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2014-09-25 9:50 AM

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, Minnesota
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Subject: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Any initial thoughts?  I was prepared to feel bad about Nadiya, since she as so much easier to tolerate when separated from her twinnie.  However, her loud stereotyping of Josh was just too over the top. She put the nail in her own coffin.

I am happy to see the return of exile island.  I didn't watch Survivor as diligently when that was on before, but I like how it gives people a chance to meet the other tribe...

2014-09-25 1:17 PM
in reply to: BikerGrrrl

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)
I think it was a good episode. John Rocker is showing why his tribe should keep him around. He's a beast.

Nadiya has a big mouth and called out Josh more than once. Not very smart in a game where people have to like you to give you $1 million.

Jeremy is great. Very strong in challenges. Val seems to talk a lot. We'll see how she does trying to work her way back into the tribe after being gone 3 days when it's the most important to be there to make alliances in the first day.

Many were forgettable like Jon and Jaclyn but the early edits aren't always an indicator of how they do later on.

Dale isn't going to make it long if he keeps isolating himself. You have to be in the mix.

Is it me or did Missy bring up her 3 divorces way to many times. Maybe that plays later in the edit.
2014-09-29 1:02 PM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

It really annoys me when people get to go on these kinds of shoes multiple times. I say vote out the ladies who were on the Amazing Race. 

Exile island. Ugh. Hate it. 

I love the gay guys on there. They are more manly than some of the butch men. Ha! 

It's pretty sad when your "claim to fame" is 3 divorces. Or rather "your story" to get on the show. 

2014-09-29 3:00 PM
in reply to: KSH

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Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

One annoying Amazing Race, one All Star show... you've had your 15 minutes of fame... be gone. I won't even say they are some of the worst ever, they are just so darn annoying... and their "special talent" it seems is just yelling at each other. Drama drama drama. So glad they voted her out.

Show seems OK. I didn't care for Redemption Island. It sounded good on paper, but it sort of didn't work in practice. It seemed to really dampen big moves. It seemed most were afraid to show their hand and go bold for fear of the person having a chance to come bag. It just didn't do well in play.

I'm not sure what's worse... being a 3 time divorce, or being a celebrity girl friend. Seriously... did she mention her boobs?

I thought Jeff was trying way too hard to ask about the "drama" of blood vs. blood. I really like Jeff and how he hosts and the questions he asked... but the first episode seemed a bit out of the ordinary how he tried to really hammer home the "drama". Hopefully that is not a continuing theme.

As for everyone else... it's early.


2014-09-30 6:56 PM
in reply to: powerman

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

I was actually sad to see Nadya go.  I think the Twinnies would have brought some good drama and challenge action.

Too early for me to have a favorite though.....

I think a smarter player would have quickly figured out that Val had a clue to an immunity idol...her exile island buddy didn't seem to care.

My biggest question at this point:  If there always has to be a duel between related people in order to send someone to Exile Island...are people without a loved one exempt?  Or will they find a way to work them in????

2014-10-01 10:59 AM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by jldicarlo

My biggest question at this point:  If there always has to be a duel between related people in order to send someone to Exile Island...are people without a loved one exempt?  Or will they find a way to work them in????

OH!  I didn't even think about that...  Good question.

2014-10-01 8:16 PM
in reply to: BikerGrrrl

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Stupid Val...you deserved to get voted off for being so vocal about two idols...or not telling Jon you don't want to play your idol so do something else.  *sigh*

And stupid Jon for not realizing that Val was probably lying!!!!  He saw the clue at Exile...how could he POSSIBLY think Val had an idol???

Stupidity all around this episode.

But, from the previews it sounds like Jon won't be long for this game...at least he'll probably have to use his idol early.

2014-10-02 11:47 AM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

I'm glad Val was gone, she was annoying me.  Natalie came off looking very sympathetic - good for her!

