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2013-02-06 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4610622

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Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
powerman - 2013-02-06 7:43 AM

skipg - 2013-02-06 5:34 AM Yesterday was day #37 in a row of running, legs feel like poo this morning so no run in the am, maybe around 8 tonight to give em some extra rest time today! 120 down only 880 to go.

I know you have been around, and I am not trying to say there is some problem you should fix... but do you know the Barry P plan?

yeah pretty familiar with it. I started the 30 run in 30 day challenge and now I just don't want to stop. Trying to keep 3 miles as my minimum run, I haven't really started trying to build my long runs just yet. Just seeing how long I can keep it going, maybe till my training plan for Augusta 70.3 starts in May.

2013-02-06 7:01 AM
in reply to: #4556786

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2013-02-06 9:05 AM
in reply to: #4610643

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
skipg - 2013-02-06 5:59 AM
powerman - 2013-02-06 7:43 AM

skipg - 2013-02-06 5:34 AM Yesterday was day #37 in a row of running, legs feel like poo this morning so no run in the am, maybe around 8 tonight to give em some extra rest time today! 120 down only 880 to go.

I know you have been around, and I am not trying to say there is some problem you should fix... but do you know the Barry P plan?

yeah pretty familiar with it. I started the 30 run in 30 day challenge and now I just don't want to stop. Trying to keep 3 miles as my minimum run, I haven't really started trying to build my long runs just yet. Just seeing how long I can keep it going, maybe till my training plan for Augusta 70.3 starts in May.

Ya, sounds good. It all adds up. BP is 6 days, but there is no NEED to take a day off. You won't have any problem building distance. Just remember, it isn't about getting through the run, it's about getting through the week. Take it easy when you need to.

2013-02-06 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4610614

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

skipg - 2013-02-06 5:34 AM Yesterday was day #37 in a row of running, legs feel like poo this morning so no run in the am, maybe around 8 tonight to give em some extra rest time today! 120 down only 880 to go.

I am no expert but it looks like you have been keeping it pretty much the same day after day. 
After 37 straight days of running it might be okay to through in 2 or 3 400 meter repeats or 5 minute at your 10k pace (unless you are always running at your 10k pace).  Then go a bit slower the next day.   Very often I will be out running for 30-40 minutes, slowly, feeling like poo, as you say, and then meet up with a buddy and drop the pace by a min a mile and feel awesome.

2013-02-06 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4610985

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
BigDH - 2013-02-06 11:03 AM

skipg - 2013-02-06 5:34 AM Yesterday was day #37 in a row of running, legs feel like poo this morning so no run in the am, maybe around 8 tonight to give em some extra rest time today! 120 down only 880 to go.

I am no expert but it looks like you have been keeping it pretty much the same day after day. 
After 37 straight days of running it might be okay to through in 2 or 3 400 meter repeats or 5 minute at your 10k pace (unless you are always running at your 10k pace).  Then go a bit slower the next day.   Very often I will be out running for 30-40 minutes, slowly, feeling like poo, as you say, and then meet up with a buddy and drop the pace by a min a mile and feel awesome.

yeah been keeping things the same, 9:30-10 is my pretty slow and relaxed avg. I run 10:30-11:00 when I run with the wife twice a week. Most of my feeling like poo is first thing in the morning, a little stiff in the mornings "legs people" and takes me a while to get going.
2013-02-06 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4609579

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

wgraves7582 - 2013-02-05 10:18 AM
peto_primo - 2013-02-05 11:29 AM Shhhhhh !  Be vary quiet.  I'm hunting wabbits !!!

Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, kill the waaaaaaaaabit.

Still lurking here, despite not yet back to running.  Looks like everyone is doing great! 

2013-02-06 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Coldfoot, Alaska
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Hey all, I'm in Fairbanks until Friday with only phone for Internet. So I haven't looked at everyone's logs but it sounds like everyone's doing awesome. I'll be updating my logs though, just without pictures. See y'all in a few days. And to the two of you that posted the shot rabbit and the dead rabbit...have you no decency sir? We need the rabbit alive. Without him we don't go down the rabbit hole. And without him running we don't know pace. Unless your plan was to make some kin of mutant space zombie bunny that will track us down and and chant vicious running chants at us. If so, well played gentleman, well played.
2013-02-06 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4611279

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

sanhador - 2013-02-06 11:00 AM Unless your plan was to make some kin of mutant space zombie bunny that will track us down and and chant vicious running chants at us. If so, well played gentleman, well played.

Well I did find those pics yesterday, but figured I would hold off on posting them for a couple of months Tongue out

Oh and then there was the Were Rabbit from Wallace and Grommit!!! 

