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5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course - Triathlon

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Aurora, Colorado
United States
5430 Sports
70F / 21C
Total Time = 1h 43m 50s
Overall Rank = 213/334
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 13/24
Pre-race routine:

Got up at 4:30 to leave at 5:15. Had coffee and a chocolate chip bagel with peanut butter. Left a little later than planned but got to the venue about 6:00 anyway. Pumped up my tires at the car, found a place to rack my bike and set up. There were supposed to be separate transition areas for sprint and Oly athletes but it was really unclearly marked so people were confused. Plus the racks were too close together, making it hard to maneuver through so once I racked my bike, I just located the in/out points rather than walking/riding/running them. Got my wetsuit halfway on, then realized I should probably use the portapotty so I took care of that. Then Mom called Alex from the swim beach, we went to find her, and took some pictures.
Event warmup:

There was quite a bit of confusion about the buoys and the Oly course got changed for some reason and there were lots of announcements to explain what was going on. During all that, I mostly sat/stood around, with a few dunks and attempted laps. People were swimming every which way and I didn't get a whole lot of swimming in, mostly just practice running into people and sighting. I was in the "comfort" wave for newbies so there were a lot of us hanging together reassuring each other. I was surprisingly calm - no jitters at all.
  • 09m 36s
  • 500 yards
  • 01m 55s / 100 yards

I was in the "comfort wave" which meant that once they said we could go, we had 2 minutes to cross the timing mat and start. Theoretically, that meant that we wouldn't be heading out in a pack. As it was, it got a little congested. Despite that, I only got bumped once by a nice woman who apologized. I couldn't see the buoy as I was swimming so I just followed along with the other swimmers as best as I could until I could actually see it. Had a hard time settling into a rhythm because I didn't know where the heck I was going, plus I got a big mouthful of water and felt like I'd completely forgotten everything I knew about swim technique. I felt a little panicky about halfway to the buoy, did a few sidestrokes and regained my composure.

Once I could see the buoy, I put my head down and went well, stopping to tread water a little every now and then to re-sight. Rounded the buoy and went for it, passing a lot of people as I headed back in. Came out of the water with a big grin and headed to T1.
What would you do differently?:

Start more to the north to get a better angle on the buoy with less glare? I was wearing dark grey goggles so I'm not sure how else I could have seen the buoy better. Also, find a more efficient way to sight that doesn't completely stop my forward momentum.
Transition 1
  • 08m 7s

Oy. This sucked. My wetsuit got stuck on my timing chip and I couldn't get the dang thing off. I kept my calm and just kept working at it. Eventually I got it off, dried off feet, put on socks, shoes, helmet, and chapstick, grabbed some water and off I went. Transition area was set up right near bike exit and most of the other bikes were out of the way so getting to the bike start was easy.
What would you do differently?:

Take off timing chip before taking off wetsuit!!!!!
  • 49m 40s
  • 12.31 miles
  • 14.87 mile/hr

Rollers with ~750' elevation gain. Wasn't quite the route I'd practiced but it was close enough. Luckily, I wasn't one of the ones who missed a turn and rode an extra 2 miles due to a signage screw-up!!! I was a little worried about the wind (10mph) but it wasn't a factor. I flew on the downhills and kept a steady tempo on the uphills. Had to use my easiest gear but still passed a fair number of people. Did have a 70 y.o. blow past me on an uphill though! That was humbling. Yoyo'd with one woman and really wanted to finish ahead of her. She passed me on the run so I must have finally dropped her on the bike. It was hard not to draft; there were people from both the sprint and Oly distances on the road at the same time and it was a fairly crowded. Almost snot-rocketed a woman - oops! Good thing I checked before I went for it!

Going back in on Robertson Road/Scuba Beach Rd. was a long grind up and I was getting a little worried about having enough left in my legs for the run. I stopped looking at my bike computer to see how slow I was going. Well, okay, maybe I did look, and maybe I was going about 7 mph, but I kept plugging away. Once I got on Powhaton Rd. again, Alex was there ringing a cowbell and cheering for me. I knew that once I saw him, it wasn't far to the finish and I could make it. On the downhill into the transition area, I stood up on my pedals and coasted a little.
What would you do differently?:

Zero my bike computer so I could tell how much farther I had to go and NOT put my race number where it would flap against my legs throughout the entire ride. Both VERY annoying!!! Put H2O instead of Skratch in bottle or else also have a bottle of H2O for rinsing out my mouth; it got really dry and sticky.
Transition 2
  • 01m 49s

Hard to get back to my rack because most of the bikes were already back. Finally wove my way there, took off helmet, put on hat, drank some Skratch, grabbed my handheld H2O bottle and wove my way to the run exit.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing really.
  • 34m 36s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 11m 10s  min/mile

By the time I started on the run the temp was heading into the 80's. I forgot to hit start on my Garmin right away so I didn't know how far I had to go - very annoying! I'm really glad I brought my H2O bottle instead of relying on the H2O on the course. That way I could use the course water to cool off. There was a water/Gatorade station at ~1 mi. (I think) from the start where I grabbed 2 glasses of H2O each direction to dump over myself. I mostly rinsed and spit with my handheld, swallowing about 1/2 of it, but it was good to have the option to do that as needed.

