BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD Rss Feed  
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2012-04-07 11:24 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Good evening. We had a busy Saturday of not doing too much. I did manage a 3 mile run this afternoon.

I messed up the outside of my right knee on my ride yesterday -- it started aching sometime last evening. I iced it, etc. It's still a little sore. I decided to substitute the semi-long run I was planning (5-6 miles) for an easy 3, just to test everything. It doesn't hurt while I'm running (or cycling -- I did that today too for five minutes or so, checking the adjustments we made to the bars and seat), but it sure stiffens up on me when I'm not doing anything.

I'm going to baby it a little this week, but I should still be okay for Saturday. I'm wishing I could go swimming, but the pool is closed for Easter break and won't be open until Tuesday afternoon. Yikes. I'm missing that lovely chlorine smell. And I know 30 minutes of swimming would do wonders for my leg.

I hope everyone who celebrates it has a nice Easter tomorrow (today, if that's where you are).

Edited by KansasMom 2012-04-07 11:25 PM

2012-04-07 11:41 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Happy Easter Peeps, well, almost Easter here in KS,

Had a nice 10 mile run today, had the Garmin on but didn't look at it the whole time, I just ran!  Pace was better than expected after my bike ride yesterday.  I hope to "squeeze" in a 2.5 to 3 hour bike ride tomorrow (Sunday).

Hope you all have a great Sunday!


2012-04-08 7:25 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD


with hope of renewal, eggs, bunnies, chocolate, and all that.

I spent today a) sleeping, lots; b) spending time with family (sister and our 'adopted lookalike' brother); c) eating, with them, lots. I'm now watching the History Channel, about the life of Jesus, on TV at my sister's. I don't have a TV, so I get very excited when I'm around one and love watching it.

I'm holding off on any kind of training or even paying hard attention to nutrition for another week. That's when the new iron training plan starts--so soon! But I really do love the training as a lifestyle, and would do it even if I didn't have races.

One new aspect of my new plan, which I know is controversial, is (non-S/B/R-specific) strength training. Do I think it's going to make me any better at S/B/R? No, and yes. For one thing, my joints are SHOT from an illness (and I know other people for various reasons have weaker joints, continuing injury type problems, etc.), I'm not getting any younger--meaning I'm losing muscle and bone mass, and just from personal experience, doing yoga with strength/body weight moves was tremendously helpful in healing and strengthening from my various illnesses. So in the sense of whole-health, whole-body fitness and my personal needs, I feel strength training will SET ME UP to be more successful in S/B/R training and performance.

2012-04-08 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4135854

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
pdc33 - 2012-04-07 7:23 PM

And your name...Enders that based on a book series where main character's name was Ender? Silly question, I know!


My favorite book of all time is Enders Game, but I love the whole series (including the Bean parallel track). Love love love.
2012-04-08 7:31 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
I like strength training (controversy aside) hitch is that the longer my runs get, the less time I have for strength, so I tend to do strength when I am at the beginning of a build, but then laze off of it the closer I get to races. I probably should work a little more at time management so I could continue it the whole time.

I'm not sure how much it helps my (S)/B/R, but it does make me feel stronger all around, which has to count for something.
2012-04-08 7:40 AM
in reply to: #4136386

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

enders_shadow - 2012-04-08 8:31 PM I like strength training (controversy aside) hitch is that the longer my runs get, the less time I have for strength, so I tend to do strength when I am at the beginning of a build, but then laze off of it the closer I get to races. I probably should work a little more at time management so I could continue it the whole time. I'm not sure how much it helps my (S)/B/R, but it does make me feel stronger all around, which has to count for something.

When the ... "THE" training books, such as Triathlete's Training Bible, Be Iron Fit, Going Long, etc. talk about strength training, it's included in periodization just like the sports. In fact, what's recommended is exactly what you do: you establish a foundation in the base/build period, it gets even higher weight/lower rep in a focus period, then it's maintenance to withdrawal during peak and taper.

I was just talking with someone about Enders Game on Friday--thinking about you!

2012-04-08 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4136396

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-08 7:40 AM

enders_shadow - 2012-04-08 8:31 PM I like strength training (controversy aside) hitch is that the longer my runs get, the less time I have for strength, so I tend to do strength when I am at the beginning of a build, but then laze off of it the closer I get to races. I probably should work a little more at time management so I could continue it the whole time. I'm not sure how much it helps my (S)/B/R, but it does make me feel stronger all around, which has to count for something.

