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2011-04-09 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
hey john, just read a cyclist was killed by hit/run driver in Cobb County.... hate seeing that....

2011-04-09 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3437783

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Redknight - 2011-04-09 4:34 PM Holy Makeral you guys are fast. can I still play with you even if it isn't as often as I used to.
Will post bio.
Caution actual triathlon Question: How do you train for an Ironman and not continually lose weight even when eating a good balanced diet.  I don't have this issue but a young lady I know does. She's about 8 weeks into training for IMLP and is losing weight she really can't afford to. Certainly not this early in training.

My Granddaughter showing how much fun we have around here even if we can't afford shoes

hey man! AWESOME PIC!!!!

not really sure about your question.  maybe a few more meals spaced out throughout the day.  i do know that know matter what i eat these days i'm losing weight.  and it's probably not the most balanced diet.  and i'm dropping a duece about 25% less than normal over the past few months.  put those two together and it seems i could be eating even more than i am.  i joke about what i eat but in reality i'm *kinda* tracking everything. 

very interested in what the other have to say. 

2011-04-09 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3437798

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MarlaS - 2011-04-09 4:47 PM hey john, just read a cyclist was killed by hit/run driver in Cobb County.... hate seeing that....

ugh.  awful!  got a link?  i ride on the comet or the trainer. 
2011-04-09 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3437803

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 4:50 PM

MarlaS - 2011-04-09 4:47 PM hey john, just read a cyclist was killed by hit/run driver in Cobb County.... hate seeing that....

ugh.  awful!  got a link?  i ride on the comet or the trainer.

2011-04-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3437767

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SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 4:21 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 3:16 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 2:31 PM

Bryce - You have NO idea how crabby I've been without my workouts!  I think Ryan wants me to start working out more than I want to!

Marla - Just a little tendonitis in my knee.  I've only been out of it for 4 weeks, but I'm trying to be super careful building back up. 


Anyway, I just finished what looks to be my training plan that I can start on Tuesday!  I used a custom HIM Intermediate plan from BT for the swim/bike, but I merged it with Hal Higdon's beginner half-mary plan because it builds really slowly.  I'm attaching what I've got put in an excel spreadsheet.  If you guys have anytime, please let me know what you think! 

can't read the attachment.  i was having trouble with the same file type on BT a few days ago.  is the xls more than 100kb?

Hmm.  According to my computer, it's 16 kb.  Let me try with a different version of Word. 

got. it.  didn't they teach excel formatting in law school!!!!!  your run and swim are almost the same color!!!!!

what are your goals for this race?

what is elkhart lake?

some thoughts outside of the first two questions...  

not sure about the 5k the week of 30 may

the swimming the week of june 13th looks pretty light, especially that 850.  and reasons behind this?

what are the run distances off the bike for those bricks?

and why the odd distances for most bike?  why not just whole numbers.

2011-04-09 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3437817

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MarlaS - 2011-04-09 5:03 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 4:50 PM

MarlaS - 2011-04-09 4:47 PM hey john, just read a cyclist was killed by hit/run driver in Cobb County.... hate seeing that....

ugh.  awful!  got a link?  i ride on the comet or the trainer.

630?  still dark out.   man oh man... so sad. 

2011-04-09 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3437774

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Charlottesville, Virginia
MarlaS - 2011-04-09 4:26 PM
dalessit - 2011-04-09 3:47 PM

I wish I had seen this earlier, I just stopped by there on my way home to pick up a new crack pipe.

they've got a selection but not sure how big and what brands.  Bonzai rents and sells them.  It's been awhile since I've been there but they used to have a huge selection and knowledgeable people about wetsuits.  They're in Falls Church.

I'm not sure if I'm alarmed or encouraged by the fact that your 1st sentence didn't faze me....

Weird, I just called them, and they said they don't carry Rocket Science & never heard of them, even though they're listed on the RocketScience website. I talked to some folks from Bonzai at the multi-sport expo - seemed very nice, and they haven't rented blueseventy before, but apparently will start - I had a bout of SIPE in my last race, so want to rent before I buy again so that if it turns out that I really can't swim in cold water anymore, don't want to have wasted big $$ on a pricey suit I won't need (and if it does work, then I know what to look to buy used!). I'm focused on something with a low neckline, so that narrows my choices I think to blueseventy & rocket science, unless someone else has recs for others....??


haha I lose them every 6 months or so and go buy new ones, the guys at the shop still giggle when I ask for them.

