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2016-12-22 2:07 PM

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
GROUP FOCUS: (sprints, long course, weightloss, etc). This group is for everyone! At the Beer Drinker Appreciation Socitey, we use beer (or the beverage of your choice) as a motivator. Work hard--drink whatever motivates you. We also have the Coors Light Penalty (the CLP) for those days you miss workouts. We have a nice mix of experience here, so lots of knowledge and support to help new folks achieve their goals.

NAME: Drfoodlove/Gretchen

STORY: I got into triathlon after seeing it in the 2012 Olympics. Originally, I started to tey to lose weight, but now I'm more focused on hitting my workouts and feeling good about what my body can accomplish. In four seasons of tri I've done numerous sprints, a few Olys, and one HIM.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a wonderful, supportive woman I call C around these boards. We have a eight year old pit mix dog who is my ever present running buddy.

CURRENT TRAINING: Consistency is my motto. I'm not fast, but I hit nearly every workout nearly every week. Right now I'm training for a HM, so mostly running focused, with swimming three days a week to keep from drowning in my first tri of the year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2016 was a great tri year for me, with a number of podium finishs in different races. I think I did an indoor, three sprints, two Oly, one HIM, and two metric centry rides.

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: I haven't planned out my races for 2017 yet. I'm still waiting to hear about some work travel, but I think this year will be focused on sprint and Oly distances. During the season, I aim for one to two races a month.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'd love to los some weight, but I'm more interested in getting faster and stronger. Since 2012 I have lost about 60lbs doing tris (not counting the 10-15lbs I gain and lose repeatedly!).

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: This group is all about hive mind, with everyone acting to support and encourage each other. My contribution is consistency and goal setting. I'm a very consisent person. In both of the last two years I've completed over 400 workouts each year.

Edited by drfoodlove 2016-12-22 2:09 PM

2016-12-31 4:43 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
What are all the BDASers drinking for the NYE? I picked up a sixer of Deschutes' Black Butte Porter. Its a robust old standby--in a hurry in the store.

Enjoy your evenings, ladies and gents!
2016-12-31 7:21 PM
in reply to: #5207975

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
2016 totals
Swim: 134h 39m 48s - 305956.03 Yd
Bike: 110h 26m 38s - 1648.21 Mi
Run: 126h 30m 04s - 506.2 Mi

Still slow as molasses, but hanging in there.
2017-01-01 9:01 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

NAME:   Doug

STORY:   46 years old, 6'4", 257 pounds.  Did my first triathlon in 2009 and did done several sprints and olympics between 2010-2013 and one HIM in 2013.  No races in 2014 and one, Escape from Alcatraz, in 2015.  No races since.  As my girls have gotten older, my free time has decreased dramatically with their swim, volleyball, soccer, etc.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 20 years with two lovely daughters (14 & 12).

CURRENT TRAINING:  I walked 3.24 miles yesterday with the wife, youngest daughter and the dog.  Otherwise, I haven't done anything consistently since the summer and no real SBR training since February.


2016 TOTALS:

Swim:  74h 16m 54s - 223,450 yds

Bike:  31h 33m 20s - 412.56 mi

Run:  39h 20m 37s - 195.08 mi


PLAN FOR 2017: Get my training back on a regular schedule.  I'll probably do the Winter Cycling Plan, get back to running 4 days per week, and get back to swimming 10k a week.  I think I will plan for another HIM in the fall to keep me motivated.  With our family schedule, I'll have to return to early workouts for running and cycling on the trainer.  Unfortunately, waking up at 4:00 and drinking beer the night before doesn't work for me.  I'll be using beer as a reward and probably try limiting consumption to 1-2 days.

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: Prefer stouts and porters, but enjoy almost everything except sour beers.  Zins and Sav. Blancs.  Knob Creek Bourbon.

