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2013-12-18 5:45 PM

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
GROUP FOCUS: eating clean (your version of clean, not mine); any distance/experience triathlon

NAME: Enders_Shadow, a/k/a Kristen

STORY: I'm a busy working wife and mom. I started triathlons (and joined BT) back in 2007 and had a couple of good years. Then I got hurt, got depressed, and got fat...pretty much did nothing for a year. Starting at the end of 2011, I started running again. Ran through 2012 until October 2012, when I finally got back into triathlons. I started 2013 with the hare-brained idea that I would do a HIM - successfully completed in September 2013! Now I'm starting 2014...actually ending 2013...with the even crazier-bat-winged idea that I will do an IM in 2014. IM-Louisville, here I come!

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids (aged almost 9 and 11). One kidlet is a travel soccer player, the other is on a youth tri team. No, I have no spare time (except to play on BT)! (I also have a stupid dog...)

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently in maintenance mode between my last 1/2 Mary of 2013 (in November) and the beginning of my training plan on January 12. I'll be doing BT's 20-week HIM plan, followed by the 12-week Bridge to IM. My big races for 2014 include a marathon in March, Raleigh 70.3 in June, Muncie 70.3 in July, and IM-Louisville in August. My full race schedule is in my training log...and is ever growing at this point. Yikes!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: My 2013 race schedule looked like this:
January - 15K run
February - 1/2 mary
March - trail 1/2 mary
April - sprint (pool) tri
May - century bike ride
June - train
July - oly (OWS) tri; sprint (OWS) tri
August - mile river swim
September - HIM; century bike ride (cut short to 65 miles); mile river swim
October - 1/2 mary
November - 1/2 mary; 10K run
December - 5K run

2014 RACES: See CURRENT TRAINING section above, as well as my training log.

WEIGHTLOSS: For most of my adulthood I was heavy. But in January 2006, when my younger daughter was 1 year old, I weighed somewhere over 200 pounds. I don't know how much - I didn't step on the scales. At that time, my husband and I decided to lose weight and we started eating clean. The weight dropped off and I was down in the 160's by summertime 2006. After that, it got a little harder, but I made it to below-Athena (old USAT rule 150 pounds) in December 2007. I bounced around between 145-155 until I got hurt in 2009/2010. Then between the decreased activity and some depression issues, I ballooned up to 200 pounds again. With running in 2012, I stopped gaining weight, but I wasn't really losing anything.

I started 2013 at just under 190 pounds and started eating clean. And magic - the weight started coming off again. I've been hanging between 150 and 160 for the last 6 months or so. I'd hoped to be below 150 to start 2014, but that isn't going to happen. My weight loss goals for 2014 are to get back on track eating clean...the holiday season has been a real beast for me!...and get to a fighting weight of 140-145 for my IM. Don't want to be dragging too much junk in my trunk up the hills in Raleigh or Louisville!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've been a member of a few mentor groups and am stealing some of the good ideas those folks have had. I work best with accountability and I want to help you if that works for you - we can be accountable to each other. I have time, and although I don't play much in the forums, I check in with my logs and inspire nearly every day. I also have a blog that captures my thoughts and feelings as I train - I plan on bringing those thoughts and insights to my group as well.

Edited by enders_shadow 2013-12-26 1:42 PM

2013-12-21 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4915315

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
I am interested in joining this group! My name is Michelle and I have 2 sprint Tri's under my belt. I have run mostly 5ks and a 10k. My goal for 2014 is to race consistently mostly sprints and olympic distance. I have my first sprint either in April or May and I am ready to get started. I have lost about 30 lbs so far this year and working for 30 more in 2014. Happy to be here :-)
2013-12-22 10:04 AM
in reply to: michmich

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by michmich

I am interested in joining this group! My name is Michelle and I have 2 sprint Tri's under my belt. I have run mostly 5ks and a 10k. My goal for 2014 is to race consistently mostly sprints and olympic distance. I have my first sprint either in April or May and I am ready to get started. I have lost about 30 lbs so far this year and working for 30 more in 2014. Happy to be here :-)

Hi, Michelle! Happy to have you here!
2013-12-22 10:59 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN


Thanks for starting this group. It is exactly what I've been needing to get back on track for the new year

Bkg: Started triathlons in 09. I came from a cycling/roadie background, then added in running and swimming and it just progressed from there. Swimming is still my weakest area. I'm prefer longer course races and did IMFL 09 & 12 and IMTX 11. Last year was supposed to be a HIM focused year but I tore my lateral meniscus and ended up having to have surgery. After surgery I put on a few pounds mainly out of depression and lack of exercise. I started eating clean and really enjoyed the results and how I felt on a daily basis. But then I got busy/lazy and have gone back to my old ways of eating junk food. I really enjoy planning menus, pre-packing my foods for the week and trying new recipes. 