When the ... "THE" training books, such as Triathlete's Training Bible, Be Iron Fit, Going Long, etc. talk about strength training, it's included in periodization just like the sports. In fact, what's recommended is exactly what you do: you establish a foundation in the base/build period, it gets even higher weight/lower rep in a focus period, then it's maintenance to withdrawal during peak and taper.

I hadn't thought about age as a factor in favor of strength training. I was doing ST a year ago, but I have really backed off -- time, mostly. Maybe I should add it back, as well. I never did that much (30-45 minutes two or three times a day).

The other good thing with strength training for me is that it is something my husband might also be interested in doing, so it could give us something to do "together."

2012-04-08 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4136534

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-08 10:49 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-08 7:40 AM

enders_shadow - 2012-04-08 8:31 PM I like strength training (controversy aside) hitch is that the longer my runs get, the less time I have for strength, so I tend to do strength when I am at the beginning of a build, but then laze off of it the closer I get to races. I probably should work a little more at time management so I could continue it the whole time. I'm not sure how much it helps my (S)/B/R, but it does make me feel stronger all around, which has to count for something.

When the ... "THE" training books, such as Triathlete's Training Bible, Be Iron Fit, Going Long, etc. talk about strength training, it's included in periodization just like the sports. In fact, what's recommended is exactly what you do: you establish a foundation in the base/build period, it gets even higher weight/lower rep in a focus period, then it's maintenance to withdrawal during peak and taper.

I hadn't thought about age as a factor in favor of strength training. I was doing ST a year ago, but I have really backed off -- time, mostly. Maybe I should add it back, as well. I never did that much (30-45 minutes two or three times a day).

The other good thing with strength training for me is that it is something my husband might also be interested in doing, so it could give us something to do "together."

For women, age is THE factor--well, actually, because of the loss of bone density, and then of muscle mass (which we lose proportionally more of, at a faster rate, than men do).

2012-04-08 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
2012-04-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4136383

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-08 7:25 AM


with hope of renewal, eggs, bunnies, chocolate, and all that.

I spent today a) sleeping, lots; b) spending time with family (sister and our 'adopted lookalike' brother); c) eating, with them, lots. I'm now watching the History Channel, about the life of Jesus, on TV at my sister's. I don't have a TV, so I get very excited when I'm around one and love watching it.

I'm holding off on any kind of training or even paying hard attention to nutrition for another week. That's when the new iron training plan starts--so soon! But I really do love the training as a lifestyle, and would do it even if I didn't have races.

One new aspect of my new plan, which I know is controversial, is (non-S/B/R-specific) strength training. Do I think it's going to make me any better at S/B/R? No, and yes. For one thing, my joints are SHOT from an illness (and I know other people for various reasons have weaker joints, continuing injury type problems, etc.), I'm not getting any younger--meaning I'm losing muscle and bone mass, and just from personal experience, doing yoga with strength/body weight moves was tremendously helpful in healing and strengthening from my various illnesses. So in the sense of whole-health, whole-body fitness and my personal needs, I feel strength training will SET ME UP to be more successful in S/B/R training and performance.

I made some incredible fitness gains by lifting. I do need to specify that it was not simply lifting but doing Heavy compound lifting. I mainly don't do it now because I spend so much time and energy running. Speaking of, off to do an Easter 17 miler! Have a great day y'all!
2012-04-08 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Better do that quick intro i promised yesterday.

I am a married 47 year old father of one 9 year old living at home and 5 who are now grown up. I used to have a physical job which kept me reasonably fit but then i went into teaching and now help run the family business, neither of which were/are particularly active. Consequently i have slowly gone to seed and even look like one, being round and shiney on top. The week before Christmas i suddenly announced to my family that i was going to do a triathlon. It surprised me as much as it did them, but on boxing day i found this site, logged in, printed off the Micheal Pate couch potato to sprint programme, put on my old trainers and waddled off for my first run/walk.

Luckily the site was setting up the new year mentor programme and I found myself immersed in the crazy world of the Manatees.

I live in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, ENGLAND about 7 miles from the heart of Sherwood Forest (where Robin Hood lived).

From not being able to run for more than 2 mins, I completed The Lincoln City 10k 2 weeks ago, in 1:02, which was my first ever race. I have still to compete in my first triathlon and hope to put this right by entering a local sprint series in three weeks.

