Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Favourite things about Winter Training. Rss Feed  
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2011-12-17 4:21 AM

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: Favourite things about Winter Training.
Well it is -24 here in Timmins this morning and I am looking forward to a frosty trail run with my 4 legged gal today, the trees look beautiful covered in fresh snow, I don't worry about my pace because its way too slippery and cold to really push anything, but my absolute favourite thing about the cold weather runs...

Two words..

"Snot Rockets!"

What do you guys like about the cold?...

Edited by justinfss 2011-12-17 4:28 AM

2011-12-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3941897

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Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

I like going out for a 5:30 a.m. run at this time of year and passing by houses that have left their Christmas lights on all night. So festive!

(I realize that if I ran at night I would see a lot more, but if I don't get out in the morning then I'm not likely to get out at all!

2011-12-17 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3941897

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

I would have to totally agree with the whole snot rocket thing

Can't get enough

2011-12-17 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3941897

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The Nation's Frosty Capital
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

Coagulation of snot into rockets such that they are safely dispelled as missles.

I love the cold for the promise of warmth later on.

2011-12-18 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3941897

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2011-12-19 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

I would have to say all the darkness and cold....just gives you all that energy and push to go out and run instead of staying in on a nice warm couch!   Even driving the 5 minutes to the pool.... LOL


2011-12-19 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Port Colborne, Ontario
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

For me, nothing.  Can't wait for spring. Laughing

I left for for my 16k run yesterday no snow on the ground and sunny.  From my turnaround point I saw dark clouds over Lake Erie and 10 mins later it started snowing...hard.  This is what it looked like about 5k from the end of my run;

But today, it's all melt again and calling for 8C & rain on Wednesday.

2011-12-19 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

Getting a hot latte after a sunday run.  That truly is my favourite thing. I do love the quiet - the trails are much emptier, there is definitely a solitude to enjoy.  I love how pretty light snow can be.  I also love how getting out in the cold makes me feel tougher and that extra mental toughness goes a long way when the training weeks get bigger and more tiring or a race is feeling particularly difficult.  I know I ran in x cm of snow, with bone-chilling winds and if i can do that i can do anything! At least that's what I tell myself!

Second is watching tv while riding the trainer.  This only lasts for so long but I can get a bit caught up on things I didn't see while I was busy outside over the summer. 

2011-12-19 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3941897

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
Lower heart rate.  Sounds dumb, but I suffer in the heat, and being able to run at a harder/faster pace while the body just ticks along without over heating is thoroughly enjoyable.
2011-12-19 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3941897

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

I love the feeling of pushing my feet through the snow.  That squishy roll and push you do.  I feel it gives you a better calf workout too!  And the quiet tranquility of it all.  Being toasty in my clothes with a cold nose.  Wearing sunglasses because the sun reflects so brightly off the snow.

Last year I was driving through blizzard-like conditions - much like the photo above and saw one lone runner - on the back of his jacket was the ironman symbol.  Says it all.

2011-12-20 12:15 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

is....nothing, I need to move south

2011-12-20 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.


Sorry to be the debbie downer, but I hate biking indoors all winter and I hate running outside in the winter.  It is trecherous here with the sidewalkds and cars.  Biking inside is okay once in a while, but driving 45 minutes to London at 7 am on Saturday morning to ride my bike sucks.  If I didn't drive in, I would a) be trucking my bike all over the place all winter and b) probably die of boredom on my trainer.

2011-12-20 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3945394

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

Edited by cmcculloch14 2011-12-20 6:58 AM
2011-12-20 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3945394

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
Daffodil - 2011-12-20 7:19 AM


Sorry to be the debbie downer, but I hate biking indoors all winter and I hate running outside in the winter.  It is trecherous here with the sidewalkds and cars.  Biking inside is okay once in a while, but driving 45 minutes to London at 7 am on Saturday morning to ride my bike sucks.  If I didn't drive in, I would a) be trucking my bike all over the place all winter and b) probably die of boredom on my trainer.

7am Saturday?  You must be in Sheri's bike class at Reynold's!

2011-12-20 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
I hate winter training. I thought about it and tried to find some positive things to say but NOPE. I hate the cold, I hate the snow and I hate the ice. I don't mind being on the trainer or driving thirty minutes to the gym for a spin calss or run on the treadmill but I would much rather do those things outside.

But on the bright side this past month has been great

2011-12-20 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
I like the first run in the snow.... when it's falling gently.  They don't maintain sidewalks here - so I spend the rest of the winter running on the roads and getting honked at and flipped off by cars going by.  Which is always good for morale.  I do like spinning a little ... it gives me time to catch up with friends.  But for the most part - I'd spend winters somewhere hot if I could.

2011-12-20 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3945466

Orangeville, ON
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

I was born and grew up in lower latitudes where winters are milder. I have been living in ON for 9 years now and I still have to fight with myself almost every time I go out for a winter run/jog. I love snow and I don’t mind low temp if it’s sunny, but I hate to go out in windy and cloudy days. These restrictions leave me a small number of days to enjoy my winter runs.

My indoor rides are much more doable since I started using the Spinervals DVDs. I’m actually enjoying them. I plan to do some long indoor group rides this year to see how I like them.

What I really love about training in winter is watching the snow through the glass wall while swimming at my local pool.

2011-12-20 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3945428

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
cmcculloch14 - 2011-12-20 7:58 AM
Daffodil - 2011-12-20 7:19 AM


Sorry to be the debbie downer, but I hate biking indoors all winter and I hate running outside in the winter.  It is trecherous here with the sidewalkds and cars.  Biking inside is okay once in a while, but driving 45 minutes to London at 7 am on Saturday morning to ride my bike sucks.  If I didn't drive in, I would a) be trucking my bike all over the place all winter and b) probably die of boredom on my trainer.