Family status: 50 year old female, married, empty nester with 2 kids (20,22). Elementary Physical Education teacher

Current Training: I don't really have an off season. Right now we're focusing a bit more on running and swimming while maintaining the bike. I had knee surgery 3/13 and am now just building my running back. The plan is to spend the first part of the year working on speed and shorter courses then transition into HIM and IM training. I would also like to add in more strength/core training during the winter months. January and February will be 5k and duathlon races with focused training for the upcoming year. Then we'll move back into sprint triathlons

Race Schedule: (***tenative)

Memorial Hermann 70. 3 or Sprint on 4/6


NOLA 70.3  on 4/14

Qualify for AG Nationals

Lots of sprints, Olympic races all season

HIM- September 


Weight Loss: I've always been relatively lean looking. After the kids were born I was at my highest weight for 4 years. When I started cycling most of the weight came off with exercise. However, now that I'm older I have to really watch what I eat in order to not gain weight. My goal is to focus on diet quality and nutrition instead of weight loss. I'm addicted to Diet Dr. Peppers and am embarrassed to admit how many I drink in a day. Kristen we may need to have a talk about how you got away from your soda habit. 

Why I'd make a good mentor: I've been in several mentor groups in the past. I really like meeting new people and learning new ideas. Like Kristen, I don't visit the main forums or post often. But I will send inspires and love being in a mentor group. Hopefully some of the clean eating ideas that have worked for me in the past will help someone else with their journey. I'm looking forward to having a group to be accountable with. Favorite new fitness gadgets: Vitamix, Fit Bit Flex and WIthings scale. My blog is private but I will add in group members to the friends list. 

2013-12-22 11:47 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Hi Kristen, I'd like to join your group.  Need to clean up my diet in the new year and drop a few pounds.  I'm working nights the next couple days and will have company over the holidays so will post a bio after christmas if that's ok.

2013-12-23 12:07 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Hi. I'd like to join if it's okay.

My name is George and I've been retired for 5 years. My wife and I have 4 kids (all in their 30's) and 6 grandkids. I'm addicted to pop (what you call soda) mainly Pepsi and/or Dr Pepper and I love vinegar on my chips and potatoe chips. I am able to resist pop but I do crave it fairly often.

I'm a recovering junk food junkie and I think I'm ready to make some changes in my eating. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's version of "clean eating" not so I can copy but I'm interested in what works for different people. My wife has been eating vegan for 6 months (she also avoids soy products) and she has lost 17lbs without making any effort to do so. I'm thinking I want to move somewhat in this direction but with a bit of meat and not so concerned about soy products. When I try to read about eating healthier I get frustrated by all the conflicting opinions.

2013 was my second Tri season. This year I participated in Bare Bones Duathlon (5K/33K5K) which was my hardest race of the year. Then I rode a 92K mediofondo; Lake Stevens 70.3 - LOTS of fun! Then I rode the bike portion of a relay team in Challenge Penticton - Loved it and next year I'll beat that 83 yr old Sister Madonna! I finished the season with an Oly at Cultus Lake which was a really relaxed great end to the season.

For 2014 I'm signed up for Calgary 70.3; considering Victoria 70.3 or Oly (same day); Bare Bones again; GranFondo Penticton (bike 160km); Challenge Penticton (the HIM course) and finish with Cultus Lake again. In 2015 I turn 65 so I'm thinking Challenge Penticton long course in 2015.

I started swimming, biking and running 2 yrs ago. I'm slow at everything. Swimming is my best sport so I'm about average paced (1500m in 31 minutes). I'm slowly improving on the bike but my running is terrible so I want to focus on running more consistently.

