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2014-09-12 11:58 AM

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Knoxville area
Subject: An Open Apology
In the last day my life has been, for the most part, a nightmare. Now will come the embarrassment.

Last weekend I participated in Rev3 Aquabike Nationals. At the end of the race, I was listed as 1st in the male 30-34 age group, as well as at the awards later that day. (and still on Rev3's website...) At which point I received the National Champions jersey. You've probably seen my post and/or blog/race report on such.

I have been in contact with USAT last night and today, and in fact did NOT win the m30-34 championship. Adam Kuncel, who finished 3rd overall is the real champion. Despite being removed from the AG awards at the ceremony in the Rev3 Aquabike, he is NOT removed from the Championship AG. Confused yet? Regardless, I accepted the Jersey they were handing every other 1st place finisher on stage, and was giddy enough to not question much else.

Although I have intentionally tried to milk the "nat champ" angle, I DID NOT do so believing anything other than the fact that I was in fact M30-34 AG Champ. Nonetheless, at the end of these type of things there is always ONE person who deserves the blame. That person is ME.

I am very, very sorry to anyone who felt mislead by anything I either said or promoted. It was not at all knowingly done, but I apologize and take responsibility nonetheless. I am deeply sorry to the Cobb Mobb, who posted and promoted these results, which were in fact not right. Again, there was no malicious intent involved, only pride (before the fall, right?) and excitement.

Again, my sincerest apologies. Congratulations to Adam, who did an amazing job at the race.

- Christopher Morelock

2014-09-12 12:02 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology


I've never understood why they don't pull the overall winners out of the AG winners at any of the National Championship races, like they do at every other USAT race.  And then at worlds they don't even have an OA category, it's all AG's.  USAT does a fabulous job with those races.....but I don't see why they don't just stay consistent.

Nice race anyway.......keep the jersey. LOL

2014-09-12 12:45 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Excellent mea culpa. Not too many would stand up like that.

Regardless, fantastic race/result.

2014-09-12 1:26 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology
With the situation you described it's not a big jump to a conclusion that you were the champ. Nice race either way!
2014-09-12 1:38 PM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Great race but I am slightly confused, I think

So the guy who came in 3rd overall is in the 30-34 AG, but since he was 3rd in the overall that left you who I presume was second to move up to first???  Isn't that how most races do it?   

2014-09-12 1:41 PM
in reply to: FELTGood

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Originally posted by FELTGood

Great race but I am slightly confused, I think

So the guy who came in 3rd overall is in the 30-34 AG, but since he was 3rd in the overall that left you who I presume was second to move up to first???  Isn't that how most races do it?   

Not in any USAT National Championship race.  If, for instance, you finish first overall, you STILL get the first pace AG as well. 

2014-09-12 1:45 PM
in reply to: FELTGood

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: An Open Apology
Originally posted by FELTGood

Great race but I am slightly confused, I think

So the guy who came in 3rd overall is in the 30-34 AG, but since he was 3rd in the overall that left you who I presume was second to move up to first???  Isn't that how most races do it?   

yes, that is how it works FOR THE RACE (rev3 Aquabike)

however, that is not how it works when USAT looks at who the fastest M30-34 male is. Only finishing first overall would remove you from the age group as far as National Championship is concerned.
2014-09-12 1:49 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Originally posted by Leegoocrap
Originally posted by FELTGood

Great race but I am slightly confused, I think

So the guy who came in 3rd overall is in the 30-34 AG, but since he was 3rd in the overall that left you who I presume was second to move up to first???  Isn't that how most races do it?   

yes, that is how it works FOR THE RACE (rev3 Aquabike) however, that is not how it works when USAT looks at who the fastest M30-34 male is. Only finishing first overall would remove you from the age group as far as National Championship is concerned.

Not in triathlon.  We've been to the last 2 National Championship overall podiums have been pulled from the AG. 

2014-09-12 1:53 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: An Open Apology

I assumed being overall winner would remove you.

So theoretically if 1st and 2nd overall are in the same AG, 2nd overall = not champion?
2014-09-12 1:55 PM
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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Originally posted by Leegoocrap hmm I assumed being overall winner would remove you. So theoretically if 1st and 2nd overall are in the same AG, 2nd overall = not champion?

That's right.....happened to Jr. last year at Sprint Nationals.  He was 4th overall, and 2nd in his AG......but 2nd overall was in his AG as he got 2nd in AG instead of the AG win he would have gotten if they pulled overalls out..  The same would have happened if the guy in his AG had been first overall.  You get the overall first place medal and the AG first place medal.

Edited by Left Brain 2014-09-12 1:56 PM
2014-09-12 1:57 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: An Open Apology
It seems I'll have to pick and choose my age better in the future.

2014-09-12 1:58 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

yeah- I totally understand.  I did a race on labor day, where the posted sheets indicated that I won my age group.  Turns out, there was another guy in my age group that captured an overall spot- which was taken out of the age group.  So- I guess I really didn't win my age group!  it's a weird thing that I never really will understand.

anyway- I enjoyed your race report.  none of us are pro's.  we're all just out there doing our best.  you done good.  no biggie.