7am Saturday?  You must be in Sheri's bike class at Reynold's!

Nope, Jodie's class as multisport zone!  (class starts at 8, but you have to be there 15 minutes early to get a good spot and it is a 45 minutes drive for me

2011-12-21 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3946225

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
Daffodil - 2011-12-20 2:02 PM
cmcculloch14 - 2011-12-20 7:58 AM
Daffodil - 2011-12-20 7:19 AM


Sorry to be the debbie downer, but I hate biking indoors all winter and I hate running outside in the winter.  It is trecherous here with the sidewalkds and cars.  Biking inside is okay once in a while, but driving 45 minutes to London at 7 am on Saturday morning to ride my bike sucks.  If I didn't drive in, I would a) be trucking my bike all over the place all winter and b) probably die of boredom on my trainer.

7am Saturday?  You must be in Sheri's bike class at Reynold's!

Nope, Jodie's class as multisport zone!  (class starts at 8, but you have to be there 15 minutes early to get a good spot and it is a 45 minutes drive for me

Riding a trainer at home is worse that 2 hours of driving?  To each there own, but I'd rather run outside than drive 10min to run on a treadmill or drive to ride a different trainer/spin bike.  The trainer is also part of my weekly training year round, so when winter hits it's not so bad.

2011-12-21 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3947570

Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
GoFaster - 2011-12-21 8:36 AM [

Riding a trainer at home is worse that 2 hours of driving?  To each there own, but I'd rather run outside than drive 10min to run on a treadmill or drive to ride a different trainer/spin bike.  The trainer is also part of my weekly training year round, so when winter hits it's not so bad.

I'm with you - I don't like riding the trainer compared with outside - but I'd rather do it at home than drive anywhere to do it.  (Although I do drive my stuff over to Tech_Diver's house to spin sometimes.... just for the company.)  My bike is WAY more comfortable than the spin bikes at the gym.

I borrowed a treadmill last year and it was awesome - for those nasty days.  I have to be really desperate to drive to use the treadmill. If it's that awful out I'll usually substitute a swim.

Can't wait to get back on my bike for "real" rides - not just commutes.

2011-12-21 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3947570

Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
GoFaster - 2011-12-21 9:36 AM
Daffodil - 2011-12-20 2:02 PM
cmcculloch14 - 2011-12-20 7:58 AM
Daffodil - 2011-12-20 7:19 AM


Sorry to be the debbie downer, but I hate biking indoors all winter and I hate running outside in the winter.  It is trecherous here with the sidewalkds and cars.  Biking inside is okay once in a while, but driving 45 minutes to London at 7 am on Saturday morning to ride my bike sucks.  If I didn't drive in, I would a) be trucking my bike all over the place all winter and b) probably die of boredom on my trainer.

7am Saturday?  You must be in Sheri's bike class at Reynold's!

Nope, Jodie's class as multisport zone!  (class starts at 8, but you have to be there 15 minutes early to get a good spot and it is a 45 minutes drive for me

Riding a trainer at home is worse that 2 hours of driving?  To each there own, but I'd rather run outside than drive 10min to run on a treadmill or drive to ride a different trainer/spin bike.  The trainer is also part of my weekly training year round, so when winter hits it's not so bad.

I'm riding my own bike not a spin bike.  I should clarify - I leave it in London all winter since I work there so it is convenient during the week, just not of the weekend.  That being said, I need to do zone 4 work, and if I ride my trainer by myself, I get lazy and ride in low zone 1.  I find it hard to push myself without the motivation of others.


2011-12-22 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3941897

Cambridge, Ontario
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

cross country skiing, the training adaptation from running in snow (reinforces high knees, foot plant under centre of gravity, and just plain makes you work harder), the silence of the trails when everything is covered in a blanket of snow, and the wonderful smiles of people you encounter on a crisp, cold but sunny day in the woods.

for those who think the trainer is boring, go get yourself some videos from - you'll never be bored again, though i take no responsibility for that puddle of bodily fluids under your trainer.


-mistress k

2011-12-23 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3949587

Extreme Veteran
Acton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

- crunchy snow when you are out on a cold morning

- the quiet (I personally love running every Christmas morning before anyone is awake - no cars, no people, just you and the open trail or road).

- not being accountable for holding a particular pace. There is just no way to gauge improvement in running speed or cycling speed over the winter. Its nice to train for a while based on effort alone, and helps you know better understand your limits without having to look at an HR monitor or power output.

2012-01-06 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3941897

Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.

OH I love winter training, especially running, sure beats the heck out of sweating buckets, fighting heatstroke, and struggling with heat exhaustion. One of my best open availible training slots is at lunch 1& a half hrs, which works great spring, winter & fall but really blows come the hot hot weather. I may only miss 4 or 5 days over the course of the winter here due to conditions being too extreme where I have to move in on my TM, but when I do have too I am glad I have it  to use even though I dispise the Damm thing. I even got in an outdoor bike ride on the 26th of Dec as the roads were clear and the temp was around 30F, I said the heck with this pulled the bike off the trainer, changed the back wheel and got in 20 miles before my feet about froze off. ( I definately need to get some Booties)

Spring & fall single track trail runs are my most favorite time & place training though followed closely by a nice early morning ride along the paved  river  path system here.

Edited by RRH_88 2012-01-06 2:40 PM
2012-01-06 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3951384

Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Favourite things about Winter Training.
crmorton - 2011-12-23 10:17 AM

- not being accountable for holding a particular pace. There is just no way to gauge improvement in running speed or cycling speed over the winter. Its nice to train for a while based on effort alone, and helps you know better understand your limits without having to look at an HR monitor or power output.

Okay - this is one thing I LOVE about winter (well ... offseason in general) .... the Garmin goes away and I just go by feel. 

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