In 1998 about the time of my 1st grandson I weighed about 225 and I managed to get my weight down to the 190's then I discovered triathlons. During the last two summers I got my weight down to 175 for about a week then I shoot back up to the mid 180's. I'm not sure why I keep bouncing up and down but I'll work on it.

Looking forward to getting to know each of you and everyone else that joins the group. If you have any questions please ask.

2013-12-23 7:10 AM
in reply to: #4916648

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
I'd like to join this group as a focus on clean eating is important to me an my goals.

My name is Andrea. I'll be 44 in a few weeks. I'm married with an 8 year old son.

I've completed 2 sprints. I come from a swimming background. I picked up a treadmill when I turned 40 and eventually started running. Furthest run was 5 miles. I've done several 5ks, but definitely BOP. Biking is not strong either as I tend to stick to bike paths. I guess I'm intimidated by car traffic.

As for my weight, well...I've never been a thin adult. I'm happy to say that I've lost 35ish pounds since I bought that treadmill almost 4 years ago. I have 20+ lbs to go to be labelled as overweight rather than obese. That is a major goal for 2014.
2013-12-23 9:34 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Seems like this group would be right up my weight loss alley, if you'll have me...

NAME: chichitao / Tim

STORY: Started triathlons 6yrs ago as a way to stay in shape as I was getting bored with just running all the time. Always been a little heavy but kept my weight in a comfortable range over the years. I am the lose weight during the early part of the year, then gain some of it back over the winter type. Have done 20+ races ranging from sprints to HIM. Even qualified and participated in AG nationals in 2012. Decided to train for a marathon last winter and that is when the wheels fell off for me. Ended up getting injured on my last long run just weeks before the marathon with a stress fracture in one foot and a pinched nerve in the other. Couldn't race and could not work out at all for months. Got depressed, ate a lot of food, and got super lazy. Gained about 30lbs and would work out sporadically. I can now only fit into my "fat" jeans! And those are starting to get holes in them. Wife wants me to buy new jeans, but I refuse until I lose weight. Haven't been in a mentor group for years (and mentored a few groups myself a couple of years ago), but I really need the accountability right now.

FAMILY STATUS: 36yo married for 8yrs male (no kids, but 2 cat/kids). Wife is very supportive and is a workout fiend, but her workouts are the gym class variety. I enjoy and do 99% of my workouts outdoors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just getting back into running. Only sporadically right now, but I joined a work running group that will meet once a week starting in the New Year. Will also begin biking then as well. Swimming is not a limiter for me, so I will start that up again later in the season.

2014 RACES: Only thing planned is a 10k run in early April (free entry with my work run group) and then an Oly at the end of April. I need a race to motivate me for training. I will decided on other races a bit later.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am currently 6' 235. When in shape I hover around 205, but I really want to push that below 200 if I can. I don't play around with "diets" too often. I did try paleo last year and it just did not work for me. I know I need to just eat better foods and do better with moderation and portion control...for me it is the lack of willpower to do so. I am hoping the accountability on here will help get me back on track.

I look forward to getting to know you all and being able to help each other out!
2013-12-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: chichitao

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Welcome, everyone! Glad to have you join us - Tim, Andrea, George, Cathy, and Catwoman (do you have a first name you wouldn't mind sharing - although I don't mind calling you's cool to have a superhero in the group)!!!

If you haven't given us a full bio, please do when you have a chance.

As I sit here baking with my kids, I can tell you, clean eating isn't going to happen over the next couple days, but I look forward to getting back on track soon.

Question #1

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?
2013-12-23 11:24 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Question #1

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

I tend toward primal/paleo eating - nutrient-dense, not processed, low grain, low added sugar. I don't eat much dairy (except I'm chugging the eggnog today - oops! ) I do enjoy wine (and occasionally beer, but I'm trying to cut that down...I've been lying to myself saying that fermented wheat isn't really a grain...).

For me, I have two downfalls:
1) I get hankerings for fast food - usually Chic-fil-a.
2) I don't have a sweet tooth, until I eat something sweet, and then it's like the flood gates have broken. One cookie leads to a dozen.

So for me, it's just getting back to basics.