I know Bonzai sells/rents 17's.  As far as low neck, check out desoto.  I love my T1 wetsuit. 

Another option to rent that has better selection than bonzai is  I used them before I bought my desoto.  They had a good selection and were super easy to work with.

2011-04-09 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3437783

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!

Redknight - 2011-04-09 3:34 PM Holy Makeral you guys are fast. can I still play with you even if it isn't as often as I used to.
Will post bio.
Caution actual triathlon Question: How do you train for an Ironman and not continually lose weight even when eating a good balanced diet.  I don't have this issue but a young lady I know does. She's about 8 weeks into training for IMLP and is losing weight she really can't afford to. Certainly not this early in training.

My Granddaughter showing how much fun we have around here even if we can't afford shoes

While I personally did not have that issue (I can eat like a horse!), I do know people that added either Ensure or something similar to their diets if they could not ingest enough calories the old fashioned way.  You really need to eat high value foods....adding nuts/raisins/dried fruits/smoothies with added whey protein is a good way to get also really need to consumer the protein...if she is afraid of red meat, encourage her to eat at least some (assuming it isnt against her principles).

2011-04-09 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3437826

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 4:08 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 4:21 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 3:16 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 2:31 PM

Bryce - You have NO idea how crabby I've been without my workouts!  I think Ryan wants me to start working out more than I want to!

Marla - Just a little tendonitis in my knee.  I've only been out of it for 4 weeks, but I'm trying to be super careful building back up. 


Anyway, I just finished what looks to be my training plan that I can start on Tuesday!  I used a custom HIM Intermediate plan from BT for the swim/bike, but I merged it with Hal Higdon's beginner half-mary plan because it builds really slowly.  I'm attaching what I've got put in an excel spreadsheet.  If you guys have anytime, please let me know what you think! 

can't read the attachment.  i was having trouble with the same file type on BT a few days ago.  is the xls more than 100kb?

Hmm.  According to my computer, it's 16 kb.  Let me try with a different version of Word. 

got. it.  didn't they teach excel formatting in law school!!!!!  your run and swim are almost the same color!!!!!

what are your goals for this race?

what is elkhart lake?

some thoughts outside of the first two questions...  

not sure about the 5k the week of 30 may

the swimming the week of june 13th looks pretty light, especially that 850.  and reasons behind this?

what are the run distances off the bike for those bricks?

and why the odd distances for most bike?  why not just whole numbers.

My two cents:

Same questions about the brick and the bike distances

Think only one ride of 56m and one run of 10m is light.....if you're worried about the knee, I sitll have the same comment about the bike.  I overdistanced for my first HIM.....

Take this from someone who has only done 3 HIMs and has yet to break 6 hours   (that's for your Fatty!)

2011-04-09 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3437847

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
dalessit - 2011-04-09 5:35 PM

haha I lose them every 6 months or so and go buy new ones, the guys at the shop still giggle when I ask for them.

I know Bonzai sells/rents 17's.  As far as low neck, check out desoto.  I love my T1 wetsuit. 

Another option to rent that has better selection than bonzai is  I used them before I bought my desoto.  They had a good selection and were super easy to work with.

I've heard good things about the desoto - it just didn't look that low to me in pics, so that's good to hear. i just emailed - thanks for the plug.

2011-04-09 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3437850

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san francisco
SSMinnow - 2011-04-09 2:37 PM

Redknight - 2011-04-09 3:34 PM Holy Makeral you guys are fast. can I still play with you even if it isn't as often as I used to.
Will post bio.
Caution actual triathlon Question: How do you train for an Ironman and not continually lose weight even when eating a good balanced diet.  I don't have this issue but a young lady I know does. She's about 8 weeks into training for IMLP and is losing weight she really can't afford to. Certainly not this early in training.