I am curious about the choice to send Jeremy to exile island with Jon.  My thought would be to send the person least likely to continue beyond the merge, so  you don't have a person who has made alliances with the other team.  You shouldn't send off a good player, unattended.  Am I wrong?   Especially if it's a guy who you personally like. 

2014-10-02 4:00 PM
in reply to: BikerGrrrl

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by BikerGrrrl

I'm glad Val was gone, she was annoying me.  Natalie came off looking very sympathetic - good for her!

I am curious about the choice to send Jeremy to exile island with Jon.  My thought would be to send the person least likely to continue beyond the merge, so  you don't have a person who has made alliances with the other team.  You shouldn't send off a good player, unattended.  Am I wrong?   Especially if it's a guy who you personally like. 

I wonder if the teams have been smart enough to discuss this before the duel.  Maybe Jeremy felt so bad about having to send someone last time he asked them to send him?

2014-10-02 8:55 PM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Wow, Jeff was harsh in the negotiations. I doubt there is any real rules to that, but he was having none of it. And really flint is a reward so giving up the fishing gear was fair. The other tribe was just hating it going home empty handed.

Sorry... but the whole daughter hitting her lip and just stopping, and then mom just giving up, and their her won immunity because of it (possibly)... LAME. Seriously.... lame.

Seems the editors are happy to keep pumping up the blood/blood drama by Jeff. For all I know, he might say that sort of stuff all the time, but we don't see it. I don't really care for the touchy feely probing of how they are all doing with it. 

Val really sort of messed up. I didn't mind her, but 2 idols, seriously? And I personally think her outing Baylor (?) at council did her in. She seemed much tougher and not a good choice to vote out.... but nobody likes it when people spill the beans at council. Makes you unpredictable and not trustworthy. Adios

Rocker finding the idol... way too easy. I mean they hid it in a not so obvious place by a land mark like usual, but the clue told him where it was and it was only a couple inches under the surface. Good for him for working. As far as how long he will stay.... it's been proven jerks go pretty far in the game just for being jerks and making everyone mad. The fact he already has fortune and fame... I would not be the least bit surprised to see him Final 3 because the "nobody will vote for him" mentality. You watch.... Final 3.

2014-10-06 10:09 AM
in reply to: powerman

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)
I'm not sure why everybody in the beginning was so in love with Val. She didn't do well in challenges and didn't play the social game well. Granted she was out the first day when all those alliances were made so she was at a huge disadvantage but don't start drama in tribal.

If she didn't lose me before the "two idols" talk was foolish. Sitting on the couch it's always easy to say it was good or bad but that was not smart.

Probst had her going all the way in his preliminary thing he does on TV Guide channel.

Jeremy is still a beast and has a pretty good shot it seems.

The previews for next week show Rocker challenging someone to a fight. Surely that is taken out of context.

2014-10-06 10:26 AM
in reply to: powerman

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by powerman

Wow, Jeff was harsh in the negotiations. I doubt there is any real rules to that, but he was having none of it. And really flint is a reward so giving up the fishing gear was fair. The other tribe was just hating it going home empty handed.

Sorry... but the whole daughter hitting her lip and just stopping, and then mom just giving up, and their her won immunity because of it (possibly)... LAME. Seriously.... lame.

Seems the editors are happy to keep pumping up the blood/blood drama by Jeff. For all I know, he might say that sort of stuff all the time, but we don't see it. I don't really care for the touchy feely probing of how they are all doing with it. 

Val really sort of messed up. I didn't mind her, but 2 idols, seriously? And I personally think her outing Baylor (?) at council did her in. She seemed much tougher and not a good choice to vote out.... but nobody likes it when people spill the beans at council. Makes you unpredictable and not trustworthy. Adios

Rocker finding the idol... way too easy. I mean they hid it in a not so obvious place by a land mark like usual, but the clue told him where it was and it was only a couple inches under the surface. Good for him for working. As far as how long he will stay.... it's been proven jerks go pretty far in the game just for being jerks and making everyone mad. The fact he already has fortune and fame... I would not be the least bit surprised to see him Final 3 because the "nobody will vote for him" mentality. You watch.... Final 3.

