General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Swim Video Rss Feed  
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2014-06-07 2:31 AM

New user

Miami, Florida
Subject: Swim Video
I'm not sure if this is posting in the right place. Below is a link of my swimming for feedback.

A couple of issues I think I notice is my arms are pretty much straight down so I need to bend more and the elbow on the pull and I don't think I'm rotating enough.

2014-06-10 10:30 PM
in reply to: robolton

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Richland, Washington
Subject: RE: Swim Video
Hey Ro!

The only thing I see that is worth mentioning is your reach. If you watch the video again, look at where your hands are entering the water.

Try the "finger tip drag" drill
Here's a video

That should straighten out the form quite a bit. Post a video in a few weeks and let's see the improvement
2014-06-10 11:54 PM
in reply to: Swimaway

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Swim Video

Good comments. Thank you and I agree. Reach, for starters.

Really nice body position, level in water, legs are not dragging down or scissoring wide apart.

Not necessarily from the video but from the stills of the meet, your body rotation is decent (better on the right than left, though). Your head is actually rotating too much when breathing though--your entire face is out of the water. Face should be facing side of pool, just enough to get air in, not facing the sky.

You were swimming slowly and carefully in the video--surprisingly, your form is actually better when you're trying to swim faster. Overthinking probably causes you to overemphasize what you're doing right.

Pull is pretty good on the left. On the right, your hand is wavering all over the place instead of sweeping back (should pull with gentle curves at most) - probably because your head is coming too far out of the water to breathe, your arm is trying to stabilize your body instead of pulling back to generate propulsion. (Just FYI and others, head coming out too far to breathe, either to the side and/or up means some other part of your body has to balance your position in the water. Usually that's a wide scissor kick; in your case, your right hand sculls instead of strokes in the water).

I'll give you more feedback when I'm not in a business meeting for which me and my sister are completely inappropriately dressed, AND not paying attention. :P


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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Swim Video Rss Feed  

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