My Granddaughter showing how much fun we have around here even if we can't afford shoes

While I personally did not have that issue (I can eat like a horse!), I do know people that added either Ensure or something similar to their diets if they could not ingest enough calories the old fashioned way.  You really need to eat high value foods....adding nuts/raisins/dried fruits/smoothies with added whey protein is a good way to get also really need to consumer the protein...if she is afraid of red meat, encourage her to eat at least some (assuming it isnt against her principles).

Rob- I have had this problem a little bit in training for HIM's and agree with Suzy about the high value foods.  Especially worse once bike rides and swim sessions start to get longer and more frequent.  I absolutely must have a good breakfast including eggs or cottage cheese, some type of carb, like toast or oatmeal and then in between meals a snack every 2-3 hours and lately it has been nuts, or a smear of almond or peanut butter on a rice cracker or half bagel. 

If I get home after a long bike or swim, I have a protein shake waiting in the fridge (or in the car if I drive to a start point) that I will drink while walking the dog and then a nice tunafish or chicken sandwich as soon as possible.  I try to prepare alot of these things ahead of time, so I am not scarfing down a bag of chips or eating junk because it is easy and because I do love them. 

Btw, I love the unadultered joy in your beautiful granddaughter's face!  It is priceless! 

2011-04-09 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3437742

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kt65 - 2011-04-09 12:56 PM
dalessit - 2011-04-09 12:48 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-09 2:37 PM

So, I'm back from my 50K relay.  The good news is our team took first in the over the hill category!!  We took second last year so we're stepping up.....mainly due to my fabulous ability to pick a lightening fast team.  Even my injured athlete kicked butt!  Our prize a case of beer!  Only in WI.

After doing two loops of a very hilly course, I couldn't imagine doing 3 more for the 50K or God Forbid 8 more for the 100K.  The lead male was so smooth.  I saw him at the 50K mark and couldn't believe it.  He looked like he was "jogging".

Linda--I ran with a girl for a smidge who decided to do the 50K when she was locked out of Boston.  She then proceeded to requalify for next year on a training run. 

Sam--doing a 50K is a totally different beast.  I give you credit for committing to how I slipped that in?

Congrats Suzy!  And yeah that area of the country seems strange.  Talked to my dad in MN the other day and he was all excited because he won a meat raffle at the bar...

?  Tony, did you smoke from the crack pipe?  I don't get how Suzy's post and your dad's winning a meat raffle relate.  Help???!  Embarassed

Suzy's team won beer for moving their meat around the course faster than the other teams, Tony's dad won meat while drinking beer.... all in the upper Midwest.

Nice job Suzy, et al, and to Tony's dad too!!

2011-04-09 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3437913

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san francisco
cadmus - 2011-04-09 3:55 PM
kt65 - 2011-04-09 12:56 PM
dalessit - 2011-04-09 12:48 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-09 2:37 PM

So, I'm back from my 50K relay.  The good news is our team took first in the over the hill category!!  We took second last year so we're stepping up.....mainly due to my fabulous ability to pick a lightening fast team.  Even my injured athlete kicked butt!  Our prize a case of beer!  Only in WI.

After doing two loops of a very hilly course, I couldn't imagine doing 3 more for the 50K or God Forbid 8 more for the 100K.  The lead male was so smooth.  I saw him at the 50K mark and couldn't believe it.  He looked like he was "jogging".

Linda--I ran with a girl for a smidge who decided to do the 50K when she was locked out of Boston.  She then proceeded to requalify for next year on a training run. 

Sam--doing a 50K is a totally different beast.  I give you credit for committing to how I slipped that in?

Congrats Suzy!  And yeah that area of the country seems strange.  Talked to my dad in MN the other day and he was all excited because he won a meat raffle at the bar...

?  Tony, did you smoke from the crack pipe?  I don't get how Suzy's post and your dad's winning a meat raffle relate.  Help???!  Embarassed

Suzy's team won beer for moving their meat around the course faster than the other teams, Tony's dad won meat while drinking beer.... all in the upper Midwest.

Nice job Suzy, et al, and to Tony's dad too!!

Thanks Matt!  I am glad you are back in the MG...I need help figuring these things out! 

