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2008-12-16 9:06 AM

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

NAME: NavyTRIChief/ Scott

STORY: I have been in the US Navy for almost 18 years and started doing Triathlons in 2006.  I have completed 5 Sprints and one 70.3.  I do Tri's to challenge myself and test the fact that I say I will never fail at anything.
FAMILY STATUS: I am married, have 3 daughters, a female rabbit, a female dog and a gay dog, so yes, I do this to help maintain my testosterone! 
CURRENT TRAINING: I signed up for the Gold Membership and plan to utilize the BT Coaches and plans for this season.  I also started a military Tri group here in RI.  I will be starting my trining prep program the end of this month.  I am planning a mix of Tri training and weights in prepartion for a scheduled regimine.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 was my entrance to the world of long course, but I had a bump in training.  I signed up for the inaugarul RI 70.3 with 1 sprint and one Oly in the plan to prepare.  I couldn't find a sprint that fit into my sched so I signed up for a Oly, then didn't go to it because I found out it was all hills and backed out.  I also burnt myself out with 8 weeks to go to the race and the longest run I did leading up to it was 8 1/2 miles.  Made for a painful race but I did finish and this year I will kick it's butt!! 
2009 RACES:  I have not slated my whole season yet but I know I will do the RI 70.3 (sub 6) again, at least 2 sprints, 1-2 Oly's and want to finish the year with a local HIM.
WEIGHTLOSS: I am currently sitting at 193, plan to be around 175 for the season. 
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Would like to see a group of people that have a common goal, realize that they have many aspects of their life that are different that can help each other attain that common goal.  By providing motivation in rough, dry, heavy or burn out times, my group and I will not only ensure everyone meets or exceeds their goals, but we will also provide support when inevitably someone falls short and needs to be picked up.  We will all feel each others pains and happiness in accomplishments and shortfalls.

Edited by NavyTRIChief 2008-12-19 4:51 AM

2008-12-16 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group


My name is Ken, I am 42 years old and this will be my fourth season of this tri thing. I did HIMs in both 07 and 08. Have not yet decided if I will do another 70.3 this year or if I will stick with sprints and Olys. 

I've been married for 21 years and have an 18 year old daughter.n

Looking for some motivation and maybe a little push now and then.

Let me know if I'll "fit in"


2008-12-17 5:27 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group

Welcome aboard Ken.  Hopefully we will get more in here with us to help out, but I look forward to providing motivation to anyone in need.  Of course, my only request is that you help pass on that motivation to others, even if they are not in our group.



2008-12-17 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group

I guess we can get another RI guy in on this group...

Name: Vin

Story: 33 YOA. Got back into multisport after a 13 year lay off and +100 lbs. Completed a bunch of sprints and a 70.3.

Status: Married with and amazing wife and amazing 9 week old son!

Current Training: Mostly running as I am road racing a lot. Trying to get in the pool at least once per week. No bike until January.

2008 Races: Sprints in the Clyde division. Mostly top 5 five finishes. One 70.3 that turned into a death march.

2009 Races: RI 70.3 and a bunch of sprints starting with the Sheriffs in April. Put in for the lottery.

Weight loss: 5'9" -- Currently hovering at around 226. Down from 278. Want to get down to 200. Long term 180.

Why: Looking for motivation to get off of the plateau I am currently on. Times are dropping for me but could be dropping a lot more if I was a bit lighter.


Edited by vm354 2008-12-17 10:11 AM
2008-12-17 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group

Sorry, please remove me from this.

Edited by GaryRM 2008-12-18 6:57 AM
2008-12-17 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Extreme Veteran
Mercer Island, WA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group
I'd love to join, although I'm an Army vet, not a squid! :-)

NAME: Rachel

STORY: I am a civil litigator from Seattle, Washington. I completed my first season of tris in 2008 and did 5 sprints. I've done three half marathons. I am very competitive, but have not dedicated myself to training because life seems to get in the way!
FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for less than one month and have two dogs.
CURRENT TRAINING: I am (trying to) follow the RunnersWorld SmartCoach program for a half marathon on March 22, 2009.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 5 sprints with little training. Now, I want to train and actually compete for AG placement.
2009 RACES: I am doing a few half marathons, my first full (Rock n Roll Seattle on 6/27), the Moses Lake Olympic Tri in early June, the Trek women's tri, the Subaru Women's Sprint, and Lake Stevens 70.3. I am also doing the Seattle to Portland Cycle, Chilly Hilly, and the MS 150 ride.
WEIGHTLOSS: II weigh about 145, which is way too much for me. I want to lose 20-25 pounds in 2009.