Yep, I bet he makes it to final 3 because people will see him as a good one to take to the final 3. 

2014-10-06 5:12 PM
in reply to: KSH

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

People like him are just dumb bullies.  The first thing he does when there is a disagreement is say something like "let's fight".

Might makes right with him and people like him.  Curious what will happen when he get's older and isn't that tough anymore.


2014-10-10 2:59 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

I guess that was purely a vote to get rid of the idol?  I am surprised he didn't pick up on the vote against him. :-(  They may regret losing his strength (not that they are really winning any challenges ANYWAY).

I think "famous" people are just generally doomed to failure on this show...if you are known and/or a public figure for some other reason (Amazing Race, baseball, football coach, etc.) then you are probably not going to make it far.

They STILL have not addressed whether someone without a family member can duel or not...this is annoying me!!!!

I wonder if Dale will find the idol at his camp...we know Jeremy doesn't have it, right?

I guess I don't really have any other comments on last night's episode...it was actually fairly benign...

2014-10-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Sorry, but that was just dumb. First, annoying twin starts yappin her trap to get rid of him. He didn't do anything outrageous. He took it for a bit. And ya, if she was a guy, she would not last long talkin crap like that.

Second, they need him. What's her name over him? He's a beast in challenges. Nobody will give him a million. Totally stupid to vote him out. And again, he did not do anything close to other knuckleheads that have played.

Jeremey (Val's husband?) give me a break. He actually did what he said he would do. He could not do much. Val is gone because of Val. 

Be that as it may... John is out because of John. No way you don't play the idol when so many people have voiced their desire for you to be gone. That was just equally dumb. I mean that's fine... other's have gambled. But that a was a clear time to play it. 

Now... no different than any other game. Tribe continues to lose. Dwindles to a few then merge. Dominate tribe votes the rest out, and then eats their own. Boring. It was a really bad move to vote him out.

All I'm hoping for now is the Twin's game comes to the soonest possible end.

2014-10-16 12:14 PM
in reply to: powerman

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)
Wow Drew really was that dumb. The guys on that tribe are clueless on how to play the game. Drew was worried about a girl alliance and it ended up working because the guys voted 3 different ways even though they had the numbers by far but were not very smart. Kudos to the girls for getting rid of the a pig like Drew.

2014-10-16 1:33 PM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by Jtiger Wow Drew really was that dumb. The guys on that tribe are clueless on how to play the game. Drew was worried about a girl alliance and it ended up working because the guys voted 3 different ways even though they had the numbers by far but were not very smart. Kudos to the girls for getting rid of the a pig like Drew.

Karma...he threw the challenge then got voted out...CLASSIC!

That tribe is a bit dysfunctional at everything but challenges...

I am glad Dale (?) found the idol...and was smart enough to keep his mouth shut about it.  PLUS, he's totally deflected any thought he might have it by the "I looked for it and assumed Jeremy had it" thing...I don't think anyone suspects AT ALL!!!!

Looks like a tribe switch up next week...booyeah!  That should be somewhat entertaining.

2014-10-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

I constantly amazes me how some people can be so full of themselves. Drew... what a complete tool.

I was literally LMAO at that episode. Talk about Karma. God that was funny. And the whole time completely confident he was in charge. The girls were not going to get him... except when he made them. What an awesome episode.

And Dale... ya, he messed up. He didn't need to. Now he has a target on him. Fine he has an idol, but he will have to use it. The guys are indeed all over the place. But I don't think that vote really changed much, except to get an idiot out of th game.

Fun episode.

2014-10-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: powerman

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)
Interesting vote after the tribe swap

Not sure it was very smart but somehow


Baylor keeps sliding by

How did the one tribe not ration the rice?
2014-10-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by Jtiger Interesting vote after the tribe swap Not sure it was very smart but somehow SPOILER ALERT Baylor keeps sliding by How did the one tribe not ration the rice?