2011-04-09 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Went to Inside Out Sports (IOS) customer apprecation day this afternoon. Got a Castelli Riding jersey as a free give away. (I think I was the only one big enough for it). Met some nice people and a couple of local pros I have run into off and on. One is Eric Bean, is about to start his residency at the University of Washington. Told him we have a strong presence in that State.


Edited by DougRob 2011-04-09 6:29 PM
2011-04-09 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3437930

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san francisco
DougRob - 2011-04-09 4:16 PM

Went to Inside Out Sports (IOS) customer apprecation day the PM. Got a Castelli Riding jersey as a free give away. (I think I was the only one big enough for it). Met some nice people and a couple of local pros I can run into off and on. One is aabout to start his residency at the University of Washington. Told him we have a strong presence in that State.


Fun, Doug!!!  Congrats on the free jersey...and great job on your double brick workout.  Good luck on tomorrow's ride. 

2011-04-09 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3437576

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dalessit - 2011-04-10 3:10 AM

tricrazy - 2011-04-09 1:02 PM My shoulders, upper arms, and neck were taking the brunt of it.

Not seeing old vs. new fit, the upper arms being sore might be from being too spread out on the bike.  Your forearms and biceps should be at a 90 degree angle when in aero.

Shoulder might be from the same or just like the neck takes time to get used to aero.

Neck shouldn't have much to do with fit.  It just takes time to get used to riding aero and trying to look forward while your torso is basically pointing towards the ground.

I used to get pain in the inner aspect of my right elbow/forearm when I first got my bike, it's kind of like Golfer's elbow.

Anyway it came back last week after doing a triple-brick workout (1hr bike/3k run x 3); do you think it's due to poor posture or gripping too hard???

2011-04-09 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3437826

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Portland, OR
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 4:08 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 4:21 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 3:16 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 2:31 PM

Bryce - You have NO idea how crabby I've been without my workouts!  I think Ryan wants me to start working out more than I want to!

Marla - Just a little tendonitis in my knee.  I've only been out of it for 4 weeks, but I'm trying to be super careful building back up. 


Anyway, I just finished what looks to be my training plan that I can start on Tuesday!  I used a custom HIM Intermediate plan from BT for the swim/bike, but I merged it with Hal Higdon's beginner half-mary plan because it builds really slowly.  I'm attaching what I've got put in an excel spreadsheet.  If you guys have anytime, please let me know what you think! 

can't read the attachment.  i was having trouble with the same file type on BT a few days ago.  is the xls more than 100kb?

Hmm.  According to my computer, it's 16 kb.  Let me try with a different version of Word. 

got. it.  didn't they teach excel formatting in law school!!!!!  your run and swim are almost the same color!!!!!

Blame Ryan for that one!  He set up that spreadsheet.  I avoid anything that isn't Word like the plague.

what are your goals for this race?

Goal #1 - Don't stop and no walking.  Finish.

Goal #2 - 7 hours-ish. 

what is elkhart lake?

It's an Olympic race that I haven't totally ruled out yet.  I want to do it, but it's expensive.  I might wait 'til the last minute to see if someone wants to get rid of a bib for cheap.

some thoughts outside of the first two questions...  

not sure about the 5k the week of 30 may

According to the HH plan, the 5k is supposed to be a race, and if I can't find a race, at race pace.  What do you think would be better?

the swimming the week of june 13th looks pretty light, especially that 850.  and reasons behind this?

I agree it looks low.  It's a rest week, and that's what the plan says.  The exact workout is this:

Week 10 – Swim 3

Total Volume: 17m

Total Distance: 850 yards

Warmup: 100 yards

Pace: 02m 26s /100 yards +

Freestyle at recovery pace

Main Set: 13m /650 yards

Set #1 400 yards Drills

2x(50 Drill: Catch-up, 50 Freestyle),
2X(50 Drill: Finger Tip Drag, 50 Freestyle)

Set #2 150 yards Endurance

Intervals: 2x75' on 5' rest

Pace: 02m 25s - 02m 08s /100 yards


Set #3 100 yards Threshold

Pace: 02m 07s - 01m 56s /100 yards


Cooldown: 100 yards

Pace: 02m 26s /100 yards +

Freestyle at recovery pace

Again, I'm totally open to suggestions.  I was also tempted to just stick to swimplan plans instead, but I can't put together a comprehensive plan with that.

what are the run distances off the bike for those bricks?