WEIGHT LOSS:  Been up and down for the last several years.  I've won 4-5 weight loss challenges in the past 5 years - often losing 40 pounds or more in 3 months.  Unfortunately, I'm more efficient gaining than losing.  This year, I plan to do what I've done to lose the weight, but not have a end date.  I'd really like to get down to and try competing around 200.  In the past, I've stopped drinking altogether during weight loss challenges.  This year, I'm going to limit to a couple days per week. 

ALREADY HAVE MY BDAS CYCLING SHIRT - Now I just need to put it on and get going.  Looking forward to a good year.

2017-01-01 10:27 AM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Here is a blank member bio sheet. Please fill it out so we can get to know you. Just cut and paste it into a new post.

Thanks for joining the BDAS!





2016 RACES:

The Plan for 2017:



2017-01-01 10:53 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Goals for 2017:
1.) 425 workouts (at least 30 min, not work related)
2.) distance goals (swim 150mi, bike 1250 mi, run 600mi)
3.) one challenge per month
4.) two sprints, one oly, one half mary for sure. Maybe one HIM depending on work travel schedule

January 2017 challenge (starting on Jan 3rd)
Complete the Whole30 challenge. That is, eat clean for the whole month.

2017-01-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Main goal for 2017 is to get down to 200 pounds by my birthday, 6/15, and maintain throughout the remainder of the year. 

My goal for January is to complete 25 SBR workouts with 3 of each per week.  I also need to drop 12 pounds in this first month, so no alcohol. 


#1 workout is in the books.  3.1 miles; ran first two miles walked the last.  

2017-01-01 7:36 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by Hook'em

Main goal for 2017 is to get down to 200 pounds by my birthday, 6/15, and maintain throughout the remainder of the year. 

My goal for January is to complete 25 SBR workouts with 3 of each per week.  I also need to drop 12 pounds in this first month, so no alcohol. 


#1 workout is in the books.  3.1 miles; ran first two miles walked the last.  

Welcome to the party Doug! We are glad to have you! I think those are some great goals - I need to lose some weight myself!

2017-01-01 7:38 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Happy New Years Everyone! A big thanks to Gretchen for getting the group going again this year ( our 6th!).

I promise to post my bio soon.

Edited by Qua17 2017-01-01 7:39 PM
2017-01-02 11:22 AM
in reply to: #5207975

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
2017 workout #1 in the books--a slow, but nice, three mile run in the mist/drizzle/rain this morning. I also stepped on the scale this morning. Oy vey!!! I'm in need of some serious nutrition work. Tomorrow is Whole30 day one.
2017-01-02 1:44 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

#2 today with 3000y swim workout.  Now I'm home eating leftover black-eyed peas and cabbage - if it's lucky, I need it.

2017-01-02 1:45 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove 2017 workout #1 in the books--a slow, but nice, three mile run in the mist/drizzle/rain this morning. I also stepped on the scale this morning. Oy vey!!! I'm in need of some serious nutrition work. Tomorrow is Whole30 day one.
I checked out the Whole30 - no way!  I'd starve and the family would suffer since I'm the cook in the house.  Good luck!

2017-01-02 2:56 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Hi all!!! I'll post a bio soon! I have been reading all the posts from 2016 and am on the road to recovery!

So far - a whopping mile run yesterday and weights. #2 today - another mile run without a walk break and am about to lift again and do core work. For those who don't know me, I've been on the injured list and so a mile run without a walk break is the first since my HIM in September, so it's a good thing.
My sis-in-law came for a visit over the holidays, as I've mentioned she's a PT and did some deep piriformis work on me and actually popped my synthesis pubis back into alignment - alas! no more pain!! I wish I had flown out to see her back in September and my autumn could have been very different! I am taking it slowly coming back as I don't want to shear it again, and am doing a lot of symmetrical strengthening exercises - bridges, squats with a band around my thighs, double leg ball curls, etc.

Gretchen, thanks for starting the group up again!
Dave Q! It's so good to hear from you again!!!
I look forward to hearing from former members and meeting some new ones!!

