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2010-04-30 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2827918

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

There's a lot of good stuff in there.  I started back at the beginning and until she got pregnant, the blog was full of stuff like this.  It's still interesting, but not as tri focused usually.  She's a very good writer (and coach, hopefully...)

LaurenCO - 2010-04-30 8:24 AM

Loved it!! Put it on my favs and I've been looking through old posts. Esp like "20 Things" and "Running 101". She sounds like an awesome coach.

2010-04-30 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2827924

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Spring weather is always interesting, but hopefully we can all make the best of it.

2010-04-30 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! I have to catch up on posts, but I wanted to poke my head in.  The last time I posted I had gone to the hospital and I was worried about doing my first Tri a week and a half later. Well, I did the tri anyway and I'm still having problems...but I'm glad I did.

First of all I am extremely anemic.  That is what the doctor's found and it's because I have been completely stupid and haven't taken my iron supplements since my Gastric Bypass nor have I had my B12 injections in about 2 years. My body had been compensating until I started training and then it just couldn't keep up. My hemoglobin level is 8 which, apparently, is very low.  Since then I have been religious about taking my iron with vitamin C (which helps with absorbtion), I've gotten a B12 injection, eat lots of fruit (grapefruit mostly...more vitamin C), and lots of brocholi and beef. I'm feeling much better, though I still have a long way to go. It has caused some weird swelling, but I'm dealing with that. (The past three days I looked like the Na'vi from Avatar because my face swelled. Weird.)

Last weekend I did the sprint distance in the Lonestar Ironman triathlon. The swim was cancelled due to HIGH winds that made the water way too unsafe. I wore a heart monitor for the bike and run always keeping my heart rate under 165. That meant I walked a great deal of my run, but I knew I couldn't push myself. I didn't do great. I spent WAY too much time in transition (4:22), but I was freaking out and I had to calm myself down. But I finished. I am going to do another in August, I think. By then my iron should be up and my doctors will give me the go ahead.

I have been told that I can do daily workouts...just not to push very hard. So, that's what I'm going to do.  I'm happy with what I've done and the progress I'm making.

One a different note: I bought a pair of Vibram FiveFingers today. Anyone ever used them? I wore them all day just to run errands and tomorrow I am going to go running in them. I LOVE them so far. We'll see how the run goes. I'm going to take it slow (I'm anemic for pity heaven's sake) and I hear that it'll work my calves and arches unlike I've worked them before.  I'm excited.

I'm going to go read the back up posts. Sorry I dropped out for so long.  Embarassed
2010-04-30 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2808531

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Now that I think about it, triathlons are really glorified childhoods. Swimming, riding your bike and running around with friends Laughing

I totally love this. I am going to share that with my friends who got me into this mess! :D
2010-05-01 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Welcome back...  I do my B-12 daily and my Vit D 1 time per week.  I did a ok bike and swim today.  Left shoulder still swollen and tender to the touch.  So swim was slow.
2010-05-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2830290

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Glad to hear from ya, Leslie!  Especially glad that you're back on track now. I hope you feel back to normal soon.  Good job still doing the race.   Yeah, definitely would be nice to do another race when you're feeling your best.

I haven't tried the VFFs, but I am really tempted by them for everyday running around.  Especially at home.  I saw several folks wearing them at a recent race.  I should try on a pair.  Let us know how the run goes!  Take it easy at first.

2010-05-03 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2830599

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Is everyone ready for a good week?  It's May, finally!

2010-05-03 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hey gang!

Leslie - glad to hear you're feeling better.  Congrats on the tri! 

It turned out to be a beautiful weekend here.  We were originally supposed to have showers and T-storms all weekend but all we got was some rain on Friday evening and overnight on Saturday.  Nothing really heavy either.  Aside from that, it was really nice.  I got a good ride in on Saturday (short compared to most people, but a decent ride for meSmile) and a nice swim Sunday morning.  I did end up skipping my long run - tendonitis is still giving me some trouble - but I'm hoping to get back to running this week. 

I'm getting excited about my first tri of the season - it's only 3 weeks away!  After this weekend, I know I'll do OK on the bike and the run doesn't concern me at all.  It's only the swim that I'm a little nervous about.  It's my first OWS tri.  I know I can do the distance, just a little worried about it being in a lake instead of a pool.  I'm going to some OWS practices the next couple of Saturdays though (as long as the weather cooperates) so hopefully that will help with some of the nerves. 

