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2012-06-20 4:32 PM


Subject: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

I know max HR is very different for different people, but this puzzles me. I am using Fink to train for IM Wisconsin, first time being diligent about HR training.

I am 53 years old, 5'10", 173. Following Fink closely so in pretty good shape. Last time I fooled around with a HR monitor was 12 years ago - maxed out at 190 doing hill repeats on my mountain bike. I have not done the 5k run test he suggests to get a good measure (I know, I should), so was using the VERY rough guideline of 220 - age. I rounded to 170 and did zones off of that.

I do hill repeats (running) once a week - about .8 mile long road, guessing 6% or so grade, enough to really tax my legs, lungs, and HR. The max I have seen my HR is at 161 when I am killing myself on 3rd trip up, right at the top. Maybe could get it a touch higher but barely.

I am trying not to do the guy thing and think "this is low, should be higher, so will train higher" but this just seems low to me.  If it is accurate, my Z2 training should be backed off a bit, but does not feel like it needs to be.

Am I thinking about this wrong? 50 year old plus guys - what is your max HR? Should I just accept 160 and chill, or would 5k test reveal higher?

Thanks for any input.


2012-06-20 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

220-age is useless.  Do the test.  HR ranges are INCREDIBLY individual.

And yes, z1 and z2 feel ridiculously easy for most people.  We have an ingrained desire to run too fast on easy days.

As for me - I'm 50 years old.  I have no idea what my max HR is (not sure what max HR would really be used for), but my running zones (from field test here on BT) are:

Z1: up to 141

Z2: up to 150

Z3: up to 158

Z4: up to 166

For a race reference, I ran my last half marathon at 163 average, with the last few miles at 170.  I ran my last 5k at 174 average, with the ending HR at 185.

2012-06-20 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
Not quite over 50 (yet), but the 220-Age doesn't particularly work for me.  I did a half-marathon last year and averaged 181 BPM over 1:46.  I was talking to my mom (well past 50) and she says she routinely hits 175 BPM doing intervals on the track (so I blame her). 
2012-06-20 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4272386

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

McFuzz - 2012-06-20 6:15 PM Not quite over 50 (yet), but the 220-Age doesn't particularly work for me.  I did a half-marathon last year and averaged 181 BPM over 1:46.  I was talking to my mom (well past 50) and she says she routinely hits 175 BPM doing intervals on the track (so I blame her). 


Your mom does track intervals? How awesome is that??

2012-06-20 5:23 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

I can remember hitting 178 routinely on a hilly course when I was your age.  Max heart rate is not a particularly useful number by itself.  People are quite different in max heart rate.

Everybody wants to know how much and how fast should they should train.  It is useful to have a normalizing number to characterize the differences in athletes.  A lot of research suggests that your running speed at lactate threshold (RSLT) is a good key for setting up training.  Here's a decent article that I pulled up.

In this article, their field test RSLT without drawing any blood is just the speed you can sustain for 30 minutes.  From that number, a coach can design a training program that will be somewhat calibrated to your ability and conditioning.

There are lots more of theories and recommendations. I am sure you will get more from your question.  Good luck. 

2012-06-20 5:32 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
I don't do HR training, but based on spot checking my HR from time-to-time at various effort levels, I'd say 220-age is less than useless.  I'm 52, so max HR would be 168 based on that and all I can say for sure is that mine is significantly higher.

2012-06-20 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4272309

Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
It's just a guideline, get a test to find yours.
2012-06-20 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Laguna Beach
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

The "Age... minus" calculations aren't very good for determining max heart rate. I'm 50 and I hit 180, 181, even 183 BPM on a hard run for a spike. I had heart surgery and a stroke too.

An easy run for me is an average of 150 BPM +/- 5 beats per minute. A smokin run is just north of 175 average heart rate.

I'm of the school of thought you should not compare heart rate metrics. You are what you are. It's like comparing shoe size or height. There isn't too much you can do about it. It's highly contingent on your stroke volume or the effective size of your heart. If you have a smaller volume heart you may be acclimated to higher heart rates- a heart like a humming bird. If you have larger stroke volume then its probable your caridac rate is lower but you're moving the same amount of blood, just more volume per beat.

2012-06-20 7:40 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
max HR is 199 bpm per my LT test...I tried to break 200 but just couldn't get there...on very hot days I have had it to 204...never seen it higher than that...
2012-06-21 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
199 LT/VO2 test.  I'm 41 so I consider myself "older" but others may not.
2012-06-21 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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Oliver, BC, "Wine Capital of Canada"
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
I'm 56 and max h/r is around 170

2012-06-21 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4273116

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
I'm 48. Last year's max was 195.
2012-06-21 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

I am also 53 years old.  As others have noted the 220-age is a generic formula and is not an accurate formula for everyone.  For a 53 year old the 220-age equals a Max HR of 167 bpm.  In a 5k earlier this year I averaged 170 bpm over the last mile.

