Or before the 1970s when running shoes with big thick heels were introduced.  Our feet are much weaker today.  The orthotics, etc. just support them and the feet get lazy.  Running shoes also change our running motion with most landing on the heel.  You won't be heel striking if you're barefoot.

Anyway, the bottom line is that orthotics can be very helpful to people.  But be aware that they may not help you and may actually hurt you.  There are other choices out there.

2009-08-20 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2358492

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: orthotics?

Get a second opinion from a sports podiatrist!

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