Hope everyone has a great week ahead!
2010-05-03 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
congrats on the tri Leslie and welcome back!  sometimes just finishing is the best that we can hope for.

my 5K this weekend wasn't so hot.  i couldn't breath for a good portion of it, so i had to take quite a few walk breaks.  got lightheaded a few times due to lack of O2. 

Janet - good luck with the open water swim!!  

i was hoping to meet up with all you Rev-ers in Knoxville this weekend but its not going to workout.  I've got a 5K (in memory of the BBM's wife who died of cancer) and then Sunday of course is Mother's day.  oh well.
2010-05-03 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2833501

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Do you know what happened with your breathing, Brooke?  That's not good!  Sorry you can't meet up with us this weekend.  

I didn't realize Sunday was mother's day until about a week ago.  Oops...

2010-05-03 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2833939

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-05-03 3:33 PM

Do you know what happened with your breathing, Brooke?  That's not good!  Sorry you can't meet up with us this weekend.  

I didn't realize Sunday was mother's day until about a week ago.  Oops...

oh well - if you suck up enough you might be forgiven Wink maybe pick another day and tell her that you didn't want her to have to share with all the other mothers in the world!

i've got allergies and exercise induced asthma.  my chest was tight/hurting as early as Thursday and it really hasn't improved all that much.  Not sure if its just all the pollen in the air or if my new medication is actually having the opposite of the desired effect.  my doc gave me a pill and an inhaler and one of the side effects of the pill is that it can actually make it worse.  i guess i'll give it another week or two to clear up before calling the doc back.

tonight going for another run (and buying allergy meds) if the weather holds up (no t-storms please)

2010-05-04 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Yell   Went to Dr..  He said go get CT scan and we will talk after that ($30 ching).
CT Scan. ($10 ching)..  Nothing there, only 1 small spec in each kidney, not even 1mm each.  So should be happy, since no more stones..  But where did they go and why an I in pain now?  This is very frustrating....  So I am not working out, because of feeling pain, but no real reason why the pain is there now.  Supposed to go back to Dr. on Thursday, but why, now that I know nothing there....  Argh.....
2010-05-05 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2837097

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
otter_sh - 2010-05-04 6:56 PM Yell   Went to Dr..  He said go get CT scan and we will talk after that ($30 ching).
CT Scan. ($10 ching)..  Nothing there, only 1 small spec in each kidney, not even 1mm each.  So should be happy, since no more stones..  But where did they go and why an I in pain now?  This is very frustrating....  So I am not working out, because of feeling pain, but no real reason why the pain is there now.  Supposed to go back to Dr. on Thursday, but why, now that I know nothing there....  Argh.....

Steve, sorry you're still in pain.  I hope the doctor can figure out what is causing it. 
2010-05-05 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2837975

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-05-05 6:33 AM
otter_sh - 2010-05-04 6:56 PM Yell   Went to Dr..  He said go get CT scan and we will talk after that ($30 ching).
CT Scan. ($10 ching)..  Nothing there, only 1 small spec in each kidney, not even 1mm each.  So should be happy, since no more stones..  But where did they go and why an I in pain now?  This is very frustrating....  So I am not working out, because of feeling pain, but no real reason why the pain is there now.  Supposed to go back to Dr. on Thursday, but why, now that I know nothing there....  Argh.....

Steve, sorry you're still in pain.  I hope the doctor can figure out what is causing it. 


2010-05-05 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
OK, question for all you OWS'ers.  I'm going to my first OWS practice on Saturday morning and it's supposed to be a bit chilly - probably around 50* that morning (air temp - not sure what the water temp will be).  I'm not too worried about my body being cold since I'll be wearing a wetsuit, it's my ears that I'm concerned about.  They are really sensitive to cold.  I'll be wearing a cap which will help some but doesn't keep all the water out.  I'm thinking about getting ear plugs.  Does anyone here use them? 

2010-05-05 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2838029

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I definitely think you should try the ear plugs.  I bought a box, but haven't ever used them.  But I think it's an easy thing to try - no harm. 

2010-05-05 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
not an OWS but i definitely use ear plugs!  i love them and never swim without them!  i got the cheap kind for kids ($2.50 a box i think)

any suggestions for a pool swimmer w/no wet suit about to be thrown in an outdoor pool? its gonna be chilly, but thankfully its a hot week.  (they are closing down the indoor pool at the end of the week for renovations)
2010-05-06 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2839130

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys.  Quiet group lately.  Is the honeymoon period of a new thing over?   If I can better entertain you, please let me know.  LOL.

