General Discussion Triathlon Talk » How is the new year going? Rss Feed  
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2008-02-19 5:16 PM

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Sin City
Subject: How is the new year going?

Hey fellow Clydes/Athenas!

So how is the start of the season going so far for you guys?

I'm in week 11 of my HIM plan and haging in there.  9 more to go before the big race......

2008-02-19 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1221793

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Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Going pretty good. Hitting the gym 6 days a week, taking swimming lessons, spin classes and running on the treadmill.

I think the extra swimming and swim lessons is really going to pay off this year, I have really been working on my freestyle.

Hoping to do several sprints this summer, maybe an Olympic distance.

2008-02-19 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1221793


Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
First tri for me beginning of June. Whatever else, the training program is keeping me active. I figure the worst I can do is walk a little during the 5k run. And like my doctor says, even if I come in last place, I'm ahead of everyone who stayed home.

I'm especially enjoying the swimming. Not setting the world on fire, but I can swim 15-20 minutes straight, and I love the way I feel afterward.

Here's to moving out of the Clydesdale blog!

2008-02-20 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1221793


Huntington Woods,
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Goin OK. First race is April 20. Got a tri-bike this weekend and converted my old Trek 1000 into a commuter, which will help me put on some more miles. Still looking for a place to get a pro fit.


Edited by toyfo98 2008-02-20 3:25 PM
2008-02-20 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1221793

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

The year is already flying by. I managed to maintain my fitness through the holidays with minimal weight gain, and am now in my third week of the Oly plan, and loving it!  It seems to be just the right amount of time I have available, and isn't pushing my abilities too much, but just enough.

I've gotten a wetsuit and look forward to lots more OWS this year.  The sun finally came out this week so I have managed to bike outside, which gives me great hope for the future, as well!  This race season will be a lot of fun.  I don't foresee ever leaving the Athenas, so I will represent and hopefully do some podium time.

2008-02-20 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1224558

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Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
I'm up to running intervals about 35 run mins out of 60 and I am soon going to be starting one of the 20wk Oly length plans here sometime next month. As soon as this damn snow clear up enough I will be out riding the bike paths. Until then I'm stuck on the exercise bike.


2008-02-20 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1221793

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
out of my prep phases and now into my Intermediate Oly 21 week plan. so far so good on those workouts... that will lead into a few down weeks for 2 - 24 Hour mountain bike races, then into an Olympic to HIM plan for Silverman!!!

Weight is dropping due to a detailed nutrition plan... targeting 3100 kcal / day and that has been tough to reach when eating properly! Learning to love V8 to get those 9 servings of vegetables in daily!

I start off with a Du in May and then a few more sprints leading to Lifetime in July... then my primary race for the year... Silverman 1/2 in November... Aikidoman... have you decided if you are doing the 1/2 or the full this year?
2008-02-20 10:12 PM
in reply to: #1224954

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2008-02-20 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1221793

Central, IL
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Hey!  I'm down 16.2 pounds!!!!  (actually started Dec. 1)   Still a major clyde though....
2008-02-21 9:10 AM
in reply to: #1225218

Extreme Veteran
Upstate, SC
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
I am in week 2 of the Intermediate 1/2 Ironman. This is the year that I am going to step out of my comfort zone and see what this ole body can really do!
2008-02-21 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1221793

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

All of your progess is inspiring.

I completely train wrecked it in December and January, and finally got back on the wagon a few weeks ago (Feb 1).  Things have been going really well since then, including a very good jump start to the weight loss goals (10 pounds so far this month).  I once agin hope to be a non-clyde in the next few months.

I've got a plan that takes me from basically zero fitness to HIM (my second) by September and Marathon (my third) in November.  Along the way I'll be doing a sprint (my first) and oly (my second).

For me, nothing beats having the training plan on the fridge that can't be ignored, and the prospect of competition looming ever closer.

2008-02-21 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1221793

Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

So far, I'm down 11 pounds.  I'm most excited about that.

Training is going ok.  It's been tough to get workouts in with all of the work I have going on at school (I'm a grad student).  I've been really tired lately, too, so that's tough.

I have my first race coming up on March 15 and 16 - an 8k and a half marathon.  Hopefully I'll make it through those.  After that, I'm going to be starting a training plan for a HIM.  Scary! 

2008-02-21 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1225957

Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

I have had some issues at work that have sort of cut me back a little, but I am in the 6th week of a 20 week HIM plan.  I hope to step it up a little soon. I think I need to give up on sleep completely.

 I still weigh 230.  210 on race day (6/29) would be nice!!!

2008-02-22 1:12 AM
in reply to: #1221793

White House, TN
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

My year is going well but not as well as I would like...

