General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 10.21.14 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  
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2014-10-21 7:19 AM

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Subject: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training

Good morning BT!

4:15am:  65 mins on the KK, high cadence stuff

5:30am:  plyos + core

Later: hills with my CC kiddos!  

Have an excellent day, happy training!

2014-10-21 8:23 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training
Good Morning

I will be heading over to the Gym at lunch for some Spinning

Have a great day all.
2014-10-21 8:30 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training
5:15 AM Hour run including 4 X 1000m intervals. Just the thought of doing this was sickening but actually it went pretty well--for some reason it was cool this morning, so that helped!

PM 35 minutes of strength stuff.
2014-10-21 10:56 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training

Originally posted by Hot Runner 5:15 AM Hour run including 4 X 1000m intervals. Just the thought of doing this was sickening but actually it went pretty well--for some reason it was cool this morning, so that helped! PM 35 minutes of strength stuff.

Great job on the intervals.  Last winter I was following a JD running plan and the 4 x 1000m was the hardest thing I'd done all year.

Nothing so tough for me today.  Swim in the pool during lunch, maybe 2,000 yards, and a five or six mile run this evening at an easy pace.  I do one tempo day a week but would like to get to the point where I can start back in on reps and intervals. 

2014-10-21 11:35 AM
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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training
How long are the rest/recovery periods in the 1000m intervals?
I had been doing that, then mixed it up and did 5x1200 (those 200 extra were rough) -
Pops, were you using your personal corresponding Daniel's VDOT threshold pace for your interval work times?

Edited by TJHammer 2014-10-21 11:36 AM
2014-10-21 1:02 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training
Hey all!

5:15am - 60 min power spin
7:30 - 3 mile run getting my kids to school on their bikes. Wish I could run fast enough to keep up. At least they wait for me!

Stopped at the park and did 20 min of stair work/ST exercises on the way home.

9:30- 2100yd in the pool. Was amazed my body didn't go into shock swimming 2 days in a row!

Have a great day!

2014-10-21 4:21 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training

Started out from the house and bike commuted to work down the coast along the short route. This is going to be one of the last few bike commute days left this season as the days are almost getting too short. I left RIGHT AT sunrise and will get home RIGHT AT sunset tonight.

At lunch I ran down through the lagoon to Flat Rock and Jumped in the ocean for a quick swim before heading back to the office. The surf is HUGE today and with strong currents and a flooding tide, made for a fun time out in the water. I caught a few waves coming in and it is the first time in a while I actually FELT the waves passing over me when I was duck diving under them (Felt the Crash in my chest like thunder)

I am bike commuting home today up the same route and hope to get in some good tempo.

Daily Totals: (Ran 10 Miles, Swam 1000 Meters, Bike 54 Miles)

Train Well Cool Kids

2014-10-21 4:23 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training

Originally posted by Hot Runner 5:15 AM Hour run including 4 X 1000m intervals.

The dread always seems worse than the suffering actually is when we get into these workouts.

Looks like a good speed session :D

2014-10-21 5:09 PM
in reply to: TJHammer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 10.21.14 Tuesday Training
It's supposed to be a 600m jog recovery. I just keep moving for four minutes in between since it's not actually on a track, just a section I've measured out with the Garmin. This works well because I'm doing them in about four minutes (give or take a few seconds) so I'm doing eight minute cycles. Yes, pace is based on VDOT, but the race I used to estimate was quite a while ago and don't think my run fitness is there yet! This was actually the first day that intervals didn't feel like impending death. Tries not to think about how that was probably my marathon pace when I was younger.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 10.21.14 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  

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