Good question.  See, the bricks are according to the BT plan, but since I used the HH plan for the run, they weren't factored in.  I wasn't sure how to merge them, but I thought I might just move my Tuesday short runs to after the bike on Monday.  According to the BT plan, the brick runs are between 4.6-6.6 miles (5.2, 5.9, 6.6, 4.6, respectively).  Again, I'd love help because I'm not sure how to work those in.

and why the odd distances for most bike?  why not just whole numbers.

Ha!  BT told me to!  It's exactly what the plan says.  I don't make the rules, I just play by them!

Unfortunately, I can't just merge the BT plan into my logs and have you look at the workouts there because I got the plan off Ryan's account since he has the gold membership, and I don't!  Or else this could be a lot easier!

Suzy - I agree that I'm not building up enough on the run.  I'm nervous about it, but also scared to death of having to bag this race too because of the knee.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, too.  I'm not sure how safe it is to go faster, even though I want to.  I did the BT plan for the swim/bike as an "Intermediate" because the "Beginner" built up wayyy to slow.  I could always go in and put "expert" which would build up that bike mileage a lot more. 

Another thing I like about the HH plan is because, since it builds up SO slowly, I can play with it halfway through if I'm feeling good.  A lot of weeks, it's the same workouts in a row, so I can increase those weeks instead of staying the same. 

2011-04-09 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3437950

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Charlottesville, Virginia
copa2251 - 2011-04-09 7:39 PM
dalessit - 2011-04-10 3:10 AM

tricrazy - 2011-04-09 1:02 PM My shoulders, upper arms, and neck were taking the brunt of it.

Not seeing old vs. new fit, the upper arms being sore might be from being too spread out on the bike.  Your forearms and biceps should be at a 90 degree angle when in aero.

Shoulder might be from the same or just like the neck takes time to get used to aero.

Neck shouldn't have much to do with fit.  It just takes time to get used to riding aero and trying to look forward while your torso is basically pointing towards the ground.

I used to get pain in the inner aspect of my right elbow/forearm when I first got my bike, it's kind of like Golfer's elbow.

Anyway it came back last week after doing a triple-brick workout (1hr bike/3k run x 3); do you think it's due to poor posture or gripping too hard???

Are you on a road bike or tri bike?

I've had some forearm soreness in the past but it didn't last long.  It could have been from gripping too tight, never thought about that.

If you're on a tri bike it could be your bars are maybe too far apart or close together, that would be something that you need to experiment with.


2011-04-09 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3437997

User image

SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 8:26 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 4:08 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 4:21 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 3:16 PM
SoccerGK - 2011-04-09 2:31 PM

Bryce - You have NO idea how crabby I've been without my workouts!  I think Ryan wants me to start working out more than I want to!

Marla - Just a little tendonitis in my knee.  I've only been out of it for 4 weeks, but I'm trying to be super careful building back up. 


Anyway, I just finished what looks to be my training plan that I can start on Tuesday!  I used a custom HIM Intermediate plan from BT for the swim/bike, but I merged it with Hal Higdon's beginner half-mary plan because it builds really slowly.  I'm attaching what I've got put in an excel spreadsheet.  If you guys have anytime, please let me know what you think! 

can't read the attachment.  i was having trouble with the same file type on BT a few days ago.  is the xls more than 100kb?

Hmm.  According to my computer, it's 16 kb.  Let me try with a different version of Word. 

got. it.  didn't they teach excel formatting in law school!!!!!  your run and swim are almost the same color!!!!!

Blame Ryan for that one!  He set up that spreadsheet.  I avoid anything that isn't Word like the plague.

what are your goals for this race?

Goal #1 - Don't stop and no walking.  Finish.

Goal #2 - 7 hours-ish. 

what is elkhart lake?

