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2007-07-12 2:05 PM

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Sin City
Subject: Pool Etiquette
I had a rough start to my swim workout yesterday. I wanted to go straight from my bike to my swim but several bothersome things happened.

First, the pool (4 lanes) had a person in them that was just not doing much (compared to my workout). One was WALKING the swim lane back and forth, one was doing a lazy backstroke, and the other two were just doing a lazy back and forth. Now, they were all seniors or very overweight - so they were doing what was good for them (I guess) so I can't get too mad.

Second, I was sitting at the edge of the hot tub waiting for a lane (holding my goggles and staring at the pool) when as soon as someone came out of the locker room someone finished and the new person just jumped in after I was waiting for 15 mintues!

Anyway - I would normaly just ask to share a lane, but these people were SO slow, I would just run over them on just about every lap. The thought crossed my mind to ask two of them to share because they were both slow and give me a lane, but I quickly decided that would be wrong of me.

I also could have stoped the other guy, told him I was waiting for 15 minutes and take the lane - but I decided I didn't want the hassle...

I guess this just comes with training and I have to deal with it every once and a while! But I DID have some pretty insulting things to say in my head like "the pool is for SWIMMING!" but I would never say it....

Guess I just wanted to rant!

2007-07-12 2:15 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
Nothing wrong with splitting a lane. The other person will eventually figure it out and most likely move. Always ask first. No reason to sit there for 15 minutes waiting. Only when you get to 3 in a lane do things get dicey.
2007-07-12 2:20 PM
in reply to: #883385

Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

My gym only has 4 lanes and once in a while would get the old folks who "chat" down at the end of a lane.  It hard to say what to do because they pay their fees like I do, and if they both wanted a lane to swim in then they should.  Just because I am actually working out doesn't make me more privileged (although it should!)


It depends how confrontational you are.  I would love to ask them to move over but I know I won't.  I will just glare.... :D

2007-07-12 2:22 PM
in reply to: #883415

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
briderdt - 2007-07-12 12:15 PM

Nothing wrong with splitting a lane. The other person will eventually figure it out and most likely move. Always ask first. No reason to sit there for 15 minutes waiting. Only when you get to 3 in a lane do things get dicey.

You're right - I thought about that too, but I wasn't even sure if these people undertand the concept or know how to do it.

It ended up taking 30 minutes and I was late for my dinner plans...

It was one of those things that I kep telling myself, "it should only be one more minute - I mean look at them, how could they even do one more lap?" I know a little mean, but you should have seen some of them.

Next time I will just take the time to explane to the one who looks the nicest or most knowledgable. (3 out of 4 didn't even have goggles!)
2007-07-12 2:24 PM
in reply to: #883424

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
Robb - 2007-07-12 12:20 PM

My gym only has 4 lanes and once in a while would get the old folks who "chat" down at the end of a lane.  It hard to say what to do because they pay their fees like I do, and if they both wanted a lane to swim in then they should.  Just because I am actually working out doesn't make me more privileged (although it should!)


It depends how confrontational you are.  I would love to ask them to move over but I know I won't.  I will just glare.... :D

That is EXACLTY the same situation and the EXACT passive-agressive way I handle it! Thanks for the back up!!!! Funny....

2007-07-12 2:25 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Muskego, WI
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

Here's what I do.  If there's full lanes I walk up and look for one with only one person in it.  I don't care what they're doing.  I sit down on the wall with my feet in the water on one side or other of the lane.  As they approach, depending on what they're doing, they'll either see me or my feet.  As they acknowledge I ask as nicely as I can if we can split the lane.  Works fine.  Other, good swimmers (unlike me, heh) have done this to me, so I take it as acceptable.

If the person is breast-stroking or being wide, they've always been considerate as I approach them and pass.

If all lanes are 2-per, I'd probably wait on the pool deck so I don't get skipped.  That hasn't happened to me though.

2007-07-12 2:32 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Mukwonago, WI
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

First, I feel your pain but there membership fees are as good as the ones which you have paid so they have every right to be there despite their speed.

Second, I would have gotten in a lane and shared.  If they were really considerate they would have seen your swim and perhaps gone to share in the next lane although this is unlikely.  Your presence probably would have sped things up a bit though.  Waiting in the whirlpool (though comfortable) is just asking for trouble.

2007-07-12 2:56 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
I'll tend to do the feet in the water then ask to share a lane thing if they have anywhere near decent stroke. But for the lazy swimmers who somehow take up the whole lane with their arm movement(sometimes kicks too). I'll ask how long they will be, if it's 10min or less I'll wait it out if it's more I'll jump in and tough it out. I don't mind sharing a lane at all as I take up very little room. But I've had fingers in my mouth on more then one occasion from very casual swimmers whos arms take up the whole lane.

