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2009-08-21 7:54 AM

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Cuyahoga Falls
Subject: IM for first tri
If this has been covered already in other threads sorry about that i couldnt find any.

I am new to this thing called triathlon and am planning on doing my first tri towards the end of next summer.

I would like peoples opinions on whether or not

A) A year is long enough to prepare for an Iron man or 70.3 tri


B) If it is a terrible idea to attempt an Iron  Man or 70.3 first time out of the gate.

From this site I see that many have started out big with the full or half so I know it is not impossible.

2009-08-21 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Macon, GA
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
My 2 cents....My first Ironman is next weekend in Louisville so I am not an ironman veteran. With that being said I would be extremely nervous to bite of Ironman for my first event. I think it is wise to start out at some shorter distances to determine your aptitude for this sport. The committment level for a sprint or olympic is much less than the ironman. I think a year is adequate in terms of training as long as you have a good base level of fitness and a good trianing plan or coach. I would plan at least 2-3 races before your ironman with one of them being a half to make sure you are ready.
2009-08-21 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2361854

Subject: RE: IM for first tri
It's also a good idea to get a few tri's under your belt just so you get the feeling of doing all 3 at once. You learn something new at every tri. You'd hate to learn something big on a IM as you'll be out there awhile. I'd rather test things out on shorter distances, i.e. Nutrition, clothing, etc.
2009-08-21 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Cuyahoga Falls
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
Thanks folks,

Valid points. Any idea what the easiest (i know a relative term) IM or 1/2 IM race is.
2009-08-21 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2361878

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
tridawg72 - 2009-08-21 9:05 AM

My 2 cents....My first Ironman is next weekend in Louisville so I am not an ironman veteran. With that being said I would be extremely nervous to bite of Ironman for my first event. I think it is wise to start out at some shorter distances to determine your aptitude for this sport. The committment level for a sprint or olympic is much less than the ironman. I think a year is adequate in terms of training as long as you have a good base level of fitness and a good trianing plan or coach. I would plan at least 2-3 races before your ironman with one of them being a half to make sure you are ready.

Agreed ^^^^

I would say an IM would definitely be a year two thing, IMHO. In my first full year I did several sprints, Internations, and finished with a HIM. My second year started with a HIM, then sprints, International, Oly, and will finish with B2B. I can definitely tell the prep for my first HIM really helped before moving to prep for B2B this year. I thought I trained a ton for my first HIM, but in prespective I was really light. I think a progression from sprint to Oly to HIM to IM will benefit anyone greatly.
2009-08-21 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
Meh, I guess I'm in the minority.  My first tri was a HIM.  If you train properly it isn't a big deal.

Though I could not imagine a season where I was prepping for an IM and wouldn't have done a few other tri's...simply to combat boredom.  I don't think I could only do that ONE race at the end of the season...during the summer I would WANT to do a few others "just because".  HIM  I could see doing as the only race of the year...but not the just would feel...weird.

2009-08-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: IM for first tri

what is your swim like, especially in open water if you have had any experience?  You can fudge the bike and the run to a degree but if you arent confident in the water, that alone is worth getting a few other tris under your belt so you dont freak out.  I had a great view of the swim at IM Wisconsin last year and saw a few freakouts and wondered what kind of prep those folks had done.  Dunno, maybe they did do their prep and it was just a bad day. 

2009-08-21 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: IM for first tri

There are a few people who do either a HIM or IM as their very first triathlon.  Yes, you CAN prepare for one in a year depending on your background, goals, lifestyle, etc. 

No reason you have to do a sprint before doing an IM, they're two entirely different races related only by the fact they have swimming, cycling, and running.  If you're much more inclined to run a marathon than a 5K, it's OK to skip the sprint.  (I would agree with Jzzat about some open water swim experience and that may be the biggest reason to start with something short.

The real question for an Ironman is can you spend enough time training (and recovering) to be ready for the race.  Endurance, pacing, nutrition, and hydration become much more important in the long races.   

2009-08-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Cuyahoga Falls
Subject: RE: IM for first tri

The swim is far and away the weakest event for me. I have been spending a lot of time on the saddle this summer aiming at a century in two weeks. The order of my strengths would be bike run swim.
How do you train for an IM or HIM. Is it really a case of training each sport indivudually for the set distance or something else. I envision it being training for a marathon, training for the 112bike and training for the swim and then o nthe day lumping them all in together. This might be a bit naieve.

2009-08-21 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2362356

Subject: RE: IM for first tri
You should get Joel Friel's Triathlon Bible. It will give you some insight on training.