It's an Olympic race that I haven't totally ruled out yet.  I want to do it, but it's expensive.  I might wait 'til the last minute to see if someone wants to get rid of a bib for cheap.

some thoughts outside of the first two questions...  

not sure about the 5k the week of 30 may

According to the HH plan, the 5k is supposed to be a race, and if I can't find a race, at race pace.  What do you think would be better?

the swimming the week of june 13th looks pretty light, especially that 850.  and reasons behind this?

I agree it looks low.  It's a rest week, and that's what the plan says.  The exact workout is this:

Week 10 – Swim 3

Total Volume: 17m

Total Distance: 850 yards

Warmup: 100 yards

Pace: 02m 26s /100 yards +

Freestyle at recovery pace

Main Set: 13m /650 yards

Set #1 400 yards Drills

2x(50 Drill: Catch-up, 50 Freestyle),
2X(50 Drill: Finger Tip Drag, 50 Freestyle)

Set #2 150 yards Endurance

Intervals: 2x75' on 5' rest

Pace: 02m 25s - 02m 08s /100 yards


Set #3 100 yards Threshold

Pace: 02m 07s - 01m 56s /100 yards


Cooldown: 100 yards

Pace: 02m 26s /100 yards +

Freestyle at recovery pace

Again, I'm totally open to suggestions.  I was also tempted to just stick to swimplan plans instead, but I can't put together a comprehensive plan with that.

what are the run distances off the bike for those bricks?

Good question.  See, the bricks are according to the BT plan, but since I used the HH plan for the run, they weren't factored in.  I wasn't sure how to merge them, but I thought I might just move my Tuesday short runs to after the bike on Monday.  According to the BT plan, the brick runs are between 4.6-6.6 miles (5.2, 5.9, 6.6, 4.6, respectively).  Again, I'd love help because I'm not sure how to work those in.

and why the odd distances for most bike?  why not just whole numbers.

Ha!  BT told me to!  It's exactly what the plan says.  I don't make the rules, I just play by them!

Unfortunately, I can't just merge the BT plan into my logs and have you look at the workouts there because I got the plan off Ryan's account since he has the gold membership, and I don't!  Or else this could be a lot easier!

Suzy - I agree that I'm not building up enough on the run.  I'm nervous about it, but also scared to death of having to bag this race too because of the knee.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, too.  I'm not sure how safe it is to go faster, even though I want to.  I did the BT plan for the swim/bike as an "Intermediate" because the "Beginner" built up wayyy to slow.  I could always go in and put "expert" which would build up that bike mileage a lot more. 

Another thing I like about the HH plan is because, since it builds up SO slowly, I can play with it halfway through if I'm feeling good.  A lot of weeks, it's the same workouts in a row, so I can increase those weeks instead of staying the same. 

ok, i'm onboard now.  i thought you were saying this is one of the BT programs and i couldn't figure out which one. this is actually one of the new functions of BT where you tell it what you can/want to do and it spits out a program.  is that right?

i was wondering why you were merging programs and all this and that.

well, after figuring this out, looking over the xls and not having the actual workouts,  my .03 is with the minnow. i think the bike and run is light.  and the third swim workout most weeks is kinda odd.  

just wondering, instead of trying to create your own plan, have you thought about going with one that's already compiled?  there's a bunch of them out there.

2011-04-09 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Okay I've got a question....Why do you do double bricks? Or triple bricks?

Why not just the simple brick? Bike and then run 1 time.

Not being facetious..Just curious. I've never done one and I'm curious about what it's 'teaching' your body.  

2011-04-09 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3438032

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Portland, OR
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-09 8:08 PM

ok, i'm onboard now.  i thought you were saying this is one of the BT programs and i couldn't figure out which one. this is actually one of the new functions of BT where you tell it what you can/want to do and it spits out a program.  is that right?

i was wondering why you were merging programs and all this and that.

well, after figuring this out, looking over the xls and not having the actual workouts,  my .03 is with the minnow. i think the bike and run is light.  and the third swim workout most weeks is kinda odd.  

just wondering, instead of trying to create your own plan, have you thought about going with one that's already compiled?  there's a bunch of them out there.

Yup, the swim/bike part is a "custom" plan.  I'm attaching the actual workouts for the swim/bikes, in case those make a difference.  I didn't look for a pre-made one because most of them are 16-20 week, and I'll only have 14.  Ryan even suggested I do the Be Iron Fit program up to the planned HIM, but that's in week 22.  I will look through others tonight and see if there are any that I can work into with only 14 weeks, and still go easy on the run.  If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear it!