If it's someone with decent form and are too into their workout, or trying to ignore you ;p. Then I just jump in and let them figure it out, which works out most of the time.
2007-07-12 3:00 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

Some of my favorite swimming pool situations:

1) Someone decides to split a lane with you without alerting you that they are getting in.  You only find out when they crash into you.

2)  Someone decides they want to split a lane with you when the rest of the pool is wide open.

3) Floaters / water joggers.  You could fit ten in a lane with no problem, but they take up the whole pool.

4) Someone asks to split a lane, but their concept of split is about 70%/30%.  Usually, they have sharp finger/toe nails, too.

5)  Someone you'd really like to avoid decides that they want to be your "close" friend.  Then they follow you into the showers when you get out.


2007-07-12 3:15 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
just ask them to split the lane. If it's you and two others ,ask if they wouldn't mind circle swimming (always swimming to the right). If they are slower and you are circle swimming you can easily just pass them by going around them (to their left), but it's your responsibility to pass them, they don't have to do anything differently (i.e. don't swim on someone's feet and expect them to stop at the wall and let you go by).

2007-07-12 3:26 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
One thing that helps me with being touched while sharing a lane is that I recall how violent a mass start can be and it puts it in perspective. I think to myself, "I could do this with five other people in the lane, and it would just be training for the real thing".

2007-07-12 3:31 PM
in reply to: #883595

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Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
zed707 - 2007-07-12 3:26 PM One thing that helps me with being touched while sharing a lane is that I recall how violent a mass start can be and it puts it in perspective. I think to myself, "I could do this with five other people in the lane, and it would just be training for the real thing".
Yeah, if I get bumped I figure it is bonus for mass starts.
2007-07-12 3:46 PM
in reply to: #883615

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

kproudfoot - 2007-07-12 4:31 PM
zed707 - 2007-07-12 3:26 PM One thing that helps me with being touched while sharing a lane is that I recall how violent a mass start can be and it puts it in perspective. I think to myself, "I could do this with five other people in the lane, and it would just be training for the real thing".
Yeah, if I get bumped I figure it is bonus for mass starts.

I've easily shared a lane with senior water walkers before by splitting the lane.  Heck the walkers are usually easier to share with than some of the slower swimmers.  And I look at getting bumped and run into as good tri training.  It used to bother me a lot, but now it doesn't at all (except for this one guy that seems to grab my thigh or butt when we pass.  I usually avoid him and let one of the other guys split a lane with him.    ).

2007-07-12 4:01 PM
in reply to: #883385

Mesa, az
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
The best one is the kids that stray into the lanes at public pools. My niece is a lifeguard at a public pool and she says the lifeguards laugh a little inside when one of the kids gets clobbered by a swimmer. Not that it isn't annoying to the swimmer but if the kids can't listen to the lifeguard they kind of have it coming.

As far as lane shareing I always wait at the side an ask the person. I have never had a time when we had to go 3 to a lane and start rotating around the lane. I guess it will happen one of these days though (I guess I am fairly slow too as I am still working on getting my 100m under 2 minutes on a regular basis so maybe my input isn't too applicable).

For the record, one public pool I swim at has only one lane and I regularly accidentally club kids with my hands while swimming as they cross the lane for reasons only known to them.

"The bouyant battering ram"
2007-07-12 4:08 PM
in reply to: #883673

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Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
pauldelamancha - 2007-07-12 4:01 PM The best one is the kids that stray into the lanes at public pools. My niece is a lifeguard at a public pool and she says the lifeguards laugh a little inside when one of the kids gets clobbered by a swimmer. Not that it isn't annoying to the swimmer but if the kids can't listen to the lifeguard they kind of have it coming. As far as lane shareing I always wait at the side an ask the person. I have never had a time when we had to go 3 to a lane and start rotating around the lane. I guess it will happen one of these days though (I guess I am fairly slow too as I am still working on getting my 100m under 2 minutes on a regular basis so maybe my input isn't too applicable). For the record, one public pool I swim at has only one lane and I regularly accidentally club kids with my hands while swimming as they cross the lane for reasons only known to them. "The bouyant battering ram"
My community pool has Adult only lanes and then 1 short lanes for those under 18.  I went one day and this girl who was obviously under 18 but a very, very good swimmer was in the adult lane and the lifeguard told her to get out when I got there since all the lanes were full.  My comment was, "she is faster than me and if she doesn't mind I will share the lane with her".  Heck, I am all for adults only but this girl was well behaved and a great swimmer.   I know this is off topic but I thought it was funny since at the time I was pretty pathetic in the water.
2007-07-12 4:08 PM
in reply to: #883673

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

I always laugh inside at the people who aren't brave enough to ask to share, or give up their chance by not waiting near the lanes (a much riskier method).    I also sit with my feet in my lane of choice and wait for the other person to show up so I can ask.  Not once have they not understood.  I usually say "Can I split with you?  I'll take this half if that's okay" just to be extra clear.