2013-02-06 6:57 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Both KWDreamun and I (as well as our son) have been out of commission with stupid colds.  But all of the talk and awful pix of bunnys have been cracking me up.  Love it,  you guys.  Welcome to our new member, Skip.
2013-02-06 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4611925

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Pink Socks - 2013-02-06 7:57 PM

Both KWDreamun and I (as well as our son) have been out of commission with stupid colds.  But all of the talk and awful pix of bunnys have been cracking me up.  Love it,  you guys.  Welcome to our new member, Skip.
thanks...really looking forward to completing this challenge! Hope the cold passes soon!
2013-02-06 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4611161

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
skipg - 2013-02-06 10:16 AM
BigDH - 2013-02-06 11:03 AM

skipg - 2013-02-06 5:34 AM Yesterday was day #37 in a row of running, legs feel like poo this morning so no run in the am, maybe around 8 tonight to give em some extra rest time today! 120 down only 880 to go.

I am no expert but it looks like you have been keeping it pretty much the same day after day. 
After 37 straight days of running it might be okay to through in 2 or 3 400 meter repeats or 5 minute at your 10k pace (unless you are always running at your 10k pace).  Then go a bit slower the next day.   Very often I will be out running for 30-40 minutes, slowly, feeling like poo, as you say, and then meet up with a buddy and drop the pace by a min a mile and feel awesome.

yeah been keeping things the same, 9:30-10 is my pretty slow and relaxed avg. I run 10:30-11:00 when I run with the wife twice a week. Most of my feeling like poo is first thing in the morning, a little stiff in the mornings "legs people" and takes me a while to get going.

ahhhh, yes.  I have recently developed this aversion to morning runs as well.  Not sure why I developed this stiffness.  I did stop my evening yoga practice in November but I can't remember if the stiffness started then or before then.  Anyways, I just started the yoga at night again so I will find out if it helps me.

Have you always been stiff in the morning?

2013-02-06 9:50 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

I finished today's 7.24 mile run in 1:14:21 with a 10:16 pace.  Given said pace, I shaved another 29 seconds off of my 10K time... ANOTHER PR, this time 1:04:05!!!


The rabbit was able to gain on me over the last week or so, but I'm vowing to get closer with each run I do.  The down side to that vow is the 36+ hour day every 4 (soon to be 3) days.  :-(

2013-02-06 11:54 PM
in reply to: #4575119

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

Just wanted to throw this out there for the recent additions to the challenge!!


Pink Socks - 2013-01-12 11:21 AM

The spreadsheet can be used to save Erin from gathering the info weekly.  I also like the spreadsheet because it's a "feel good" thing for me because it lets me know where I should be and where I am.  If you want to enter every time you run, that's fine or you can enter weekly, monthly, etc.  For me, I enter everything in the my BT log as soon as I complete it (because I'll forget otherwise).  Then weekly or so, I select Training Log, Yearly, Actual, and it gives me my mileage for the year.  Then I can go to the spreadsheet and just enter one number.  I tried to make the spreadsheet goal-dependent (like for time goals vs mileage goals or for BigDh's big goal) but it was just too much for me to figure out so I just set it at 1000 miles for the year since that is the name of the thread. 

link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An7ZkKfHG1L1dGZnamsyaVVadHllQmRGMXhNYk5tTnc

Login: [email protected]

Password: challengeforum2

I would suggest adding to your favorites and usually it doesn't ask for the login and password every time.  To update, enter your total mileage next to your login.  You may have to move off of the cell for the info to commit.  But then exit the spreadsheet and the info is automatically saved.  If any new people show up and their info isn't calculated or they aren't reflected in the graph, we may have to adjust the grid selection - I'm not sure, we'll just have to see about that.  Any other questions about the spreadsheet, PM or send an inspire to me and I'll try to help.  I'm new to all of this but in Nov I got involved with a challenge with a spreadsheet and I learned from it.



Edited by peto_primo 2013-02-06 11:55 PM
2013-02-07 4:13 AM
in reply to: #4612089

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
BigDH - 2013-02-06 10:26 PM

skipg - 2013-02-06 10:16 AM
BigDH - 2013-02-06 11:03 AM

skipg - 2013-02-06 5:34 AM Yesterday was day #37 in a row of running, legs feel like poo this morning so no run in the am, maybe around 8 tonight to give em some extra rest time today! 120 down only 880 to go.

I am no expert but it looks like you have been keeping it pretty much the same day after day. 
After 37 straight days of running it might be okay to through in 2 or 3 400 meter repeats or 5 minute at your 10k pace (unless you are always running at your 10k pace).  Then go a bit slower the next day.   Very often I will be out running for 30-40 minutes, slowly, feeling like poo, as you say, and then meet up with a buddy and drop the pace by a min a mile and feel awesome.

yeah been keeping things the same, 9:30-10 is my pretty slow and relaxed avg. I run 10:30-11:00 when I run with the wife twice a week. Most of my feeling like poo is first thing in the morning, a little stiff in the mornings "legs people" and takes me a while to get going.

ahhhh, yes.  I have recently developed this aversion to morning runs as well.  Not sure why I developed this stiffness.  I did stop my evening yoga practice in November but I can't remember if the stiffness started then or before then.  Anyways, I just started the yoga at night again so I will find out if it helps me.

