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2011-05-23 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

My plan is to have somewhat of a swim focus week this and the following week.  M-Th in the pool every day, between 2 and 4000 yards, and at least one OW.  Just want to make sure my shoulders/back/etc are used to the motions.  Not looking for any speed increases.

I was at REI today and picked up a new Zoot jersey (red to stand out for my family and to match the TT 4.0's) and saw some Aquasphere Kayenne goggles.   They seemed to fit really nicely (suction test was fine) without having too much of that ridiculous dive mask look.   My old speedos have always been great, but my only complaint was the peripheral vision wasnt that great.   I figure I'll want to see as much as possible in the lake. 

2011-05-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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New user
Cave Creek, Az
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Just have to share - Great training weekend and injuries staying at bay!  Amazing how on top of the world a great weekend can make you feel...

5000 m swim friday (slow, but was after a high intensity double on Thursday so ok with that)

5 hour bike Sat - 80% climbing - 75 miles

18 mile trail run Sunday on So. Mt.  1st 10 were with a buddy- talking the whole time and at Z1 so went by really fast.  ITB held up fine, though I did have to walk the steep downhill sections. Super mental boost!  We drove straight over to the lake and did an OWS for 1 hour and then played in the water for 30 minutes of fun!  AWESOME!  First time some of the training was with a friend!  Didn't want the day to end!

What a rush!  Couldn't wait to share!


PS.  Icing on the cake - another RACELAB buddy lending me his race wheels!

2011-05-23 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3513066

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Shermbelle - 2011-05-23 2:49 AM 

Geez Tim, you should really take this IM training seriously and quit slacking Wink

Yeah, that is what I keep telling myself when the couch starts calling me or the car starts to get jealous of my bike. The stupid thing is I have only put ~2,000 miles on my car this year and it is spending a lot of time in the garage.

Oh wait, maybe that is a good thing. The price of gas has reached parity with Clif Bars, bananas and Gu needed to fuel my commute Tongue out

Thanks for the reminder 
2011-05-23 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3514367

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
dfrash_1 - 2011-05-23 1:10 PM

Just have to share - Great training weekend and injuries staying at bay!  Amazing how on top of the world a great weekend can make you feel...

5000 m swim friday (slow, but was after a high intensity double on Thursday so ok with that)

5 hour bike Sat - 80% climbing - 75 miles

18 mile trail run Sunday on So. Mt.  1st 10 were with a buddy- talking the whole time and at Z1 so went by really fast.  ITB held up fine, though I did have to walk the steep downhill sections. Super mental boost!  We drove straight over to the lake and did an OWS for 1 hour and then played in the water for 30 minutes of fun!  AWESOME!  First time some of the training was with a friend!  Didn't want the day to end!

What a rush!  Couldn't wait to share!


PS.  Icing on the cake - another RACELAB buddy lending me his race wheels!


looks like we're gonna have a good showing of AZ athletes   great training this weekend!  the weather was perfect.

2011-05-23 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3514502

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

WaterDog66 - 2011-05-23 2:18 PM
Shermbelle - 2011-05-23 2:49 AM

The price of gas has reached parity with Clif Bars, bananas and Gu needed to fuel my commute Tongue out

Thanks for the reminder 

LOL! Now that's funny! So true!

2011-05-23 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3514130

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Selachophobia - 2011-05-23 11:30 AM Anyone ever used Kinesio Tape before??  Does it work??
Thinking about applying some to my neck and shoulder for the race....

My physical therapist has tried a couple of different variations to deal with swelling and support during my ankle rehab.  Honestly, we were both pretty skeptical, but decided to give it a try.  One tape job was designed to reduce lingering swelling.  Well, it could have been total coincidence because the swelling of the ankle was going up and down depending on my activity, but for the two+ days the tape lasted, it had substantially less swelling.  I even took picture of it for my PT.  We tried it again a week later with the same results.  Like I said, it could have been coincidence, but I was working the ankle relatively hard and the swelling was staying away.

The other tape job was just a simple one designed to help support an issue I was having with a muscle on the inside of my shin.  Again, could have been coincidence, but that muscle had been a problem for weeks and it's return to normalcy occurred at the same time we tried that tape job several times.  

So does it really work?  I don't know, but I don't see the harm in trying.


2011-05-23 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3513883

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Selachophobia - 2011-05-23 1:00 PM I am a little late to the show with my game plan but here it is:
(***Also, I got a Sports Massage yesterday and I feel 100% better, highly recommend massage therapy for your aching parts***)

My Game Plan

Thursday (Pray for good weather)

-Fly into Spokane head to the hotel and get checked in, then over to Ironman Village for Athlete Check-In

-Give my bike ticket to the wife so she can get my bike out of transition when I start my IM run.

-Grab a massage in Ironman Village

-Do not buy any IM merchandise for myself, wait until the day after the race for the IM Finisher stuff to come out.

-Register the two rugrats for the kids fun run.

-Kids fun run at 6pm

-Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Friday  (Pray for good weather)

-Short swim in the morning and then off my feet in bed all day

-While the wife and kids are out leaving me alone, arrange for the hotel to deliver flowers and candy to the wife/kids on Sunday at noon when the kids will be going down for naps.

-Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate


Saturday  (Pray for good weather)

-15 min swim

-15 min bike

-15 min run

-Then relax all day off my feet, probably walk around IM Village a little bit.

-Have bike and bags with craziest fabric tied to the bags I can find (for easy identifying) checked in by 3pm

-Welcome Dinner and Athelete Meeting at 5:30pm

-Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate


Sunday  (Pray for good weather)

-Up at 4am with a prerace meal of as much oatmeal as I can eat with 4 dried apricots and 16 dried cherries and two Endurolytes. One glass of Strawberry Recoverite but do not over hydrate in the morning.