I also have found that in Minnesota, the Land'O'Passive Aggressive, the person I am sharing with usually gets out after a few minutes.  Hee hee. (and no, I'm not taking up 70% of the lane)

2007-07-12 4:42 PM
in reply to: #883385

New user

Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

I come from a competitive swimming background and the thought of even needing to ask to share is new to me. It sounds like most people want to be asked, so I will. It's really not a big deal, if they are slow go around them, if they are fast they will go around you.
2007-07-12 4:49 PM
in reply to: #883415

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

briderdt - 2007-07-12 12:15 PM  Only when you get to 3 in a lane do things get dicey.


ONLY 3 per lane woud be AWESOME!!. I swear, sometimes there are up to 6 swimmers in the fast lane. THAT is a challenge! To be fair though, this has only been since I've been swimming at night. There weren't 6 people in the whole pool complex at 5am last summer.

2007-07-12 4:54 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

All I can say is -- THANK GOD I can swim in a lake.  Even with 8 other swimmers in the lake, we all have plenty of "lane space" 

I dread the return of cold weather and pools indoors.

2007-07-12 5:51 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
The pool I'm currently stuck with is open very limited hours and there are always at LEAST three people per lane. I usually try to get in the slowest lane, but then about halfway through my intended workout, a super-slow water jogger or floater will get in and throw me off. I'm just not very good at the whole passing thing yet. However, if I get into the faster lanes, I find myself trying to keep up and completely wearing myself out. I can't wait until I get back to the University of Minnesota. Much more open hours and three people to a lane is a rare thing. (And a 50 meter pool makes it easier for me to count laps for some reason.)

I do think that waiting on the side for something to open up is risky. If people get there after you and don't mind sharing, I don't think it is rude of them to just get it--at least that's what I was told when I first learned lap swim etiquette.
2007-07-12 5:52 PM
in reply to: #883385

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
Oh my goodness. You should take a look at my blog from yesterday......

2007-07-12 6:30 PM
in reply to: #883673

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

pauldelamancha - 2007-07-12 10:01 PM The best one is the kids that stray into the lanes at public pools. My niece is a lifeguard at a public pool and she says the lifeguards laugh a little inside when one of the kids gets clobbered by a swimmer. Not that it isn't annoying to the swimmer but if the kids can't listen to the lifeguard they kind of have it coming. As far as lane shareing I always wait at the side an ask the person. I have never had a time when we had to go 3 to a lane and start rotating around the lane. I guess it will happen one of these days though (I guess I am fairly slow too as I am still working on getting my 100m under 2 minutes on a regular basis so maybe my input isn't too applicable). For the record, one public pool I swim at has only one lane and I regularly accidentally club kids with my hands while swimming as they cross the lane for reasons only known to them. "The bouyant battering ram"


so it's not just me! i have swum into/over and through kids who deliberately get in my way.

btw who ever slagged off lazy swimmers: maybe they are slower than you or less healthy. it doesn't mean they are lazy or less deserving. just please make sure you are seeded in the correct lane.

Edited by sappho96 2007-07-12 6:30 PM
2007-07-12 6:40 PM
in reply to: #883385

Mesa, az
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

so it's not just me! i have swum into/over and through kids who deliberately get in my way.

btw who ever slagged off lazy swimmers: maybe they are slower than you or less healthy. it doesn't mean they are lazy or less deserving. just please make sure you are seeded in the correct lane.

I am just waiting until I clobber one of them while doing the fist drill.

Kid- Lifeguard, he punched me!
Me- punched him? I was just doing a fist drill to maximize stroke efficiency.
Lifeguard- Stay out of the lap lanes kid. They can get you something for that black eye over at the office.

Edited by pauldelamancha 2007-07-12 6:42 PM
2007-07-12 9:50 PM
in reply to: #883852

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Lexington, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette

To the OP: Don't wait for a lane at the hot tub. Be more obvious and dangle your feet in the lane you want to share.  The correct response of the swimmer in the lane should be to wave and move to one side. Faling that, stand in the water on the side you want 'til they reach the wall. Ask "Mind sharing?" and take off.

Kids playing in the lap lanes = targets.

2007-07-12 9:52 PM
in reply to: #883415

Subject: RE: Pool Etiquette
briderdt - 2007-07-12 2:15 PM

Nothing wrong with splitting a lane. The other person will eventually figure it out and most likely move. Always ask first. No reason to sit there for 15 minutes waiting. Only when you get to 3 in a lane do things get dicey.

Agree 100%. Unless you own the pool, sharing is going to be a fact of life (especially in the winter).
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