Thanks John, you're awesome!

Workout Plan 4 - swim and bike.docx (72KB - 20 downloads)

2011-04-09 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran

is it too late to rejoin?  sorry i've been missing in action the last 2 wks.  it looks like I missed a ton of races and new members  and great pics.  Glanced through all the pages i missed and all i remember are the pics and the talk of food.   Cute kids and dogs.  

Swimming topic on kicking.  Unless i'm sprinting i only kick for rotation and balance.  I also use a 2 beat kick.  I need all the energy reserves for the bike and the run.  I also have problems running after the run in the wetsuit.  Any runs from water to 1st transition around 400yrds my legs cramp.  So I need to save the legs especially when I know I have a long run to the 1st transition.  A good kick drill, it uses no fins or kick board.  basically lie completely flat stretching as long and flat as possible and kick..  every so often lift the head to breath.  This was taught to me so i know the importance of head position and the stretch, figure out parts of the body that sink/not flat and rotation caused by the kick..

Traveling a ton and work has been crazy.  good thing is the foot cast is off and the doc said it was ok to run slow for 2 miles or so to see how it feels.  Ran very slow yesterday and was completely out of breath (not slow enough).  I'm so out of shape but the worst part was my rt foot still hurt after the run..    Not sure what to do at this pt.  Maybe stick to swimming and biking for now.   I'm so out of shape.  I can barely run 2 miles at a super slow pace and I swam today and barely was able to swim an easy and slow 35min workout.  Pretty depressing especially thinking back to were i was in oct of last yr.

Suzy can you repost that pic of the taping you've done for your foot and how you tape it?


Pic-- 3yr old exhausted from our thailand trip..

Edited by trying1 2011-04-09 8:57 PM


php7gxjfVPM.jpg (14KB - 23 downloads)
2011-04-09 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3438072

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TrevorC - 2011-04-09 9:42 PM

Okay I've got a question....Why do you do double bricks? Or triple bricks?

Why not just the simple brick? Bike and then run 1 time.

Not being facetious..Just curious. I've never done one and I'm curious about what it's 'teaching' your body.  

Here ia an answer from a post on ST(Cousin Elwood is the author):

Double bricks are a great training tool and the greatest "invention" since the brick. The hardest thing for triathletes, especially early in a career, is getting the legs from the rotary motion of pedalling to the piston-like motion of running. Riding the bike tends to put a more constant tension on the quads, so that they're pretty tired and locked up by the time you dismount. If your transition (T-2) is quick, they don't get a chance to acclimate or rest, so the first half mile or so is pure hell.

Enter the brick workout. The best bricks for developing the ability to make this transition are HARD on the bike followed by moderate to easy running. Once you get to the point where this gets easy, you can try moderate to hard biking followed by a half mile to a mile of hard running, culminating in a one to two mile easy jog (zone 2-3 border is usually good).

You get good at these, and as a spin instructor, I have my triathletes go from my Wednedsay night spin (a murderous 50 minutes) right into a 5K run. After a few months of those, the transition to running in a sprint or International distance race gets pretty easy. Still, however, that first half mile - while it has gotten better - can be pretty miserable.

Enter the DOUBLE brick workout. The way I have my crew do it is to join my Saturday morning spin (which isn't quite as murderous as my Wednesday night) and then do the 5K run. Immediately following this, we mount up and ride for 40-75 miles and then repeat the 5K. This gives you a lot of practice running on dog-tired legs, without really doing massive run mileage.

For a strong runner like yourself (even if you've misplaced your "edge" you're still a strong runner and you can get that back) this will help you develop the ability to bring out your best running even after a hard ride. If you're competing at International distance, this is a lot more cycling than you're legs will experience on race day, while only being the exact amount of running (split into two separate runs).

I have a few people doing half IM this year, and one doing IM. I find this regimen pretty useful all the way up to half IM, and for IM going a bit longer can be beneficial, or there's always the TRIPLE brick!

