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2005-06-09 2:19 PM

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Helena, MT
Subject: Kiddies at the pool rant....

So yesterday, I went swimming in the afternoon rather than the morning so there were a lot of munchkins there. I wasn't bothered while swimming, but after I finished up and headed into the locker room. I was starting to change into my clothes when a woman with a daughter who's probably 5 or 6 and a son who was probably 3 or 4 (I'm guessing, my exposure to kids is minimal, so I have no idea about them). Their locker was just across the aisle from mine.

The mom is getting the boy dressed and he's just STARING at me. By me, I mean my breasts and my naughty bits. I know, it's innocent and natural and he's just learning about the human body yada yada. But show the damn kid a medical book or something. I don't want to be learned on. Maybe I'm uptight, but it just isn't cool. There's a family changing room right next door. So I promptly hide in my towel while getting dressed.... re-living the awkward junior high locker room scenario.

So at this point, the mom has got a shirt on the kid but nothing else. He does a weird little dance then rips arse quite loudly and obviously thinks it's the coolest thing he's ever done. That's fine. I agree, farts are funny. Four years old or twenty-four.....

Now for my favorite part. The kid just decides that since that fart was so awesome. Why not just pee everywhere. So he puts his hands on his hips and lets loose with it. Kinda wags it around to ensure that everything within 180 degees is urine-soaked (fortunately, not me) and laughs like the dickens! So despite the fact that I don't have a top on yet, I go for my shoes immediately. The mom just gave him a gentle, "No-no, we do that in the potty, not on the floor." And continued to dress him. She didn't apologize or ask her daughter to go ask for some cleaning supplies. She just keeps on doin' what she's doin'.

Again, this is why family changing rooms exist, is it not? Now I'm going to be wary of every puddle on the locker room floor. If I forget flip-flops, I ain't going to the pool. I don't even want to think about what this kid did IN the pool. Or what kids his age do in the hot tub (why are little kids even IN there?! Do the parents just think "I'm not sure that there's enough urine in there, better throw Tommy in"?)....


2005-06-09 2:26 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

Funny story, K.

Obviously the woman has neither a clue nor a brain in her head. I would certainly bring this to the attention of the facility's management (maybe email 'em a link to this thread).

Edited by the bear 2005-06-09 2:28 PM
2005-06-09 2:36 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
Never go into the pool locker room, showers or deck without flip-flops.
2005-06-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

She may not have been aware of the family locker room. If you see this again, just say in an innocent, helpful way "Oh, there's a family locker room right down the hall with private changing areas." If you get flack, the next move is to go to the management.

As to Mom's handling of things, well it's obvious you were simply unable to appreciate the extent of little Johnny's cuteness, or that his curiousity is much more important than your desire to  be comfortable in a clean locker room.

Mom was either trying to keep from screaming, or she's incapable of acting as if her kids are anything less than perfect.

I have little ones and I wouldn't be caught dead with them in any locker room but the family one. In a hot tub? That's insane.

2005-06-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
OMG! And I thought my pool time was bad yesterday at lunch with all the little ones in the locker room who thought it sounded really cool to scream at the top of their lungs and here it reverberate back from the lockers. My ears were ringing in the short time it took me to dress! Wonder how much Valium that woman had taken?
KIDDING! Just joking!

Edited by pippen 2005-06-09 2:43 PM
2005-06-09 2:48 PM
in reply to: #171981

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

pippen - 2005-06-09 12:43 PM OMG!  Wonder how much Valium that woman had taken? KIDDING! Just joking!

I said the exact same thing to my boyfriend last night when I was ranting to him about it! LOL! Maybe we are sisters....

Before going in to the pool there was a girl with her two sisters and her mom in there. Well, you know those little spinny baskets to dry out your bathing suit? One of the girls was standing on the bench next to it, leaning on it with all her weight (which activates it) the ENTIRE time I was getting ready to go swim. It was still running when I headed out there! I sooo wanted to lecture her about a) not burning out motors that are only meant to run for a few seconds at a time, b) respecting things that aren't hers, c) paying taxes for stuff like that. Argh!

2005-06-09 3:04 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

I have to admit, I got a good laugh out of the kid ripping one. Like you said, always always always funny. My smile quickly turned when you got to the peeing part. Should've given him a swirlie to teach him a good lesson!

Comment overheard from 7 y/os in the locker room a short while back:

Kid 1: Check this out. I have the coolest undies EVER!!!!

Kid 2: Oh! Those are awesome! Can I wear 'em?

The other nite I was swimming in a lane next to a mom who had her 5 (or so) y/o daughter there playing on a floaty noodle thingy. About half way down, the water got noticeably warmer and only for a short stretch before it cooled off again. I can tell when they're heating the pool and that wasn't it. Although there wasn't any discoloration and (disgusting part) it didn't taste any different, for the rest of my laps I couldn't shake the thought of swimming through pee. That is, until I remembered I grew up swimming in the Mississippi River. The girl's cannonball right in front of me (aimed for her mom) wasn't tons of fun either, but just because it shocked me half to death!