Speaking of inspires...   If someone gives you an inspire note, and you wish to respond, please hit the "Reply" button directly below the note instead of typing into the box below at first.  It will put the answer on the inspirer's blog.  Otherwise they don't see it, unless they go looking.  

2010-05-06 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
*stares at everyone waiting on them to wake up and post*

i'm cutting back some on my training because i think that gave myself a big enough break between my last race and my triathlon training.  my body is just exhausted.  also the pollen count is crazy, so i'm trying to stay inside training as much as possible.

got a 5K and a hike this weekend.
2010-05-06 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Well good news I guess, no more kidney stones...  Bad news is no answer for the pain I am having...

Practice tri this week-end, run is shortened but the rest if the full course...  Also my oldest is graduating college, so Brunch tomorrow and graduation on Sat...  All Mom's at home for Mommy's day, so breakfast on Sunday...  Busy week-end..

I want to wish all the Mom's in this group a Happy Mother's Day, you are the backbone of our families and keep things from becoming total confusion...  You have the hardest job of all, training the next generation.....
2010-05-07 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
It's been quiet here lately - I guess everyone's busy trainingSmile.  I'm actually on track this week (first time in a while!).  Some of the workouts weren't exactly as planned - like the bike ride last night that I ended up doing at the gym instead of at the park like I was hoping to - but at least I'm getting them done.  First OWS tomorrow!  I'm a little nervous, but they're having a clinic for newbies so it won't be a "sink or swim" situation at least.  And the wetsuit that I rented online is supposed to be delivered today.  I wasn't expecting it so soon (my tri isn't for another 2 weeks), but I'm glad it's coming so I'll be able to try it out tomorrow.  If the weather isn't too cold, I'm going to take my bike along and do a ride after the swim. 

Steve - sorry you haven't gotten any answers about your pain.  Are they going to do any other tests?

Happy Mother's Day to all the other mom's here!  Have a great weekend and do something you enjoy!

2010-05-07 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I swam with a coached group yesterday for the first time.  Wow!  I usually swim about 20-30 minutes but this was about an hour altogether with the rests.  Drills and such are sure different than just swimming my laps!  I am the slowest in the group but they are all very encouraging.  I have already picked up a couple of tips on my form from the coach.  Smile

But last night my ankles and feet and lower legs were SORE!  They ached like crazy... way worse than after a run.  This morning I am fine, but I didn't realize how much my legs would feel it.  My neck/shoulders were a little sore, but seem fine today.  I plan to meet with them each week!   If I can't make it at that time, they have a copy of that week's workout at the pool.
2010-05-07 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I had NO idea that hitting reply allowed the comment to be seen by the "inpire-er". Cool!

Training for me kinda took a backseat to being sick and end of school events at my children's schools. Concerts, field trips, school parties and things like that. I had something everyday and I think it kept me from truly shaking this cold off.

However, I will be going to Pilates today and *maybe* spinning, swimming or running.

Out of curiosity, does anyone here have a weight issue? I have 10 lbs to lose and I am not kidding when I say I've tried to lose it for 5yrs. I am sooooooo fed up! And its not like I'm crazy and want to lose 10 lbs for vanity's sake, it literally hangs on my thighs and legs in a most disproportionate way. I feel it bounce up and down when I run. The rest of my body is slim.  Grrrrr.

2010-05-07 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I'm jealous. I would so love to swim w/ a group!

But here in Co Springs  "home of every hard core athlete on earth", I'd be laughed outta the pool. Everything athletic here is serious business. I wouldn't dare dip a toe into a masters's group
2010-05-07 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2843523

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
LaurenCO - 2010-05-07 7:41 AM Dee,
I'm jealous. I would so love to swim w/ a group!

But here in Co Springs  "home of every hard core athlete on earth", I'd be laughed outta the pool. Everything athletic here is serious business. I wouldn't dare dip a toe into a masters's group

It took me quite a while to work up the courage.  I figured I would be totally out of place.  But I talked with the coach and the aquatics director (who is also in the group), and they encouraged me to come.  Also, the whole pool is lap swimming during that time.  So you can also "lurk"  .... swim in another lane and listen for the instructions and just try it on your own. 

Maybe you could find a "masters wanna-be" group that is not so hardcore?

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