I am looking forward to being a mentee!

2008-12-17 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group

Hope you still have room! 

Name: Hans

Story: 37 Yrs Old, got back into triathlon a little over a year ago because of a partial kidney failure, and being well over 300 lbs. By training, and setting goals, managed to aggressively loose a lot of it, and now down to 220 lbs, and hanging over that for the Holidays.

Also currently on a break from doing IMAZ last month, and having a set back from a foot infection. But all healing pretty good. Looking at a very promising year for 2009!

Come from an athletic background as a kid, and looking at performing better than I did back in my youth, hoping for the Olympics someday. Oh yeah, also a former Navy person, but got out in the 90's after beeing recruited within the Goverment side.

Status: Married with an amazing wife for 4 1/2 years and also with 2 female dogs in the house. One is a White German Shepard and the other is a Bloodhound. Great dogs.

Current Training: Right now, laid up from a foot infection but healing nice. Seeing doctor this afternoon to get release for some minimal exercises. Hoping for good diagnosis. But focussed 2008 to perform Ironman Arizona in November, and managed to finish it, barely! Feet are paying right now. Hoping to really focus, and be real steady on my training.

2008 Races: Did HIM California, then a Sprint, then an Olympic, and finalized the year with IMAZ. Had a total of 4 races, and happy with it.

2009 Races: Have 3 HIM's that I have registered for, then planning on a very few Sprints and some Olympics distances. Hoping for a total of about 8 - 12 races. Also throw a few 5K's, 10K's, and maybe some Half-Marathons. Those are strickly to be thrown in for training purposes.

Weight loss: 6'0 - Was well over 300 lbs, and now at 218 lbs's plus what ever the Holiday those since I'm layed up. But goal it to be down to 182 lbs by the end of 2009.

Why: I have set myself some very high goals for 2009-2012. Hoping to achieve each goals each years for the ultimate race in 2012. Need accountability to stay focus when I travel so much.

2008-12-17 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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The Ocean State
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group


 Another RI'er here, be happy to join in this group

Name: Sean 

Story: I did my first sprint this year which also meant it was my first competitive running, swim or cycling race ever. Never liked running unless it was get to the front of the beer line , only swam at the beach and my mountain bike had been hanging in the garage for about 5 years.

Family Status: Married with 2 children and dog. Very supportive wife who doesn't completely understand the addiction of the sport but sees the value in the training hours.

Current Training: Working on my main limter which is running. I'm also hitting the weights and taking spin classes a couple of times a week. I'm looking to hit the pool again in Jan.

This Year's Races: I did one sprint in Aug and did ok. MOP in the clydes.

2009 Races: I'm looking at a 1/2 Mary in May some sprints and and Oly in the summer. I may shoot for the FIRM 70.3 in Sept depending on how things go.

Weightloss: I'm at about 195 (no more clyde division for me) down from about 230. Would like to say goodbye to at least 15 more before May.


Looking foward to working with a group and bouncing ideas around while staying motiviated.

Edited by sma777 2008-12-17 3:10 PM
2008-12-17 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1858686

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group

If there is room I would love to join

Name: Callum 

Story: 16.  Started running in 3rd grade, every day in 6th grade.  XC Started in 9th.  Bought first roadbike in May 2006.  2nd year racing and third training, Swimming (need the help here though I PR every day because I'm getting alot better.

Status: 16 Have a mom and two sisters

Current Training: SBR

 Running / Swim PR's: (only roadbiking last year) 5k=18:20 four days ago.



Spritn tri's=1:14hr

2009 Races: A sprint Oly and hopefully they'll let me into a HIM.

Weight / height: 5'6-Highest weight ever (117)  Hills are my Friend (BIG RING)


Edited by xcrunner2010 2008-12-17 4:48 PM
2008-12-17 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group


I have read your posts on COJ and would love to join your group!  U R KEWL.

Name: Andi (short for Andrea)

Story: First tri in 1999.  I am proud that I am still going after several injuries and life interruptions over the years.  ALL the people I started "tri-ing" with no longer compete in (or in my case nowadays COMPLETE) tri's.  I've done over 40++ triathlons and 100 road running races ranging in distance from sprint/5K to Ironman (11:24) and marathon, including Boston.  These days, I am in it for fun and fitness and couldn't care less about my time like in my early days.  I am just happy to be still doing it 10 years later approaching 40 years of age.  As a matter of fact, I am in the 40-44 AG in 09 although I don't "age up" officially until mid-November.  Other than being a full time devoted wife and mother I manage the financial operations office at Emory University (new position).