2005-06-09 3:09 PM
in reply to: #172011

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
himself - 2005-06-09 1:04 PM

Should've given him a swirlie to teach him a good lesson!

Didja ever play with lizards as a kid? Y'know what happens? Well, I was too worried about that to pick him up!!!! LOL!

Soooo, did kid 1 let kid 2 borrow his undies?! LOL! That's hilarious. Kids can be either fabulous or horrible and there's not much in between. (Indicator #256 you shouldn't have kids yet... you consider them mostly horrible).

2005-06-09 3:14 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

EEWWWW...always wear flip flops

Along the same lines there were a bunch of kids playing some sort of basebal game inthe pool involving hitting tennis balls with kick boards.  Nothing like dodging flying tennis balls while doing a fromer swim.  At least they weren't peeing on the pool deck....

2005-06-09 3:16 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

What a story. My pool has a notice posted that prevents children under age 3 (of the opposite sex of the dressing room used) from using the dressing room. Now, given that, the sort of mother who doesn't blink when her adorable tot is doing a hoochey dance, passing gas, or relieiving himself would not think this sort of rule could possibly apply to her little darling.

This is the exact reason I swim at 5:30 a.m.


2005-06-09 3:16 PM
in reply to: #171955

NC Illinois
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
Look, if you don't like the way my wife and I raise our kids ... then just say so. (<-- joke)

If that little kid were me, I would have had a picture phone. "$10 or this picture circulates the internet." =)

On a serious note ... the family should have been more conscious of others in the locker room. I usually have my wife bring my son out to the YMCA to swim (he and I together) after the adult swim (me alone) hours. We are in and out of the locker room as fast as possible, since no one seems to notice a 4yo in the locker room and augment their speech and/or topics. Doesn't seem like many people, regardless of situations, are considerate of others.

Edited by TripleThreat 2005-06-09 3:30 PM

2005-06-09 3:19 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
Funny thread! It's summer swim camp time at the rec center where I swim and it's a zoo there also. The place has an awesome pool and easily the most disgusting locker room floor you've ever has a permanent puddle under the (only) bench. I refuse to walk around barefoot in there and regularly go outside to dry my feet off and put my street shoes on.

Today I was leaving and wanted to rinse off; two little boys were playing in the shower and wouldn't leave, even when I asked them if they were showering or just playing. We seem to have loads of obese parents who bring their kids to the pool, then sit down and go comatose on the bleachers, while their kids rampage in the pool, locker room, wherever.

Several times I have asked children who were playing in the locker room where their parents were and, if they said "outside" I've told them to quit playing in the locker room and leave. Mostly, they obey..I'm probably known as "scary yelling locker room guy" now.
2005-06-09 3:22 PM
in reply to: #172027

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

KendallF - 2005-06-09 1:19 PM  Several times I have asked children who were playing in the locker room where their parents were and, if they said "outside" I've told them to quit playing in the locker room and leave. Mostly, they obey..

Uh, looking at your avatar... I think most children as well as adults would obey you... Big muscley dudes in lime green shorts are a little unsettling.

2005-06-09 3:25 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
No one under sixteen in the regular locker room at my gym/pool. The family locker room policy is enforced pretty well. Although, that doesn't stop the old men from getting in the hot tub wearing pee-stained tightie whities and having a good soak in the moderately warm water. I think the only way to fix that problem is to move the hot tubs outside.
2005-06-09 3:33 PM
in reply to: #171955

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Littleton, CO
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

For the first time I recently swam on a Saturday at the Rec Center.  Maybe I’m finally approaching adulthood.  I had the last lane adjoining the play area at the pool and had to tell the rugrats what the lane lines were for – to keep them from getting hurt in my lane!

Then in the locker room the 11 year olds were using the shower bay as their private water park.  Every shower on hot so they could run in circles through 12 showers screaming like 2 year olds.  I intentionally took the middle shower and turned off each adjacent shower and peeled off the speedo.  Scared ‘em to death that I would be in the shower nekkid! J  As I left to dry and change, they decided they were done and decided to get out and leave all the showers on.  I think I turned red in the face I was sooo annoyed.  I walked over and told them to get in there and turn off the showers and clean up their mess before they left the locker room.  I was disappointed they didn’t lip off, even a little  

I’m done swimming on Saturday’s, but I’ll never, ever chance leaving my jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers in a locker without a padlock!

2005-06-09 3:43 PM
in reply to: #171955

The Emerald City
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

Fun thread. 

Heard in the pool locker room recently:

Male child:  Hey, I need a clean diaper.

Mom: Ok, go get one out of my bag in the locker.

Now, I may be old fashioned, but if a kid can ask for diaper... isn't he a little too old for a diaper?    I guess I should just be happy that he understood what a diaper is for and didn't pee on the floor like the kid in Kim's locker room. 

2005-06-09 3:43 PM
in reply to: #171955

Sydney Australia

Edited by misscullen 2005-06-09 3:45 PM
2005-06-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: #171955

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St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

HAHA farts are funny, pee is not funny.

