BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL! Rss Feed  
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2008-04-25 11:34 AM

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Melon Presser
Subject: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hi there! Thank you for checking us out! I’m Yanti (TriAya) and this is Beth (Lastcall2003) ... we would love to mentor you through your race season, and here's a little bit about us.


I grew up in Indonesia, where I swam with the national team and my high school team. In the States, I coached and competed in martial arts, but became sedentary after an injury. Fast forward … a student suckered me into doing a charity marathon--before long I learned how to ride a bike and picked swimming back up! I also teach Spinning(R) classes. I’m single and live in Venice, California, where it’s great to have the ocean and bike and running trails at my doorstep.

My 2008 season is (completed ones are bold):
1 half-marathon
1 Half-Ironman
2 more half-iron triathlons
Several sprint and Olympic distance triathlons

A few 5K runs
2 5K open-water swims
2 marathons

I do a BT half-iron training plan and my own planning to periodize my training year (fancy word for training different ways during different times of year for maximum benefit). Most of my workouts have a purpose and fall into well-planned weeks: it helps maximize training time and prevent burnout and injury.  

I’ve lost nearly 100 lbs. since becoming active again (40 lbs. the last tri season). I am still an Athena (generally, a female athlete over 150 lbs.)


I'm Beth, aka Lastcall2003, aka tinkerbeth
Lastcall2003 represents a turning point in my life - 2003 is the year I woke up and realized that I needed to do something about being 30 lbs over weight with high blood pressure, having become completely inactive, and well, not liking who I was very much. It is a reminder to me to never let myself go back to being that person!

My life goals are to raise happy, healthy, well balanced kids who care about others and love life!

Personally, I want to achieve life balance, be active and healthy and to like myself - secondarily, i want to be an inspiration to young people, women especially - I'd love for them to look at me and say "Dang! I hope I look that good when I'm your age!" - so far so good on that front

I am starting my 3rd season of triathlons. I have raced sprints and Olys and hope to do a ½ IM in 2009.

My first love is swimming, followed closely by biking, and let’s just says I’m learning to love to run.

I am currently commuting between Nebraska and Pennsylvania on a weekly basis – it’s a long story, but a good one!

Edited by TriAya 2008-04-29 12:05 PM

2008-04-25 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
Dude! I am all over this one!

Ooh, ooh, me, me! Pick me! Pick me! *raising hands back and forth but trying to stay in my seat like a good girl* (Give me a break, I was a straight A student and followed the rules )

Hello, my name is Sunshine *Hi Sunshine.* Yes, that's my real name. And, get this, I live in S. Fla and I work for an OJ factory. (How cool am I?)

I got into tri's as an excuse to get in shape and push myself. (I'm very goal-oriented.) This is my first season. I have yet to do a tri, but I have done some 5k's. I'm not too worried about it, though. I'm making this season about getting my body used to all this exercise and getting some gear. I only have so much money, so I am selective in what races I choose to participate in - more races = less gear, like shoes.

I am a decent runner IMO and my times and endurance are getting better. I LOVE to ride my bike, but I don't always make it out to ride. Much to my chagrin, I am an awful swimmer and prone to swimmer's shoulder and tendonitis. Now that I have finished my most recent race, I am going to start focusing, again, on all three sports, instead of just running. I am going to use a combination of two BT sprint plans.

I, too, am an Athena and will prob always be that way. 150 is my lowest body-weight goal. I like my curves, thankyouverymuch.

I am def not a IM hopeful *cough* crazy *cough* and am comfortable with Sprints and Olys. Perhaps I will do a HIM just to see if I can, but we'll see.

In any event, I absolutely LOVE training for all three sports and I would love to be part of y'all's group..

ETA: I have the sneaking suspicion that I am responding to this too early, but hey, life is short.

Edited by yogus 2008-04-25 1:04 PM
2008-04-25 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

Welcome, Sunshine!!!

Believe me, it looks like you have landed in the right thread. Thank you for introducing yourself ... post often and ask anything.

2008-04-25 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
Woohoo! Round 2! Ding!