I did this Max HR test on my treadmill earlier this year:  1) 5 minute warm up at a moderate speed 2) 3 minutes increasing speed each minute to raise HR 10 bpm 3) 1-2 minutes at maximum effort until my HR quit rising.  The result of this test gave me a Max HR of 184, 17 bpm higher than the 220-age formula.

2012-06-21 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

Here's a good article on Heart Rate Training and easy field tests to determine your zones for both cycling and running:

2012-06-21 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
The 220-age is even more useless when you don't account for your resting HR. max is in the mid 170's - I'll hit that when I go all out at the end of 5k. My "cruising speed" is closer to 150's, which is hard for me to maintain - I keep finding myself creeping to low 160's. When I want to do slow and long, I'll try to be in the 135-145 range.
2012-06-21 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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Eastern Shore Maryland
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
I'm 53, my MHR is 193. As many other have said 220-age is to generic.

2012-06-21 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4272309

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Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

46 here - max rate that I have been able to get on a run is 168.  And that is doing 400 repeats at 5:10 pace, which for me anyway, is flying.

My HM pace (8:00/mile) is usually in the mid 140s.

Everyone is different

2012-06-21 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4272309

San Antonio
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

I'm 64. Been active for 40 plus years training for four plus years with HRM.  My max is 175 with absolute maximum output (trying not to be chicked).  Stress tested last year...Doc set up for 160 max heart rate... when I got to 160 12 minutes into the test no problems he said ok keep going... got to 170 at 15 minutes and he said no problems no need to continue.

Another doc (a runner) was more interested in recovery rate time <3 mintues from 170 PBM to <120 PBM.

Bottom line general charts are useless.  Keep your own chart over a couple of weeks different workouts different activities then you will start to define your Max.

2012-06-21 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?

At 58 My tested Max is 173... I can run for quite awhile at 168/ 170 but anything over 170 for more then around a minute and it will be Pukes ville on the side of the road for me very shortly.

I actually inadvertently tested this again a couple of weeks ago I was doing a 5K , over the last mile I was running right at 168, it finished with a short  150 ft climb up a steep hill to the finish. I crossed thru the  timing blocks stopped bent over to catch my breath and promtly before I knew it  left a deposit on the ground, thoroughly embarrased to say the least, havent done that in years, review of HR data confirmed I spiked at 176 going up the hill, that  little push up the hill was enough to do it.

2012-06-21 12:49 PM
in reply to: #4273260

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
rserna - 2012-06-21 10:37 AM

I'm 64. Been active for 40 plus years training for four plus years with HRM.  My max is 175 with absolute maximum output (trying not to be chicked).  Stress tested last year...Doc set up for 160 max heart rate... when I got to 160 12 minutes into the test no problems he said ok keep going... got to 170 at 15 minutes and he said no problems no need to continue.

Another doc (a runner) was more interested in recovery rate time

Bottom line general charts are useless.  Keep your own chart over a couple of weeks different workouts different activities then you will start to define your Max. I know MY coach is big on the recovery Time too, and like to use that as your level of fitness.


Wow that's great at 64, I am just hoping to stay where I am at and maybe just get a  bit higher to say maybe 176/178.

Edited by RRH_88 2012-06-21 12:50 PM
2012-06-21 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
Female, 43, MHR about 169. so much less than 220-age.

2012-06-21 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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New user
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
46 yr old male.  I can get up to 195 doing short running interval sprints. As mentioned, 220- age = useless.
2012-06-21 5:06 PM
in reply to: #4272309

41° 4' 36" N 71° 56' 10" W
Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
My onw 2 cents and my own observations:

I would be highly suspicious of any training that uses heart rate other than as a very rough guide. I would think in this day and age a more sophisticated approach would start with calibration based on resting heart rate too. Blood pressure response to exercise (at a certain HR) could further calibrate where your HR zones should be.

I've had great fast runs where I felt strong and my heart rate was x, and runs where I thought I was killing myself, was coninced my HR was at least x+ 10, but my heart rate was actually a bit lower. Anybody ever have this?

My own resting HR < 45 and max about 130, thanks to beta blockers. My blood pressure response to exercise is similarly blunted.

Without the BBs resting HR 55-58 and max almost 180. 49 years old. I noticed as I got better conditioned, my max HR was lower - it was harder hitting that max. I could run faster for longer, but my my HR was lower than when I was trying to get into shape.

Similarly, after exercise, the more in shape I got, the faster my HR would drop after strenuous exercise.
2012-06-21 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
I can maintain 160-162 during a run, but I don't want to push it more than that as I am solidly in Z3.  I love triathlon training but love my heart more.
2012-06-21 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4272309

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Subject: RE: 0lder men - what is your maximum heart rate?
I'm 55 and can't get to 170 even at the end of a 5k where I feel like I'm ready to puke.
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