I am still struggling to break my nicotine addiction, am 25lb overweight, swim like a brick and have only a borrowed road bike but what the hey, lifes for the taking and it's time i got on with it.

The Manatee pod has been brilliant and it's reincarnation looks possibly even better, so i am really looking forward to continuing my journey with you all.

By the way, my sense of humour is distinctly sarcastic, being British, so if i accidently offend any of you whilst trying to be funny, I apologise in advance.

Training at the moment is sporadic due to a niggling, persistant calf muscle injury but i will always keep you posted.

Here's to us all for 2012Laughing

2012-04-08 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
I had my long swim Friday, long bike Saturday and long run today.  The long bike was pretty epic.  My butt muscles hurt at the end so I guess I was working hard. My run felt great todayin the coolness of the morning.  My swim on the other hand... makes me want to switch to duathlons! It seems the more I work at it the slower I get! At one point (after I took lessons) I was down to a 2:15 100m.  I thought with time i'd get better.  Hardly.  I'm getting slower.  Maybe because it was a long one.  Monday is a short swim session.  Maybe I'll push it and see what I can do... Yell
2012-04-08 3:34 PM
in reply to: #4136791

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

rrrunner - 2012-04-09 3:41 AM I had my long swim Friday, long bike Saturday and long run today.  The long bike was pretty epic.  My butt muscles hurt at the end so I guess I was working hard. My run felt great todayin the coolness of the morning.  My swim on the other hand... makes me want to switch to duathlons! It seems the more I work at it the slower I get! At one point (after I took lessons) I was down to a 2:15 100m.  I thought with time i'd get better.  Hardly.  I'm getting slower.  Maybe because it was a long one.  Monday is a short swim session.  Maybe I'll push it and see what I can do... Yell

Well done on the long ones!

Depends on how much swimming you've been doing in the time in between. Also, it's easy to let form slip without even noticing it if you don't have someone knowledgeable checking in on it once in a while.

2012-04-08 3:59 PM
in reply to: #4136738

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-08 1:40 PM

Better do that quick intro i promised yesterday.

I am a married 47 year old father of one 9 year old living at home and 5 who are now grown up. I used to have a physical job which kept me reasonably fit but then i went into teaching and now help run the family business, neither of which were/are particularly active. Consequently i have slowly gone to seed and even look like one, being round and shiney on top. The week before Christmas i suddenly announced to my family that i was going to do a triathlon. It surprised me as much as it did them, but on boxing day i found this site, logged in, printed off the Micheal Pate couch potato to sprint programme, put on my old trainers and waddled off for my first run/walk.

Luckily the site was setting up the new year mentor programme and I found myself immersed in the crazy world of the Manatees.

I live in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, ENGLAND about 7 miles from the heart of Sherwood Forest (where Robin Hood lived).

From not being able to run for more than 2 mins, I completed The Lincoln City 10k 2 weeks ago, in 1:02, which was my first ever race. I have still to compete in my first triathlon and hope to put this right by entering a local sprint series in three weeks.

I am still struggling to break my nicotine addiction, am 25lb overweight, swim like a brick and have only a borrowed road bike but what the hey, lifes for the taking and it's time i got on with it.

The Manatee pod has been brilliant and it's reincarnation looks possibly even better, so i am really looking forward to continuing my journey with you all.

By the way, my sense of humour is distinctly sarcastic, being British, so if i accidently offend any of you whilst trying to be funny, I apologise in advance.

Training at the moment is sporadic due to a niggling, persistant calf muscle injury but i will always keep you posted.

Here's to us all for 2012Laughing

but I will personally give Allen a hard time if he offends anyone.
2012-04-08 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4136883

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-04-09 4:59 AM
ukweeble - 2012-04-08 1:40 PM

Better do that quick intro i promised yesterday.

I am a married 47 year old father of one 9 year old living at home and 5 who are now grown up. I used to have a physical job which kept me reasonably fit but then i went into teaching and now help run the family business, neither of which were/are particularly active. Consequently i have slowly gone to seed and even look like one, being round and shiney on top. The week before Christmas i suddenly announced to my family that i was going to do a triathlon. It surprised me as much as it did them, but on boxing day i found this site, logged in, printed off the Micheal Pate couch potato to sprint programme, put on my old trainers and waddled off for my first run/walk.

Luckily the site was setting up the new year mentor programme and I found myself immersed in the crazy world of the Manatees.