I'm Terri and I'm a tri-virgin. Since joining Yanti's 1st round I've participated in 2 5Ks (November and March). I'm currently thinking of doing a DU in July and have officially signed up and put money on the table for the Subaru Tri in October. I'm married to a triathlete so I know the ins and outs of training in principal, and since I've been to triathlons I know how much freaking fun they are, and I want to have fun too! This year I'm volunteering to work at several Tris (I did IMCA a few weeks back and am doing Encinitas in May). I'm just about recovered from PF and have started getting back on the road again this past week. The next couple of weeks will find me riding my new-to-me bike for the first time and getting back in the pool.

I love the support I've received from this group in Round 1 and I'm definitely in for as long as Yanti (and now Beth!) is willing to put up with me.

To those of you who will be new to our group....I think you've found the best!

Edited by MrsUSMC 2008-04-25 1:58 PM
2008-04-25 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1362148

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
TriAya - 2008-04-25 2:26 PM

Welcome, Sunshine!!!

Believe me, it looks like you have landed in the right thread.

I thought as much. I've seen some of your posts and I knew right away that I would fit in.

Yay! I am SO excited.
2008-04-25 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)


Woo hoo!  we're live!

Sunshine, you are going to fit in purrrrrfectly!

Terri, yaaaay! we're still in the same group



2008-04-25 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

Hello, my name is Leslie.....This is my second go-round with Yanti's group...I cannot imagine my tri-life without this group!!  Last season I did four sprint tris and lost 50 pounds. This year, I am training much more, losing much less (much to my chagrin), and having more fun.  I am doing my first (of many?) Olys in June.  This weekend is my first race of the season, a duathlon.  I live in the Seattle area so the weather stinks most of the year!!  I am an Athena and will always be.

I am a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys, ages 2 1/2 and 5-- I have my Master's in Psychology/Employee Wellness, but I don't use it at the moment!  My husband does special effects for video games so we have a lot of technology around the house--just upgraded to an amazing computer system, ah!!  I am challenged by trying to get my training done in the little bit of free time I get each week, but mostly it works out for me.  I am contemplating running a half marathon but am not sure yet that I can put in the hours--we will see how things look as race season progresses.

I was a major athlete when I was younger--played volleyball, basketball, track and field, windsurfed, and rowed for the crew team in college.  Then I took about 20 years off from competitive sports.  Now I am back and in better shape and health than I have probably ever been, even though my body may not look it (yet).  What else...hmmm...I am sort of crazy, a little bit spazzy and dorky, and like to think that I have not yet been discovered as the next most famous comedian/movie star.  My dad is my inspiration--he was at triathlete back in the early days of the sport, and loved the multisport lifestyle.  He broke his neck while ski racing in 1988 and is quadriplegic.  I race with him close to my heart, as I know he is very proud of my progress in triathlons.   My sister also does triathlons, so it's fun to train and compete with her, as well. 

And I love to babble on and on.  I will end now!  Love this team!

2008-04-25 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

Hi there!  I'd love to be a manatee!  I am Dolores and I can't believe there's a mentor group still open that has one of my favorite people in it!! Yanti!  I hope I am able to keep up with this group.  Right now I am in my second season of tri'ing. So far I've done a sprint and an oly this year and am training for an HIM in July.  (Yikes!)  I started running a few years ago and my running coach and yanti both encouraged trying a tri last June and now look what happened!  I love training (most of the time) and I love running the most I think.  It's a toss up between swimming and running really I tihink once I get in the water I love it too.   I am a single mom. I have a 12 year old, Camille, who is awesome. 

I look forward to getting to know everyone.  Have a great weekend!

2008-04-25 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1362423

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
lastcall2003 - 2008-04-25 12:45 PM

Terri, yaaaay! we're still in the same group

You ought to know by now there's no getting rid of me

Hello again to Leslie!!!!

and Dolores! Hi! I'm so happy to have met you last month, and I had no idea you were so new to triathlons!

Edited by MrsUSMC 2008-04-25 6:10 PM
2008-04-25 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

YAY! Dolores is in da house!

Dolores (and Renee, who I'm sure will be here shortly) are both doing their first half irons this summer

2008-04-25 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
Hey I am back Shawn Creamer the Dreamer. I am on my way out to a bbq so I will fill you in later.

no laughing at my name and yes I have heard all the jokes.

2008-04-25 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

Howdy manatees!