Have you always been stiff in the morning?

yeah Ive never really liked running first thing in the morning, been running on and off since I was in middle school, Im 35 now and Ive disliked am runs as long as I can remember. I do run some mornings but I always feel better during afternoon runs.
2013-02-07 7:19 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Oh I love running in the morning...I see a LOT of RABBITS...lol  I got on BigDH's challenge Thanksgiving thru New Years and had a blast, never missed a day bu this dad gum cold has now kicked my butt.
2013-02-07 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

man down!  I pulled up with a real tight calf two days ago during a run, and there was some pain radiating into my foot afterwards.  It's feeling OK right now, but it's still a bit tight.  I'm thinking some kind of mild calf strain, but don't really know.  Regardless, I'm going to take some time off running to let it sort out a bit.  And just when I started gaining ground Undecided  

2013-02-07 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4612931

Subject: ...
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2013-02-08 2:16 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
11pm, 22F, killer tunes on the shuffle, got my 6 miles in for the day.
2013-02-08 5:49 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
This cold thing is killing me, the rabbit is eating me up..again no running today...it has been almost a week w/ no running gggrrrllll........
2013-02-08 6:54 AM
in reply to: #4613841

Subject: ...
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2013-02-08 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4613889

Subject: ...
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2013-02-08 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4612931

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
norcal_SAHD - 2013-02-07 12:41 PM

man down!  I pulled up with a real tight calf two days ago during a run, and there was some pain radiating into my foot afterwards.  It's feeling OK right now, but it's still a bit tight.  I'm thinking some kind of mild calf strain, but don't really know.  Regardless, I'm going to take some time off running to let it sort out a bit.  And just when I started gaining ground Undecided  

how the calf feeling? I'm battling a nagging leg thing going on right now myself...my 39 day in a row running streak may be coming to an end soon to rest this thing up. Not only was my goal to run at least 1000 this year, really I hoped to run at least 100 every month. Feb is gonna me a stretch, have to avg like 3.75 or something like that every day for the rest of the month if Im gonna hit 100...damn Feb for only having 28 days!!!

2013-02-08 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4613985

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
skipg - 2013-02-08 8:27 AM
norcal_SAHD - 2013-02-07 12:41 PM

man down!  I pulled up with a real tight calf two days ago during a run, and there was some pain radiating into my foot afterwards.  It's feeling OK right now, but it's still a bit tight.  I'm thinking some kind of mild calf strain, but don't really know.  Regardless, I'm going to take some time off running to let it sort out a bit.  And just when I started gaining ground Undecided  

how the calf feeling? I'm battling a nagging leg thing going on right now myself...my 39 day in a row running streak may be coming to an end soon to rest this thing up. Not only was my goal to run at least 1000 this year, really I hoped to run at least 100 every month. Feb is gonna me a stretch, have to avg like 3.75 or something like that every day for the rest of the month if Im gonna hit 100...damn Feb for only having 28 days!!!

I always struggle with injury too.  Do you try to train thru it or rest.  The older I get, rest seems to work better..ssshhh don't tell my wife that because I generally do not take that route.  You might want to try gently rolling it, then stretching it and then icing it.  Also if you decide to run, maybe put on some compression sleeves to help support the calf.

Good Luck and let us know how it goes.


2013-02-08 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4613950

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
wgraves7582 - 2013-02-08 7:55 AM

KWDreamun - 2013-02-08 6:49 AM This cold thing is killing me, the rabbit is eating me up..again no running today...it has been almost a week w/ no running gggrrrllll........

You and Pink had a great start - rest up and you will be right back at it!

How do people in Florida get colds though?  Is it even cold there???

lol Yes it get cold here...we are in N. FL. bbbrrrr  I had uncontrollable shivers prior to the HM and my feet felt like rocks until mile 3.  What we have here is HIGH humidity and when it does get cold, it is cold...now we don't have to wear all the clothes some of ya'll have to wear..I'm very lucky in that aspect...lol  I'll just leave it at that..lol

2013-02-08 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

Calf is feeling good, but I'm taking the weekend off running anyway.  I've done a bunch of icing and rolling of the calf and foot, at this point it's hard to tell if it's tight because of all the massage/rolling, or the injury...  I don't think it's any big deal, but no need to rush back in.  I'll try running on Monday and reset my volume back to a base level and begin the ramp again.  Not worried about this challenge in the sense that it will either happen or it won't, but I'm not going to do something silly just to get in miles.  Not giving up though, because there is still plenty of time left in the year.  My ultimate weekly goal is in the 30mpw range which if I get there in a few months will be plenty to carry me over the top.

In looking back at my logs I do think I ramped up too much too quick, despite thinking at the time I was being very conservative.  I'm going to reset back to the basics and stick to the letter of the 1-2-3 law.  Meaning I'll be shortening my short runs, as opposed to lengthening my long runs.

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