2013-12-23 1:12 PM
in reply to: #4917029

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
For a full Bio

Name: Screen Michmich/real: Michelle

STORY: I am desk jockey who crunches numbers all day. I got into triathlons a few years back (watching Kona will do that to you) with no background in any of the three disciplines. I played soccer in HS and that was extent of physical fitness. I did my first sprint tri a few years ago and took 4 years off because of a car accident (car vs. Me bicyclist). I did another sprint in November and ready for an awesome 2015 race year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with a four-legged kid

CURRENT TRAINING: I am doing much of nothing for December and start back up in January with a 3x a week program for each sport. Bike is my strongest leg...I have fear issues with OWS so lots of that. I am in FL so no weather issues.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: A couple 5ks, a 10k, A sprint a DNF in the swim (see above) and a sprint where I was DFL.

2014 RACES: I have to redeem myself on both races from 2013. The rest I have some bike events, 5ks, 10k and my first sprint Tri in April or May. I am focusing on only Sprint and Oly distance this year. My goal is to get to the middle of the pack versus in the back.

WEIGHTLOSS: I need to lose 30lbs to be all right with the world, 50 to be back to pre-accident me.

2013-12-23 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4917280

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
My definition of clean eating means food(s) that has been minimally processed, with minimal ingredients and no frakenfood. I am not anti-gluten or anti-fat. I am anti-chemicals and prefer to keep my foods local and organic.

I struggle with hunger. I am always hungry for the most part...and if I am not hungry...I can still eat o_O
2013-12-23 3:39 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Hi Kristen, I'd like to join too if that's ok? I desperately need to get back into healthy/clean eating...

NAME: Bullfrog/Andrew

STORY: 2009 I started trying to lose weight and get fit, I've had a few ups and downs but by December 2012/Jan 13 I was in the shape of my life, and successfully completed my first HIM January 2013. Since then I've slowly, but steadily lost fitness and gained weight until 12 months later here I am, to big and to unfit for my liking. I need to get things back on track, drop the weight again, and get my fitness back up to a respectable level.

Since I began my health and fitness kick, I've completed 1 Century ride, 4 x 100km Duathlons, 5 x Half Marathons, 9 x Sprint tris, 1 Olympic tri and 1 half Ironman. (None in any impressive times)

Also, FYI, I'm from NZ, so unlike most of you are currently in the middle of our summer. So my training/racing schedule will be a bit backwards compared to you guys.

FAMILY STATUS: In a relationship, but not married or living together. No kids or pets.

CURRENT TRAINING: Like I'm almost starting from scratch. Trying to rebuild my fitness. 2 trainer rides during the week, 1 long ride on the weekend. Running, not enough, but aiming for the Barry_P program, 3x15 min, 2x30 min, 1 x 45min run per week. The current goal is to get my weight back under control, There's no point worrying about race specific training at the moment. Also, carrying the extra weight makes training/racing so much harder. Which can be quite discouraging when I think back to how things were going this time last year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: My 2013 race schedule looked like this:
Jan: Ironman Auckland 70.3
March: Sprint Tri
April: Sprint Tri
May: Northern Crossing Duathlon
November: Sprint tri
Dec: Sprint tri

2014 RACES: 2-3 Sprint tris at the start of the year, The Northern Crossing Duathlon again in April, a HM in the winter, and all going well a HIM at the end of the year and Ironman NZ in 2015.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've always been big, and was never a natural athlete... In 2009 I lost almost 80lbs Since then It my wight has yo-yoed up and down. Unfortunately it is now at a high point, I'm the biggest I have been for several years. Realistically I need to lose 50-60lbs, I know that is a big number, but it's achievable, I have lost it before, I just need to keep it off this time.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone, and getting some extra accountability and motivation to stay off the junk food, and stay on the trainer.
2013-12-23 3:52 PM
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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Question #1

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

For me clean eating is home cooked meals, cooked with 'real' ingredients. i.e fresh meat/chicken/fish, fresh veg, eggs, grains etc. As opposed to processed/frozen/canned foods.

If the ingredients are things you understand it's probably clean, if the ingredients are something you have to look up like 'Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)' it's not so good...

I live on my own, So I struggle with the convenience factor of ready to eat meals, compared with the effort of cooking a fresh meal for 1 every night. It's something that I really need to fix if I'm going to get my weight and fitness back under control.