At the pool Monday, the kids all came to swim inside due to a storm.  As I got down to the shallow end while swimming laps, the water became noticeably cloudy due to sunscreen, dirty feet, and other kid ickiness. Ew. Thank goodness for chlorine.  I did cut my swim a little short tho, it was grossing me out.

2005-06-09 4:41 PM
in reply to: #172070

Subject: ...
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Edited by Gwozdzilla 2005-06-09 4:41 PM
2005-06-09 4:42 PM
in reply to: #172011

Extreme Veteran
Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
Just think of the cannonball as ow training.

2005-06-09 4:49 PM
in reply to: #172045

NC Illinois
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
Every shower on hot so they could run in circles through 12 showers screaming like 2 year olds.

That sounds fun.

I intentionally took the middle shower and turned off each adjacent shower and peeled off the speedo.

ThrillKill =)


slovegreen ...

I did cut my swim a little short tho, it was grossing me out.

Oh c'mon ... you haven't lived until you've given your (or a kid) kid a big kiss and then learned AFTERWARD that they had a runny nose ... or until you've lifted you toddler over head and had them drool, spit up, puke on your face-neck-chest. That's living, baby! =)

Edited by TripleThreat 2005-06-09 4:53 PM

2005-06-09 4:57 PM
in reply to: #172104

St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....

TripleThreat - 2005-06-09 3:49 PM [ ------------------------------------------ slovegreen ... I did cut my swim a little short tho, it was grossing me out. Oh c'mon ... you haven't lived until you've given your (or a kid) kid a big kiss and then learned AFTERWARD that they had a runny nose ... or until you've lifted you toddler over head and had them drool, spit up, puke on your face-neck-chest. That's living, baby! =)

Indication #432 you aren't ready for kids....

2005-06-09 5:07 PM
in reply to: #171955

Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
kimj81 - 2005-06-09 1:19 PM
Do the parents just think "I'm not sure that there's enough urine in there, better throw Tommy in"?)....


I'm sorry Kim, I do feel your pain, but I have a 4 yr old son and I'm ROFLMAO. I'm probably one of those parents people bitch about but I swear I'm doing my best. We only have 2 locker rooms (M&F) at our little local pool, so if DH isn't with us I'm stuck with the ladies and the little boy. If I sent him into the men's by himself he'd probably ... pee all over the floor. Comment very loudly on the size of everyone's penis. Go to the toilet and scream for someone - ANYONE - to wipe his bottom. But he does NOT have a picture phone!
2005-06-09 6:24 PM
in reply to: #172123

Extreme Veteran
Western Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
CLLinIA - 2005-06-09 6:07 PM
kimj81 - 2005-06-09 1:19 PMDo the parents just think "I'm not sure that there's enough urine in there, better throw Tommy in"?)....


I'm sorry Kim, I do feel your pain, but I have a 4 yr old son and I'm ROFLMAO. I'm probably one of those parents people bitch about but I swear I'm doing my best. We only have 2 locker rooms (M&F) at our little local pool, so if DH isn't with us I'm stuck with the ladies and the little boy. If I sent him into the men's by himself he'd probably ... pee all over the floor. Comment very loudly on the size of everyone's penis. Go to the toilet and scream for someone - ANYONE - to wipe his bottom. But he does NOT have a picture phone!

I'm with you, CCL.  My just-turned six year old frequently informs people that he has a penis under his clothes.  Dancing around with hands on hips spraying pee around is a thing of the not-too-distant past.  Having a penis is FUN, dontcha know. 

Probably the kid wears diapers when he isn't changing, and/or is so new in his potty training that he couldn't hold it anymore.  Just be grateful he peed in the lockeroom versus the pool.

Hmm, come to think of it, isn't being covered with pee a normal part of triathlon training?  I'm hearing about just how "wet" those wetsuits get, and then of course there's that male freedom on the bike.  And if you think that Y lap swim is clean just because the children aren't currently in it, well, you're fooling yourself because they were in it an hour ago.

2005-06-09 6:49 PM
in reply to: #171955

Subject: RE: Kiddies at the pool rant....
Ok, yesterday I had an experience at my neighborhood pool that left me in tears. Every time I go there I have to tell the kids to give me a lane. Despite having a cool waterslide and humungous play areas in this pool, all the older kids want to play in the lap lanes. So yesterday I go and the only other people there are a friend of mine and another lady I know with their kids who of course are playing in the lanes while the rest of the huge pool is completely empty. So I tell them to give me a lane, but twice a kid crosses right in front of me and of course they are hanging on my rope too. After the second kid crossed me I got out of the pool yelling and screaming and left. It made me so mad that even when the only other people there are my FRIENDS I STILL cannot swim in peace.
Of course I apologized for acting like a complette jerk and cursing in front of the kids. But the one lady totally ripped me a new one and didn't even apologize for letting her kids break the rules of the pool! We don't have a lifeguard, so unless the parents give a hoot the kids are free to run amuk.
OK, I feel better now. Sorry about the novel length post.
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