Oh, Christmas Day I started with a Bloody Mary, moved to Cosmopolitans, and finished with a beautiful Bordeaux to go with the beef tenderloin.
2017-01-03 5:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Hi, everyone.  Welccome back to old friends and hello you all that will be joining.

I'm Mike.   I'm almost 48 (!!!) living with my wife and 14 YO daugher just outside of Baltimore, MD.  I ran cross country (with limited success) and track (with slightly more success) in high school and continued intramural sports throughout college.

My "athletic" career consisted of me playing every imaginable sport through my 20s - soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, flag name it.  I played a fair amount of beach doubles volleyball "back in the day" LOL and managed to get to be good enough to get crushed at the local pro level on the Jersey shore back in the early 90s.  I trained quite a bit to stay in shape for those sports, but most of it was more on the explosion and speed side vs. endurance, though I did plenty of running and cycling to keep the weight down.

Now that grandpa-used-to-be wasn't around any more, by 2006 I had ballooned to 227 pounds and decided that the old methods weren't going to work anymore, so silly me I signed up for a half marathon.  I got hooked.  Four half marathons later, I decided to follow my wife's lead and sign up for a triathlon.  After getting through the AOS (adult-onset-swimmer) struggles I managed to get through a long sprint (though my wife was wondering if she needed to swim out and get me on the swim leg...).  My bike split was really good for a hybrid bike and I managed a 5K PR run split.  Now I was REALLY hooked.

I went all in in 2011 - signed up for four races throughout the summer and went into June in the best shape of my adult life (down to 195).  Then my knee hurt.  And didn't get better.  Long story short, had knee surgery August of 2011 to repair a miniscus tear - only there wasn't one.  So, sorta recovered from knee surgery but by now both knees would bother me.  I then hurt my back (L4/L5 spondylolisthesis) in Dec 2011 and I was a mess.  Spine surgeon said I'd never run again and that I should have fusion surgery.  I wanted to try something less aggressive first.

Spent most of 2012 experimenting with treatments for both my back and knees.  Finally got back to rudimentary training by the fall and started a couch to 5K run program in addition to swimming and biking (mostly on the trainer).  After about 6-9 months of that my back was about 90% and my knees were managed with foam rolling.

2013 and 2014 were AWESOME - raced 4 triathlons and set running PRs and did another half marathon

Fast forward to now - I've had several pretty bad flare-ups and am in the middle of one now.  Looking to finally get that fusion done later this month.  Doc thinks I'll be relatively symptom free once I recover from the surgery, and that I'll be back swimming and cycling in a month and running again by the summer.  I'm about to do the "fight with the insurance company" thing (which is really funny, since I work for them LOL).


Anyway, enough about me other than that I think this is a great mentor group.  We don't really have one "mentor" - we all share the responsibility based on our expertise and experience.  We all have different levels of talent and goals, and I think everyone does a good job of keeping triathlon in perspective.  I think you'll find us as one of the more active groups, too, which is nice.

I've participated in like nine different mentor groups over the years - this one rocks!

Happy 2017 and good luck this year - really looking forward to seeing your successes and I will be racing vicariously through you (at least for the short-term).

Edited by jmhpsu93 2017-01-03 7:34 AM
2017-01-03 7:35 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Hi all!!! I'll post a bio soon! I have been reading all the posts from 2016 and am on the road to recovery! So far - a whopping mile run yesterday and weights. #2 today - another mile run without a walk break and am about to lift again and do core work. For those who don't know me, I've been on the injured list and so a mile run without a walk break is the first since my HIM in September, so it's a good thing. My sis-in-law came for a visit over the holidays, as I've mentioned she's a PT and did some deep piriformis work on me and actually popped my synthesis pubis back into alignment - alas! no more pain!! I wish I had flown out to see her back in September and my autumn could have been very different! I am taking it slowly coming back as I don't want to shear it again, and am doing a lot of symmetrical strengthening exercises - bridges, squats with a band around my thighs, double leg ball curls, etc. Gretchen, thanks for starting the group up again! Dave Q! It's so good to hear from you again!!! I look forward to hearing from former members and meeting some new ones!! Cheers! Oh, Christmas Day I started with a Bloody Mary, moved to Cosmopolitans, and finished with a beautiful Bordeaux to go with the beef tenderloin.