I kept the pace slow because I could feel some mild abdominal crampiness creeping in, especially at the start. Both Achilles were somewhat tight, especially on the uphills. I found myself thinking as I went down each hill, "Ugh. This means I'm going to have to go back up this on the way back." After I passed the H2O station, I started to wonder if I'd missed the turnaround. Finally, another newbie I'd met earlier passed me, then a short time later came back the other way so I knew the turnaround was still coming up.

I passed a lot of people walking and encouraged them with "Free food at the end!" I said that to a couple of women walking together and one said, "You really know what motivates me!" then they and I yoyo'd to the end together. The 2nd 1/2 felt harder than the first. The path was so twisty that it seemed like I'd *never* get to the finish line. At one point, I could hear cheering, then it would die down, then I'd see the finish arch, then it would disappear. I felt pretty strong, though, and just kept motoring along. Almost crashed at one point when I tripped hard. Luckily, I've had enough practice with that that I managed to just windmill a few steps and regain my balance. Saw my friend L with her sister, baby, and BF. Seeing them jumping up and down and whooping for me was super cool. Then I finally got to the finish line smiling a mile wide and I was done. No tears even!!
What would you do differently?:

Start my Garmin as I leave transition instead of at some random distance down the trail. Do more running in the heat and do some full-length bricks in the heat as well so I'm more acclimated.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, got my finisher's medal and shirt, then got 2 banana halves and 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Mostly the short amount of time that I've been this physically active. Heat was also a factor; need to do more acclimatizing

Event comments:

I was pretty pleased with my race. I could tell that the 2nd 1/2 of my swim was strong and I was pleasantly shocked at how well I did. The bike was pretty good; the uphills got a little slow but I wanted to make sure I didn't overcook and not have anything left for the run. Although I would have liked to have run faster, I chose the prudent option and stayed at a slower pace that kept the cramps/nausea at bay. I liked having my own H2O so I could use what was on the course to cool me off; that helped a lot. T1 definitely needs some work; since the legs on my wetsuit are short, I'll plan to take off my chip before my wetsuit next time.

I also now know that I shouldn't take my usual fish oil supplements on race day. Fish oil and a chocolate chip bagel with peanut butter make for really nasty burps. I was clearly well-hydrated too. My bladder decided that there was no need for control during the run (maybe related to my degenerated disks??) and I kept peeing on myself. There was a portapotty between the H2O station and the turnaround that I could have used but I decided to skip it; it was pretty much pointless by then. Yup, I've now lost all shame. I go out in public in a spandex suit, pee all over myself, and think, "Oh well, at least it keeps me cooler." Guess that means I'm a real triathlete now. :)

I was disappointed by how chaotic and disorganized this race felt, given that the RD used to do larger races in Boulder and is the president of USAT. There was wrong info on their website that took a month to fix. Then there was the Oly buoy problem with drifting buoys and a changed course, and the sprint bike signage issue that caused a bunch of people to go an extra 2+ miles. Having the Oly and sprint races going simultaneously just added to the chaos. Luckily, I wasn't affected too much other than having to deal with congestion everywhere but I think there were some pretty unhappy people. To give him credit, the RD took full responsibility for the screw-ups and chaos. It was his first year doing this race (he bought it from someone else) and I think it'll be better next year. Alex did a few of races in Boulder with this RD and they weren't nearly this bad.

There was a really cute couple there competing. He was 84 and she was 79. Made me wish that Alex was still into it but he says he hates swimming and doesn't want to do any more. At least he understands it, supports me in doing it, and helps me a ton. There was one newbie whose husband said she got too skinny when she did marathons (she had been winning or placing in them!) but he would pay her entry fees for triathlons. Another was really scared that her husband wouldn't love her if she didn't finish. I told her she was already a triathlete because of all the training she'd done. She started crying so I gave her a hug. It made me realize yet again that each and every athlete in this sport has a story, which is part of what makes me love it. Maybe it's that way in other sports too, but I love that I've found a sport that appeals to me socially as much as it does athletically. Even my mom, who's never been to a race before, commented on how nice everybody was. She chatted with a bunch of the other spectators while she was waiting and had a really good time.

