General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Tri Newb Here Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2016-09-19 5:29 PM


Subject: Tri Newb Here

I've never done a Tri, but I hope to do one Spring 2017 (or Spring 2018 depending on if I can get all the gear in time to train). I joined the forum because I have TONS of questions and I don't know anyone who can answer them (google is like my best friend but google isn't getting it done lately).

I've run 5 full marathons in the past 2 years.. I'm hoping to get my marathon time down to 3:15 by next year (My PR now is 3:30). The thing is, running is starting to act like my high school history teacher, BORING! I Mt. Bike frequently and I take a swimming class at my university so I feel like I have a tiny head-start on preparing. I tried to run after a quick trail ride the other day and I realized running-off-the-bike = misery. Anyway, thanks for any of y'all that chime in with advice and help. I need it.

I'm in Ogden, UT if anyone in the area needs a training buddy hit me up.

MY QUESTIONS (I'm looking up answers to these questions on the web and this website, but I'm getting mixed results. If you can answer one or any of these questions I'd be pretty stoked):

The triathlon rules state that any wet-suit made of non-textile materials is prohibited, this includes neoprene. Only nylon or Lycra material is allowed.... Every wet-suit I find online is neoprene. Are these illegal? What should I get? The neoprene buoyancy sounds real nice.... but is it illegal???

I want to do the St. George 70.3. How long/intense do I need to train to survive? It's somewhat local and sounds super dope, but I've heard its crazy rough for a beginner.

My mt. bike is pretty heavy and has some gnarly beast tires. I'll have to purchase a shiny new street bike I guess. Price range? Whats reasonable for a beginner? Also, I have a weird phobia of biking on roads, especially wet roads with those itty bitty road bike tires. Anyone have suggestions on how to start training on a road bike?? Just go out and pretend I'm a car? I feel like I need to take a class.... how-to-not-die-on-a-road-bike 1010 or something.. I don't know the rules or the laws.

2016-09-19 8:11 PM
in reply to: WalkingRiver

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Tri Newb Here
Hi! Welcome!

I would post your questions individually in the Tri Talk forum to get the best range of answers.
Neoprene wetsuits are fine. There is a rule (USA Triathlon, the governing body) as to the thickness, in millimeters) but I don't know of a rule about the material. I have raced in a neoprene wetsuit many times.

St. George is hilly and 70.3 is no joke. Check out our Training Plans here on BT and find a half-iron ("HIM") that works for you.

A road bike or tri bike is the way to go.

Here's a good article on road riding:

Also, here's a list of favorite links and articles that might answer your other questions, including how to buy a used bike, if you are leaning that way:
2016-09-20 12:52 AM
in reply to: alicefoeller

Subject: RE: Tri Newb Here
Not sure how hilly St. George is, but I finished a HIM as my second triathlon ever at age 61. 3000+ feet of elevation on the bike. If you have the winter and spring to train you should be able to get it done, if you have reasonable swim skills. I wouldn't advise it, but I saw a dude on a mountain bike on the HIM I did. And he at least made the bike cutoff. You don't need a tri bike. Just a decent road bike with clip on aero bars. Others might poo poo this advice, but you can finish, feel good about yourself and work on your PR on subsequent races.
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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Tri Newb Here Rss Feed  

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