I'm so excited about this group

when do you think we'll 'go public' ?

2008-04-25 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1361748

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

Oh, I want to join!!!  I love both of you Yanti and Beth!! 

This is my third season of tri's.  Though 2007 was a very slow year, only one sprint completed.  I have completed 6 sprints and hope to complete an Oly in the fall.  I travel a great deal and it's often very easy to NOT train so I am looking for that kick in the pants to stay on track even if I have to use a treadmill or stationary in some stupid hotel!

I was rather sedentary until my daughter was five then I started rock climbing, softball, sailing and some walking/run work outs.  But I continued to gain and was well over 30-40 lbs overweight.  Cholesterol levels and heath issues forced me to get moving again and thankfully I worked for a boss that swam everyday at lunch.  I joined in beginnining in 2004 and was thrilled with the changes in my attitude and my appearance.  I found an article talking about the Danskin tri series and decided to look into tris since I had always been a huge fan of the Ironman series.  After my parents died in 2005, I decided it was time to really get busy.  Which I did.  My first tri was April 1st 2006.  I quit my job in April of 07 and started my own business.  I am an independent sales rep for the Life Sciences.  I had trouble staying motivated or active through the year and gained 13 lbs of 25 lbs lost after getting started in 2006.  I have managed to lose about 8 lbs so far this season and have completed the first sprint of the season 3/29. 

I love to swim and am learning to love the bike as well.  I ran track from early elementary school through high school so running was something that I just needed to get back to.  I am looking for motivation and support, both of which I already receive from Yanti and Beth so I know it will be great to have it through the group as well. 


2008-04-25 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1362933

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

ShawnC13 - 2008-04-25 7:16 PM Hey I am back Shawn Creamer the Dreamer. I am on my way out to a bbq so I will fill you in later. no laughing at my name and yes I have heard all the jokes.

Shawn, we wouldn't know what to do without you!


2008-04-25 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1362945

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
Nette213 - 2008-04-25 7:26 PM

Oh, I want to join!!!  I love both of you Yanti and Beth!! 

This is my third season of tri's.  Though 2007 was a very slow year, only one sprint completed.  I have completed 6 sprints and hope to complete an Oly in the fall.  I travel a great deal and it's often very easy to NOT train so I am looking for that kick in the pants to stay on track even if I have to use a treadmill or stationary in some stupid hotel!

I was rather sedentary until my daughter was five then I started rock climbing, softball, sailing and some walking/run work outs.  But I continued to gain and was well over 30-40 lbs overweight.  Cholesterol levels and heath issues forced me to get moving again and thankfully I worked for a boss that swam everyday at lunch.  I joined in beginnining in 2004 and was thrilled with the changes in my attitude and my appearance.  I found an article talking about the Danskin tri series and decided to look into tris since I had always been a huge fan of the Ironman series.  After my parents died in 2005, I decided it was time to really get busy.  Which I did.  My first tri was April 1st 2006.  I quit my job in April of 07 and started my own business.  I am an independent sales rep for the Life Sciences.  I had trouble staying motivated or active through the year and gained 13 lbs of 25 lbs lost after getting started in 2006.  I have managed to lose about 8 lbs so far this season and have completed the first sprint of the season 3/29. 

I love to swim and am learning to love the bike as well.  I ran track from early elementary school through high school so running was something that I just needed to get back to.  I am looking for motivation and support, both of which I already receive from Yanti and Beth so I know it will be great to have it through the group as well. 



You are a wonderful inspiration to us all!

2008-04-25 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

Yay, Shawn!

WELCOME, JEANNETTE! You indeed are a very thoughtful and generous spirit, and it's a privilege to have you on board.

What a fantastic lineup.

2008-04-25 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
By the way I did like having number 1 as my number last week at my tri. It was in order of slowest swimmer to fastest so I was supposedly the slowest but really was 3rd slowest so that was cool and my rankings improved with the bike and then went even higher in the run so now I really have to work on my run.

For the new peeps you are all so lucky to have gotten in on this group with Yanti and Beth they are both amazing. Actually the whole group has been amazing to me with so much support and knowledge. This is my first real year of tri's did one 6 years ago but hope to do 5 or 6 this year and just had my first last week and totally loved it.