For my first taste of triathlon, I'd say it was overall a good experience. I didn't get grumpy, I didn't feel nervous, I just went out there and did it and encouraged others along the way. I met a bunch of nice people (who I probably won't remember the next time I see them!) and felt good about my performance. Now I just need to figure out (a) my training plan for my next race, (b) my off-season plan, and (c) how to balance training with everything else that I want/need to do.

Last updated: 2014-04-08 12:00 AM
00:09:36 | 500 yards | 01m 55s / 100yards
Age Group: 7/24
Overall: 87/334
Performance: Good
Suit: Orca wetsuit
Course: Clockwise triangle, with buoy ESE of start and finish nearly due W of the buoy.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 72F / 22C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Average Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Time: 08:07
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Bad Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Average
00:49:40 | 12.31 miles | 14.87 mile/hr
Age Group: 14/24
Overall: 188/334
Performance: Average
Wind: Some
Course: Out and back. Away from swim beach, L on Powhaton Road, R on Scuba Beach road, L on Robertson Road, R on Quincy to Watkins Road; turn around and come back the same way.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:49
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Below average
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:34:36 | 03.1 miles | 11m 10s  min/mile
Age Group: 14/24
Overall: 228/334
Performance: Average
Out 17:28 Back 17:08
Course: Winding and rolling concrete path with little to no shade.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? No
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2014-08-18 11:16 AM

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Denver, CO
Subject: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

2014-08-18 12:19 PM
in reply to: #5040647

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Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

CONGRADULATIONS! You did really well.

2014-08-18 12:52 PM
in reply to: #5040647

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Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Oh, Mary, what a nice write-up!  Wait, sorry, congratulations should come first - CONGRATULATIONS, GIRL!!!!!  Yeah!  Way to have a strong first race!..You should be very proud of yourself, pee and all .  You were wise to listen to your body on the run and avoid a puke-fest.  I love how you included the personal stories at the end of your report.  It really is fun and inspiring to hear others' stories, and my husband often echoes the sentiments of your mom, saying how polite and nice the majority of the people are at races.  Congrats again!

2014-08-18 1:59 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Congratulations!  You did great!  We are all so proud of you!

2014-08-18 2:40 PM
in reply to: #5040647

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course
Congratulations Mary, welcome to the club.
2014-08-18 2:57 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

I really like the idea of a comfortable wave. Very cool. 

What a great way to start your triathlon racing career. Awesome job! 

2014-08-18 3:30 PM
in reply to: #5040647

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!  Way to go Mary!!  


2014-08-18 4:26 PM
in reply to: #5040647

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course
Great race report, congratulations on your first race!

"Even my mom, who's never been to a race before, commented on how nice everybody was. She chatted with a bunch of the other spectators while she was waiting and had a really good time."

My mom has a great time at races, she always enjoys the positive vibe of most athletes on race day. I think it's cool to be able to share that with your friends and family. Good job!
2014-08-18 6:39 PM
in reply to: cjhild

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course
Well done Mary! We told you that you would smash it. So glad that you had a great time and enjoyed yourself.

When's the next one?
2014-08-18 7:42 PM
in reply to: #5040647

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Most excellent first triathlon!  Congratulations!!  

Sweet swim and well managed bike and run.  Perfect first race.

2014-08-18 11:22 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Originally posted by StaceyK Well done Mary! We told you that you would smash it. So glad that you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. When's the next one?

Next one is in 5 weeks, on 9/21.  I figured I might as well since I'm already this trained.  The swim is 250 yds farther, but that should be pretty easy, especially since it's wetsuit legal.  The bike is flat, as is the run - yay!!!  TJ's coming up from New Mexico and we're going to do it together.  Can't wait!

2014-08-19 6:54 AM
in reply to: #5040647

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Congratulations Mary, your RR is so full of awesome stuff.  I am so happy for you, what a list of triathlon awesomeness:

Drinking water on the swim - Check
Into T1 with a big grin - check
Passed by a 70 year old - check
Fumbling with the watch - check
Peeing yourself - check
Planning on the next race - check
Supporting everyone you saw - REALLY BIG CHECK

You are such a supportive, kind hearted person that it fills me with joy to see you have such a great experience. Way To Go!!!!!

2014-08-19 11:51 AM
in reply to: #5040647

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Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Reading this made me laugh and cry.

I'm proud of you.

2014-08-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: Phebes

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Thanks for all your kind feedback, everybody.  The BT community has been a huge help.  I'm so grateful for all the support and information I've gotten here and look forward to more of that in the future!

2014-08-21 5:04 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: 5430 YOLO Triathlon - Sprint Course

Awesome Awesome Job! (on the race AND the write up )

I knew you'd nail it! I'm glad you weren't nervous before the start and that you encouraged others on the way! The burp comment made me laugh. It's funny how we have to think about what we eat and how it will taste coming back up

Looking forward to Octoberfest!!!

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