Sounds like my last two weeks. 

2017-01-03 7:38 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove 2016 totals Swim: 134h 39m 48s - 305956.03 Yd Bike: 110h 26m 38s - 1648.21 Mi Run: 126h 30m 04s - 506.2 Mi Still slow as molasses, but hanging in there.

That is an awesome year.

My totals:

Swim: 60h 40m 10s - 160859.16 Yd
Bike: 120h 17m 21s - 1969.16 Mi
Run: 33h 39m 55s - 192.13 Mi
Strength: 87h 41m (this includes yoga)
Body Combat: 52m
Elliptical Training: 20m
Hiking: 30h 46m 20s
Incline Treadmill Walking: 14h 17m
Kayaking: 35m
Snow Shoveling: 2h 45m

2017-01-03 7:39 AM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by drfoodlove 2017 workout #1 in the books--a slow, but nice, three mile run in the mist/drizzle/rain this morning. I also stepped on the scale this morning. Oy vey!!! I'm in need of some serious nutrition work. Tomorrow is Whole30 day one.
I checked out the Whole30 - no way!  I'd starve and the family would suffer since I'm the cook in the house.  Good luck!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yes, I initially thought the same thing. But I need to do something and with me, something usually needs to be dramatic to work. I'm a woman who likes an impossible challenge.

I'm only one meal in, but so far so good! Spinach and tomato fritata with avocado and a banana for breakfast with coffee (black). Honestly, drinking black coffee was the thing I was worried about most. Turns out, it isn't terrible (although I still like my half and half!).
2017-01-03 7:41 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Hi, everyone.  Welccome back to old friends and hello you all that will be joining.

I'm Mike.   I'm almost 48 (!!!) living with my wife and 14 YO daugher just outside of Baltimore, MD.  I ran cross country (with limited success) and track (with slightly more success) in high school and continued intramural sports throughout college.

My "athletic" career consisted of me playing every imaginable sport through my 20s - soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, flag name it.  I played a fair amount of beach doubles volleyball "back in the day" LOL and managed to get to be good enough to get crushed at the local pro level on the Jersey shore back in the early 90s.  I trained quite a bit to stay in shape for those sports, but most of it was more on the explosion and speed side vs. endurance, though I did plenty of running and cycling to keep the weight down.

Now that grandpa-used-to-be wasn't around any more, by 2006 I had ballooned to 227 pounds and decided that the old methods weren't going to work anymore, so silly me I signed up for a half marathon.  I got hooked.  Four half marathons later, I decided to follow my wife's lead and sign up for a triathlon.  After getting through the AOS (adult-onset-swimmer) struggles I managed to get through a long sprint (though my wife was wondering if she needed to swim out and get me on the swim leg...).  My bike split was really good for a hybrid bike and I managed a 5K PR run split.  Now I was REALLY hooked.

I went all in in 2011 - signed up for four races throughout the summer and went into June in the best shape of my adult life (down to 195).  Then my knee hurt.  And didn't get better.  Long story short, had knee surgery August of 2011 to repair a miniscus tear - only there wasn't one.  So, sorta recovered from knee surgery but by now both knees would bother me.  I then hurt my back (L4/L5 spondylolisthesis) in Dec 2011 and I was a mess.  Spine surgeon said I'd never run again and that I should have fusion surgery.  I wanted to try something less aggressive first.

Spent most of 2012 experimenting with treatments for both my back and knees.  Finally got back to rudimentary training by the fall and started a couch to 5K run program in addition to swimming and biking (mostly on the trainer).  After about 6-9 months of that my back was about 90% and my knees were managed with foam rolling.