2014-09-12 1:59 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology leads to the confusion that you just dealt with because AG races the rest of the year are not done that way.  It also gets you off the hook for thinking you had won your're welcome.

2014-09-12 2:00 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Still a great race.  Nothing any of us wouldn't have done as far as accepting a jersey presented to you and bragging a little about it.  

At least your immediate confession of this misunderstanding will not hurt you 20 years later if you decide to run for President of the United States.  LOL



2014-09-12 2:02 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Originally posted by morey000

yeah- I totally understand.  I did a race on labor day, where the posted sheets indicated that I won my age group.  Turns out, there was another guy in my age group that captured an overall spot- which was taken out of the age group.  So- I guess I really didn't win my age group!  it's a weird thing that I never really will understand.

anyway- I enjoyed your race report.  none of us are pro's.  we're all just out there doing our best.  you done good.  no biggie. WON your AG.  Any AG race I can think of, except nationals, takes the overall winners out of the AG, so you are the AG winner in the case you described..  The problem with Leego's race is that they did not pull overalls out of AG like age group races normally do.

2014-09-12 2:28 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: An Open Apology

No need to apologize for the convoluted way they do the awards at nationals.  You still had a great race!


2014-09-12 3:01 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: An Open Apology

At the recent ITU worlds, my friend Alison told me that she won the AG women's sprint overall. Then I saw a posting on BT that someone else had won the AG sprint overall. They didn't actually post overall results, so you had to click through each AG and compare your times. I confirmed that Alison did indeed take second. I saw Alison briefly last weekend and congratulated her on her awesome result. I asked her if she had come first overall and she said yes. I don't think she was lying, I think she really thinks she did come first. I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise.

tl;dr It happens.

2014-09-12 3:04 PM
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Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Originally posted by jeng

At the recent ITU worlds, my friend Alison told me that she won the AG women's sprint overall. Then I saw a posting on BT that someone else had won the AG sprint overall. They didn't actually post overall results, so you had to click through each AG and compare your times. I confirmed that Alison did indeed take second. I saw Alison briefly last weekend and congratulated her on her awesome result. I asked her if she had come first overall and she said yes. I don't think she was lying, I think she really thinks she did come first. I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise.

tl;dr It happens.

No way they can have an overall winner at ITU worlds.  The transition was set up for each AG.....some had a very short transition inside the fences and some had a very long one.  You can scroll through the times all you want, but they will not be accurate through the AG's as far as distance in transition.  Even if she thinks she won, she didn't.  And the other person who thinks she won....she didn't either.   Because of transition the "course" through the AG's is not the same. It was fair and equal within AG's, but not between AG's.

Edited by Left Brain 2014-09-12 3:06 PM
2014-09-12 3:05 PM
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Subject: RE: An Open Apology


Edited by Left Brain 2014-09-12 3:06 PM
2014-09-12 3:47 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: An Open Apology
Originally posted by Jason N

Still a great race.  Nothing any of us wouldn't have done as far as accepting a jersey presented to you and bragging a little about it.  

At least your immediate confession of this misunderstanding will not hurt you 20 years later if you decide to run for President of the United States.  LOL



This X2
2014-09-12 3:50 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: An Open Apology

I am just an older dude with very little experience in this sport, but wanted to chime in here.

You provide much to this site and its users - both your valuable knowledge and the great attitude with which you freely share it has helped many of us, and has garnered you a lot of respect. Your post today has illustrated how well-deserved that respect is.


ps always wondered what the story behind your username was... ???

2014-09-12 4:01 PM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: An Open Apology
Yeah, that's why I stay in MOP so I don't have to worry about these things But either way a 34m swim in that mess of a lake is impressive,
2014-09-12 4:12 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Great race.  No need to apologize.  I'd be confused too.  All the running and triathlon races I've been in they've pulled the Overall, Masters and Grandmasters out of the AG.  Apparently, they run it different for that race.  Seems like they were a bit confused as to how it works by the way the awards and results were handed out and posted.

2014-09-12 4:34 PM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: An Open Apology
Originally posted by triosaurus

ps always wondered what the story behind your username was... ???

a friends old AOL screen name was leegooboo, I made this username to heckle him... somehow this name stuck with me.
2014-09-12 6:04 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: An Open Apology

Originally posted by Left Brain

No way they can have an overall winner at ITU worlds.  The transition was set up for each AG.....some had a very short transition inside the fences and some had a very long one.  You can scroll through the times all you want, but they will not be accurate through the AG's as far as distance in transition.  Even if she thinks she won, she didn't.  And the other person who thinks she won....she didn't either.   Because of transition the "course" through the AG's is not the same. It was fair and equal within AG's, but not between AG's.

Yeah, I hear you, but it's still feels great to get the fastest time.

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