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2013-12-18 3:52 PM

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Bronze member
Subject: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

GROUP FOCUS: Getting back into or starting triathlon training for new parents (or those with a life change that has caused a shift in focus - we are open to all!).  Both Laura and I are new moms and both were a little tri crazy before baby and hoping to keep it up! We can offer encouragement, tri and training talk as well as some fun!

NAME: Juniperjen/ Jen

STORY:  Well, i could go on and on and sometimes I do. The short story is that I started running after I got my first job out of university – I was never very athletic but I joined the local running store’s 10k clinic and fell in love with running. Before long I was running marathons. I had no idea about triathlon but  I met my husband and he did Ironman Canada in 2007 – i thought it was AMAZING! Problems: 1. I didn’t own a bike and 2. I didn’t swim. at.all.

I took a lot of swimming lessons and got a bike but my journey to tri was not all that easy. Apparently learning to swim as an adult is pretty tough.  I am pretty hard headed so I just kept going and despite some very panicky races I managed to get through all but one – i did DNF one swim.  In 2009, i did several short distance tris, in 2010 I did my first half iron and in 2012 I took the plunge and completed Ironman Mont Tremblant.  But life has now changed.  It was only mere weeks after Ironman we set out to start our iron family.  Baby Felicity joined us in June 2013 so, here I am looking at keeping my addiction, er, active lifestyle with a new focus.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, new baby born in June, dog and cat.  

CURRENT TRAINING: .  At the moment, I am opting for consistency and smart volume building over anything in particular.  I am a training plan kind of person even though i am not following one at the moment (I will be starting asap in the new year) – i believe in training principles that form out a plan (periodization, strength building, training zones, etc). I like data and some technical talk but I am not much of a wrench when it comes to bikes

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Very little for 2013.  My baby arrived in June and I was able to get back to some training and completed 50k gran fondo style bike ride, a 5k charity run and 10k race.  

2014 RACES:  I have already registered for a mid-winter  half marathon (brrrr!) and am hoping to get my triathlon training to a point where i could do a half iron in June before or right around the time I head back to work. I haven’t fully committed though.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don’t have specific goals here  

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Along with Laura, I bring enthusiasm (I love tri!), a decent level of experience in the sport but also a sense of camaraderie – there is so much to be learned from one another

2013-12-18 8:28 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
NAME: Daffodil/Laura

STORY: (Novel below, short storey, doing tris for over a decade, have done lots of half marathons and half IMs, one full marathon and 2 full IMs).

I was somewhat active as a highschool student - I ran cross country one year (always last place!) and swam on the highschool team one year (I was better at swimming, but breast stroke was my stroke). In 1999 I started university and a girl in my dorm suggested I do a triathlon as I ran and swam. At that point I hadn't ridden my bike in 5 years, but the seed was planted. In 2000, I remember watching Simon Whitfield win the first Olympic gold in triathlon, being a Canadian, it was a pretty cool moment. I decided then and there I would do a triathlon the next summer.

In 2001 I did my first tri, in 2002 I did my first half marathon and a couple more triathlons before tearing my ACL and having re-constructive surgery. In 2003, while still recovering from my surgery, my mother passed away and I was devastated. I didn't do much in 2003 or 2004, I was an emotional wreck from losing my Mum, and took a long time to fully recover from my surgery.

In 2005 I started to get back in shape, I did a couple of spring half marathons, a tri in the summer and my first Marathon in the fall. 2006 and 2007 were more triathlons and half IMs topping off with a half marathlon PR (which still stands now) and my first half IM in 2007. In 2007, I also started working full time (after five years of undergrad (co-op engineering) and three years of grad school). In 2008 and 2009, again I hadn't done much, I was working crazy hours and finding it hard to fit training in. In 2009, I made training a priority, but came down with a bad case of plantar fasciitis that had be sidelined for several months.

In late 2009, I hired a coach to train for my first IM (IMFL 2010), I made leaps and bounds in my training in my three years with my coach (2010 to 2012). I went from a BOP triathlete to a solid MOPer and even podiumed in a few races, I went from a bad cyclist to a fairly competent cyclist (combined with being a FOP swimmer, sometimes the stars aligned just right). In 2010 to 2012 I completed several half marathons (my PR remained elusive due to chronic chest infections which always seem to pop up the week before my half marathons), two half IMs, 1 half IM swim/bike (a torn calf kept me from being able to do the run) and 2 IMs (also did IMWI 2012) as well as several shorter races.

