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2013-03-14 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
Hey JD

Getting to ride through wine country and then spend a few days relaxing and touring wineries was as much a draw as the price, it will be much nicer scenery than riding through the desert , like I do now

2013-03-14 5:00 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread


I love it when I am tempted to blow off a workout and I get it done.  It was a short swim workout, but my meeting went long so that silly little whisper in my head said "Just skip it, you don't have much time and you don't really want to swim."  But I got it done. Yay!  Now to go home and get on my bike...


Hope everyone is having a great week!

2013-03-15 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
Hi Akrenik


Victory is right, and a good reminder that surviving an IM is all about consistency and making those tough choices .
Way to go !

2013-03-17 12:37 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
3 long hours on the bike trainer this evening.
2013-03-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

19 weeks to go.  Everyone healthy? 

Brian-Pretty sure I would die on the trainer for 3 to watch or not.  You are awesome!

2013-03-18 4:57 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

Recovering from illness.  Almost back 100%.  Last week was rough with almost no training due to illness and travel for work.  Back at it this week.

How is everyone doing?  Building that volume?  :-)

2013-03-18 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
It was a good week, training wise, the weather is pretty close for perfect for being outside, I even got a swim in at the lake on Sunday.

Brian I don't know how you do it , an hour is about all I can handle on a trainer, great job!

Amy sorry you were feeling sick last week, hope this week get's you back on track
2013-03-18 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4664988

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
akrenik - 2013-03-18 1:57 PM

19 weeks to go.  Everyone healthy? 

Brian-Pretty sure I would die on the trainer for 3 to watch or not.  You are awesome!

It's like this...I am trying to build in my mental toughness as well while doing these long trainer rides. Believe me at about 2:30 hrs. I was thinking " we'll that's enough". I said heck no don't give in to it and finish what you started. I go for an hour get off fill my bottle up with Perpetumn and take a couple endourolytes and get back at it again for another hour.Have a great training week everyone. Here's hoping for some sunny weather.
2013-03-19 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
I have never been so happy that the pool was locked up tight yesterday.  I was feeling pretty beat and tight and sore, but wanted to stick to my training plan.  When I got to the pool and saw it locked I think I might've done a little happy dance.  haha.  The swim team should have been there working out, so I am thinking this was a little gift from God.  He was telling me to go home and REST.  Laughing  So I did. 
2013-03-19 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4664988

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
akrenik - 2013-03-18 1:57 PM

19 weeks to go.  Everyone healthy? 

Brian-Pretty sure I would die on the trainer for 3 to watch or not.  You are awesome!

Funny you should mention injury. I am going in for a X-ray on my back today. Right lower back hurt like crazy in the morning and is better as the day goes on. Hasn't affected my training yet. I added three additional weeks just in case of injuries. Looks like I may be using one of those weeks. Been going to Chiropractor for last three weeks trying to deal with it with no real progress. Siactic and periformis muscle might be the culprit, but hopefully an X-ray will help with what is going on. Always thought I had a shorter right leg. Lots of considerations.
2013-03-22 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

Sometimes you just need to sleep and that is exactly what I did yesterday.  Went from work to my son's track meet and then came home and crashed.  I walked right past my bike on the way to my bed and didn't feel guilty at all. 


Now that I used up my rest day (which was supposed to be Saturday) I have to be good the rest of the weekend.  What does everyone have on their plates this weekend?

2013-03-22 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4670276

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
akrenik - 2013-03-22 10:25 AM

Now that I used up my rest day (which was supposed to be Saturday) I have to be good the rest of the weekend.  What does everyone have on their plates this weekend?

Tonight is a 2400yd swim + 35min run
Tomorrow 2hr 30min spin
Sunday 70min run

Feeling like my "long" runs aren't long enough, but following the plan from my last IM which was coached. I'm susceptible to run injuries (IT Band, knee issues, feet issues) so I imagine that's why he had me easing into the long runs.  

2013-03-22 3:34 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
Today is my sloth day,

Tomorrow, a 4 hour ride, and 1 hour swim
Sunday 1 hour trainer ride, and an 1:45 run right off the bike,

I have to make sure I get these in, We're spending the rest of the week looking at colleges with my son, and even with the best intentions I will miss a few workouts.
2013-03-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #4670859

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

kenb - 2013-03-22 1:34 PM Today is my sloth day, Tomorrow, a 4 hour ride, and 1 hour swim Sunday 1 hour trainer ride, and an 1:45 run right off the bike, I have to make sure I get these in, We're spending the rest of the week looking at colleges with my son, and even with the best intentions I will miss a few workouts.


Woah!  4 hour ride?!  I am so not even close to that yet.  Then and  1:45 run off bike?  Every day is a sloth day for me compared to you!  Nice job!  Have fun looking at colleges with your son!  That is such a fun process!!