Family Status: Married almost 16-years with one almost 12-year old daughter and one 17-year old German foreign exchange student, Greta, who will accompany us when I complete Escape from Alcatraz '09.  We have 2 dogs, Forrest and Jenny - name the movie. My husband is awesome and has been at EVERY race I have completed except one.  He rocks.

Current Training: Just added back some swimming, biking and weights after a nasty bought of achilles tendinitis.  I am very blessed to have a masters swim group at Emory University with a 50M pool indoor and outdoor.  Running - starting PT in January - my tendon feels good until I run.

This Year's Races: Escape from Alacatraz in June.  Escape made me fall in love with triathlons all over again.  Also, a sprint and olympic called turtle crawl - wonderful race.

2009 Races:  I got into Escape from Alcatraz again!!!  Also, I am signed up for IM Cozumel and then got the nasty tendinitis.  If I can't run enough by then, I will swim and bike and either walk or DNF.  It is non-refundable, at least I will get a great, supported swim and bike out of it!  Also, I will do 1-2 XTERRA triathlons.  I am not willing to risk rupturing my tendon for any race - I want long term fitness.

Weightloss: I don't usually weigh myself, but I am sure I have gained 15 pounds since the tendinitis.  At least.  Just for yall, I will weigh myself.  I want to weigh 115-120 but am probably more like 135ish.  I got an Oprah-esque attitude with my weight with this latest injury.  I will get it off, period.  I have already started and think I've lost ~5 pounds because the clothes fit better.

Edited by Anditrigirl 2008-12-17 7:25 PM
2008-12-17 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN

I would like to join your mentor group. Let me know if I fit the bill. I'll try to fit in and stay accountable.


Name: Chris
Story: 31 years old and got hooked on multisport while training for my 1st tri in 2008.
Status: Married for the past 3 years with 2 kids; a 13 year old and a soon to be 2 year old. I work as a paramedic in South Carolina. So, between my family life and work schedule I have to be creative about training time. It keeps it interesting.
Current Training: Right now I am finishing up the base building phase of the BT Winter Cycling Program being run by our own Jorge. At the end of the 2008 season I realized I needed to work on my limiter which is the bike. I plan on starting my running base program and a strength program after the 1st of the year in an effort to increase mileage because I want to run some longer foot races before my half distance next September.
2008 Races: Only 2 sprints but I learned a lot from both. I started training late in the season as I was initially training to run an adventure race which I had to drop out of so I began to train for a 5K. Hadn’t run since high school so it was a challenge. Tri training came out of that. Like I said I’m hooked.
2009 Races: At least 3 sprints scheduled right now maybe a 4th and the SC Half to cap off the season next October.  I also want to run a half mary as well as some 5 and 10 K’s to keep me on task.
Weight loss: Last January when I was seen at my doctor’s for the stomach flu I was 250lbs. When I ran my 1st triathlon in August of 2008 I was 207lbs. I have gained 8 lbs back for my current weight of 215lbs. I would love to be under 200lbs by the end of 2009. My goal is really 190lbs.
Why: Easy. This season I want to take my training more seriously. I learned a lot last season and was amazed at the science that goes into tri training. Being a science nerd and in the healthcare field I really can see the benefit to having a good understanding of nutrition and specificity of training regiments in order to benefit the multisport athlete. Plus I want to win my age group at the American Warrior Sprint Triathlon.

2008-12-17 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN
My name is Todd and I've been doing sprints for 4 years. I have three boys and started getting fit so I can be active in their lives. I have since caught the bug. Last year I did a sprint, 2 olypics, a couple 10ks to half marathons and an adventure race. My goal is to do a full IM in 2010. In 2009 I am planning on doing 2 HIM. Last April I was a lean 160 and have grown to 178 as of late. I am looking for others who will help me work hard through the beginning of the year so that I am ready to race in the sprints and olypics instead of just doing them. I am willing to put in the time and effort and tend to do more when I know others are watching.

