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2012-07-17 8:15 PM

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Subject: IM time predictor from 70.3
I have seen a guide of double + 1hour to compare 70.3 time to IM time. Anyone care to share their numbers to prove / disprove this thory?

2012-07-17 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
in 2010 I did 6:15 in my half, and 13:52 in my full.  double plus an hour would be 13:30.  I spent a lot of time in transitiion and stopped to talk to my family several times on the run.  I think that race day I could have gone 13:30 if I were so motivated.
2012-07-18 3:53 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
My 70.3 was 7:52:48 and my full distance was 16:13:09. This was even after spending about 20 mins. In the warming tent after the swim. I am a slow but steady type of person.

Edited by suefesta 2012-07-18 3:57 AM
2012-07-18 4:17 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
I've been wondering the same thing.... I would guess that how well that prediction would hold up might depend on a number of factors, including fitness for IM (getting in the longer workouts and/or additional volume/intensity to get ready for a race that's twice as long), and similarity between courses and race conditions. My GUESS is that this is probably pretty close for a lot of people, but that it could go up to maybe 30 min in either direction. My most recent HIM was 6:02, but my IM course is going to be on more challenging terrain, and I've never done anything nearly this long before.... I'm figuring on 14-ish hours, but I will race based on effort, and the time will be what it will be. My main goal is to finish the race, and hopefully pace well enough so that the run doesn't turn into a complete death march...
2012-07-18 7:17 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

Those that do a 5-5:50 HIM, double and add an hour is a higher percentage of their time than someone that does 7+ hour HIM.

Conditions and race course play into how accurate this estimate is.

My HIM times are 6:36-7:05, and my IM times have been 16:33, 16:23, 15:26, and 16:53

First 2 IMs were in more hilly terrain than my HIM and last IM I was injured.

2012-07-18 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4316983

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
HIM time 6:01, IM time 14:26.  HIM was harder because I pushed myself to the limit.  My IM, was more about enjoying the day.

2012-07-18 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4316983

Northern IL
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
It's only a very rough guide to help get you in the ballpark for what to expect. Things like course conditions, course difficulty, how hard you push, training volume for each, etc, can each make a rather noticeable difference.
2012-07-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
This is a yes and no.  Compare courses of your HIMs and your IM.  I raced 6 hours flat at Boise 70.3 and raced approx 6:30 at chelanman HIM.  Now chelan was a loop course and much hillier on the bike and the run.  Boise was a flat run with a net elevation loss on a point to point bike.  My IM time at IMCDA was 13:50:49 so the 2xHIM + an hour would have been off based on Boise but pretty spot on based on Chelan.
2012-07-18 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
I was a little longer.  Went 4:43 in a tune-up HIM about 9 weeks before IMCdA.  Ended up at 10:55 for the full.  There was a big difference in courses, though, in that the HIM I did was very flat and very little wind and IMCdA was not flat and a little windy!

Edited by Patrick E 2012-07-18 9:51 AM
2012-07-18 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

I'll tell you next weekend...

I went from a 5:36 at my first HIM to a 13:45 the following year at my first IM...on the same course (Vineman, 70.3 then Full).  However, I wrecked a hamstring in a fall less than three weeks before the IM, which pretty much ruled out a representative run...which brings up the big caveat in a thread like this:  The prediction is obviously going to be based on "all things being equal."

For me, they haven't been (equal) so far in my first two IMs, but I'm hoping for a more optimal IM result next weekend.  Went 5:25 in my last HIM and I'm honestly looking for something between 11:45 and 12:15 based on training (which would pretty much fit the X2+1 formula).

2012-07-18 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
In 2010, my HIM time was 6:31 and my IM time was 13:56 so my times were about what the predictor said.  We'll see what happens this year in November.  

2012-07-18 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

I'm gonna get another crack at this in a month. I did IMMT 70.3 in 4:54. Will be interesting how I do at the full. Weather has a huge impact on me. In the heat on the run, I wither. Hoping it won't be super hot at the end of August that far north. Also, there was ZERO wind on the bike at the 70.3, which gave me an out of this world (for me) fast bike split.

I did do a 12:05 at Placid last year, but in my opinion, that is a much harder bike and run course than IMMT.

What I am getting at is that it can be too hard to compare these types of races to one another. Too many variables! There are few opportunities to race a half and a full on the same course.

Edited by wstchstrTriathlete 2012-07-18 1:28 PM
2012-07-19 6:27 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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New user
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

course is the biggest difference, I have done it 2x First HIM was 6:38 I got a little dehydrated that day then went on to post a 13:31 at B2B

Second time I did a PR 5:42 at Kinetic HIM with no taper 6 weeks out then... a 13:55 at IMCDA you might think what happened ? actually nothing CDA was way harder as a matter of fact I would say between 90 minutes and 2 hours harder then B2B, My Marathon time was faster at CDA that just told me that you can't compare flat sea level course to freakin climbing the Canadian Rockies.