After IMWI, DH and I decided it was time to start a family and we welcomed our son Jonathan to our little family in August of this year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 1 child, dog and cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to get back in the swing of things and balance training with parenting. Jonathan isn't napping well (or sleeping well at night for that matter) so it is a challenge to fit in training with other family commitments. Right now I'm trying to run three days a week and bike two days. After we do sleep training (in the next month or two), I will be able to fit in swimming again (our pool's hours aren't great and the only times I could make it are times when I'm needed at home with Jonathan right now - early morning and bed time).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Nothing - was hoping for a try-a-tri in early June, but it was too cold and I obviously didn't fit into my wetsuit at 7 months pregnant. was then going to do a 5K in October, but came down with a nasty cold the week before. Looking for something early in the new year. During pregnancy I was able to keep up somewhat with training, I swam most of the way through preganancy, ran until late May and biked until mid June. On my due date (July 31st), I swam 1 mile - that is the last time I was really in the pool.

2014 RACES: probably a spring half marathon, in the summer it will be either going for a series award with 4 shorter races or a half Ironman.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm just a few pounds away from getting back to IM weight, but would still like to lose 20-30 pounds on top of the baby weight to get back to where I was before I started working full time. I'm tracking my food on myfitnesspal and it seems to be helping, but the weightloss has to be slow and steady as I am nursing.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I feel like I have a lot of experience, I have done it all (except ultra marathons or ultra triathlons), and I've been through a lot, I have had to come back from injuries big and small, have worked through major emotional events. I have gone through periods of less activity and periods of more activity. I'm also fairly well read on the topics of triathlon and run training, heart rate training, etc. As for how to make this work as a new parent, I'm a bit of a newbie, but I think I'm not doing too badly.
2013-12-27 2:01 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
NAME: Darren

STORY: Hmmmm. The story until now. 2008-2009, Was 250 lbs. Did a sprint, did an oly, did a 70.3 did an IM, did a 70.3 haven't done a tri since 2009, the year my daughter was born. 20010-2013, concentrated on running. Biked a bunch. Did a number of Marathons, 50k, one 50 miler, a 100 km race, a sub 4 marathon in 2012 one rather epic DNF at a 100 mile race in 2012, got my weight down to 180lbs by the end of 2012. Completed a 100 miler in September 2013. Kind of a high point in life that was.

At the end of September I was 190lbs. Discovered my leg hurt a lot. Had some nerve damage, right leg shrinking, who knows why, hopefully they will get it worked out. Meanwhile I am in the gym, lifting heavy and in the pool swimming hard. Also stretching. Not sure what happened but current weight is 215 or so. Most of my pants still fit though, so, weird.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, almost 5 year old girl and a 2.5 year old boy.

CURRENT TRAINING: . As I say, doing this stronglifts program, squats, deadlifts, benches, over head presses. That is 3 X a week. 5 X a week I am in the pool, just swimming hard to try to burn some weight off. I have been good at following the plan for the past almost 2 months.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I probably won't race until I can run again.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't want to get any fatter. Lifting is causing some bulging in the chest and back and arms. Also, my belly is bigger. Lifting and swimming burn like zero calories it seems. I would like to eat cleaner, watch my diet, blah blah blah.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have been around, you know. I have been on this website for almost 5 years. I have had a couple mentor groups myself. Now a days, with work, and my bum leg, and kids and long work hours (did I say that twice), I don't get online as much as I used to. I keep my logs accurate, I enjoy following peoples progress and sharing mine.
2013-12-27 2:35 PM
in reply to: #4915239

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Yay, darren! Happy to have you along, I know Tara (rydergal) will join us too. i am away a couple of days but around for those checking in!
2013-12-27 7:48 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
NAME: Tera

STORY: Started running in 2008 seriously to do a relay with some ladies from work from Baker to Vegas and was hooked. I've always been active but never raced. 2009 I had my daughter and bought my first road bike with intentions to do a triathlon, but needed to learn to swim good!.....2010- 5months after having my daughter I did a sprint tri and then thought I was going to quit.....I did a couple duathlons and 5/10kms and then 2011 tri season started up again and I gave it another tri :P .....I did 3 more sprints ( 2 ows) and my first half marathon that fall and then took the big leap and signed up for Ironman Canada! Yep crazy after only doing a sprint tri and half marathon......I ran my first marathon 2012 @ the Rock and Roll Arizona marathon.....raced the CPS half and sub 2hr!!! ...raced my first oly @ wasa and it was so cold they bumped the swim to a 750m......raced Great White North and then Ironman Canada!