Please let me know if there is room for me.
2008-12-18 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN

Edited by aarondavidson 2008-12-18 8:02 AM
2008-12-18 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1856164


Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hope there's room, Cos' be happy to join in this group

Name: Carl

Story: I have been in the Royal Air Force for 22 years :-o and completed my 1st sprint this year, since then the bug has well and truly bit. Started out after nearly 30 years of rugby and just wanted something to keep me fit and active for work !!!!!

Family Status: Married with 2 female dogs. I've got a very supportive wife who has just finished in the service and doesn't completely understand the addiction of the sport but is willing to do a local sprint in May too:-).

This Year's Races: I'd done 2 sprints this year, only to find that I'd ruptured the medial ligament in my knee the week before the 1st race.....and i wondered why I was sooooo slow ! so it's been physio and rehab since Aug.

2009 Races: Got 3 sprints lined up in May, the RAF Sprint Champs in July and 1 'middle distance' (70.3) in Sept.

Weightloss: Yes please ! Plan to be around 215 / 220 for the season

Main Aims: Not to be last :-) and to show the 'young 'uns' that us oldies can still be quick :-)
2008-12-18 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1861218

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN


Main Aims: Not to be last :-) and to show the 'young 'uns' that us oldies can still be quick :-)

 HAHA just got beat me first then I'll say that " oldies can still be quick :-) "

2008-12-18 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN

Room for one more from Syracuse?


this program sounds great!


Name: Mike

Story: Two years ago, I was 6', weighing 260 lbs. Over 6 years of marriage, we had 3 kids and I gained a little bit of baby weight with each kid, except I never took it off after birth!! Started running end of 2007, did a few 5ks, 15k, and completed the NYC marathon in 3:59:38, :22 ahead of my under 4 hour goal....I am happily married to a great wife"mrs.cusetri" and we have 3 great boys, 5,3 and 1.  training is definitely a partnership as hours to train are few and far between.

Status: Currently training based on a Friel training plan, around 5-7 hours a week. Weight 186 or so, want to get down to a cool 175 by season.

Current Training: 6-7 days per week, each sport 3 times with weight training. training is in log for past couple of weeks.

2008 Races: just a weekly training series of 400 yard swim, 10 mile bike and 3.1 mile "official" races.

2009 Races: Kueka Lake. only one registered for. Plan on doing 5 sprints and 1 Olympic end of season

Weight loss: 13 lbs or so by June 1. want to weight 175

Why: There's nothing like the start line before a race. months of training, prep and sacrifice to compete like you once did in your teen years. I love the sensation of competing and the training that goes with it.


Edited by cusetri 2008-12-18 5:29 PM

2008-12-19 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1858567

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group
vm354 - 2008-12-17 11:09 AM

I guess we can get another RI guy in on this group...

Name: Vin

Story: 33 YOA. Got back into multisport after a 13 year lay off and +100 lbs. Completed a bunch of sprints and a 70.3.

Status: Married with and amazing wife and amazing 9 week old son!

Current Training: Mostly running as I am road racing a lot. Trying to get in the pool at least once per week. No bike until January.

2008 Races: Sprints in the Clyde division. Mostly top 5 five finishes. One 70.3 that turned into a death march.

2009 Races: RI 70.3 and a bunch of sprints starting with the Sheriffs in April. Put in for the lottery.

Weight loss: 5'9" -- Currently hovering at around 226. Down from 278. Want to get down to 200. Long term 180.

Why: Looking for motivation to get off of the plateau I am currently on. Times are dropping for me but could be dropping a lot more if I was a bit lighter.




   Welcome aboard.  Awesome job on the weight loss, you and I can drop the same amout together.  Oh yeah, CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!  Time to lose the sympathy weight.  Good luck (if you consider getting picked luck) on the lottery, think I will wait a year or two before I attempt it.

   I am going to dig through everyones logs, if they have them, over this week.  Let us know what your weakness is.  Mine is food, btw.


2008-12-19 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1858851

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group

runrachierun - 2008-12-17 12:29 PM I'd love to join, although I'm an Army vet, not a squid! :-) NAME: Rachel STORY: I am a civil litigator from Seattle, Washington. I completed my first season of tris in 2008 and did 5 sprints. I've done three half marathons. I am very competitive, but have not dedicated myself to training because life seems to get in the way! FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for less than one month and have two dogs. CURRENT TRAINING: I am (trying to) follow the RunnersWorld SmartCoach program for a half marathon on March 22, 2009. THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 5 sprints with little training. Now, I want to train and actually compete for AG placement. 2009 RACES: I am doing a few half marathons, my first full (Rock n Roll Seattle on 6/27), the Moses Lake Olympic Tri in early June, the Trek women's tri, the Subaru Women's Sprint, and Lake Stevens 70.3. I am also doing the Seattle to Portland Cycle, Chilly Hilly, and the MS 150 ride. WEIGHTLOSS: II weigh about 145, which is way too much for me. I want to lose 20-25 pounds in 2009. I am looking forward to being a mentee!