I live in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, ENGLAND about 7 miles from the heart of Sherwood Forest (where Robin Hood lived).

From not being able to run for more than 2 mins, I completed The Lincoln City 10k 2 weeks ago, in 1:02, which was my first ever race. I have still to compete in my first triathlon and hope to put this right by entering a local sprint series in three weeks.

I am still struggling to break my nicotine addiction, am 25lb overweight, swim like a brick and have only a borrowed road bike but what the hey, lifes for the taking and it's time i got on with it.

The Manatee pod has been brilliant and it's reincarnation looks possibly even better, so i am really looking forward to continuing my journey with you all.

By the way, my sense of humour is distinctly sarcastic, being British, so if i accidently offend any of you whilst trying to be funny, I apologise in advance.

Training at the moment is sporadic due to a niggling, persistant calf muscle injury but i will always keep you posted.

Here's to us all for 2012Laughing

but I will personally give Allen a hard time if he offends anyone.

Fixt ...

2012-04-08 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4135684

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-04-08 4:06 AM

I got home and took my bike into the garden to get a  bit of practice stopping and starting, unclipping and clipping in....wasn't pretty.  Still need more practice, I'm waiting for a light bulb moment when it will become natural, hasn't happened yet.

I also have to practice drinking on the bike, not very good at that either!  And then I need to bite the bullet and get me a bike coach for absolute beginners!

Do you have a trainer, or can you make nice eyes at a bike shop piglet to 'borrow' theirs in the store for a while? This can really help as a step in clipping/braking/unclipping (with your eyes closed, no less) become natural.

As for getting a bike coach for an absolute beginner ... it seems like what you really need is basic bike handling skills, and then after that, just a lot of riding, whenever and however you can. As for the basic bike handling skills ... I have an excellent suggestion ... it's called "Nigel."

2012-04-08 5:59 PM
in reply to: #4136893

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-08 4:11 PM
jobaxas - 2012-04-08 4:06 AM

I got home and took my bike into the garden to get a  bit of practice stopping and starting, unclipping and clipping in....wasn't pretty.  Still need more practice, I'm waiting for a light bulb moment when it will become natural, hasn't happened yet.

I also have to practice drinking on the bike, not very good at that either!  And then I need to bite the bullet and get me a bike coach for absolute beginners!

Do you have a trainer, or can you make nice eyes at a bike shop piglet to 'borrow' theirs in the store for a while? This can really help as a step in clipping/braking/unclipping (with your eyes closed, no less) become natural.

As for getting a bike coach for an absolute beginner ... it seems like what you really need is basic bike handling skills, and then after that, just a lot of riding, whenever and however you can. As for the basic bike handling skills ... I have an excellent suggestion ... it's called "Nigel."

I do have a bike trainer and i'm great at clipping in and clipping out, just on the road getting my foot onto the ground seems to be my main issue.  Lucky though with the trainer I'm getting a lot of riding hours done.  It is just practice and you're right bike handling skills.  Maybe I will give Nigel a call.....

2012-04-09 3:02 AM
in reply to: #4136887

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-08 10:06 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-09 4:59 AM
ukweeble - 2012-04-08 1:40 PMThe Manatee pod has been brilliant and it's reincarnation looks possibly even better, so i am really looking forward to continuing my journey with you all.

By the way, my sense of humour is distinctly sarcastic, being British, so if i accidently offend any of you whilst trying to be funny, I apologise in advance.

Training at the moment is sporadic due to a niggling, persistant calf muscle injury but i will always keep you posted.

Here's to us all for 2012Laughing

but I will personally give Allen a hard time if he offends anyone.

Fixt ...

Still got the scars from pod 1. Her wit is razor sharp, so beware boys and girls.

2012-04-09 3:17 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Got a run and swim planned for today but it's rainingFrown. So far i haven't run in the rain so i had a giggle when you lot were discussing the merits of boot dryers (which i didn't even know existed) versus stuffing newspaper in them. Surely, i thought, why not simply put off the run until it's nicer outside? Then i saw the tagline on jobaxis comments. Something about soft people not bad weather.

Thanks jobaxis, guess i am going to get wet today, and i'm not talking about the swimming. Will curse you later.

2012-04-09 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Wow, go away for 36 hours and 3 pages fill up while I was gone.

