General Discussion Triathlon Talk » When T1 and T2 are in different places? Rss Feed  
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2019-09-04 10:44 AM


Roanoke, Virginia
Subject: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
I'm signed up for my first 70.3 next year. The swim and T1 are in one location, T2 is about a 30 minute drive away. Logistically how do people work that out?

2019-09-04 11:57 AM
in reply to: chadtrent

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
It depends on the race. Some will have a shuttle that takes you to swim start, with T2 and the finish line being closer together. I did an Olympic distance one a couple times that had T2 about a mile from T1. Race morning you went and set up your T2, then rode your bike to T1. They had bags at T1 that you put all your swim stuff in and then the bags were transported to the finish line.
What race are you doing?
2019-09-04 12:08 PM
in reply to: Atlantia


Roanoke, Virginia
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
70.3 Blue Ridge. I guess riding there wouldn't be terrible. Most direct route is 11 miles with just under 1000 feet of climbing to get there.
2019-09-04 1:15 PM
in reply to: chadtrent

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?

I did the 2015 HITS Marble Falls 70.3 and the 2016 Ironman St George 70.3 races and they both had the T1 a half-hour away from the T2.  Both of those races had a Suttle from T2 to T1.   

Both of those races had required Bike check-in by 7PM the night before the bike race and had race security to watch the bikes through the night until the race the next day.

Both of those races also have a Shuttle from T2 to T1 on race morning.  The first shuttle left T2 about 2 hours before the T1 closed. and the last Shuttle about an hour before T1 closed (getting athletes there with about 30 minutes to set up T1 before it closed.  

Don't leave things that you need in T1 at your T2.  I left my Wet suit at T2 at the HITS race.  I got ride back to T2 from T1 when I made the discovery but made it back to the start about 20 minutes after the T1 was supposed to close.  They were relaxed and hadn't kicked people out of T1 yet so I was about to slip back in for one final check on things but it was cutting things really close.  One guy left his bike shoes in T2.  He didn't go back for them and ended up riding 56 miles barefoot.  The impressive thing was that he had the overall fastest bike split riding barefoot and won the race (which proves that bike shoes are not doing as much for your speed or efficiency as all the hype on the equipment reviews claim).    

Both races took everything from T1 to the flish line.  We were given wet bags to put our wetsuit in.  We had a race number sticker like the ones that go on the bike to put on the wet bag and as long as we had our name on the wet suit and the bag and got things anywhere close to our transition area the volunteers were able to things int he bag for use.  We picked up the bag with our wet suit, googles, swim cap, towles, etc from a truck at the finish line.  They didn't allow bike pumps in the T1 but the Bike Techs were there on race morning to get the air pressure set for us.  At the HITS race I didn't have time to get the air pressure set before the race due to running back to T2 so again make sure at 5:15 in the morning you are awake enough to get everything in the right spot.  They will probably give you three bags so that you can pack everything the night before for each section of the race and keep things straight it not you should consider the three bag method with your own bags.  It keeps things simple.   

The two transitions it more difficult for spectators but for the athlete, I like the two transitions. You get to a clean T2 and don't have to move stuff from T1 around to find what you need for the run. 

2019-09-04 2:30 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26


Roanoke, Virginia
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
Thanks. Maybe they will have a shuttle. They haven't released all the info yet. They haven't even released the bike course. This is just the first tri I've done longer than a sprint and in those everything is always together so it's not an issue.
2019-09-04 5:47 PM
in reply to: chadtrent

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
I'm registered for IM70.3 Blue Ridge, as well..I think we're gonna get to do some climbing!

In plenty of time before race day, the Athlete's Guide will be released and all the why's and wherefore's in re. where to take your transition bags/check-in times/shuttle schedules(if any) will be detailed. I'll make a prediction that the organizing team creates an efficient system and once the courses are finalized, the other details will fall into place. Until then, good luck with your training!

2019-09-05 9:10 AM
in reply to: alltom1


Roanoke, Virginia
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
Thanks, I live in the area and know the places very well. I'm assuming they are going to have to do some sort of shuttle. No way that everyone can have vehicles anywhere near T1.
2019-09-05 10:32 AM
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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
Originally posted by chadtrent

Thanks, I live in the area and know the places very well. I'm assuming they are going to have to do some sort of shuttle. No way that everyone can have vehicles anywhere near T1.

I didn't notice you live in Roanoke..alright, you're the go-to guy for my pre-race checklist! I did BikeVirginia ride this year; it was a little further north, but dang, that was pretty country.

Edited by alltom1 2019-09-05 10:32 AM
2019-09-05 2:14 PM
in reply to: alltom1


Roanoke, Virginia
Subject: RE: When T1 and T2 are in different places?
Yeah. I did it many years ago. It used to be almost like a "tour of VA". They would start in one city, ride to the next, sleep, ride to the next, etc. I haven't been able to do it in the recent years though. Maybe next year.
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