 Hello Rachel and welcome aboard!  This looks like it is going to be an awesome group.  I believe we cover the whole spectrum, from experienced to novice, and sprints to IM's.  Let us know if there are any areas you need help or a push in, seems we all (or pretty much all) want/need to lose some weight too.

 BTW, I won't hold being a grunt agaist you!


2008-12-19 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1859383

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group
devouahy - 2008-12-17 3:11 PM

Hope you still have room! 

Name: Hans

Story: 37 Yrs Old, got back into triathlon a little over a year ago because of a partial kidney failure, and being well over 300 lbs. By training, and setting goals, managed to aggressively loose a lot of it, and now down to 220 lbs, and hanging over that for the Holidays.

Also currently on a break from doing IMAZ last month, and having a set back from a foot infection. But all healing pretty good. Looking at a very promising year for 2009!

Come from an athletic background as a kid, and looking at performing better than I did back in my youth, hoping for the Olympics someday. Oh yeah, also a former Navy person, but got out in the 90's after beeing recruited within the Goverment side.

Status: Married with an amazing wife for 4 1/2 years and also with 2 female dogs in the house. One is a White German Shepard and the other is a Bloodhound. Great dogs.

Current Training: Right now, laid up from a foot infection but healing nice. Seeing doctor this afternoon to get release for some minimal exercises. Hoping for good diagnosis. But focussed 2008 to perform Ironman Arizona in November, and managed to finish it, barely! Feet are paying right now. Hoping to really focus, and be real steady on my training.

2008 Races: Did HIM California, then a Sprint, then an Olympic, and finalized the year with IMAZ. Had a total of 4 races, and happy with it.

2009 Races: Have 3 HIM's that I have registered for, then planning on a very few Sprints and some Olympics distances. Hoping for a total of about 8 - 12 races. Also throw a few 5K's, 10K's, and maybe some Half-Marathons. Those are strickly to be thrown in for training purposes.

Weight loss: 6'0 - Was well over 300 lbs, and now at 218 lbs's plus what ever the Holiday those since I'm layed up. But goal it to be down to 182 lbs by the end of 2009.

Why: I have set myself some very high goals for 2009-2012. Hoping to achieve each goals each years for the ultimate race in 2012. Need accountability to stay focus when I travel so much.


   Anyone that lives in one of my favorite cities is welcome.  Sorry to hear about the foot, hope it is healing well and you got a good pronosis!  AWESOME JOB ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!  You have already shown more commitment than many people I know by losing that much weight.  Looks like you are looking forward to a busy year, we are here to help keep you motivated and trained up, anything you need, let us know.  BTW, are you a free diver?


2008-12-19 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1859532

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group
sma777 - 2008-12-17 4:09 PM


 Another RI'er here, be happy to join in this group

Name: Sean 

Story: I did my first sprint this year which also meant it was my first competitive running, swim or cycling race ever. Never liked running unless it was get to the front of the beer line , only swam at the beach and my mountain bike had been hanging in the garage for about 5 years.

Family Status: Married with 2 children and dog. Very supportive wife who doesn't completely understand the addiction of the sport but sees the value in the training hours.

Current Training: Working on my main limter which is running. I'm also hitting the weights and taking spin classes a couple of times a week. I'm looking to hit the pool again in Jan.

This Year's Races: I did one sprint in Aug and did ok. MOP in the clydes.

2009 Races: I'm looking at a 1/2 Mary in May some sprints and and Oly in the summer. I may shoot for the FIRM 70.3 in Sept depending on how things go.

Weightloss: I'm at about 195 (no more clyde division for me) down from about 230. Would like to say goodbye to at least 15 more before May.


Looking foward to working with a group and bouncing ideas around while staying motiviated.

 Hello Sean, good to see another RI'er here.  I was going to do the FIRMan but backed out because I was not trained up for it and that made the RI 70.3 painful enough.  I plan to do it as my second HIM of this year.  There are actually quite a few Tri's in this area so should go well.  If you have any weak or strong points you can give tips on for the group feel free, we are all here looking for the support of each other and any advice that is available.  Feel free to ask anything too.