Maybe people figure Baylor is kind of annoying and cannot win?  Or easy to eliminate later?

I missed the first 20' so I didn't see how the tribe swap went down.  I will have to watch online tonight....cannot wait to get home and get to my DVR again!

As for the rice...that was pretty dumb of them.  Was that the larger tribe or the smaller tribe?  If it's the smaller tribe they really ARE idiots.  I could see the tribe that hasn't had to go to tribal going through more rice.  Or they just were not thinking ahead.  OR decided they would rather be strong for the next challenge to turn their luck rather than wait and see if they got food in the future. Or perhaps they banked on that...there are definitely food rewards that come up the last half...maybe they were only planning on rationing rice until then.  Or maybe they thought they would get better at finding food.  Lots of reasons they could have been dumb with their rice.

I cannot wait to see what Jeff makes them trade for the rice....

2014-10-26 3:34 PM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

No, it was the dominate tribe... which had people speculating that's how they won all the challenges. That's just dumb.

And the mom coming in giving Baylor more... who do they think they are. That would seriously make me mad too. Can't believe as a tribe, they voted out the daughter, and not Baylor or the Mom. I can't possibly see the value in that.

2014-10-27 10:08 AM
in reply to: powerman

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by powerman

No, it was the dominate tribe... which had people speculating that's how they won all the challenges. That's just dumb.

And the mom coming in giving Baylor more... who do they think they are. That would seriously make me mad too. Can't believe as a tribe, they voted out the daughter, and not Baylor or the Mom. I can't possibly see the value in that.

Aha.  I see.

Yeah, have to say...not really following the logic either.  Baylor/Mom are more help now in challenges probably, but that means a bigger threat later....

2014-10-29 9:56 PM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

I don't think I would have made that trade.  Jeremy was right....the chances of reward food and/or a merge coming were pretty high.

Dale's move was very risky...even if he survived that vote he would probably have made an enemy of John because he lied to him!

Otherwise, very boring episode IMHO...

2014-10-30 9:03 AM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)

Originally posted by jldicarlo

I don't think I would have made that trade.  Jeremy was right....the chances of reward food and/or a merge coming were pretty high.

Dale's move was very risky...even if he survived that vote he would probably have made an enemy of John because he lied to him!

Otherwise, very boring episode IMHO...

One more thing...I would like to know what previous Survivors thought about this.  From everything I have heard from previous players, they do NOT bail them out.  Either this is the most open the show has ever been about it (i.e. previous "helps" didn't make the edit), or this really is unprecedented.  I'm surprised Jeff even went for it.  I would have thought the penalty would have been steeper...like you have to vote someone out.

I know the show has to follow some legal rules since it is a contest...they need to stay fair and cannot steer the game so a certain person wins...I just wonder how decisions like this rice replenishment are made....

2014-10-31 9:27 AM
in reply to: jldicarlo

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor San Juan del Sur/Blood v. Water (SPOILERS)
Originally posted by jldicarlo

I don't think I would have made that trade.  Jeremy was right....the chances of reward food and/or a merge coming were pretty high.

Dale's move was very risky...even if he survived that vote he would probably have made an enemy of John because he lied to him!

Otherwise, very boring episode IMHO...

I think Jeremy was way wrong. He might have lost the reward and he's still be starving. The reward meal only lasts for so long. You don't know when the next merge happens or when you get more rice. You need more food after the reward challenge.

Is it just me or do team "Ken & Barbie" the jock and Miss Michigan really annoy anyone else? They come off like they are used to getting their way and so far they are. I don't see whey they voted out Dale and kept that little twit Baylor and her Mom whose claim to fame is she is bad at marriage as she keeps bringing up.
Nobody is really interesting this season so far. At least last season Tony was fun and so was Spencer and Kass. This season it seems boring by comparison.
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