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2010-04-05 4:49 PM

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, Minnesota
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Subject: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

NAME: BikerGrrrl / Emily

STORY: I was not athletic growing up and when a friend suggested we do a triathlon together, I surprised myself by saying OK.  At that point I enjoyed riding my bike, but really could not swim and had never run. 

I think I would be a good mentor for those who are very new to athletics.  Learning to swim, bike or run and starting from scratch is my expertise - from experience!

FAMILY STATUS: I am married, with no kids.  I am lucky to have a husband who loves to bike and is my mechanic. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  This year I decided to hire a coach; I have been working with her since February.  I needed help to balance many types of races, a packed race schedule in general and to grow.  I also am competing in my first half-iron distance race in July and needed an extra boost to accomplish a safe and successful season.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I have already done an indoor triathlon and a handful of running events since last "tri" season.  For the next few months I will have 2-3 races or events a month of varying lengths and types.

2010 RACES:  Here's my schedule so far!

4/11/10: Cherry Blossom 10-Miler
4/25/10: Ironman Bike Ride - 65 miles (hopefully)
5/1/10:   Oakdale Duathlon - Relay, biker
5/9/10:   Rev3 Knoxville - Oly relay, swimmer
6/5/10:   New Bri Tri - Sprint
6/12/10: Liberty Triathlon - Olympic
7/18/10: Door County Half Ironman
8/7/10:   Tour de Tonka Bike Ride - 100 miles?
8/29/10: Minneapolis Duathlon
9/11/10: Burrito Union triathlon - 5 hour solo division
10/17/10: Nike Women's Half Marathon (if I get in by lottery)

WEIGHTLOSS:  I made my first real foray into athletics while working on losing weight.  I started at the gym with the elliptical machine and water aerobics and eventually lost 30 lbs, around the time I started riding my bike.  Using a food diary, I am uber aware of calories and other nutritional counts, but indulge too...  I am again working on losing some weight to reach a better race weight for me.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Over the past 4 years I have spent a lot of time on BT, researching other sources, taking lessons and improving my own fitness and skills.  I feel my knowledgebase is now large enough that I can help guide new athletes, either with what I already know or to help them find the answer.   I am a regular gal, not super fast or "successful", just having fun.  I have a passion for triathlon and love to give advice!  I spend a LOT of time on this web site, and therefore would be quick to answer questions.    One thing that sets me apart from many triathletes is that I am NOT a strict type-A personality.  I will never suggest you run around a parking lot JUST TO GET THOSE MILES IN or train if you are sick.  I take a more practical, attainable, approach to the sport.  At the end of the day, I get really excited about people who are interested in triathlon and would love to help at least one person make a solid effort at trying out the sport.

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-08 9:01 AM

2010-04-06 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Hi, My name is Dee and I would like to be a part of your group! 

I am 51 years old and have always been moderately and sporadically active.  Not really athletic but able to do most sports mediocore.  Last fall I hit my midlife crisis.  Undecided    So I decided to train for a triathlon a year away.  But I couldn't wait that long.

However, I found that I loved the training and could actually at least learn to jog even though I have not progressed to a true run yet.   I just completed my first triathlon last weekend.  A 500 yd pool swim, outdoor bike (on a mtn bike) and run.  I LOVED it even though it was pretty cold. 

I am looking at my next tri in May and July both Sprints with OWS in man-made lakes. 

I want to progress to actual running and speed up in bike and swim.  I just bought my first road bike so I need to master that as well.

Looking forward to the encouragement and tips that a mentor group can provide!


2010-04-06 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Hi Emily,

I would like to join your group and will post more info later.

(fun fact-My oldest daughter and my late mother are both Emilys.)

2010-04-07 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2772889

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Hi Dee and Valerie!  I am looking forward to learning more about you. 

There are probably more pointed questions I should ask, but this is my first mentor group so we will learn how to do that together.  Once we have a full house, I will see what info folks are offering and ask more questions.