2013 and 2014 were AWESOME - raced 4 triathlons and set running PRs and did another half marathon

Fast forward to now - I've had several pretty bad flare-ups and am in the middle of one now.  Looking to finally get that fusion done later this month.  Doc thinks I'll be relatively symptom free once I recover from the surgery, and that I'll be back swimming and cycling in a month and running again by the summer.  I'm about to do the "fight with the insurance company" thing (which is really funny, since I work for them LOL).


Anyway, enough about me other than that I think this is a great mentor group.  We don't really have one "mentor" - we all share the responsibility based on our expertise and experience.  We all have different levels of talent and goals, and I think everyone does a good job of keeping triathlon in perspective.  I think you'll find us as one of the more active groups, too, which is nice.

I've participated in like nine different mentor groups over the years - this one rocks!

Happy 2017 and good luck this year - really looking forward to seeing your successes and I will be racing vicariously through you (at least for the short-term).

Welcome back Mike!! Sorry to hear you are ending up on the surgery route, but hope it helps sort everything out!!
2017-01-03 7:43 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
#2--50 minutes of strength training this morning. Was really expecting the gym to be full of new people, but the few people that were there were all vets.

Later this afternoon I have a five mile run scheduled. Too foggy and dangerous to do it this morning (even though it was 50F outside--in JANUARY!!).
2017-01-03 9:13 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Hi, everyone.  Welccome back to old friends and hello you all that will be joining.

I'm Mike.   I'm almost 48 (!!!) living with my wife and 14 YO daugher just outside of Baltimore, MD.  I ran cross country (with limited success) and track (with slightly more success) in high school and continued intramural sports throughout college.

My "athletic" career consisted of me playing every imaginable sport through my 20s - soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, flag name it.  I played a fair amount of beach doubles volleyball "back in the day" LOL and managed to get to be good enough to get crushed at the local pro level on the Jersey shore back in the early 90s.  I trained quite a bit to stay in shape for those sports, but most of it was more on the explosion and speed side vs. endurance, though I did plenty of running and cycling to keep the weight down.

Now that grandpa-used-to-be wasn't around any more, by 2006 I had ballooned to 227 pounds and decided that the old methods weren't going to work anymore, so silly me I signed up for a half marathon.  I got hooked.  Four half marathons later, I decided to follow my wife's lead and sign up for a triathlon.  After getting through the AOS (adult-onset-swimmer) struggles I managed to get through a long sprint (though my wife was wondering if she needed to swim out and get me on the swim leg...).  My bike split was really good for a hybrid bike and I managed a 5K PR run split.  Now I was REALLY hooked.

I went all in in 2011 - signed up for four races throughout the summer and went into June in the best shape of my adult life (down to 195).  Then my knee hurt.  And didn't get better.  Long story short, had knee surgery August of 2011 to repair a miniscus tear - only there wasn't one.  So, sorta recovered from knee surgery but by now both knees would bother me.  I then hurt my back (L4/L5 spondylolisthesis) in Dec 2011 and I was a mess.  Spine surgeon said I'd never run again and that I should have fusion surgery.  I wanted to try something less aggressive first.

Spent most of 2012 experimenting with treatments for both my back and knees.  Finally got back to rudimentary training by the fall and started a couch to 5K run program in addition to swimming and biking (mostly on the trainer).  After about 6-9 months of that my back was about 90% and my knees were managed with foam rolling.

2013 and 2014 were AWESOME - raced 4 triathlons and set running PRs and did another half marathon

Fast forward to now - I've had several pretty bad flare-ups and am in the middle of one now.  Looking to finally get that fusion done later this month.  Doc thinks I'll be relatively symptom free once I recover from the surgery, and that I'll be back swimming and cycling in a month and running again by the summer.  I'm about to do the "fight with the insurance company" thing (which is really funny, since I work for them LOL).


Anyway, enough about me other than that I think this is a great mentor group.  We don't really have one "mentor" - we all share the responsibility based on our expertise and experience.  We all have different levels of talent and goals, and I think everyone does a good job of keeping triathlon in perspective.  I think you'll find us as one of the more active groups, too, which is nice.