About 6 weeks after that I got pregnant with my son and he was born Mid-july. I managed to run right up till 39 weeks with him and did a couple of 5km races. recovery was quick with him and I started back training only to have a nasty bike crash beginning of sept ....however I managed to race duathlon in Sept and came in 4th place. ARound thanksgiving I came down with piriformus syndrome and dislocated ribs.....which the crash likely contributed to. We were planning a trip to Disneyland/Vegas in Nov and physio said I had to stop any swim/bike/run if I wanted to walk around Disney I did. 2 months of nothing!!!! Just got the green beginning of this month and it's be tough taking it easy.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, almost 4 yr old girl and 5 month old boy, 2 dogs & a cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: just got over the flu so been a slow start this month....but aiming for something every second day alternating between run & biking. from 30min to 45min.....finally having no pain while running now. Planning on starting on a beginners 70.3 program starting January.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: CPS half with my hubby, Rock and Roll San Diego half with hubby, IM YYC 70.3....and likely a sprint or oly before that ...Aiming to finish all of these, no pr's & running half's with my hubby who just did his first half last month!

WEIGHTLOSS: only have about 7lbs left to pre-baby weight....not too concerned about it right now, still nursing so that naturally retains 5lbs and it's winter.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love to inspire and give any tips where I can....Triathlon is a fun but expensive sport so any tricks of the trade can definitely help! Also training for IM with a 2 year old was a challenge but I think I had work/life/training balanced pretty good!

2013-12-28 9:53 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Welcome Darren and Tera! I'll be back home tonight so should be online more. Its funny that Tera, Jen and my stories are so similar, all pregnant within 2 months of finishing an IM!

2013-12-29 9:26 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
has anyone used the BT programs? I just bought the gold membership with plans to use it for training for 70.3(which is 29 weeks away)......
This is my thoughts.....but open to any suggestions to make it a great plan.

Start & finish an 8 week Olympic beginner program on Jan 12,then go to a 20 week beginner half ironman training program starting march 9......

I'm just planning to finish this year and don't have any goals for times yet as I feel like i'm starting from square one after my injury, and also don't want to aggravate it again.

The only thing i'm not sure about is I want to run a half in April & June so to get enough mileage in to complete i'm wondering if I should follow my hubby's half marathon program for the long distance runs ( a running room plan) and then with the other run & cross training that the BT programs have I think should be enough? Hubby is a slower runner then me so I have no problems running with him either which would be nice as we can throw the kids in the chariot for the long runs together.
2013-12-29 9:46 AM
in reply to: BigDH

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Hey Darren,

looks like we are both in Calgary! We just moved here in April and are in the SE.

I had the same issue with my right leg being shorter & then getting diagnosed with piriformus & chiro has tried to fix it after 2 months of doing nothing (couldn't swim as I had dislocated a couple ribs) and physio & stretching & exercises I finally have no pain when I run but I have to go really slow..hoping I will be back to a decent pace soon ( no patience here) hopefully your recovery will be quick!

Originally posted by BigDH

NAME: Darren

STORY: Hmmmm. The story until now. 2008-2009, Was 250 lbs. Did a sprint, did an oly, did a 70.3 did an IM, did a 70.3 haven't done a tri since 2009, the year my daughter was born. 20010-2013, concentrated on running. Biked a bunch. Did a number of Marathons, 50k, one 50 miler, a 100 km race, a sub 4 marathon in 2012 one rather epic DNF at a 100 mile race in 2012, got my weight down to 180lbs by the end of 2012. Completed a 100 miler in September 2013. Kind of a high point in life that was.

At the end of September I was 190lbs. Discovered my leg hurt a lot. Had some nerve damage, right leg shrinking, who knows why, hopefully they will get it worked out. Meanwhile I am in the gym, lifting heavy and in the pool swimming hard. Also stretching. Not sure what happened but current weight is 215 or so. Most of my pants still fit though, so, weird.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, almost 5 year old girl and a 2.5 year old boy.

