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2004-11-26 12:01 AM

Subject: Yup, I fell off my bike!
But I'm okay!! I was trying out my new clipless pedals today with a nice hour long ride up the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Beautiful day! I was flying too- WHAT A DIFFERENCE clipless makes...I felt effortless- that's the only way to describe it. I was pedaling at like 19-20 mph with little problem...the aerobars were great, took a little to get used to. I felt like I was wobbling a little, like I might fall off the bike. But I felt so good passing bikers. Man, was it awesome. And for the first 40 mins I thought to myself, geez this clipless thing is so easy, why are people always talking about crashing??

So after being proud of myself for mastering the clipless pedals, I turn around at my half way point to come back home....there's a stretch of road that has no bike lane so I had to get all the way to the right of the lane and this car was going really slow, like 2 mph. So I slowed down too, to a crawl until I realized I needed to take my feet out and stand on the ground. Well for a split second I FORGOT I wasn't in regular sneakers and couldn't get my shoes out in time... and I just tipped over and totally fell over, my right leg totally slid out so I was in some weird straddle position. I remember people coming over- are you okay!?? I was SO embarrassed...My head was really fuzzy and I remember feeling really nauseous so I laid down on the sidewalk in front of the 7-11 until I could stand up.

I have to say I was a little scared. But I wasn't home yet, i still had like 4 miles to go-- so I got back up on the bike and rode home, a little shaken, but relieved that I had had my first and hopefully only fall. My right hip hurts where I landed but that's about it. I'm lucky.

Anyways, just wanted to share! I can't wait to get back out there and practice some more.

2004-11-26 12:07 AM
in reply to: #86649

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2004-11-26 1:23 AM
in reply to: #86649

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
I fell off my bike the first time I was clipped in. The funniest part of it was that I fell off my bike while my bike wasn't moving forward AT ALL!!! Plus, to add insult to injury, there were these macho construction workers who witnessed me in my bike shorts and all...a couple laughed, one chuckeled, and one asked me if I was ok (I think he was slightly serious).

Anyway, welcome to the clipless pedal falling club. You have now been initiated!

2004-11-26 1:27 AM
in reply to: #86649

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Lisa, I know exactly how you felt. I must say firstly that I am very glad you are okay.
I fell off of my bike about 5 weeks ago, I had just riden 4 miles to the pool, swam for 25min, got back on the bike and half a mile down the a 4 way stop, at lunch time, on a Marine Corps base I stacked it big time. Some how the bike landed on top of me and I just remember shouting out to anyone who would listen...'I`m okay, I`m okay.....over and over. My body ended up in some yoga postition and the bike was stuck on my head somehow and I couldn`t get it off. Marines from all over jumped out of their cars and offered me help, I was SO embarresed I can`t explain it (a pretty easy way to meet cute guys...if you wanted to). I was okay really, just a few bloody fingers and some road rash on my hands, but other than that I was fine.
I now realize that falling off your bike shouldn`t be so embarresing. I have seen people come off their bikes so often and I always freak out and try to help them, never have I been embarresed for them or laughed or said rude things about them. There is nothing to be embarresed about when you or any anyone falls off a bike. It should be taken seriously, no matter how fast they have been going.
I now wear gloves though and always a helmet, I learnt that much! I also think of it as falling off a horse...get right back on and keep riding!
Glad you are okay!
2004-11-26 6:24 AM
in reply to: #86649

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Almost everyone has one of these stories to tell. If you want to change that and really improve your bike handling try learning to track stand your bike. First use your old bike not your new one since you will fall. Second get in your yard, not the road. The technique is sort of to stand and use the brakes and gentle turning of the handlebars to keep the bike balanced at a dead stop without putting your feet down. While learning it is best not to be cleated in. Find a "roadie" at a local club to show you, once you get this down you will really sort of look forward to the red lights. Really impresses the passers by in cars.
2004-11-26 8:15 AM
in reply to: #86649

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* Congratulations, here's your membership card At least you got the experience out of the way early in your clipless career. By the 5th or 6th time you do it, you'll be laughing so hard, sports drink will shoot out of your nose even if you weren't drinking any.


Edited by scuba-punk 2004-11-26 8:15 AM

2004-11-26 8:19 AM
in reply to: #86649

wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Welcome to the club!! Glad you are OK! I almost fell in front of a big truck my first time I fell, sumb&^* cut me off!
2004-11-26 8:24 AM
in reply to: #86649

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Well, somehow I have managed to avoid becoming part of this club, even though I switched to clipless this summer and spent most of the summer riding trails with the new shoes. Which scares me a little because if everyone falls, it must only mean that my first crash is going to be spectacular - none of this low speed tipover for me - it'll probably happen at full speed at the worst time - definitely a little scary!
2004-11-26 8:25 AM
in reply to: #86649

Bowie, MD
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Glad to here you are ok. I had to fall 3 times before I finally got the hang of it...
2004-11-26 8:42 AM
in reply to: #86649

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
I fell the first time I used clipless too.  Stopping becomes natural after a while, but af first I had to think about it.  My big problem was to unclip on one side when slowing down, and then lean to the other side when I would finally come to a stop.  I had several 1 mph crashes this way.  Overall it sounds like you did great.  Congrats!
2004-11-26 8:44 AM
in reply to: #86649

Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Been there, done that in both, clipless pedals and the old "rat traps."  Welcome to the club!! I ma glad that you are okay.  The most important question in my mind though: "Is the bike okay?????"  Inquring minds want to know.   

