4.2 mile run this morning at 7:30 and it was already nearly 80 degrees. High of 100 forecasted today and we have an outside birthday party to take the boys to at 1 PM. Gonna be a hot one.
Wow! We are hoping....maybe....for high 60's and a couple of breaks in the rain today. 1:40 trainer ride planned for later today. Probably no need for SPF here--no scorchin', unless I mess up dinner.
"Run" and "easy" don't go together anymore for me. I am too out of shape. It's the second time in two years I've had to start over from zero with running. Had finally gotten to a place last year by late summer/fall where I felt like fitness was really coming together and I was starting to enjoy even hard runs. Don't think I had been there since my 20's and not sure at my age I will get there again. I don't even track pace/HR/distance anymore, just try to keep going forward in a running-like motion.
Send some heat here! Barely got up to 60, drizzle, windy, and thunderstorms on and off all day. We did get in a nice walk this morning to the store and coffee, but it all went south by about 11 AM.