I've participated in like nine different mentor groups over the years - this one rocks!

Happy 2017 and good luck this year - really looking forward to seeing your successes and I will be racing vicariously through you (at least for the short-term).

Welcome back Mike!! Sorry to hear you are ending up on the surgery route, but hope it helps sort everything out!!

I'm actually looking forward to crazy is that!  I've been "whistling through the graveyard" for almost five years on this.  It's time.

2017-01-03 10:09 AM
in reply to: #5207975

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Hi everyone. Thanks Gretchen for getting this set up again. I am just checking in to say happy new year but not really anything to report. On Christmas we flew back to family on the east coast, as expected we all got bad colds and other various bugs, hasn't been a great vacation. I signed up for a one week trial at the local gym and I planned on getting six swims and a bike and a run in for my ten days here. I hit one swim by the time I got sick ??.

Good to see family but very frustrating trip getting this sick. We're not used to winter anymore. Looking forward to flying back home tomorrow and maybe I can feel good enough to workout by Thursday or Friday if this week.


2017-01-03 10:23 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Tavo2311 Hi everyone. Thanks Gretchen for getting this set up again. I am just checking in to say happy new year but not really anything to report. On Christmas we flew back to family on the east coast, as expected we all got bad colds and other various bugs, hasn't been a great vacation. I signed up for a one week trial at the local gym and I planned on getting six swims and a bike and a run in for my ten days here. I hit one swim by the time I got sick ??. Good to see family but very frustrating trip getting this sick. We're not used to winter anymore. Looking forward to flying back home tomorrow and maybe I can feel good enough to workout by Thursday or Friday if this week. -Matt

Bummer on being sick.  I know a ton of people around here and at work who are also not doing so well.  Half of my wife's office called out this morning.

So it's not just not being used to winter!

2017-01-03 10:49 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Hey everyone! I am so excited for another year with BDAS! And I think this will be my first time starting from the beginning, so hopefully that helps my commitment!

NAME: Nicole

STORY: I've lived in Baltimore City for about 8 years now (oy, so long!). I grew up (in Central PA) doing all sorts of sports (swimming, soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball, track and XC). Did Track and XC in college (University of Richmond...Go Spiders!), and thanks to my background in swimming I'd always had my eye on triathlons. The main problem was I kept making lots of excuses as to why I didn't have time to train. in 2014, I finally said no more excuses and signed up for my first tri! I was completely hooked afterwards. I smiled the entire time (even when I thought the bike had to be almost done, only to realize I was at mile 9 of 16...). I did two tris that year. In 2015 I had 7 weddings, all good friends so I also had tons of bachelorette parties, bridal showers and very little money in my pocket. I also broke my pinky in May so took the year off of triathlons. This past year I finally got back into it and did the Baltimore sprint triathlon. 2017 is going to be my year of tris! I hope to sign up for at least 4, possibly transitioning to do my first olympic tri ever!

FAMILY STATUS: I am single and I have a little fur-baby kitty named Raven <3

CURRENT TRAINING: In the winter I generally train by going to classes at the gym and getting my strength and endurance up, but not necessarily in running or cycling. I am having lasik on Friday, so once I am able to get back in the pool, I plan to get back to training with the masters swim team in Towson. Otherwise I will be going to boot camps, bodypump, and other classes that inspire me at the gym

2016 RACES: Baltimore Triathlon Sprint Tri - I got 4th overall for women!

The Plan for 2017: No set plan yet. Would like to do 2-3 sprint tris and sign up for my first Oly. Definitely want to do the Baltimore Tri again, even though the weather has been pretty nasty that weekend the last 3 years.