CURRENT TRAINING: . As I say, doing this stronglifts program, squats, deadlifts, benches, over head presses. That is 3 X a week. 5 X a week I am in the pool, just swimming hard to try to burn some weight off. I have been good at following the plan for the past almost 2 months.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I probably won't race until I can run again.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't want to get any fatter. Lifting is causing some bulging in the chest and back and arms. Also, my belly is bigger. Lifting and swimming burn like zero calories it seems. I would like to eat cleaner, watch my diet, blah blah blah.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have been around, you know. I have been on this website for almost 5 years. I have had a couple mentor groups myself. Now a days, with work, and my bum leg, and kids and long work hours (did I say that twice), I don't get online as much as I used to. I keep my logs accurate, I enjoy following peoples progress and sharing mine.
2013-12-29 9:49 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Yes!!! Ironbabies!!! Gotta say being in that awesome shape made pregnancy & labor a lot easier then the first....although the first was pretty good too.

Originally posted by Daffodil

Welcome Darren and Tera! I'll be back home tonight so should be online more. Its funny that Tera, Jen and my stories are so similar, all pregnant within 2 months of finishing an IM!
2013-12-29 3:48 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Focus: Complete my first HIM in June, Possibly first Marathon in the fall.

Name: Smithat05/ Todd

Story: I am a 31 year old father of a 16 month old boy, Married with 2 dogs, I work as a salesman and work anywhere from 55-65 hrs a week Mon-Fri. I never have to work on the weekends which helps with training. My wife and I live in Cleveland OH atm and are from south of Columbus area, so we visit family quite often which is about 3 hrs away.

In the 2013 season I competed in 3 oly triathlons, a slew of 5k's, 1- 5 miler, 1 - 10 miler, 1- half Marathon. I raced 1 Oly tri in 2012 which got me hooked. I also got accepted to Nationals this year in the Oly distance. I will not be able to go unfortunatley.

2014 races, At this time the only thing I am signed up for is a half Marathon on May 31st that I am helping my running shop pace 1:40:00
I have my Half Iron Man picked out just haven't signed up yet, It is a innagural race so the price doesn't go up for awhile. I am sure I will do a few Oly's Duathlons and other races around. I am possibly considering my first Marathon this year as well.

I am 5'11" and about 180 lbs right now, I have a small gut which I would like to loose for the racing season, so I guess 10lbs of weight loss plus add some muscle so I will be a stronger triathlete. I was not a swimmer so it like most is my weakest part of the event, I have been swimming a lot lately. I took a few lessons from a Tri Coach so I do believe that helped.

Thanks, for letting me join the group.
2013-12-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
welcome todd!

2013-12-30 8:20 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
first swim since my due date on July 31st. Jonathan was born on August 8th. Took advantage of DH being at home for a few more days to get out to the pool this morning. 1300 m. painfully slow. my 100s were 10-15 seconds slower than my normal pace. a little discouraging, but once I get into a routine with swimming again, hopefully I'll get to my normal pace quickly.
2013-12-30 10:24 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Welcome Todd !

Tera, I used the half iron plan on this Site - the 20 week one.  I had for my first half iron thought about the beginner plan but apparently the bike volume is lower and definitely needed the saddle time.  It has pretty advanced (for me) swims but I would stick to the time and do what I could.  It also has specific bike training which I would do on the trainer but not outdoors .  But if it was a hill workout or longing would do that but not the exact prescribed interval such 3x a 4' hill.  I would just do my hill route.  I liked the plan.  It has enough volume I felt to be prepared and several optional workouts so training could be prioritized when things are busy.   

As for me, I haven't uploaded my training all week but did manage a long run yesterday.   It was shorter than my running buddy and I intended but I really needed to use the washroom and we were already at starbucks .  I got the Garmin swim for Christmas and want to go use it but that may not happen until later this week. 




2013-12-30 10:56 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Hey Darren,

looks like we are both in Calgary! We just moved here in April and are in the SE.

I had the same issue with my right leg being shorter & then getting diagnosed with piriformus & chiro has tried to fix it after 2 months of doing nothing (couldn't swim as I had dislocated a couple ribs) and physio & stretching & exercises I finally have no pain when I run but I have to go really slow..hoping I will be back to a decent pace soon ( no patience here) hopefully your recovery will be quick!