I am going to add you all as my "friends" on my training log.  If you've not done that before, here are the instructions:

  1. Click on the settings icon at the top
  2. Click on the Training Blog Customization tab
  3. Click on the Friends tab
  4. Type our usernames in the available boxes
  5. Click Update

I am also going to make a list of everyone for the top of my training blog.  As soon as I do that, I'll offer the instructions and hopefully just something you can cut-and-paste in your own.

I am on BT a lot (too much...) at work, so around 8-5 Central time.  But I do occasionally check it in the evenings and weekends.  If you'd like to ask me something more "urgent", send me a PM so that I get the e-mail alert. 

Talk to you more soon!

2010-04-07 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2773532

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Dee - I see you've posted a fair amount on BT.  How long have you been using the site?  Where do you "hang out"?

Valerie - how about you, have you been using BT for long?

2010-04-07 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2773539

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-07 7:21 AM

Dee - I see you've posted a fair amount on BT.  How long have you been using the site?  Where do you "hang out"?

Valerie - how about you, have you been using BT for long?

Hi Emily.  I found BT last September when I started looking for some advice on triathlon and learning to run.  My post count is due to the fact that I hang out in the Challenge Forum.  I have done a challenge each month because it helps me not skip workouts!  LOL

I started off using the Couch to 5K for the first few months.  I jogged my first 5K last November.  Since then I have been using the plans as a pattern  but I have to switch them around a lot due to a very fluid work schedule.

2010-04-07 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Hi Emily!

I would like to join also, if I still can!

My name is Marcie and I am 34 years old, married with 3 little boys.  I was a swimmer growing up, but over the years started be become less and less active.  I did some tri's, had my first son, and then tried to get back into it.  I have taken the last 31/2 years off to have my second and third son, and now I am ready to get back into it! 

I work full time also, so struggle with finding time to train, but I have been managing 3-4 days a week (that is, until I went on vacation last week, now I am totally derailed    ).  My background is in swimming, and have no trouble getting to the pool, but I am not a strong runner and really could use some help in this area.  I would love to be a part of a group that I can discuss training, stay motivated, and share ideas and training tips.  I am thinking about starting to train for my first half marathon in August, in addition to a few tri's and a 5K swim in September.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone! 

2010-04-07 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2773639

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Welcome Marcie!  It sounds like the accountability of this group will benefit everyone.  I'll try to bug/encourage you as much as possible    I did my first half marathon early in my "career", even before my first real triathlon.  I literally hadn't run more than two miles until Sept of '06, but when a friend suggested the half I signed up.  It was a lottery race, so we entered in February I think...   I learned I was in and thought "oh no!", but trained and had a good race.

I love the Hal Higdon running plans, especially for first time at a race distance.  They are very manageable for a busy schedule:

2010-04-07 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

I'd like to join this group too, if I can. 

I'm 29, with my first triathlon scheduled the week before I turn 30. The sprint is on May 31st and my birthday is June 7th.   I'm married, no kids, with a wonderful job that affords me a variety of free fitness resources.

I've been running about a year, so its my strongest area (although I'm by no means a speedster).  I'm currently working with a huffy bike circa 1990, so I'm not sure if I'm slow because of the bike or because I'm slow.  Swimming is my weakest area no doubt.  I never had formal lessons, never really needed them until now.  I'm working on teaching myself proper form and technique.  I figure if I've taught myself how to do the breathing I can teach myself the rest right?

I completed my first half marathon back in November, and am currently signed up for the Disney (full) marathon January 2011. 

I'm very type A, and a little obessive (okay maybe a lot) which makes discipline my strong suite more than the actual activities themselves.  Although I do tend to feel like I let myself down if I don't meet my goals.  (FYI - "to finish" is my goal for the sprint.  I have no doubt I can.)

Edited by smartstrongsexy 2010-04-07 10:08 AM
2010-04-07 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2773742

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Hi Brooke, I am glad you found us!