As far as the swim goes, my first open water Tri I totally freaked out! Luckily it was only a OLY but it was my first open water swim and my first wetsuit swim. It took me 7 minutes in the water to calm myself down. I'd hate for that to happen on a IM. And if I'd of had to swim the 2.4 that day I would of never made it mentally. It was all I could do to just make it through the swim and I was so exhausted from freaking out that it took me some time to get back in the swing of things. You should really get a few Tri's under your belt before a IM.....
2009-08-21 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2362356

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
Mairtin - 2009-08-21 8:50 AM

The swim is far and away the weakest event for me. I have been spending a lot of time on the saddle this summer aiming at a century in two weeks. The order of my strengths would be bike run swim.
How do you train for an IM or HIM. Is it really a case of training each sport indivudually for the set distance or something else. I envision it being training for a marathon, training for the 112bike and training for the swim and then o nthe day lumping them all in together. This might be a bit naieve.

Generally you train for all three at the same time...if you set aside the other two while taking the time to train up from scratch to a 2.4 mile swim, for instance, you'd lose too much fitness on the bike and run.  Some (many?) training plans will emphasize one sport over the others in any given week, though.

Lots of people do not run more than 3 hours in IM training, so not everyone is training up for a full marathon.  Personally, I can't imagine stopping that short in training for a run that takes most people over 4 1/2 to 5 hours (I did two 20 mile training runs plus a marathon 10 weeks out from my IM), but it is quite common.  There are different approaches to IM training, so it would be a good idea to either buy the book that was recommended in this thread or become a paid member of BT and take a look at multiple training plans to see how they are built.

Good luck.

2009-08-21 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2361854

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: IM for first tri

Find a training plan that makes sense given your goals and time available to train and follow the plan as much as you can. 

Long rides will top out at 85--120 miles.
Long runs will top out at about 3 hours.
Long swims will top out at 4000-5000 yards. 

These are your times to see what works for nutrition, hydration, pacing, etc.  Some people will do a brick run (mine were usually about 3 miles) after a long ride.  Some will do a brick with a shorter ride and longer run (maybe 65/8).  I've even seen plans that call for an "epic day" where you swim for 90 minutes, ride 6-7 hours, run an hour, do housework/yardwork/play with the kids/anything on your feet, then another hour running to finish about the time of your expected race finish. 

Pay attention to your body and take a rest day if you need to rest. 

The nice thing about an IM swim is IF you expect to finish the swim in 1:45-2:00, you can wait 5 or 10 minutes before you start swimming and have relatively clear water. 

2009-08-21 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2361854

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Cuyahoga Falls
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
I am constantly amazed at people who have kids finding the time to train for IM or HIM.

I have no kids as ye, just a wife and a dog and so far have no real time contraints on training other than work. ITs part of the reason why I am considering an IM of HIM my first time out. Next year if a kid comes along who knows if the time will be there to train.
2009-08-21 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2361854

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Broad Brook
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
If you really want to do an IM next year there should be no reason you can't. I have done 5 IM and I have not sacrificed my family to get it done. I do most of my training in the early morning 5:00a.M with the longer stuff on the weekends. good luck with your decision.
2009-08-21 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2361854

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Cuyahoga Falls
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
What are the cut off times in IM races? are they standard?

Which IM / HIM would be a good one to start with.
2009-08-21 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2361854

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Subject: RE: IM for first tri

A year is enough time.

And doing it for your first tri is just stupid.

There is absolutely no reasons not to do a couple of tris, even sprints, to get used to doing three sports in the same day, transitions, swimming in a mob while getting kicked in the head, etc.

Do some "practice" events before your IM.

2009-08-21 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2362681

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
Mairtin - 2009-08-21 12:54 PM What are the cut off times in IM races? are they standard?

Which IM / HIM would be a good one to start with.

Each race is probably a little different. But here is an example from the Ironman Wisconsin web site (which seems to be the standard for all Ford Ironman trademark events):

What are the cut-off times?

Swim: 2 hours and 20 minutes, Swim/Bike: 10 hours and 30 minutes (IM Florida ONLY is 10 hours and 15 minutes), Swim/Bike/Run: 17 hours

As for which one to choose as your first, that's a crazy broad question, which is probably why no one has answered it yet. It totally depends on location, willingness to travel, if you are able to register off-site, time of year, your strengths/weaknesses compared to the course, etc. And since everyone has different goals and abilities, everyone's answers are going to be different.

I'd recommend doing a few things to choose your first. Read some race reports on this site from past Ironman events. See what people liked or didn't about the race and venue. Also, check out the actual web sites for specific information about each race such as lodging, time of year, and course maps.

It is really an individual decision, based on a ton of individual factors.