Originally posted by BigDH

NAME: Darren

STORY: Hmmmm. The story until now. 2008-2009, Was 250 lbs. Did a sprint, did an oly, did a 70.3 did an IM, did a 70.3 haven't done a tri since 2009, the year my daughter was born. 20010-2013, concentrated on running. Biked a bunch. Did a number of Marathons, 50k, one 50 miler, a 100 km race, a sub 4 marathon in 2012 one rather epic DNF at a 100 mile race in 2012, got my weight down to 180lbs by the end of 2012. Completed a 100 miler in September 2013. Kind of a high point in life that was.

At the end of September I was 190lbs. Discovered my leg hurt a lot. Had some nerve damage, right leg shrinking, who knows why, hopefully they will get it worked out. Meanwhile I am in the gym, lifting heavy and in the pool swimming hard. Also stretching. Not sure what happened but current weight is 215 or so. Most of my pants still fit though, so, weird.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, almost 5 year old girl and a 2.5 year old boy.

CURRENT TRAINING: . As I say, doing this stronglifts program, squats, deadlifts, benches, over head presses. That is 3 X a week. 5 X a week I am in the pool, just swimming hard to try to burn some weight off. I have been good at following the plan for the past almost 2 months.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I probably won't race until I can run again.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't want to get any fatter. Lifting is causing some bulging in the chest and back and arms. Also, my belly is bigger. Lifting and swimming burn like zero calories it seems. I would like to eat cleaner, watch my diet, blah blah blah.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have been around, you know. I have been on this website for almost 5 years. I have had a couple mentor groups myself. Now a days, with work, and my bum leg, and kids and long work hours (did I say that twice), I don't get online as much as I used to. I keep my logs accurate, I enjoy following peoples progress and sharing mine.

That's cool. I am in Cranston. My leg is an ongoing battle. Its not healing quick. I ran on it way too long when it was injured, like way way way too long. Where did you go for Chiro and physio. I am seeing Dr. Wuest up in Marda Loop. She is okay. I am impatient though. I started running, just like a mile at a time, last month and it regressed everything. Dumb. I am thinking of going back to physio. I saw a guy up on 133rd ave who was awesome.

Never tried any of the bt plans. I would think, though, that a 70.3 training plan would get you in good enough shape to run a stand alone HM. Certainly not to your potential, but it would be enough.
2013-12-30 7:08 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Daffodil first swim since my due date on July 31st. Jonathan was born on August 8th. Took advantage of DH being at home for a few more days to get out to the pool this morning. 1300 m. painfully slow. my 100s were 10-15 seconds slower than my normal pace. a little discouraging, but once I get into a routine with swimming again, hopefully I'll get to my normal pace quickly.

Yay for the first swim! I think the hardest part of taking a break and trying to come back is accepting where we are - ie less fit than we were. Why can't we just keep the strength/pace/overall fitness from before??? hahaha.  But what is encouraging is muscle memory. It does seem to be easier to get back into it.  At least it has been so far.  Maybe I have low expectations :D 

2013-12-30 7:13 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

2013-12-30 9:14 PM
in reply to: BigDH

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Well we are practically neighbors! lol I'm in Mckenzie Lake- if you ever want to swim in the lake let me know!

I was seeing Dr Dave at the Cranston Chrio just off stony tr but he sent me to physio since I wasn't feeling relief ( really great of him to refer me! ) So I started going to Lifemark (Horizon) physio on 133 ave, I was seeing Katie there- she used race nationals for triathlon so it was really good that she knew what I was working towards & how to treat.....I stopped seeing her the beginning of this month as my extended health ran out ( and on mat leave so an extra $144 a week is a little much to spend at xmas time) I also wasn't feeling near as much pain anymore as long as I would stretch every km in my run and really roll my glute/hip after. So i'm hoping I won't have to go back.

I'll definitely look at the 70.3 plan- it starts mid-march and cps half is end of april so i'll check to see if the volume will be enough by then. thx!

Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by rydergal

Hey Darren,

looks like we are both in Calgary! We just moved here in April and are in the SE.

I had the same issue with my right leg being shorter & then getting diagnosed with piriformus & chiro has tried to fix it after 2 months of doing nothing (couldn't swim as I had dislocated a couple ribs) and physio & stretching & exercises I finally have no pain when I run but I have to go really slow..hoping I will be back to a decent pace soon ( no patience here) hopefully your recovery will be quick!