Swimming is my worst sport and I have worked hard for years to reach a point where I can just plain swim like a normal person.   I do think you can do a lot on your own, but I also encourage you to seek a private lesson or two.   If you can find someone to watch you swim, tell you where you need work, then you can go off for a long time working on drills.  Can you have someone videotape you?  Perhaps we could point out some things too.  

What style of bike is the Huffy?  Some of those old 10-speeds are perfectly fine, but a heavier bike will definitely slow you down.  When I switched from my cheap hybrid to an entry-level road bike, my overall speed improved by 3 mph and with a lot less effort.  In the first ride!

smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-07 10:02 AM

I'd like to join this group too, if I can. 

I'm 29, with my first triathlon scheduled the week before I turn 30.  I'm married, no kids, with a wonderful job that affords me a variety of free fitness resources.

I've been running about a year, so its my strongest area (although I'm by no means a speedster).  I'm currently working with a huffy bike circa 1990, so I'm not sure if I'm slow because of the bike or because I'm slow.  Swimming is my weakest area no doubt.  I never had formal lessons, never really needed them until now.  I'm working on teaching myself proper form and technique.  I figure if I've taught myself how to do the breathing I can teach myself the rest right?

2010-04-07 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

I'd like to join your group if there's still roomSmile.


STORY: Never much of an athlete - did the usual intramural volleyball/basketball teams in grade school, 1 year of track in HS (came in last in every race except one!), HS racquetball for 2 years, then not much of anything.  I tried softball and indoor soccer as an adult but wasn't very good at either one.  About 3-1/2 years ago I volunteered at a local triathlon just to see what it was about and decided it was something I wanted to try.  At the time, I couldn't swim (never learned as a kid), couldn't run more than 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die, and had only been on a bike once or twice in about 10 years.  I decided to start with the running since I figured it would be the hardest for me to pick up.  Since then, I've done 3 half marathons - doing my 4th this weekend - lots of shorter running races, and last year I did 2 sprint triathlons.  This year I'm hoping to move up to Olympic distance in August.  In fact, I've already registered for the race so I guess I'd better be ready!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm 46, married, with 2 kids.  Our son is finishing his first year of college and our daugher is a HS sophomore. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  I've been concentrating mostly on running due to my half marathon this weekend, but I'm also trying to get in 2 bike rides a week and 3 sessions in the pool.  The bike suffers most - I do most of it on a stationary at the gym right now.  That's partly due to weather and partly due to the fact that I'm still not really comfortable riding on the roads.  I bought a road bike last year that I like, I just need to make myself get out and ride it.  That's where I'm hoping you'll be able to helpSmile

I don't do a lot of "intense" training and don't do a lot of analysis of my workouts.  I'm doing this for fun - don't know anything about watts on the bike, don't know my VO2 max for the run, nothing like that.  I workout by feel most of the time and I'm OK with that.  I have nothing against getting better/faster, but it's not the primary focus for me. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I'm doing a sprint in May, an Olympic (hopefully) in August and a bunch of 5k's, 10k's etc this summer.

2010 RACES:  Here's my schedule so far!

4/11/10 - Go!St Louis half marathon
4/24/10 - SCC Wellness Festival 10k
5/23/10 - Gateway Sprint Triathlon
6/6/10 - Run for Your Life 5k
7/3/10 - Firecracker 10k
8/1/10 - Fleet Feet Flat 5 (5 mile race)
8/21/10 - Lake St Louis Olympic triathlon
10/2/10 - Roots'N'Blues'N'BBQ half marathon (maybe)

2010-04-07 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2773909

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Janet how'd you do in the half?  or is it this coming weekend?


here's a picture of me and my sad excuse for a bike.  i'm not going to upgrade until after the sprint - I want to make sure this is something I'm willing to invest in.

Me and my bike

Edited by smartstrongsexy 2010-04-07 11:17 AM
2010-04-07 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2773994

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Brooke - Cute pic!  That's a classic alright!  Well, if you want to go bike shoppiing and need advice.. I'm your gal.

