Seems like for us northern hemisphere folk it's time for a multisport challenge. Are others interested? Maybe set goals in at least two sports so those duathlete types among us are included and those with injuries can also modify to what they need so they can play too.
Okay a few more details.
1. You need to set goals in at least 2 activities
(but can do 3 or 4
) to make it a multisport challenge. The activities will be:
a. swimming- including drills, OWS etc with goal in either distance or time
b. biking- any kind counts stationary, trainer, even riding outdoors:
) in either distance or time
c. running- walk, run, wog, elliptical inside or out in distance or time
d. strength- simplefit, crossfit, lifting, core etc in either time or sessions
Workouts must be logged and will not count if they are not. Goals may be increased at any point during the month and up to 110% complete will count in the final week. Goals may only be decreased in consultation with the challenge leaders for reasons such as illness, injury.
So sample goals:
swim 40000 yds, bike 400 mi, run 80 mi, strength 12 sessions simplefit/core
2. Teams will be assigned
(requests considered but not guaranteed
) and totals tallied weekly in a google spreadsheet. The average percent complete
(up to 110% will be allowed but only in the final week
) of each activity will be computed and those activity averages then averaged for the team total. So if a team is really good at getting their biking in but not so hot at making their swim goals it will work against them. It's designed to encourage sticking to your plan for the month and multisport activities.
3. Race distances or times count double depending on what you are using for goals. This is an incentive so that taper/race recovery doesn't penalize you. In order to use this incentive you must report that you did the race in your team thread so that the captain can then adjust the number above what shows in your BT log
(sorry for the extra work captains
4. We'll be using the yellow line concept of determining challenge winners/losers. I will update with more info once we know how many teams total and have picked a theme but I'm thinking flower avatars for the month of May for teams below the yellow line.
(April showers, May flowers
(Edited by Dee to include the Challenge rules/guidelines in the first post of the thread.)
Edited by D001 2008-03-27 8:38 AM