Edited by bulfrog 2013-12-23 3:54 PM
2013-12-23 4:09 PM
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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Hey Kristin,

I'd love to join your group.... I think this is what I need right now! Here's my bio:

NAME: yogachic/ Melissa

STORY: I started tris and joined BT in 2009 and was active for a while. I've done 4 sprints, 4 Olympics, 3 HIMs (and DNFed a 4th one due to piriformis issues and Plantar Fasciitis making it painful to run), 2 marathons, ~10? half marathons, and 2 5k swim races.

My achilles heel has really been plantar fasciitis, which appears to be caused by tight calves and hips. So I try to remember to foam roll and go to yoga regularly, but the longer I go, the less time I have for recovery techniques, and I just set myself up for getting hurt. I also have been less diligent with my nutrition as I got into the longer distances, as I was just finding I'm always hungry, and didn't make sure I was balancing my calories. SO the result is that I basically have gained 5-10 lbs each year since participating in tris!! I'm actually planning on stepping back from tris this year and focusing more on generally eating clean and leaning up, since it has just been frustrating not hitting my race goals. So I want to focus on body goals instead.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, with dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: None. I need to get back in a routine! I sort of gave up after my HIM this year since my hip, calf, and foot always tighten up after biking long distances, making it difficult/painful to run (which is my favorite leg!) Since then, I'd just been free-forming my exercise routine, running, biking, and swimming whenever I felt like it, with some yoga, lifting, and muay thai kickboxing thrown in there.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: For 2013, I only did 3 races: Kortelopet (14 mile xc ski race), Galena sprint, and High Cliff Half Ironman.

2014 RACES: Um, yeah. The only race I'm signed up for is a 5k swim on August 10. I may do some sprint or olympic distance tris this year, but my main goal for the year is to lose weight, get lean, and make sure not to aggravate my piriformis and my plantar fasciitis.

WEIGHTLOSS: When I decided to join BT and do a tri, I had come from a gym rat background and at the time was ~135 lbs and a size 4. Unfortunately, I also joined a tri club, which was full of fantastic athletes, who may not have had the best eating/drinking habits. I found myself going out to brunch after runs or burgers & beers after evening workouts. In fact, I developed a love of craft beers that I'm having a hard time letting go of, resulting in a beer belly . I've slowly gained 5-10 lbs each year, and now I'm around 175lbs and size 10-12!!!! None of my clothes fit, it sucks. I'd like to get back to my pre-triathlon physique, which involved me going to the gym and lifting weights and doing high intensity workouts, rather than slow and steady cardio. Obviously, I don't expect all the extra weight to come off at once, but I'll shoot for a steady 1-2 lbs/week weight loss, hopefully getting back to the 135-140 lb range before my birthday in September.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone! I have been MIA from BT for a while since I'd decided not to focus on tris anymore, but then I stumbled on this group and it looks exactly what I need!

Edited by yogachic 2013-12-23 4:11 PM
2013-12-23 4:26 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Question #1

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

For me, clean eating is focusing on lean proteins, veggies, good fats, and whole grains. I don't do low carb or Paleo or anything, but avoid simple sugars or overly processed foods. The exception is after hard workouts, where I might have a recovery drink if I can't get a proper meal within 30 minutes of the workout. And of course, by proper meal, I mean healthy, whole foods, not burgers, fries, and beer, which has unfortunately what my usual PWO meals have been throughout my tri career!!

Nothing to do with clean eating, but I'm also vegetarian. Not for nutritional reasons, only because I don't really like meat. I have actually considered starting to eat meat again since it's the easiest way to get lean whole protein, but I just haven't taken the plunge. I guess I'll see how the weight loss/ getting lean goes, and if I'm having a hard time, I'll start adding chicken and turkey to my diet.

The part I have the hardest time with is really the prep work. Part of the reason it's so easy for me to get off track especially once I started focusing on longer distance racing with 10-15 hrs/week of training, is that I have less time for cooking and food prep, so it's just easier to go out to a bar and order bar food. I'd have to focus on making better choices when eating out, or skip the fun and go home and cook more. Also, I have to be better about doing a lot of the food prep on Sunday so that it's not so much trouble to cook during the work week.