Janet, welcome!  Glad to have you.  When I started out there I was really passionate about biking (hence the BikerGrrrl name) and I worried I'd get tired of it and regret the affiliation.  But, I am happy to say, that I still love biking the best.  I hope I can encourage you to get outside.  I really hate biking indoors and that's enough of an inspiration to me, and I even biked some in the winter this year.   In what areas are you uncomfortable?  Maybe I can explain/encourage more specifically.

How are you feeling about the race this weekend?

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-07 11:25 AM
2010-04-07 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Would love to join the group!

About me:
I'm a fellow Minnesota girl, so it's nice to have someone local.  I have completed two sprint triathlons  in the past and am doing my first HIM this summer.  I have always been active and ran track in college (sprints and middle distance).  The swimming was the hardest part for me to pick up because I hadn't done much of it growing up, but I have come a long way.

I am married with no kids.  I travel 70-90% for my job, so I am usually on the road at least 3 days a week flying somewhere around the country.  That's probably my biggest challenge; finding time to get everything in on the road.

I've got 10 (preferrably 15) pounds to lose and would like to do so before my HIM in July

So far here is my race schedule:
May 31 10k in Mankato
June 12 Lake Crystal sprint triathlon
July 25 Chisago Lakes HIM
August Ragnar relay
October TC Marathon

Looking forwrd to getting to know everyone in the group!
2010-04-07 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2774122

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Hi Jennifer!  It's amazing that we don't have any races in common - too bad.    Maybe we can meet for a long ride or something this summer, since our HIMs are near the same weekend.  I can't imagine handling a training schedule with your frequent flying   I ran Ragnar last year - wow, what an experience.  Have you done it before?

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-07 12:30 PM
2010-04-07 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2774016

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-07 11:23 AM

Brooke - Cute pic!  That's a classic alright!  Well, if you want to go bike shoppiing and need advice.. I'm your gal.

Janet, welcome!  Glad to have you.  When I started out there I was really passionate about biking (hence the BikerGrrrl name) and I worried I'd get tired of it and regret the affiliation.  But, I am happy to say, that I still love biking the best.  I hope I can encourage you to get outside.  I really hate biking indoors and that's enough of an inspiration to me, and I even biked some in the winter this year.   In what areas are you uncomfortable?  Maybe I can explain/encourage more specifically.

How are you feeling about the race this weekend?

I'm actually feeling pretty good about the race this weekend.  I worried so much for the first 3, I decided for this one I wasn't going to get too uptight about it - just go out and have fun.  I already know I'm slow, so when I finish, I finish.  No matter what the time it, it's still all goodSmile!

About the biking - my biggest worry about riding on the roads is the cars.  I've never had an issue with drivers and I always try to ride on roads that have at least 3 lanes (one each way and a center turning lane) or at least a very wide shoulder, but there's just always that fear of being hit by someone who's not paying attention.  I also still don't know how to change a flat (guess I'd better learn soon), so there's always that worry too.  I think it's just because I'm still pretty new to riding - hopefully it's something I can work through by getting out there more often. 

Brooke - your bike looks a lot like the one I rode for my first tri (old mountain bike from Target)!

2010-04-07 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2774831

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

I completely understand the worries about traffic.  I find it exhilarating, but I also stay hyper-aware and it takes a much bigger effort to navigate, swerve, etc     Can you take your bike out to an area with fewer cars or a path?  That's not practical all of the time, but maybe for a longer ride?

Yeah, learning how to change a tire is empowering.  I was surprised that it was much easier than I thought.  I have only had to fix one flat on the road (knock wood), and I was offered help by no less than 10 people.  So if you have the proper tools, and a basic knowledge, you'll be fine.

2010-04-07 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2774854

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Jennifer - I was just re-reading my RR from Ragnar and it's pretty funny in retrospect.  Here's the link if you're interested:

2010-04-07 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
I would like to join if there is still room.  Will post more later.  Have to head to swim and break in my new wetsuit . . . first race May 9th!!!
2010-04-07 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2775403

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Hey Carrie - glad to have you!  Let us know how the swim and the new suit works out.

carrie639 - 2010-04-07 6:33 PM I would like to join if there is still room.  Will post more later.  Have to head to swim and break in my new wetsuit . . . first race May 9th!!!

