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2008-04-16 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Hi team!!  Today is the 16th, so we are 53.33% of the way through the month as of today. 

As a team, we are 47.12% of the way to our goals.  A little low, but nothing we can't make up.

Here's how each of us is doing.  I'm not trying to single people out, just give a little motivation.

Overachievers (>55%)

zipp1 (66.90%)
KathyG (64.21%)
mac3116 (64.15%)

Right on Track (50 - 55%)

ChicagoMan65 (51.31%)
skarl (49.92%)

Need a few long workouts (40 - 49%)

xterratri (45.69%)
orange223 (46.23%)
enders_shadow (46.15%)
Artemis (41.00%)

Get out and train!! (< 40%)

joemac3 (38.52%)
irongirl39 (33.51)
TriAya (32.93%)
TheSchwamm (25.68%)

2008-04-16 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Wow, Jen - did you borrow Mila's whip?
2008-04-16 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
In my own defense, I have some longer workouts coming up...I was "recovering" from my duathlon.
2008-04-16 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1341609

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

enders_shadow - 2008-04-16 10:40 AM Wow, Jen - did you borrow Mila's whip?


2008-04-16 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1341593

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Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Artemis - 2008-04-16 9:31 AM

Get out and train!! (< 40%)

joemac3 (38.52%)
irongirl39 (33.51)
TriAya (32.93%)
TheSchwamm (25.68%)

Heh, yeah. Trivia kinda got in the way. i'm back on it this week.
2008-04-16 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Nice job Jen

I have a swim and a strength to fit in today to catch up w/ the month.  Is April flying by or what?!

Nice job overachievers!!!

2008-04-16 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

I'll defend myself also.....I found out my sacroiliac joint was inflamed like the 3rd of the month so the doc told me to rest for 2 weeks and take a steroid treatment......well I still taught spinning and butts n guts class for the first week but didnt do anymore and things were 100% normal after just a week of steroids so I have been back on track since.  Another excuse.......our pool is green all the time....makes me lose the taste in my mouth,,,,turns my jewlery grey and now they finally closed it down on Monday to try to fix it.....but I wont use that one anymore since a friend of mine runs the college health club and gave me a membership there....so I am back in the pool and have done two 1 hour swims this week!!! YEAHHHHHHH  Gonna kayak after work today but will take my bike outside tomorrow. Actually since my son is on springbreak starting tomorrow thru monday I wont have to take him to school so I think I will just commute on my bike to teach classes in the am and then onto work afterwards.

2008-04-16 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Hey everyone...2.5 mile run and 1500 yd swim today. Keep it up everyone...
2008-04-16 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
I woke up to Coach Troy this morning--not very much fun but it beat the cold outside  at 5 AM.  Got a lunchtime run in too!
2008-04-16 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Run done this afternoon.
2008-04-16 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

1st week of open water swim camp.  I got an hour of practice in the river and focused on sighting this week.  I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with the flow of that now.

Also got in a strength workout. 

2008-04-16 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Well I work as hard as my knee would let me and managed to spend 25 minutes on the stationary bike did a great strength workout and a 2000 yard swim in 28 minutes that brings my grand total up to 55.77%

Swim 3800 yards (53.98%)
Bike 120 minutes (80%)
Strength workout 5 (33.33%)

Now I am going to go ice my knee

2008-04-16 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

I did my longest swim in maybe 8 weeks since my shoulder acted up and it was great. Did tired TT in order to estimate IM swim pace/time.

Then did 30' bike TT on a course I do my summer TT with all the men. I was faster and had 13 watts more power than last month. Time doesn't matter as much as increasing my power so Lake Placid hills are easier.

I'm trying a new saddle so my husband put that on and I went with my 12 year old for a neighborhood spin..could tell right away saddle is about 1/4" to high and need a slight tilt downward.

Tomorrow 60 mile ride with 40 at IM race pace then run 3-4 miles. Hope saddle is okay otherwise I'll swap bikes mid way thru...so while all you are working, I'll be acting like a kid playing outside in the awesome weather.


2008-04-16 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
i got a run in this morning but canned the swim . i got to watching the biggest looser this morning and was almost late for work . hey i had to catch up on some tv plus it wa the final show . be back at it tomorrow
2008-04-16 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Got a swim in tonight.  Hubby and I were the only ones in the pool   I think the foot of snow that fell today had something to do with that   But should be melted and warm by the weekend for long run and ride
2008-04-17 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Three days on the road this week put me behind on my long bike and long swim days.  Time to play catch up.

2008-04-17 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Another fantabulous swim today with praise from my coach!  After all the adversarial relationship we had I'm kind of digging this encouragement

Umm, just updated the spread sheet.  I think I need to up my goal   Let me think on it for a while and I'll change the sheet when I decide.

Edited by zipp1 2008-04-17 4:49 PM
2008-04-17 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Core / abs this evening.

What did we do with all of that free time before we had kids? 

2008-04-17 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Long ride for me today.  I'm probably not going to get a lot of workouts in this weekend because we are moving this weekend.  I'll make up for it as much as I can next week.

Free time without kids?  I don't have any, but I don't have much time either. 

2008-04-17 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

It's 8:45 pm and I want to go to bed...my brick wore me out. When I came home from bike and went running, my husband made some comment like you ready to run a marathon...so not funny.

I rode all the hardest hills near me...pretty good pace for me given the terrain...

I'll hit my bike hours pretty soon as I've been riding extra...weather rocks here.

One of the cool/fun things about IM training is weekly I set new first as farthest I've run, biked or swam...it adds some fun to it!

Happy training tomorrow Atoms!

2008-04-17 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
I'm actually exactly even for the month(at least until tomorrow 56.67% complete and the month is 56.67% done. Going to VT to get the bike some TLC tomorrow so may not get any or at least very much training but it needs it prior to next week's race.

I'm behind where I wanted to be run wise as far as my goal but that's because I haven't ran pain free since early March- I was hopeful for this month but not happening so far. I'll get the miles just not the way I wanted(lots and lots of walking

Biking is going well. Love the new bike and the weather has evolved to be highly cooperative recently

Swimming is fine- didn't swim at all the first week but will still easily hit 40,000+ for the month.

Strength-it'll be right up to the last day to get all the sessions but it will happen.

Good training fellow Atoms!

KathyG- The training progression works. 112 seems long now(it'll seem long race day too) but will also feel totally doable race day. That second time past Whiteface and up the narrows by the Ausable River to the Bears and you'll know 26.2 miles and you'll be a freaking IRONMAN. Shoot typing this so makes me envy you this summer... but as I've repeatedly said more to myself than anyone else "no Ironman for me this year"

2008-04-18 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Morning swim.  Totally bonked at a mile.  Needed a carb drink or GU beforehand instead of one cup of coffee (5:40 AM).

On that note, as of this week, our pool is now open at 5AM on weekdays!  Will have more time on long swim days before going to the office.  I hate being rushed during a workout.

2008-04-18 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

great job atoms!!

Got a strength w.o. in this morning, hope to swim after vball tonight.  Then long run and ride planned for the weekend, w/ swim and strength thrown in to try to get/stay even for the month.  I'd much rather ride/run only, but that's why we have these multisport challenges, eh?

Have a great productive weekend all!!   Good luck with the move Jen!! 

2008-04-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
When i got off the bike last night, my ankle almost gave out. WTF? How did i manage that? i can't run, swimming makes my shoulder hurt, and now this? Bah.
2008-04-19 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Long ride today.  Long run tomorrow.  Moderate pace today; 2 hrs.

Go Atoms!

Predators are hanging by a thread!  As usual.

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