I have been looking at my calendar and I have about 12 weeks until my one real tri of the year. So it is time to stop farting around and get down to business. The head cold that I had went down to my chest and is finally going away, so that excuse is gone as well. Sooooo, back at it this morning. 3 miles of slow and steady running under a moonlit morning. 61 degrees out, it was just awesome. If all goes well this week, I should get in 4 runs, 3 rides and at least 2 swims. That will be the pattern for the next few months (I hope) with swims occasionally increasing in frequency. But no matter what happens, I have to agree with something Yanti wrote earlier. Even without racing, I hope that the fitness remains as a lifestyle. I feel so much better knowing that I am doing something positive for me.

Ann-Marie, I believe I was in your neck of the woods this weekend, my daughter's new church is St. Charles Borromeo. We ended up driving through College Park trying to find Einstein's Bagels on Easter morning. That area is so nice, and so NOT what I picture when I think of Orlando. (Mouse ears and such.)

I hope everyone has an outstanding day. I should probably get some work done, since I am at my desk.
2012-04-09 6:15 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Hey all - Happy Easter Monday!

I have to work, but the littles are off with hubby.

Rest day for me today, although I may try a little bodyweight exercise...I'm fascinated by crossfit but far too frightened, so I've been looking at simplefit ( instead as a babystep in.

I got my 9 miler in yesterday (yeah for me) - set my garmin for 2:1 run:walk for the whole thing and it seemed to work fine by my knee....pokey, but got it done, and that's all that matters right now.

Off to work!

2012-04-09 7:05 AM
in reply to: #4137442

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

cdban66 - 2012-04-09 6:11 AM Wow, go away for 36 hours and 3 pages fill up while I was gone. I have been looking at my calendar and I have about 12 weeks until my one real tri of the year. So it is time to stop farting around and get down to business. The head cold that I had went down to my chest and is finally going away, so that excuse is gone as well. Sooooo, back at it this morning. 3 miles of slow and steady running under a moonlit morning. 61 degrees out, it was just awesome. If all goes well this week, I should get in 4 runs, 3 rides and at least 2 swims. That will be the pattern for the next few months (I hope) with swims occasionally increasing in frequency. But no matter what happens, I have to agree with something Yanti wrote earlier. Even without racing, I hope that the fitness remains as a lifestyle. I feel so much better knowing that I am doing something positive for me. Ann-Marie, I believe I was in your neck of the woods this weekend, my daughter's new church is St. Charles Borromeo. We ended up driving through College Park trying to find Einstein's Bagels on Easter morning. That area is so nice, and so NOT what I picture when I think of Orlando. (Mouse ears and such.) I hope everyone has an outstanding day. I should probably get some work done, since I am at my desk.


You were right around the corner from me!  In fact, i was at St. Charles for sunrise services and then drove past Einstein's on my way to Starbucks and then it was off for a 25 mile bike ride!

Everyone thinks Orlando is Disney, but unless you live out by it or work there, you almost never think about it.


Happy work week everyone! 


2012-04-09 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4136383

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-08 8:25 AM

I'm holding off on any kind of training or even paying hard attention to nutrition for another week. That's when the new iron training plan starts--so soon! But I really do love the training as a lifestyle, and would do it even if I didn't have races.

New iron training plan with what target date?  My guess is August.

Is strength training really that controversial?  Certainly we should all be doing core, etc.
2012-04-09 7:53 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

So far managed to delay the run by watching 'inspirational' you tube triathlon/ironman videos in the hope the rain would ease. hopes dashed by our wonderful british weather, so i am continuing the delay by thinking of things to ask in our forum.

My first one is this: My first tri is only a sprint that is pool based. Do i wear speedo's for the swim then slip my cycling shorts on over the top for the cycle, and if i do this, do i keep the cycle shorts on for the run, or whip them off and run in my speedo's or am i getting this all wrong and should i skip the speedo's altogether and swim/run in my cycle shorts???? This is a serious question cos i need to practice with my final set up as i have learned already that there should be nothing new on race day.

2012-04-09 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4137525

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jmkizer - 2012-04-09 1:30 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-08 8:25 AM

I'm holding off on any kind of training or even paying hard attention to nutrition for another week. That's when the new iron training plan starts--so soon! But I really do love the training as a lifestyle, and would do it even if I didn't have races.

New iron training plan with what target date?  My guess is August.

Is strength training really that controversial?  Certainly we should all be doing core, etc.

I agree. Sounds a bit obvious to me that some sort of strength training would be good

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