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2015-03-13 11:00 AM

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Subject: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Greetings all!
I did a search on this subject but didn't come up with much...sleeping isn't usually a problem for me but the last time I did the NYC Tri in 2013 I had to get up at 3:30am and the night before I couldn't get to sleep until after 10pm. When I do more local races that I can drive to from my home this is a non-issue but the NYC race requires being at the site soooo early. I'm doing it this year again and need some suggestions. I was thinking of taking a benadryl or nyquil the night before to get to bed at 8pm but I don't know how that will effect my performance.
any suggestions or should I just suck it up and get the race done on 5 hours sleep?

2015-03-13 11:07 AM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race

I always concentrate on getting enough sleep 2 nights before the race.  It's almost impossible to get it the night before.  Not only does getting up early mess with your sleep, but for me, all the thoughts of what I need to do before I get out the door, always seem to plague me in the middle of the night.  Oh, I forgot to put sunscreen in my bag!  Did I put in an extra pair of short and a t-shirt for after the race?  Oh, that clear packing tape that I use to mount my numbers, I want to bring that again, and then don't forget scissors, etc etc.  I always have a million little things to worry about the night before a race.  So, the heck with sleep then.  I get it two nights before, and the night after.

I've never felt sleepy before a race.  the adrenaline is flowing!  

so, get whatever you can, don't worry about it, and sleep the night AFTER the race.  you'll have earned it.  

2015-03-13 11:10 AM
in reply to: hilltackler

Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
I'm not sure I would go the Benadryl or Nyquil route (unless you've practiced it in training). My fear would be that I would either not get up or be to out of it and forget something.

Trying to sleep the night before an event can be tough. I generally have the same problem. One thing my coach has stressed to me is to make sure I get enough rest and sleep in the days leading up to the race. That way when you do have problems sleeping the night before at least your body will be rested. You may still wake up groggy but like I said, the body will be rested.

I ran the NYC marathon last fall and while it was hard to go to bed early in the days leading up to the race (we were there on vacation as well), I hardly slept the night before the race (I was afraid I would miss the ferry and my start time). I was fine that morning and felt rested despite the lack of sleep the night before.
2015-03-13 11:17 AM
in reply to: morey000

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race

Originally posted by morey000

I always concentrate on getting enough sleep 2 nights before the race.  It's almost impossible to get it the night before.  Not only does getting up early mess with your sleep, but for me, all the thoughts of what I need to do before I get out the door, always seem to plague me in the middle of the night.  Oh, I forgot to put sunscreen in my bag!  Did I put in an extra pair of short and a t-shirt for after the race?  Oh, that clear packing tape that I use to mount my numbers, I want to bring that again, and then don't forget scissors, etc etc.  I always have a million little things to worry about the night before a race.  So, the heck with sleep then.  I get it two nights before, and the night after.

I've never felt sleepy before a race.  the adrenaline is flowing!  

so, get whatever you can, don't worry about it, and sleep the night AFTER the race.  you'll have earned it.  

I agree with this completely.  2 nights before is critical, because you know the night before is going to be rough.  

2015-03-13 12:00 PM
in reply to: hilltackler

Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
I would skip any "sleep" aids even if you have tried them previously. The best course of action is to have all your gear packed, clothes ready & get to bed as early as possible. You probably won't have the best night sleep every anyway because you will be nervous or excited for the next day. More important is getting good sleep leading up to the event. Getting good sleep for the nights prior to the night before your race is the best course of action.
2015-03-13 12:06 PM
in reply to: msteiner

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by morey000

I always concentrate on getting enough sleep 2 nights before the race.  It's almost impossible to get it the night before.  Not only does getting up early mess with your sleep, but for me, all the thoughts of what I need to do before I get out the door, always seem to plague me in the middle of the night.  Oh, I forgot to put sunscreen in my bag!  Did I put in an extra pair of short and a t-shirt for after the race?  Oh, that clear packing tape that I use to mount my numbers, I want to bring that again, and then don't forget scissors, etc etc.  I always have a million little things to worry about the night before a race.  So, the heck with sleep then.  I get it two nights before, and the night after.

I've never felt sleepy before a race.  the adrenaline is flowing!  

so, get whatever you can, don't worry about it, and sleep the night AFTER the race.  you'll have earned it.  

I agree with this completely.  2 nights before is critical, because you know the night before is going to be rough.  


I've actually had some of my best races when I barely got any sleep the night before.

I'd also recommend against taking anything as a sleep aid the night before, though I have had a couple of glasses of red wine with dinner the night before.


2015-03-13 12:20 PM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
I think those are banned as PED's(not positive).

Not that age groupers care about the rules
2015-03-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: mike761

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
If I am racing on Saturday, I try to get good sleep on Wednesday & Thursday. Friday isn't as important if you get a good nights sleep on Wednesday and Thursday.
2015-03-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: mike761

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
If I am racing on Saturday, I try to get good sleep on Wednesday & Thursday. Friday isn't as important if you get a good nights sleep on Wednesday and Thursday.
2015-03-13 5:52 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Banned or not, would NOT advise any sleep aids or other meds that have that as a side effect. I've done a couple of races where due to cold or allergies, I had no choice but to take them the night before (so I could breathe, and have any hope of getting any sleep) and it definitely had an effect on the race the following day. As others have said, you might be so out of it you fail to wake up, or forget something, or, at best, have a sluggish race. Poor or limited sleep (as opposed to no sleep) the night before usually has little effect; it really is your sleep two nights before that matters more.