I'm base-building with an eye toward my first half-marathon in October.  I'm running three days a week as part of an overall tri-program and I just completed a 24 mile week (3x8 miles).  I'm going slower than I would like but I'm finding myself in a rhythm and I'm also finding my HR dropping and pace quickening, which leads me to believe that I am getting in shape.

However, the scale doesn't want to least, not down.  I'm not losing weight like I want and that's mostly because I'm sabotaging my own plan.  I've got to find a way to improve my eating so that I can drop this weight.

2008-02-22 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1227662

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Hawkeye - 2008-02-22 2:12 AM

 I've got to find a way to improve my eating so that I can drop this weight.


You've already said it - now you need to remember it each time the craving hits.  It's all about the self control.  Man how good we are at forcing ourselves to do something (work out), and how bad we are at forcing ourselves NOT to do something (eat).

2008-02-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1221793

Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Badly - two false starts so far and only just getting back into it this week. I am the heaviest I've ever been and the first race of the year is in May and I'm scared! I wanted to run a 10k in May as well but fear I've left that too late.
That said I'm still determined to stick to the training and loose the weight so I will be improving as the year progresses!

2008-02-23 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1221793

Keller Tx
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Absolutely awesome!  Im down 14 lbs this year.  I've got 49 days until IMAZ, so I am at the end of the 5th of 12 weeks in the training plan before race day.  And I just PR'd a 1/2 marathon this morning that was run 100% as a training run. 
2008-02-24 5:07 AM
in reply to: #1230969

Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Well done Doughboy - that's great going!
2008-02-26 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1221793

Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Good and bad.

The Good
Feb. 8 - Bought new bike as weight loss reward. (down to 208 from 281)

The Bad
Feb. 3 - Non-running related knee sprain = no running for 1 1/2 weeks.
Feb. 5 - Bilateral Corneal Ulcers (holes in both eyes) = no swimming for 2 weeks.

As a result of my diminished activity, no significant weight loss in the last three weeks. Not really suprising.

The running still isn't 100% but it's getting better. I've been limiting myself to 5K runs two or three times a week to let myself heal.

Fortunately, my first of four races is 14 weeks away. And the "A" race is 24 weeks away.

However, as I was starting to feel a little burned out, the break seems to have done me some good. The training plan will be back in full swing starting Sunday!

2008-02-26 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1221793

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

Seems like a slow motion start, ramping up to projected but not confirmed targets as life is attempting to get in the way of races. 


2008-02-27 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1221793

Extreme Veteran
Western, Mass
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Week three in a 16 week plan. So far so good. I am starting to loose, but i only get on the scale once per week, so i don't know how much yet. I certainly have fewer inches to pinch. I started of slow, and am now just picking it up. I still find swimming the hardest part. I used to swim like a fish.

I need to be asleep earlier now. I am finding i need 7 -8 hours now, instead of the usual 5 -7.

It feels good that my gut is not quite so large now.


2008-02-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1221793


Ellicott City, MD
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
I started a tri training class in late Jan and then did an indoor warm-up tri last weekend. It was hard but a good gauge of where I need to be to finish the two sprints I have planned for June and August.
2008-02-27 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1221793

Owings, MD
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

I haven't had a race since early December (my first 10K), so have really slacked off on any kind of hard and fast training plan since then.  I'm doing a run here or there, a bike here or there (when weather is nice - rare), and spin/pilates/boot camp classes at my local gym to keep my weight stable.  I'm starting off 40 lbs. lighter than I was at this time last year, so I am looking forward to a great second tri season! 

I've looked at Oly plans and finally decided on a 16 week plan that I will start on March 9.  That should prepare me for 5Ks and 1-2 sprints and possibly an Oly in September.  I'm putting it in writing for all to see now so I'm accountable and have only 11 days to get my mind back into the full training mode mindset and out of the winter blahs! 



2008-02-27 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1221793

Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?

Wow, everyone's getting back on track!  Great thread start, Akidoman, and good luck on your upcoming HIM.

I'm curious about Heather's tri class and inspired by Laurie's "just get it organized and commit to a plan" approach, which mirrors my own, but is delayed.  I'd penciled it in for this afternoon at 4pm but am sure that work will prevent those good intentions.  So I'll have to line up my own plan soon just to catch up with you all! 

Keep up the good work -- remember that Rome wasn't built in a day either...just stay with it.

Cheers, -Sunny 




2008-02-27 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1238732

Extreme Veteran
Upstate, SC
Subject: RE: How is the new year going?
Stepping up the swimming is a real pain. I am following the 1/2 IM plan and having no problem with the bike and run portions, but the swimming is a pain. I am actualy having to finally learn to swim the right way. My TI DVD will be here tomorrow and then....
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