Originally posted by BigDH

NAME: Darren

STORY: Hmmmm. The story until now. 2008-2009, Was 250 lbs. Did a sprint, did an oly, did a 70.3 did an IM, did a 70.3 haven't done a tri since 2009, the year my daughter was born. 20010-2013, concentrated on running. Biked a bunch. Did a number of Marathons, 50k, one 50 miler, a 100 km race, a sub 4 marathon in 2012 one rather epic DNF at a 100 mile race in 2012, got my weight down to 180lbs by the end of 2012. Completed a 100 miler in September 2013. Kind of a high point in life that was.

At the end of September I was 190lbs. Discovered my leg hurt a lot. Had some nerve damage, right leg shrinking, who knows why, hopefully they will get it worked out. Meanwhile I am in the gym, lifting heavy and in the pool swimming hard. Also stretching. Not sure what happened but current weight is 215 or so. Most of my pants still fit though, so, weird.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, almost 5 year old girl and a 2.5 year old boy.

CURRENT TRAINING: . As I say, doing this stronglifts program, squats, deadlifts, benches, over head presses. That is 3 X a week. 5 X a week I am in the pool, just swimming hard to try to burn some weight off. I have been good at following the plan for the past almost 2 months.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I probably won't race until I can run again.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't want to get any fatter. Lifting is causing some bulging in the chest and back and arms. Also, my belly is bigger. Lifting and swimming burn like zero calories it seems. I would like to eat cleaner, watch my diet, blah blah blah.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have been around, you know. I have been on this website for almost 5 years. I have had a couple mentor groups myself. Now a days, with work, and my bum leg, and kids and long work hours (did I say that twice), I don't get online as much as I used to. I keep my logs accurate, I enjoy following peoples progress and sharing mine.

That's cool. I am in Cranston. My leg is an ongoing battle. Its not healing quick. I ran on it way too long when it was injured, like way way way too long. Where did you go for Chiro and physio. I am seeing Dr. Wuest up in Marda Loop. She is okay. I am impatient though. I started running, just like a mile at a time, last month and it regressed everything. Dumb. I am thinking of going back to physio. I saw a guy up on 133rd ave who was awesome.

Never tried any of the bt plans. I would think, though, that a 70.3 training plan would get you in good enough shape to run a stand alone HM. Certainly not to your potential, but it would be enough.
2013-12-30 9:17 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I love talking about nutrition!!! especially since it seems since 2012 the market has exploded ( with Skratch avail most places now and Vega getting popular, and some others popping up.

Originally posted by juniperjen

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

2013-12-30 9:21 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Awesome yaya for the first swim!!! It's so hard to find time for the pool I find- We have a YMCA close by but it's pricy and the city rec centres are a bit further so i'm still trying to decide where to go....and it's been really stalling me...I had signed up for classes on Fridays and went to 2 before injury...they were awesome and I think I need to find something like that again so it forces me to go......

Jen it is so hard to try and come back and want to be where I was before baby......Worked so hard to be fast and fit and now it's like starting over again...I keep telling myself it will come and be patient!!!

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by Daffodil first swim since my due date on July 31st. Jonathan was born on August 8th. Took advantage of DH being at home for a few more days to get out to the pool this morning. 1300 m. painfully slow. my 100s were 10-15 seconds slower than my normal pace. a little discouraging, but once I get into a routine with swimming again, hopefully I'll get to my normal pace quickly.

Yay for the first swim! I think the hardest part of taking a break and trying to come back is accepting where we are - ie less fit than we were. Why can't we just keep the strength/pace/overall fitness from before??? hahaha.  But what is encouraging is muscle memory. It does seem to be easier to get back into it.  At least it has been so far.  Maybe I have low expectations :D 

2013-12-31 10:29 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

first swim since my due date on July 31st. Jonathan was born on August 8th. Took advantage of DH being at home for a few more days to get out to the pool this morning. 1300 m. painfully slow. my 100s were 10-15 seconds slower than my normal pace. a little discouraging, but once I get into a routine with swimming again, hopefully I'll get to my normal pace quickly.

Always figured it didn't matter how slow you were going as long as you kept going.

I have been swimming for the first time in years, about 15-20 times per month. I am loving the water again. Today I managed to do 4 sets of 100 meters hard 50 meters easy and one set of 250 meters hard. I don't keep track of my times yet. But it was great. I felt so smooth. I even passed a couple buff looking guys doing their warm down breast stroke. HA!
2013-12-31 11:29 AM
in reply to: BigDH

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by Daffodil

first swim since my due date on July 31st. Jonathan was born on August 8th. Took advantage of DH being at home for a few more days to get out to the pool this morning. 1300 m. painfully slow. my 100s were 10-15 seconds slower than my normal pace. a little discouraging, but once I get into a routine with swimming again, hopefully I'll get to my normal pace quickly.