Edited by Hot Runner 2015-03-13 5:54 PM
2015-03-13 6:16 PM
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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race

All my races are on Saturday.  I focus on getting to bed early Wednesday and Thursday night.  I have found that by doing this I do not stress over how I sleep Friday night.  Funny thing.  Without the stress of thinking I have to get a good night's rest I usually end up sleeping quite well Friday too.

Edited by popsracer 2015-03-13 6:16 PM

2015-03-13 6:19 PM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Another option would be to "practice" getting to bed earlier for a few nights leading up to the race (if you can swing it). If the race is on Saturday, try getting to bed a bit earlier on M-R, maybe working back from 10 p.m. to 8:00 if that's your target time . You can also work on getting up a bit earlier each morning leading up to the race. That might allow you to make a more gradual transition to getting up early.
2015-03-13 8:20 PM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Definitely what the others said. I always focused on 2 nights before. And as some said even more nights. One night of 4-5 hours sleep is not going to negatively impact your performance on race day. But a week of limited sleep will.
I'd also avoid any aids and meds etc. You never know how those would affect on you race day.

Adrenaline will more than compensate for any 'lack' of sleep!
2015-03-14 1:29 AM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
the best formula I've found to get to sleep prior to a race, is (a) allow plenty of time to get dinner done, and into bed. (b) I take a melatonin sleep-aid and it has worked pretty well

I find anxiety is increased by procrastinating on your race prep. Don't do things too late. this is what messes you up.
Have EVERYTHING laid out and ready to go, checklists and all that.

Also don't overdo the race warmup day. Get things done early and chill.

2015-03-14 7:53 AM
in reply to: hilltackler

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
As pointed out, the night before is not that important unless you have not tapered and slept enough the week before.

During my taper week, I use the extra time to sleep.... go to bed early and sleep in an extra hour in the morning (if possible, which is should be if you ever train in the morning). 3 days before, I start drinking lots of water, 2 days before, I add sports drink (to make sure I have enough electrolytes) and the day before is eating every 3 hours of so (depending if I'm traveling or not, if I am, it's easy enough to pack a light snack for the flight or drive).
2015-03-15 2:40 PM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race

Originally posted by hilltackler [...]should I just suck it up and get the race done on 5 hours sleep?

Five hours is more than enough.  I think I might have gotten four hours total the night before IMWI last year, and that was fitful at best.  

I imagine the NYC tri is something like the Chicago Triathlon, where you have to check in stupid early and then hurry up and wait until your wave starts.  Bring a blanket and a pillow and find a spot to nap or just relax while you wait, then either throw it away or have your sherpa hold on to it for you.

Regarding sleep aids, I downloaded the Relax Melodies app from Amazon's appstore.  It has has lots of different "white noise" sounds, like rain or crickets, that you can combine as you like.  It also has "binaural beats," which are supposed to help relaxation and sleep.  I use it from time to time when I'm restless, and it always helps me fall asleep.  It's very soothing and helps quiet a busy mind.

2015-03-15 3:19 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
I agree with the 2 nights before. I was having issues before a race last year & took a half of a melatonin (sp).
2015-03-15 3:40 PM
in reply to: hilltackler

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North Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
I would suggest trying your meds the night before an early morning training session to see what effect it has on you?
2015-03-16 1:14 AM
in reply to: hilltackler

Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Originally posted by hilltackler

or should I just suck it up and get the race done on 5 hours sleep?

Yup. That's probably what most competitors are getting, especially for the big races e.g IM where transition opens as early as 4.30am. I just try and get to bed early and aim for 4 or 5 hours sleep. If you start stressing that you're not getting your 7.5 hours, you'll never get to sleep.
2015-03-16 3:18 PM
in reply to: zedzded

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Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Thanks for all the replies. So the take home message is sleep enough the week, especially the 2 nights prior to race. And thanks for reminder to start hydrating a few days before the race too.

I think where I went wrong last time is that I went to dinner too late the night prior to the race. So this year I am planning on an early bird dinner and in bed no later than 830:-9pm, this way I can relax even though I may not sleep right away.
2015-03-16 7:42 PM
in reply to: metafizx

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Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Originally posted by metafizx

the best formula I've found to get to sleep prior to a race, is (a) allow plenty of time to get dinner done, and into bed. (b) I take a melatonin sleep-aid and it has worked pretty well

I find anxiety is increased by procrastinating on your race prep. Don't do things too late. this is what messes you up.
Have EVERYTHING laid out and ready to go, checklists and all that.

Also don't overdo the race warmup day. Get things done early and chill.

I'll try this, I have not tried sleeping aids at all in my entire life. My experience is that local race, out of town race, easy, or hard, I still could not sleep the night before.

2015-03-16 7:43 PM
in reply to: audiojan

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Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Originally posted by audiojan

As pointed out, the night before is not that important unless you have not tapered and slept enough the week before.

During my taper week, I use the extra time to sleep.... go to bed early and sleep in an extra hour in the morning (if possible, which is should be if you ever train in the morning). 3 days before, I start drinking lots of water, 2 days before, I add sports drink (to make sure I have enough electrolytes) and the day before is eating every 3 hours of so (depending if I'm traveling or not, if I am, it's easy enough to pack a light snack for the flight or drive).

This makes sense!
2015-03-19 9:53 AM
in reply to: hilltackler

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Subject: RE: getting enough sleep the night before a race
Races start way too early for me, too. I gave up worrying about it, and don't even try for a full night's sleep. I get more or less alert with a warmup, and a few seconds after the start I'm wide awake for the race and a few hours more.

One advantage is that with a shorter than normal night, I can grab a meal just before bed and have a small snack in the morning.
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