2010-04-07 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
I haven't read all the posts...I will...but my trainer says these groups fill up fast and I want to join. I don't have to tell you my story because it is the same as yours. Right down to the inactive past and bike riding mechanic husband. I didn't "hire" a husband fixes her bike. It's a kind of exchange.

I have always been over weight and in 2006 I had gastric bypass. I have now gotten to the point where I feel comfortable exercising and have come to enjoy it quite a bit.

My first triathlon is April 24. I'm doing the Sprint distance at the Galveston Iron-man. I am excited and a little nervous (about the run) but I think I can do it. I plan on doing more over the summer. I've decided that triathlons give working out meaning and purpose. There is a goal. My first event is just to say I did one. I NEVER thought I could or would do something like this and in a few'll be done.

Look forward to talking with you.

2010-04-07 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Hi! If there is room, I'd love to join

I'm 34, married w/ 2 kids. I work part time and do volunteer/ Mom stuff the rest of the time. I was supposed to do my 1st tri last summer, but ended up under the knife instead having knee surgery. So this is "my first triathlon" take two It will be Aug 1st in Denver.

I'm just getting back to running after a 9 month layoff per drs orders.  My swimming is going okay and I'm currently bike shopping. Due to living in snowy CO, I've been racking up lots of indoor miles but need to buy another bike and get outside!!

I can't wait to get to know all of you better.
2010-04-07 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Hi everyone - new wetsuit was totally awesome.  Went to practice a little early to try it out.  Fit great, didn't choke and was VERY, VERY FAST.  I started wearing it at the beginning or practice and had to take it off because (no kidding) I was going so fast I was catching up to everyone and running into them constantly!!!  Highly recommend XTERRA

NAME: Carrie639 (my first aquabike race number)

STORY: Played competitive ice hockey for a good part of the last 15-20 years.  Had alot of injuries (surguries) so had to give it up.  After working out for a few years, was really getting bored.  I told a trainer one day I would love to do tris, but that I couldn't run. He suggested I see the Lifetime Fitness tri club leader and it was she who told me about aquabikes (swim and bike only). That was my first race last year . . . I was hooked immediately and all my friends and family think I am nuts.  I am signed up for a few more this year and I have managed to learn to run, but not without injury.  I am about as prone to shin splints as one could be.  Constantly creates issues with training.

I am single, but have two chocolate labs (Bella and Briggs) and a cat (Tag)

CURRENT TRAINING:  I try hard to follow plans, but am just not that good at it.  Masters swims are certain days so that throws things off, and I can only run 2x per week.  Just got a tri bike 2 months ago and while indoor training went really well, I struggle with being in the aero bars outside. I  just cannot get my left elbow comfortable. Still working on it . . . got 1 month to get it

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I am doing a few indoor tris for practice (next one is this weekend), a few half aquabikes, and my A race is Racine 70.3 (I am terrified with my run issues)

2010 RACES:  I would like to be competitive, but am treating this year as fun and do as well as I can.

April:  2 Lifetime indoor tris
May:  Rev 3 olympic, Knoxville; Taylorsville half aquabike, Blackhawk bike ride, Elgin Fox trot
June:  Naperville sprint tri, Pleasant Prarie olympic tri, Horribly Hilly Hundreds
July:  Muncie half aquabike, Racine 70.3
Sept:  Illini Challenge half aquabike, Half Madness

WEIGHTLOSS:  I have lost 20-25 lbs since last July and I want to keep on truckin. I am still an Athena

2010-04-07 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2775689

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Good luck on your first race.  If you can't run the whole thing, do a walk / run.

My very first try last year (after the aquabike) my friend talked me into.  I did great on the swim and bike and just walked the entire run.  No biggie, but I was hooked!!!

I too have been overweight for years.  While I am still overweight, all the training has done wonders for my fitness.
2010-04-07 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
Can I be your token male or is this for women only????

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