Training is hard to find time as I work full time and between me and my girlfriend we have 5 kids ages from 16 months to 13 years so it is a busy place.
2008-04-25 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

So for those of you in Cali - I will hopefully be there in October (San Fran) - I know that is a long way off, but.................

one can never start planning too soon, right? 


2008-04-25 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
I have another race this weekend just a 10k run supposed to do 16 in my half marathon training (that I may not run anyway) So I will go nice and easy and see how I feel at the beginning to see if I will push it or take it easy.
2008-04-26 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1363158

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
lastcall2003 - 2008-04-25 8:07 PM

So for those of you in Cali - I will hopefully be there in October (San Fran) - I know that is a long way off, but.................

one can never start planning too soon, right? 


Well dang girl! That's at the other end of the state from me! Come down here instead. The weather's better! LOL
2008-04-26 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1363367

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

OMG....could I be so lucky to be picked for this group...PLEASE, please, please.

If you are only going to pick persons who wear a bra and go crazy about once a month...well I will have to go to the back of the closet for the push-up and just mirror my wife about the 3rd week on the calendar.....otherwise I am your man.  I can take being with the "girls"...(just check out my current Challenge Team the Lovely Lava's....with Ms. TinkerBeth as one of the head cheerleaders)...just me and a dozen Tri Hotties...YES...Life is Good.

 Hope to be picked for your group as I know it will be a great help for me in my first season of doing Tri sports instead of just being a runner.

2008-04-26 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1363631

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
Reno8 - 2008-04-26 3:23 PM

OMG....could I be so lucky to be picked for this group...PLEASE, please, please.

If you are only going to pick persons who wear a bra and go crazy about once a month...well I will have to go to the back of the closet for the push-up and just mirror my wife about the 3rd week on the calendar.....otherwise I am your man. I can take being with the "girls"...(just check out my current Challenge Team the Lovely Lava's....with Ms. TinkerBeth as one of the head cheerleaders)...just me and a dozen Tri Hotties...YES...Life is Good.

Hope to be picked for your group as I know it will be a great help for me in my first season of doing Tri sports instead of just being a runner.

Welcome Steve!  I am sure Shawn will welcome having another man around for some balance  

2008-04-26 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1363641

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
lastcall2003 - 2008-04-26 1:29 PM

Reno8 - 2008-04-26 3:23 PM

OMG....could I be so lucky to be picked for this group...PLEASE, please, please.

If you are only going to pick persons who wear a bra and go crazy about once a month...well I will have to go to the back of the closet for the push-up and just mirror my wife about the 3rd week on the calendar.....otherwise I am your man. I can take being with the "girls"...(just check out my current Challenge Team the Lovely Lava's....with Ms. TinkerBeth as one of the head cheerleaders)...just me and a dozen Tri Hotties...YES...Life is Good.

Hope to be picked for your group as I know it will be a great help for me in my first season of doing Tri sports instead of just being a runner.

Welcome Steve! I am sure Shawn will welcome having another man around for some balance

WRONG!!!! I don't want to share my ladies!!

Just kidding welcome aboard this is an amazing bunch of ladies and it is hard to keep up with them.
2008-04-26 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)

I found it!  YAAAY!  Am I too late to join in??  And what about Erin - I think she is gone for a few days, but I know she really wants in too!


2008-04-26 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1363631

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees MENTOR GROUP--OPEN! :)
Reno8 - 2008-04-26 3:23 PM

OMG....could I be so lucky to be picked for this group...PLEASE, please, please.

If you are only going to pick persons who wear a bra and go crazy about once a month...well I will have to go to the back of the closet for the push-up and just mirror my wife about the 3rd week on the calendar.....otherwise I am your man.  I can take being with the "girls"...(just check out my current Challenge Team the Lovely Lava's....with Ms. TinkerBeth as one of the head cheerleaders)...just me and a dozen Tri Hotties...YES...Life is Good.

 Hope to be picked for your group as I know it will be a great help for me in my first season of doing Tri sports instead of just being a runner.

Welcome aboard the pink ship, Steve!!!

It's great to have you. Of course we want you. And you can still wear a bra and go crazy once a month if you like, ha ha. No judgement here!!!

We need your running expertise on board, too.


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