Edited by lisac957 2009-08-21 2:43 PM
2009-08-21 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2361854

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Subject: RE: IM for first tri
No reason that you cannot do a 70.3 or IM if you put in the training time, but I suggest that you do at least one so you can make first time mistakes (and we all made them at our first one no matter how much we train or read) on a smaller, less stressful stage. My two cents.
2009-08-22 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2362356

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: IM for first tri

How do you train for an IM or HIM. Is it really a case of training each sport indivudually for the set distance or something else. I envision it being training for a marathon, training for the 112bike and training for the swim and then o nthe day lumping them all in together. This might be a bit naieve.

That is WORD FOR WORD how I trained for my first tri (which as previously stated was a HIM).  I did all three sports in a given week, but treated each as I always had...I'd run enough marathons and knew how to train to run a half marathon, so I did.  I'd done some endurance cycling events so I knew how to train for I did.  I swam in a pool and never tired open water before race day.  Everyone else had a wetsuit so I bought one.  And then I went to the race and did it.

I survived.  It took me 7 hours, but I survived.  Especially when you are talking HIM/IM the effects of having biked before running seem much less important.  You usually get your run legs back within about a half mile or so.  By the time you are a quarter of the way through the marathon you probably will have forgotten you even rode your bike that day.  Really.

IF the swim is your weak spot you would definitely want to at least work on it extra.  But I still see absolutely NO reason why you couldn't do the IM as your first if you really want to.  It isn't "stupid" as another poster put (which, other poster, was incredibly rude!).
2009-08-23 12:26 AM
in reply to: #2361854

Subject: RE: IM for first tri
My first tri was Kona in 1984. It seemed to me that the feeling of an olympic distance was to an ironman was the same as comparing the feeling of a 10K to the feeling of a marathon. I am quite comfortable in the water and I started in the back, so the swim start was no so bad. I just kept swimming along passing people. I was glad that I had a strong running background because I mentally broke down the marathon to a 6K run to the condo where my family was staying ( this was in the day the run started at the Kona Surf) and then only a 20 mile run to the finish which was my normal Saturday run. I am not sure that I recommend this method, but I am here to tell you that it can be done.
2009-08-23 5:57 AM
in reply to: #2362356

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2009-08-23 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2361854

Subject: RE: IM for first tri
2.4 mi OPEN WATER swim is not a joke for a new swimmer.  No walls to rest on, no bottom to stand on.  It seems small relative to the rest of the day, and it is, but you could very well be out there for 90+ minutes.

I did an IM early on in my tri career.  It was the right decision for me; it forced me to be extremely consistent w/ my training b/c I had no cycling or running base that I could rely on.  I probably gained in 7 months what would have taken me 2 years.  It was exactly what i was after.  Here's the thing, I did about 7 tris in the year before.  And I learned so much from each of them.  Things like i learned i hate putting socks on in T1 when i'm wet.  So i learned biking without socks is better for me, & I put them on in T2.  I learned which tri tops ride up and i can't stand.  I learned before I rack my bike to make sure i have the bike in the gear i want it to be in when i come out of transition.  I learned all these things by doing actual tris.

You've got enough going on on IM day that it's great to have a few tris under your belt to have worked out those kinds of details that you wouldn't otherwise think of until they come up.  Not to mention, I think your chances of enjoying an IM are so much greater.   Could you do it?  I think so.  But if you can get a few shorter races in, I do not think you'll regret it.
2009-08-23 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2361854

Subject: RE: IM for first tri
You can do it, my first tri was IMLP this year.  I am not in what I consider great shape I'm a clydesdale and 45 years old.  If I can do it just about anyone can if they set their mind to it, plan well and put the time in training.  Work on your weak areas,  for me my weak areas were biking and swimming.

Getting some smaller tris would be recommended if possible, it wasn't for me due to schedule.  If you want to do a big race for your first one go for it, it can be done.

2009-08-24 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2361854

Alturas, California
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
You can start at any distance, but... it just sucks more if you learn some hard lessons in a longer race than in a shorter race.  If you start with a longer race you really have to know what your fluid/calorie intake is or you will bonk good on the longer races.  Also knowing how to stay cool if the temp is above 90 F is useful.  And well ya, you need to be in shape for the event of whatever distance following a plan.  
2009-08-24 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2361854


Cuyahoga Falls
Subject: RE: IM for first tri
This seems to be a little bit of a contentious subject. I can see both sides of the argument. Honestly though I have to wonder how much elitism is involved in the comments that fell on the negative side. What I mean by that is that those who say no and have finished long races seem to have worked up to it over time by the fairly natural progression from sprint to Oly to HIM and IM. I get the feeling that for someone to come in and suggest doing an IM or HIM right out of the starting gate is like an affront to their struggle to get to the point where they could race at those distances. Im not saying that as I stand right now could finish a long distance race im just throwing it out there.
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