General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 3.14.16 Monday Morning! Rss Feed  
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2016-03-14 7:24 AM

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Subject: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!

Good morning BT!

4:30am:  :50 mins on the KK: 15 WU/5x3:00 progressing through Z3-Z4 w/1:00 RI/15 min Z2

5:30am:  :40 mins strength:  legs/core

Today starts 12 week Olympic Tri training--feels good to have an actual schedule again! As usual I won't be able to get all the swim training in due to where I live. I might be able to get out to Blue Lake this coming weekend but weather is looking sketchy during the week.

Here's to a great week!

HR--impressive numbers yesterday!


2016-03-14 7:37 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!
Good night BT!

Training for shorter distance must seem like a relief after all that IM training! Thinking about focusing on sprint and Oly next year--have spent a lot of time training for HIM the past two years! Not sure why--just what I felt like doing, and it's about the limit of what I want to do here as far as long runs/rides. Still don't think I would try full IM while living here--maybe if I got a job in the US or have to take a year between jobs.

3600m of swimming tonight. That's all. It was a real challenge to finish before the pool closed. Legs probably appreciated the break. Normally don't brag about numbers but saw all the numbers on the post before and decided to put in mine. Not long but VERY hard. Now if it could just translate into actual speed--not entirely convinced. If I rode that hard even in a sprint, the run would be a non-event!
2016-03-14 11:53 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!
A couple of rest days for me. My Oly plan starts April 4th. Well, I say plan, it's more like a rough guide.
Did you find one online Kim, or have one built for you?
2016-03-14 12:01 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!
Hey everyone!

Hello from South Florida! I don't know how you all do it with this humidity.

9am - 4 mile run/walk. Then did 20 min of PT exercises and core work. Trying to stick to a mini schedule :-)!

Good luck with your plan Kim! Will seem like a breeze after your IM training :-)!

Have a great week all!
2016-03-14 1:00 PM
in reply to: runspingirl

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!

I have been getting up at 5:00 for the past 4 weeks so I rewarded myself this morning and slept into 6:00AM and did a 4 mile tempo run.  Well... we went on Day Light Savings Time here this I really am just prolonging the time shock.  I hate every spring when after running in the dark for 3 months and the sun is just starting to show itself for the last 20 minutes of my morning workouts how the time changes pushing me back into the dark for another month or so.  


Moderate 1050 meter swim in the 15 yard pool by my work at lunch today.  I should be ready for a hard day tomorrow.  :-

2016-03-14 3:23 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!
An hour in the pool with masters this morning, including 600m of fly sets followed by 600m of IM sets. Arms were very tired.
A half hour on a treadmill at noon with a bunch of faster 1 minute intervals mixed in.

2016-03-14 7:18 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Extreme Veteran
Westchester, NY
Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!
Did 2400 in the pool this morning. Only 1 workout on Mondays.
2016-03-14 8:05 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!
I did a father daughter training session today. She is preparing for IronKids 1 mile run the weekend of my HIM April 2nd.

She is 6 and we went 2.5 miles in 30mins. the 1st mile after warm up was 12:05. Not too bad with those little legs.

Happy Monday BT!
2016-03-14 8:45 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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New user
Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 3.14.16 Monday Morning!

wooo look at all these people doing all these miles. Nice job!

Last week of tapering. 3.2 mile run tonight, and good thing it was that short because of the GI troubles which I won't go into. Have a great night!

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