Some coaches like to use long bricks, where you might ride 80-100 and then run 18. While I do think professional triathletes should do this, and have the base to make it beneficial, most of us have jobs and really can't afford to go that hard or that long. It's an invitation to injuries, unless you've got a tremendous amount of base training and are working out 20+ hours a week.

2011-04-09 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN MENTOR GROUP got away from me!  Only ready through page 5 so far but wanted to get the bio posted.

Name:  gdale/George - 38 years old

Story:  2011 will be my third tri season.  Started doing tri's as a motivation to keep working out.  Pretty much only did running before that.  Saw several people at the YMCA where I work out training for tri's and it got me wanting to do it.  Loving it now and looking forward to another year.  This will be year 2 with this MG and they are a great group of peeps.  Been in other MG in the past and they just don't compare!

Family Status:  In 16 days I will have been married for 13 years to Kris.  Three boys - Jeremy (11), Tommy (9) and Cody (4).  Kris is an active runner and last year did her first multisport events - 2 triathlons and a duathlon.  Tommy also did his first kids tri in July.  Went tonight with the family to look at some puppies so we will be expanding the family soon!!!

Other Hobbies:  Youth wrestling coach, help to coach my kids soccer and baseball teams, skiing in the winter, charity work (sit on the BoD for Children's Craniofacial Assocaition and co-chair an annual charity golf tournament with my wife), reading.

2010 Races:  Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon (pr), Race for the Cure 5k (pr), Wilkes-Barre Duathlon, Musselman Sprint Tri, Cayuga Lake Olympic Tri, Time to Sperr 10k

2011 Plan:  Going longer this year.  2 half marathons (TOMORROW! and May 1st), Hopefully 1st HIM distance race (July - currently waitlisted) and 1st Marathon (October).  Another sprint or oly, possibly another du.  Other 5ks and 10ks where they fit.

What I Can Bring to the Group:  Perspective.  Family/Work/Life/Tri balance (as everyone here can provide).  An occasional bit of sarcasim (although it is hard to keep up with Fatty and Trevor) and an occasional nugget of useful information (although I am still learning more than I am giving!!)

Welcome to all the new members!!  Can't wait to get to know you guys!


2011-04-09 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3438117

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gdale - 2011-04-09 10:19 PM got away from me!  Only ready through page 5 so far but wanted to get the bio posted.

Name:  gdale/George - 38 years old

Story:  2011 will be my third tri season.  Started doing tri's as a motivation to keep working out.  Pretty much only did running before that.  Saw several people at the YMCA where I work out training for tri's and it got me wanting to do it.  Loving it now and looking forward to another year.  This will be year 2 with this MG and they are a great group of peeps.  Been in other MG in the past and they just don't compare!

Family Status:  In 16 days I will have been married for 13 years to Kris.  Three boys - Jeremy (11), Tommy (9) and Cody (4).  Kris is an active runner and last year did her first multisport events - 2 triathlons and a duathlon.  Tommy also did his first kids tri in July.  Went tonight with the family to look at some puppies so we will be expanding the family soon!!!

Other Hobbies:  Youth wrestling coach, help to coach my kids soccer and baseball teams, skiing in the winter, charity work (sit on the BoD for Children's Craniofacial Assocaition and co-chair an annual charity golf tournament with my wife), reading.

2010 Races:  Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon (pr), Race for the Cure 5k (pr), Wilkes-Barre Duathlon, Musselman Sprint Tri, Cayuga Lake Olympic Tri, Time to Sperr 10k

2011 Plan:  Going longer this year.  2 half marathons (TOMORROW! and May 1st), Hopefully 1st HIM distance race (July - currently waitlisted) and 1st Marathon (October).  Another sprint or oly, possibly another du.  Other 5ks and 10ks where they fit.

What I Can Bring to the Group:  Perspective.  Family/Work/Life/Tri balance (as everyone here can provide).  An occasional bit of sarcasim (although it is hard to keep up with Fatty and Trevor) and an occasional nugget of useful information (although I am still learning more than I am giving!!)

Welcome to all the new members!!  Can't wait to get to know you guys!



Good luck in your half marathon tomorrow, George! And post puppy pics, please!

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