2013-03-26 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
Back at it this week. Went in for an X-ray on my lower back last week. Some slippage on L5-S1 and my right femoral head is lower than my left by 18mm. I went to see a PT who also is one of our Tri Club Sponsors. I definitely have some weakness in my right side. I was given specific exercises to strengthen those weaknesses and stretches to do twice a day. I go back in for a video run analysis on the treadmill next week. She is also doing some traction on my right leg. Went running last night no problems. Everything is in the am so I am a little sore this morning in my lower back. Nothing like it has been.To be honest I was a bit worried after the X-ray that I was going to have to pack it in.Have a great week of training.
2013-03-26 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
Glad that the xray came back okay.  Not being able to train when you want to is so frustrating.    Be diligent about those excercises and stretches!

2013-03-27 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Littleton, Colorado
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread



We moved on Friday, so I'm hoping I can now really buckle down and get some solid training in.  My logs are NOT accurate, but between packing, moving, and being sick, I haven't been able to keep to the schedule as well as I would have liked the past month or so. 

How is everyone else feeling?

2013-03-27 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4676399

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
swgtri - 2013-03-27 7:57 AM



We moved on Friday, so I'm hoping I can now really buckle down and get some solid training in.  My logs are NOT accurate, but between packing, moving, and being sick, I haven't been able to keep to the schedule as well as I would have liked the past month or so. 

How is everyone else feeling?

My back appears to be on the mend. Doesn't affect me all that much while training. More of the after affect. With physical therapy and massage each month I should be ok. Actually the week off might have done me some good with other healing as well. Felt good to swim last night. Bike and short Transition run this evening and then some vacation time, but still training. Bought a new pair of running shoes, Brook Dyad 7; Dyad 6's had some wear.Getting closer. Can't believe it is April already.
2013-03-27 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

I need to go back to getting my massages.  The cost doubled, so I cut them out but boy do I feel it.  Anyone else waking up in the middle of the night or early morning with legs aching.  Not pain, but an ache or restlessness.  Makes it virtually impossible to go back to sleep.  Ugh! 


So excited to only have a swim scheduled for today.  Nice to spend my lunch time actually eating lunch. haha. 

2013-03-30 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

Long ride (long relative to me anyway).  Very windy on the way out.  Interesting how much your speed drops compared to the trainer with no stop lights, stop signs, stops along the way, hills, crazy drivers, trash on the road...need I say more.

Did a 30 min. transition run afterwards.  Started out walking for two minutes to find my legs, and did 6 run:1 min walk.  This is my plan for Vineman.  With all the walking my pace was over 12 min.  My 6 min. runs were at or below 11:00 min per mile.

I used two bottles of Perpetumn and had a hard time drinking all of that in the three hours.  I think I need to up the amt of cals per bottle.  Also took in two gels and a Honey Stinger at the turn around.

Sitting here drinking a large glass of cold Chocolate Milk.  Ahhhhhhhhhh!

2013-04-01 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

Nice job Brian.  I rode against that headwind this weekend too.  The first half it was behind me and felt great.  At the turn around I felt like I hit a wall and it wasn't even that strong of a wind (at least there were no whitecaps on the ocean and that is usually my guage). 


I am planning on using a 9:1 run/walk ratio in the run at Vineman too.  However, that may turn into a 1:9 near the end haha. 


Have a great week of training everyone!  17 weeks left!!

2013-04-01 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4479272

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
Minor setback.
Paying my clumsy tax early this year - tripped over a paint can in the basement and gashed my big toe really good. Going to the doc this afternoon to see if it needs stitches. Here's a pic (kinda gross but not terrible).

Missed ~3hrs of training Saturday but I did manage to ride on it yesterday after coating it with that Skin Shield superglue stuff. Might not have been the best decision but it didn't split open till I got in the shower afterwards.  
2013-04-01 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4681741

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread

lisac957 - 2013-04-01 7:54 AM Minor setback.
Paying my clumsy tax early this year - tripped over a paint can in the basement and gashed my big toe really good. Going to the doc this afternoon to see if it needs stitches. Here's a pic (kinda gross but not terrible).

Missed ~3hrs of training Saturday but I did manage to ride on it yesterday after coating it with that Skin Shield superglue stuff. Might not have been the best decision but it didn't split open till I got in the shower afterwards.  

Ok, that looks like it hurts, ALOT!!!  I hate it when things like that happen.  I have used the Skin Shield stuff before and it has helped, but it wasn't on my toes.

2013-04-01 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4681720

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
akrenik - 2013-04-01 7:44 AM

Nice job Brian.  I rode against that headwind this weekend too.  The first half it was behind me and felt great.  At the turn around I felt like I hit a wall and it wasn't even that strong of a wind (at least there were no whitecaps on the ocean and that is usually my guage). 


I am planning on using a 9:1 run/walk ratio in the run at Vineman too.  However, that may turn into a 1:9 near the end haha. 


Have a great week of training everyone!  17 weeks left!!


I found that the 6:1 ratio seems to provide the amount of rest I need ot keep at the pace I amd seeking.  I am sure it will vary due to the hills and water, nutrition stops.  Creeping up real fast isn't it.  Can't believe it is already April.

2013-04-01 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4479272

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Full Vineman Triathlon : Official Thread
The volume is building!!!  I hope we can all stay healthy. 
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