2013-12-23 5:07 PM
in reply to: yogachic

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Welcome, Andrew & Melissa! Glad to have you here!

I'm so with you, Melissa - prep work is tough, especially as things ramp up with training. Part of why I'm jazzed for this year to be my first IM is that I'm on a lightened work load through August - basically my work picks up again right after the IM. (I'm a professor with a sabbatical semester this spring.) Hopefully I'll have a little more time for food prep, etc., along with my training.
2013-12-23 6:15 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Sorry! I forgot to add in my first name to the bio- Rene

2013-12-23 10:39 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Originally posted by enders_shadow

Question #1

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

I tend toward primal/paleo eating - nutrient-dense, not processed, low grain, low added sugar. I don't eat much dairy (except I'm chugging the eggnog today - oops! ) I do enjoy wine (and occasionally beer, but I'm trying to cut that down...I've been lying to myself saying that fermented wheat isn't really a grain...).

For me, I have two downfalls:
1) I get hankerings for fast food - usually Chic-fil-a.
2) I don't have a sweet tooth, until I eat something sweet, and then it's like the flood gates have broken. One cookie leads to a dozen.

So for me, it's just getting back to basics.

So far I tend to eat home cooking, lean meats, lots of home cooked Asian type stir fries. I try to limit processed foods but I need to get better at eliminating them. I limit dairy but not completely and I'm careful about too much sugar although I do eat too many carbs.

I don't know what "Chic-fil-a" is.

My problems are:

- MIL lives with us and she bakes - constantly! I don't eat much of what she bakes but every so often I get weak and go crazy for awhile. We ALWAYS have ginger mound cookies - and tomorrow we'll have pumpkin pie. I am positive there are no calories in pumpkin pie.
- I love "Slurpees". Mostly I resist them but I do get weak on hot days after a long run. I do love the long runs though.
- On race days I need a better nutrition plan otherwise I rely heavily on maltodextrin.
- I really like the foods I cook - Thai red curry, chow mein, wonton soup etc. but it has all started to taste the same so I need to change up our menu plans.
- As a type 2 diabetic I need some healthier "snack" plans. I'm supposed to eat a protein/carb snack each evening. I find it hard to come up with a good variety of snack options.
- We have wine and beer in the house but I only very rarely partake. I believe moderate consumption is healthy I just don't think of it very often.
- I probably have many more issues but I'll think of them as we go.

We do eat at restaurants about 10 or less times per year and we eat lunches about 10-12 times per year.

I need to eat cleaner and I feel ready to make changes.
2013-12-23 11:27 PM
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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Question #1 

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

My definition of clean eating is real foods ( lean proteins, veggies, fruits, grains and dairy) and drinking more water. I don't personally believe in "dieting" or restricting foods. It is easier to have a clean diet when I add in higher quality foods frequently during the day. Planning ahead and pre-packing meals have been the keys to eating clean or healthier. 

Clean is not:  fast foods, chips, french fries, Domino's pizza, crackers, processed foods etc., 

I have a tendency to go overboard when eating out or drinking good dark beers especially during heavy build phases of IM training. I've gotten into the habit of thinking that I can eat whatever I want because of training. Normally my body needs the extra nutrients but the foods that I choose during those times are not nutritionally sound. I crave carbs and salty foods. I don't like sweets but if it's in the house then I'll eat it. I've gotten out of the habit of having salads with lunch and dinner. 

Goals for the Week: 

 -add back in my daily mid morning green smoothie. Green smoothie: spinach, carrots, ginger, cucumber, banana, strawberries, chia and flax seeds blended up in the Vitamix,

-get back into the habit of taking my iron and Vitamin D supplements on a daily basis.

-Drink 10 glasses of water a day 

-replace 1 Diet Dr. Pepper a day with Green Tea 

- start logging my foods (again) on My Fitness Pal.  


Edited by Catwoman 2013-12-23 11:45 PM
2013-12-23 11:36 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Unfortunately, I do know what Chik-fila is. I love their Spicy Chicken biscuits with strawberry jelly. That is my favorite post a.m. swim breakfast on the way to work. 

Since I normally swim almost every morning before work this isn't the best choice from a nutritional, diet or budget standpoint. lol... I just need to get back in the habit of cooking oatmeal and packing it in the Mr. Bento thermos so it's hot and ready after the swim. 