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: I love red wine, especially a good Malbec or Tempranillo. I also like all kinds of beers, mainly less hoppy, lighter beers. This past year though I tried a lot more beers and think my taste has matured a little. I definitely liked most of the ones I tried through the year.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am currently working on losing about 10-15 lbs. Trying to get into the habit of food prepping each week so I am spending less money and eating cleaner. Also focusing on portion control.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER: I am generally a very positive person! I might not know a lot about triathlons (I don't have any fancy gear or anything, just very basic stuff), but I love hearing about people's successes and also try to be there to support people when they are struggling. That is what is awesome about this group in general. The support is incredible!
2017-01-03 10:50 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Hi, everyone.  Welccome back to old friends and hello you all that will be joining.

I'm Mike.   I'm almost 48 (!!!) living with my wife and 14 YO daugher just outside of Baltimore, MD.  I ran cross country (with limited success) and track (with slightly more success) in high school and continued intramural sports throughout college.

My "athletic" career consisted of me playing every imaginable sport through my 20s - soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, flag name it.  I played a fair amount of beach doubles volleyball "back in the day" LOL and managed to get to be good enough to get crushed at the local pro level on the Jersey shore back in the early 90s.  I trained quite a bit to stay in shape for those sports, but most of it was more on the explosion and speed side vs. endurance, though I did plenty of running and cycling to keep the weight down.

Now that grandpa-used-to-be wasn't around any more, by 2006 I had ballooned to 227 pounds and decided that the old methods weren't going to work anymore, so silly me I signed up for a half marathon.  I got hooked.  Four half marathons later, I decided to follow my wife's lead and sign up for a triathlon.  After getting through the AOS (adult-onset-swimmer) struggles I managed to get through a long sprint (though my wife was wondering if she needed to swim out and get me on the swim leg...).  My bike split was really good for a hybrid bike and I managed a 5K PR run split.  Now I was REALLY hooked.

I went all in in 2011 - signed up for four races throughout the summer and went into June in the best shape of my adult life (down to 195).  Then my knee hurt.  And didn't get better.  Long story short, had knee surgery August of 2011 to repair a miniscus tear - only there wasn't one.  So, sorta recovered from knee surgery but by now both knees would bother me.  I then hurt my back (L4/L5 spondylolisthesis) in Dec 2011 and I was a mess.  Spine surgeon said I'd never run again and that I should have fusion surgery.  I wanted to try something less aggressive first.

Spent most of 2012 experimenting with treatments for both my back and knees.  Finally got back to rudimentary training by the fall and started a couch to 5K run program in addition to swimming and biking (mostly on the trainer).  After about 6-9 months of that my back was about 90% and my knees were managed with foam rolling.

2013 and 2014 were AWESOME - raced 4 triathlons and set running PRs and did another half marathon

Fast forward to now - I've had several pretty bad flare-ups and am in the middle of one now.  Looking to finally get that fusion done later this month.  Doc thinks I'll be relatively symptom free once I recover from the surgery, and that I'll be back swimming and cycling in a month and running again by the summer.  I'm about to do the "fight with the insurance company" thing (which is really funny, since I work for them LOL).


Anyway, enough about me other than that I think this is a great mentor group.  We don't really have one "mentor" - we all share the responsibility based on our expertise and experience.  We all have different levels of talent and goals, and I think everyone does a good job of keeping triathlon in perspective.  I think you'll find us as one of the more active groups, too, which is nice.

I've participated in like nine different mentor groups over the years - this one rocks!

Happy 2017 and good luck this year - really looking forward to seeing your successes and I will be racing vicariously through you (at least for the short-term).

Welcome back Mike!! Sorry to hear you are ending up on the surgery route, but hope it helps sort everything out!!

I'm actually looking forward to crazy is that!  I've been "whistling through the graveyard" for almost five years on this.  It's time.

Good luck!! Definitely keep us posted. We will be cheering for you!

Also, didn't know you used to be a big vball player! Maybe once your all healed up we can play some doubles at Baltimore Beach!
2017-01-03 10:51 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Jenn, that is awesome that you are feeling so much better! I know fall was really rough because of the pain. Keep up the great work!
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