2008-12-19 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1859798

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group
xcrunner2010 - 2008-12-17 5:39 PM

If there is room I would love to join

Name: Callum 

Story: 16.  Started running in 3rd grade, every day in 6th grade.  XC Started in 9th.  Bought first roadbike in May 2006.  2nd year racing and third training, Swimming (need the help here though I PR every day because I'm getting alot better.

Status: 16 Have a mom and two sisters

Current Training: SBR

 Running / Swim PR's: (only roadbiking last year) 5k=18:20 four days ago.



Spritn tri's=1:14hr

2009 Races: A sprint Oly and hopefully they'll let me into a HIM.

Weight / height: 5'6-Highest weight ever (117)  Hills are my Friend (BIG RING)


 16, wow, you may be the youngest poster on this forum.  It is awesome to see the younger crowd getting interested in Tri's.  Tking my two oldest daughters to do a kids Tri in June.  Should be cool.  Weakest is swim and strongest is run huh?  I was the opposite last year and this year I am starting from scratch.  I think you can do a HIM as long as you have the permission signed by a parent.  I will check and let you know what the USAT rules are.  You like hills too huh?  Not me, hate'm, and the RI 70.3 has a couple good ones on the bike and a monster on the run.  I am going to be digging through everyones logs so hopefully you are keeping them up to date.  Train hard and stay safe.


2008-12-19 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1860001

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group
Anditrigirl - 2008-12-17 8:13 PM


I have read your posts on COJ and would love to join your group!  U R KEWL.

Name: Andi (short for Andrea)

Story: First tri in 1999.  I am proud that I am still going after several injuries and life interruptions over the years.  ALL the people I started "tri-ing" with no longer compete in (or in my case nowadays COMPLETE) tri's.  I've done over 40++ triathlons and 100 road running races ranging in distance from sprint/5K to Ironman (11:24) and marathon, including Boston.  These days, I am in it for fun and fitness and couldn't care less about my time like in my early days.  I am just happy to be still doing it 10 years later approaching 40 years of age.  As a matter of fact, I am in the 40-44 AG in 09 although I don't "age up" officially until mid-November.  Other than being a full time devoted wife and mother I manage the financial operations office at Emory University (new position).

Family Status: Married almost 16-years with one almost 12-year old daughter and one 17-year old German foreign exchange student, Greta, who will accompany us when I complete Escape from Alcatraz '09.  We have 2 dogs, Forrest and Jenny - name the movie. My husband is awesome and has been at EVERY race I have completed except one.  He rocks.

Current Training: Just added back some swimming, biking and weights after a nasty bought of achilles tendinitis.  I am very blessed to have a masters swim group at Emory University with a 50M pool indoor and outdoor.  Running - starting PT in January - my tendon feels good until I run.

This Year's Races: Escape from Alacatraz in June.  Escape made me fall in love with triathlons all over again.  Also, a sprint and olympic called turtle crawl - wonderful race.

2009 Races:  I got into Escape from Alcatraz again!!!  Also, I am signed up for IM Cozumel and then got the nasty tendinitis.  If I can't run enough by then, I will swim and bike and either walk or DNF.  It is non-refundable, at least I will get a great, supported swim and bike out of it!  Also, I will do 1-2 XTERRA triathlons.  I am not willing to risk rupturing my tendon for any race - I want long term fitness.

Weightloss: I don't usually weigh myself, but I am sure I have gained 15 pounds since the tendinitis.  At least.  Just for yall, I will weigh myself.  I want to weigh 115-120 but am probably more like 135ish.  I got an Oprah-esque attitude with my weight with this latest injury.  I will get it off, period.  I have already started and think I've lost ~5 pounds because the clothes fit better.


   Sorry to hear about the rupture.  Hope all goes well with the PT.  Sounds like a smart move to look long term vice short, but man, missing Cozumel has got to be killing you, of course doing at least part may help.  great to hear you work with foreign exchange students.  Does she know anything about Tri's or just dragging her along?  I would love to do Alcatraz.  I have family up in Ukiah and stop in every great once in a while.  May have to put in for it next year.  Keep us up to date on the injury and how all is going.


2008-12-19 10:37 PM
in reply to: #1860210

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN
chrisemt - 2008-12-17 10:10 PM

I would like to join your mentor group. Let me know if I fit the bill. I'll try to fit in and stay accountable.