2013-12-24 7:33 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

My bio as promised:

 NAME: Cathy

STORY: Started running in July 1998.  My first race was the 2000 Ottawa Marathon.  Have since run several marathons, half marathons and many shorter races.  In Aug. 2006 was the runner on a relay team at our local tri.  Decided to do the race solo the next year so joined the Y and took some swimming lessons in Oct 2006.  Around this time I also found and joined BT.  Signed up for a bunch of races in 2007, starting with a sprint and finishing the season with a HIM.  In 2008 I did the Muskoka 70.3 which turned out to be the last tri I have done.  Our first grandchild came along in the fall of 2008 and family time took priority over training time.  In Oct 2009 I ran a half marathon with a friend and started down a long road of injuries and family issues that totally derailed any race plans I tried to make.  This year things have settled down somewhat and I've tried since Aug to get some running consistency again but I am dealing with yet another injury, which seems to actually be more related to my work than to my running.  Still trying to figure it out but plan to restart running this week after a 10 day break,

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 grown kids, 3 granddaughters

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly running this year.  I did set my bike up on the trainer a couple weeks ago.  Last spring I joined a local bike group and did a few rides with them but they spend more time eating than they do riding so won't be renewing that membership.

2014 RACES: Registered for Ottawa half marathon in May.  Goal is under 2 hours. (PR is 2:04)

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently at 141 lbs, would like to be under 130 in May.

Looking forward to being part of this group. 


2013-12-24 8:23 AM
in reply to: cathyd

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

hi - i've never joined a mentor group but would be interested in this one.  i KNOW for a fact clean eating is crucial to having the body i want, and just struggle with the accountability of it.  before i started tri-ing, i was a competetive bodybuilder.  i ate super strict and super clean but it's not really sustainable in a normal life.  as an extrovert, the appeal of triathlon was the sociability of the sport.  i'd like to somehow get to an 80/20 clean/cheat ratio but i just get lazy and undisciplined and make bad choices.  i'm getting "older" and just working out is no longer enough to balance off the daily trips to the vending machine at work!


name:  marilyn
age:  31
family:  married, 2 dogs
this past year:  focused on training for the chicago marathon, which i ran with BT member lisac957 and absolutely loved, but was detrimental to my figure!  
this coming year:  planning on sticking to the half marathon and sprint/olympic distances to see if i can get fast.  better nutrition will help with having the energy to execute this plan as well.
weightloss:  i honestly don't go by numbers, but there are some things in my closet that i would like to fit in better.  i'm tall and my body sits in the 150 - 160 neighborhood.  i have no desire to get much below 150 because then i lose the little bit of curves i've got, but i'd LOVE to be closer to 150 than 160.    in my bbing days i was 150 off season and looked great, 135 for competitions and looked sick.

2013-12-24 8:53 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Question #1

What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

For me eating clean is basically no sugars (artificial or otherwise) and no grains. I will start off the year limiting dairy as well to hopefully jumpstart some scale movement. I mostly avoid legumes, soy and bad oils as well. I will treat myself from time to time for special occasions. My biggest issue is just eating plain junk food. If I don't give myself much leeway then I'm fine avoiding it.
2013-12-24 9:39 AM
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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Happy Holidays! Since I haven't officially started eating clean again it seems like a great time to post what we're eating for the holidays. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

It will just be our immediate family (husband and adult kids) for Christmas this year. Then we'll go to my parents this weekend to celebrate with the extended family.

No one in our family really likes traditional holiday foods so we'll be having Mexican food instead. Tonight we're having grilled steaks, salads, baked white or sweet potatoes, and acorn squash for Christmas eve dinner. Tomorrow morning we'll have bacon, eggs and biscuits or breakfast taco's  which is a treat as everyone normally eats oatmeal.

Christmas Dinner:  Green Chili  Chicken Enchilada's, chips and guacamole, salad, Vegetarian Tamale pie for the vegetarian in the house, Mexican Rice and fruit for dessert.


BTW- I live in Texas in case you couldn't guess from the Mexican food holiday meal.

Edited by Catwoman 2013-12-24 9:45 AM
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