Always figured it didn't matter how slow you were going as long as you kept going.

I have been swimming for the first time in years, about 15-20 times per month. I am loving the water again. Today I managed to do 4 sets of 100 meters hard 50 meters easy and one set of 250 meters hard. I don't keep track of my times yet. But it was great. I felt so smooth. I even passed a couple buff looking guys doing their warm down breast stroke. HA!

Hey wondering which pools do you find good to swim in? We were in Strathmore before so I only had one that there is a few around i'm not sure which to hit up.....

2013-12-31 11:33 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

Thot of a couple more while on my spin today-

high cadence vs low cadence's /con's?? I know I gravitate towards a low cadence but tend to be the strongest in biking so would it benefit me to go higher cadence?? An old trainer of mine said just go with what's most comfortable if you are getting the results you want....

Music!!! I have a song that every time I hear it reminds me of Ironman and a few others that I know if i'm struggling during a run if I put on it will motivate me.....
2014-01-01 8:47 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Originally posted by juniperjen

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

Thot of a couple more while on my spin today-

high cadence vs low cadence's /con's?? I know I gravitate towards a low cadence but tend to be the strongest in biking so would it benefit me to go higher cadence?? An old trainer of mine said just go with what's most comfortable if you are getting the results you want....

Music!!! I have a song that every time I hear it reminds me of Ironman and a few others that I know if i'm struggling during a run if I put on it will motivate me.....

I think it is important to spin at a cadence comfortable for you but science is that a lower cadence is better for muscle build, easier, and will not kill your legs for the run
2014-01-01 8:55 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

I am fine with whatever, I love talking Nutrition, my wife and I eat very Healthy. (will prob be at least Vegetarian this year)

We can talk Gear, how to get more time to train with the Kiddos, How to train or whatever else comes up.

I was in a Mentor group last year and by May there were only 4 of us left talking and we pretty much talked the rest of the year. I guess I am not looking to our 2 leaders here for all the answers, but maybe some answer that I would not feel comfortable starting a new forumn question about.

So What all resolutions have people made?

I don't really believe in Diets, but with driving around all day for work I am always tempted to stop for food and I want to stop doing that, or eating at my individual accounts that I go to. Now with the holidays over hopefully there will be less junk everwhere.

I really need to start swimming and biking on a more consistant basis, I am thinking about the free Half Ironman training plan.

Happy New Year!
2014-01-01 11:20 AM
in reply to: 0

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by smithat05
Originally posted by rydergal
Originally posted by juniperjen

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

Thot of a couple more while on my spin today- high cadence vs low cadence's /con's?? I know I gravitate towards a low cadence but tend to be the strongest in biking so would it benefit me to go higher cadence?? An old trainer of mine said just go with what's most comfortable if you are getting the results you want.... Music!!! I have a song that every time I hear it reminds me of Ironman and a few others that I know if i'm struggling during a run if I put on it will motivate me.....
I think it is important to spin at a cadence comfortable for you but science is that a lower cadence is better for muscle build, easier, and will not kill your legs for the run

That is exactly what I understand about it. My hubby comes from the higher is better school and coached me a lot to up my cadence so i always try to keep it over 80 rpm which seems to be really good for my run legs. I've had good run splits in my races - not just because I was a runner first - in part due to keeping an eye on cadence.  When I did the Muskoka 70.3 I had a slow bike split (which was right where i thought i should be given my training and ability) but I was able to run the entire way on a hilly course.  Of course, there's probably a middle group of working harder on the bike ... which i think is where I really need work - i actually need to build some power in my legs for biking so i probably need to do a bunch more harder gear, lower cadence work. 

But i would say that optimal training would include both high and low cadence work to get the balance right - power without sucking the legs too dry for the run. 

Has anyone here done Jorge's winter bike plan? I've meant to do it but never have. I am a bit of a weenie on the trainer. We also bought the sufferfest videos on recommendation from some folks here but haven't cracked them either, I am a little embarrassed to admit! 

Edited by juniperjen 2014-01-01 11:21 AM
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