So conditions and course really make it difficult to predict 

2012-07-19 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4318358

Extreme Veteran
NE Ohio
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-07-18 2:25 PM

I'm gonna get another crack at this in a month. I did IMMT 70.3 in 4:54. Will be interesting how I do at the full. Weather has a huge impact on me. In the heat on the run, I wither. Hoping it won't be super hot at the end of August that far north. Also, there was ZERO wind on the bike at the 70.3, which gave me an out of this world (for me) fast bike split.

I did do a 12:05 at Placid last year, but in my opinion, that is a much harder bike and run course than IMMT.

What I am getting at is that it can be too hard to compare these types of races to one another. Too many variables! There are few opportunities to race a half and a full on the same course.

Agreed, and even when you can do both on the same course, they are in different seasons, which usually equates to different fitness levels, comparatively speaking. Doing an HIM and IM in the same season most likely gets you in the same fitness level department.

From the numbers people are throwing out, a rough average does seem like 2XHIM +1hr however.

2012-07-19 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
So if this theory is true, would it work the opposite way?  I did an IM last year in 12:49 and I have my first HIM in September.....SO than accorrding to the theory if I take half the time and subtract 1 hour than I will finish my HIM in ......................approx 5:25.....that would be great but not likley.  Just wondering....but I guess I will find out come September....
2012-07-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
I think your math is off. If we assume the formula is correct, you would subtract 1 hour from 12:49, then divide in half.

11:49 / 2 = 5:54.5

2012-07-19 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

Last year I did Augusta in 6:05.  Followed 6 weeks later at IMFL with 13:19.  So pretty much right about in line.  Of course with a 17 min transition I might have thrown off the curve   Also took it pretty easy in FL.  Had a great day. 

This year looking to go sub 6 hr in Augusta and around 12:30 at IMFL.



2012-07-19 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4319948

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

wbattaile - 2012-07-19 11:58 AM I think your math is off. If we assume the formula is correct, you would subtract 1 hour from 12:49, then divide in half.

11:49 / 2 = 5:54.5


got ya.....yes I divided first than subtracted...

2012-07-19 12:03 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
It's been surprisingly accurate over the years for me..

Most recently:

4:58/half -> 10:55/full Same course(B2B), conditions were somewhat adverse for the full.

2012-07-19 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

So many factors to consider, but from what others have said, this seems like a decent "guideline" from which to START a prediction.

Just a few factors that would add/subtract, possibly with a significant impact on time would include terrain, temperature and fitness. As was also pointed out, 1 hour on a 10 hour IM vs 1 hour on a 16 hour IM is very different as a percentage of the time.

I did my first HIM, the very challenging Auburn Half on May 20, with 6k feet of climbing on the bike and about 1.5k of climbing on the run. The first 500-800 of my swim was horrible, but a learning experience that I will take to the Vineman next Saturday the first Full. At Auburn, I did a 5:32 (lost about 6-8 minutes due to a wrong turn on the bike and then a dropped chain 3/4 mile from T2...had to run with my bike the final 3/4 mile!) this "baseline" of "x2+1 hour" would predict at 12 hour full....the terrain on the Vineman is hilly, but nothing like the 1/2 that I did....the temp should be comparable, but my fitness has continued to improve. I'm expecting sub 11 hours, with a 10:30 being my goal time....but, as I've been told, you just don't know how your body will react to a full until you've done it!

(Oh, I have installed a "chain catcher" so I'll never drop that damn chain again!!)

2012-07-19 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

This is obviously very much a "rule of thumb." 

For me, my half PR is 5:23:26 and my IM time was 11:31:39.  So about double plus 45min.

2012-07-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

I think the guideline also depends on who you are and your physiology.  My half iron PR is 4:35 and my iron PR is 9:32- set about a month apart- that is 2x + only 20 mins- but I am a kind of "one speed only" guy- i.e. i got about the same speed for a sprint as for an ironman (i.e. i am much better at ironman).  I have clients who are the exact opposite though- huge short distance power, but no endurance.  

But overall watching a lot of athletes racing halts and fills id vote for the 2x + 1 hour thing- but it only works if you compare comparable courses.

2012-07-20 11:42 AM
in reply to: #4317343

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Vancouver (not Canada) Washington (not D.C.)
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3
KathyG - 2012-07-18 5:17 AM

Those that do a 5-5:50 HIM, double and add an hour is a higher percentage of their time than someone that does 7+ hour HIM.

I think this is a great point. I looked back and my HIM times last summer were from 5:38 - 6:08 and I did a 12:38 at Vineman last year. The best predictor for me was using a race calculator and doing best and worst case scenarios to give me a range. I used the following;
2012-07-20 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4316983

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: IM time predictor from 70.3

I think it's more just a fun numbers game than a guide.

That said, in July 2010, I was 5:44 at Musselman (double + 1 hour would be 12:28).  At IMFL in November 2010, I went 12:34.  Similar courses with similar weather conditions and consistent training between.


2012-07-21 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4316983

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