Name: Chris
Story: 31 years old and got hooked on multisport while training for my 1st tri in 2008.
Status: Married for the past 3 years with 2 kids; a 13 year old and a soon to be 2 year old. I work as a paramedic in South Carolina. So, between my family life and work schedule I have to be creative about training time. It keeps it interesting.
Current Training: Right now I am finishing up the base building phase of the BT Winter Cycling Program being run by our own Jorge. At the end of the 2008 season I realized I needed to work on my limiter which is the bike. I plan on starting my running base program and a strength program after the 1st of the year in an effort to increase mileage because I want to run some longer foot races before my half distance next September.
2008 Races: Only 2 sprints but I learned a lot from both. I started training late in the season as I was initially training to run an adventure race which I had to drop out of so I began to train for a 5K. Hadn’t run since high school so it was a challenge. Tri training came out of that. Like I said I’m hooked.
2009 Races: At least 3 sprints scheduled right now maybe a 4th and the SC Half to cap off the season next October.  I also want to run a half mary as well as some 5 and 10 K’s to keep me on task.
Weight loss: Last January when I was seen at my doctor’s for the stomach flu I was 250lbs. When I ran my 1st triathlon in August of 2008 I was 207lbs. I have gained 8 lbs back for my current weight of 215lbs. I would love to be under 200lbs by the end of 2009. My goal is really 190lbs.
Why: Easy. This season I want to take my training more seriously. I learned a lot last season and was amazed at the science that goes into tri training. Being a science nerd and in the healthcare field I really can see the benefit to having a good understanding of nutrition and specificity of training regiments in order to benefit the multisport athlete. Plus I want to win my age group at the American Warrior Sprint Triathlon.


   Great job on the weight loss, now we can work to keep it off.  My wife is a Nurse and is always commenting on the EMT's, you guy's need to keep your hands to yourself    Trust me I know about life getting in the way.  Seems like even when I get time to myself I don't get time to myself.  Training at O dark thirty is my only time alone.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but man!!  Let us know what your strength and weakness' are so we can give and get input.


2008-12-19 10:41 PM
in reply to: #1860218

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN

klauser - 2008-12-17 10:18 PM My name is Todd and I've been doing sprints for 4 years. I have three boys and started getting fit so I can be active in their lives. I have since caught the bug. Last year I did a sprint, 2 olypics, a couple 10ks to half marathons and an adventure race. My goal is to do a full IM in 2010. In 2009 I am planning on doing 2 HIM. Last April I was a lean 160 and have grown to 178 as of late. I am looking for others who will help me work hard through the beginning of the year so that I am ready to race in the sprints and olypics instead of just doing them. I am willing to put in the time and effort and tend to do more when I know others are watching. Please let me know if there is room for me.


   Definately room.  My goal is a full IM in 2010 also.  Other than the fact that you aren't out of shape or overweight, I would put us in the samme category.  I will look through your logs, as I am sure everyone else in the group will, and keep tabs on your training.  We are all here to help each other, as one we may fail, but together we will succeed!


2008-12-19 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1861218

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - OPEN

CarlT - 2008-12-18 12:53 PM Scott, Hope there's room, Cos' be happy to join in this group Name: Carl Story: I have been in the Royal Air Force for 22 years :-o and completed my 1st sprint this year, since then the bug has well and truly bit. Started out after nearly 30 years of rugby and just wanted something to keep me fit and active for work !!!!! Family Status: Married with 2 female dogs. I've got a very supportive wife who has just finished in the service and doesn't completely understand the addiction of the sport but is willing to do a local sprint in May too:-). This Year's Races: I'd done 2 sprints this year, only to find that I'd ruptured the medial ligament in my knee the week before the 1st race.....and i wondered why I was sooooo slow ! so it's been physio and rehab since Aug. 2009 Races: Got 3 sprints lined up in May, the RAF Sprint Champs in July and 1 'middle distance' (70.3) in Sept. Weightloss: Yes please ! Plan to be around 215 / 220 for the season Main Aims: Not to be last :-) and to show the 'young 'uns' that us oldies can still be quick :-)


   If you played rugby that long Tri's should be easy.  Hope the ligament is healing well.  Great to hear your wife is going to race too.  I wish I could convince my wife, probably makes convincing her to buy stuff easier.  BTW, never forget, Old age and treachery always win!  


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