2004-11-26 9:16 AM
in reply to: #86649


Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
good thing U are ok. and as someone said, well come to the club. The good part about foling down is ... U did not do it on the race so relax, think of it as a step up on your way to feel comfortable on the bike. U learned one new expirience, and that is good just keep on rideing, U will do great
take care
2004-11-26 9:48 AM
in reply to: #86649

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Hi guys- good to hear other crash stories, lol. The bike looks okay. I will take a better look at it tomorrow I think. But as for me, I have this awful pain/soreness in my hip area- I think I'd just better take today off. Don't want to get injured more. Man, I was really looking forward to a nice run today since a cold front- meaning 65 degrees- came through last night. Guess I'll just have to read all of your training logs to keep me busy.  
2004-11-26 10:27 AM
in reply to: #86649

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Lisa - Sorry to hear about your first fall (hopefully your last) but I'll tell you I wish that I was riding by myself for my first fall! The first time I used clipless was with about 6 of my mountain bike buddies that had been doing it for years, every time we stopped I just tipped over (for a total of three that day)!! It's a weird feeling almost like slow motion as you head for the ground. One thing that has helped me to avoid the ridicule of my senstive friends is to unclip as I approach an area that I know I need to slow down. You can still peddle decently while not clipped in and give you some time to mess around with the motion of getting out.
Hope your hip gets better.
2004-11-26 10:35 AM
in reply to: #86655

Sonoma County, CA
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Steve- - 2004-11-25 10:23 PM

I fell off my bike the first time I was clipped in. The funniest part of it was that I fell off my bike while my bike wasn't moving forward AT ALL!!! Plus, to add insult to injury, there were these macho construction workers who witnessed me in my bike shorts and all...a couple laughed, one chuckeled, and one asked me if I was ok (I think he was slightly serious).

Anyway, welcome to the clipless pedal falling club. You have now been initiated!

i think it's a prerequisite that first you're not part of the "clipless club" til you fall over and it has to be a slow-moving or no-movinng fall usually in front of other people.....

welcome to the club....and glad you're okay.
2004-11-26 11:02 AM
in reply to: #86649

South Florida
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Ok Lisa, you beat me to it...I have yet to take my bike out with clipless. we are tiling a room, hoping to get out and do it later you have your fall out of the way, and though you are sore, it probably wasn't so bad . Maybe ice your sore area and take a little advil or something for any swelling...I'm so impressed you tried the clipless AND the aero bars at the same time! YOU ROCK!

2004-11-26 11:39 AM
in reply to: #86649

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
LOL... I fell over within 100 yards of my house on my first clipless ride. I was a little more carefull after that, and it hasnt been a issue any more. Although I have had a few close calls since then.

I'm glad you like the new gear so much! I'm sure we will have a few new converts after your sucsess!

O-ya... I wish I could call 65 a COLD front.... It's 41 at my house and people are talking about how nice it is outside!
2004-11-26 12:02 PM
in reply to: #86649

Arlington, VA
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Definitely a right of passage. A couple of years ago, I purchased my first bike with clipless pedals. I rolled out of the driveway on my inaugural ride. As I crossed the street, my neighbor waved me over. I stopped in front of his driveway, about 100 feet away, and promptly tumbled over, right in front of him and into the street. The only things damaged were the paint (minor) and my ego. I also did this on my first high-speed group training ride, at a stop sign. Luckily, I didn't knock anyone else over!

Welcome to the club!
2004-11-26 12:36 PM
in reply to: #86649

Extreme Veteran
Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Glad to hear you ok, after you fall.
2004-11-26 1:38 PM
in reply to: #86649

Taneytown, MD
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
been there, done that. Ahh isnt it so lovely to fall infront of a crowd!
2004-11-26 2:17 PM
in reply to: #86649

Elite Veteran
northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
With that out of the way, and the secret handshake, you're IN, girlfriend!

Am I the only one who fell over more than once before finally getting it through my thick skull?


2004-11-26 3:26 PM
in reply to: #86649

Marietta, Ga
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
In 8 years of riding clipless pedals, I've never had a spill "at speed".  I've had three "tip-overs", and they always occured when I was at a stop or coming to one and usually only at the beginning of the season.
2004-11-26 3:41 PM
in reply to: #86649

Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
Congrats Lisa. Your initiation is now complete. Seriously - good to see that there were no injuries.
2004-11-26 5:18 PM
in reply to: #86649

Plant City, FL
Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!

Congrats Lisa!!  I haven't gotten my new bike yet, so no falls for me in clipless YET.  I'm sure there will be a story when I finally get them. 

Make sure you ice that hip, and stretch. 

2004-11-26 5:22 PM
in reply to: #86649

New user

Subject: RE: Yup, I fell off my bike!
oh, please tell me that you guys fell more than one time!! I've ony been out on my clipless once, but I fell many, many times. I am hoping that they just are not loose enough, but I also have a serious lack of coordination. I practiced stopping a bunch of times on grass and had more slow motion falls than I could count. Half of the time I just couldn't clip out. I was getting so frustrated that I finally had my husband stand by to run up and catch me if I started to topple over! It was his first time using the clipless too and he didn't fall once, but he didn't laugh at me so I couldn't hate him too badly. I hope I can get the hang of these things soon. They don't happen to have swim/run duathlons do they? ;-)

GatorGirl22, you are brave to try your clipless and aerobars together!!! Good luck to you.
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