-Head over to the beach and get body marked.  Let dry and put on a coat of Sunblock

-Check in Special Needs bags


-I will be wearing a 2010 Synergy Endorphin Wetsuit, possibly a neoprene cap and booties, a litte Vaseline on the face and earplugs.  Wear some flipflops onto the beach start.



-2007 Specialized Transition

-Desoto 400 Mile Shorts, lube up good with Aquaphor

-Let the gals place additional sunblock on me leaving the male tent

-Pop two more Endurolytes and one Strawberry Uncrustable before heading out and every 1 ½ hours eat two more Endurolytes.

-Eat one McDonalds cheeseburger (onions only) every two hours on the bike.

-Eat and drink off the course.

-Special needs will be McDonalds cheeseburgers, uncrustables, payday, starburst, extra innertube, CO2 canister, tube of aquaphor, some warmer clothing and raingear possibly.


-Possibly switch to a lower cut, thinner pad Desoto short

-Mizuno Wave Elixer shoes

-More sunblock

-McDonalds Cheeseburger (Onions Only)

-Two Endurolytes every 45 minutes on the run.



-Smile on my face before midnight (Shooting for 11-12 hour finish)

-Hug and kiss the wife and kids

-Enjoy everything up until midnight

-Crash and Burn


Just a warning, welcome dinner and meeting is on Friday. Not sure what they are serving on Saturday night? Wink

2011-05-23 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3006331

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Last weeks numbers added up


Swim- 7100 yds

Bike- 159.53 miles

Run- 38.96 miles


18hrs 10 min


two more big training weeks left, hopefully in the 20+hr range then taper time!

2011-05-23 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3514598

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Shermbelle - 2011-05-23 5:19 PM
Selachophobia - 2011-05-23 1:00 PM I am a little late to the show with my game plan but here it is:
(***Also, I got a Sports Massage yesterday and I feel 100% better, highly recommend massage therapy for your aching parts***)

My Game Plan

Thursday (Pray for good weather)

-Fly into Spokane head to the hotel and get checked in, then over to Ironman Village for Athlete Check-In

-Give my bike ticket to the wife so she can get my bike out of transition when I start my IM run.

-Grab a massage in Ironman Village

-Do not buy any IM merchandise for myself, wait until the day after the race for the IM Finisher stuff to come out.

-Register the two rugrats for the kids fun run.

-Kids fun run at 6pm

-Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Friday  (Pray for good weather)

-Short swim in the morning and then off my feet in bed all day

-While the wife and kids are out leaving me alone, arrange for the hotel to deliver flowers and candy to the wife/kids on Sunday at noon when the kids will be going down for naps.

-Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate


Saturday  (Pray for good weather)

-15 min swim

-15 min bike

-15 min run

-Then relax all day off my feet, probably walk around IM Village a little bit.

-Have bike and bags with craziest fabric tied to the bags I can find (for easy identifying) checked in by 3pm

-Welcome Dinner and Athelete Meeting at 5:30pm

-Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate


Sunday  (Pray for good weather)

-Up at 4am with a prerace meal of as much oatmeal as I can eat with 4 dried apricots and 16 dried cherries and two Endurolytes. One glass of Strawberry Recoverite but do not over hydrate in the morning.

-Head over to the beach and get body marked.  Let dry and put on a coat of Sunblock

-Check in Special Needs bags


-I will be wearing a 2010 Synergy Endorphin Wetsuit, possibly a neoprene cap and booties, a litte Vaseline on the face and earplugs.  Wear some flipflops onto the beach start.



-2007 Specialized Transition

-Desoto 400 Mile Shorts, lube up good with Aquaphor

-Let the gals place additional sunblock on me leaving the male tent

-Pop two more Endurolytes and one Strawberry Uncrustable before heading out and every 1 ½ hours eat two more Endurolytes.

-Eat one McDonalds cheeseburger (onions only) every two hours on the bike.

-Eat and drink off the course.

-Special needs will be McDonalds cheeseburgers, uncrustables, payday, starburst, extra innertube, CO2 canister, tube of aquaphor, some warmer clothing and raingear possibly.


-Possibly switch to a lower cut, thinner pad Desoto short

-Mizuno Wave Elixer shoes

-More sunblock

-McDonalds Cheeseburger (Onions Only)

-Two Endurolytes every 45 minutes on the run.



-Smile on my face before midnight (Shooting for 11-12 hour finish)

-Hug and kiss the wife and kids

-Enjoy everything up until midnight

-Crash and Burn


Just a warning, welcome dinner and meeting is on Friday. Not sure what they are serving on Saturday night? Wink

I try to eat plain McDonalds hambugers before my long rides and run.  Just meat and bun.  I don't know what chemicals are in them, but they provide for a great base.  Funny you have that in your plan. 

2011-05-23 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3514654

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

3Aims - 2011-05-23 3:54 PM

I try to eat plain McDonalds hambugers before my long rides and run.  Just meat and bun.  I don't know what chemicals are in them, but they provide for a great base.  Funny you have that in your plan. 

Neither does McDonalds

2011-05-23 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3514595

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-05-23 3:16 PM

Selachophobia - 2011-05-23 11:30 AM Anyone ever used Kinesio Tape before??  Does it work??
Thinking about applying some to my neck and shoulder for the race....

My physical therapist has tried a couple of different variations to deal with swelling and support during my ankle rehab.  Honestly, we were both pretty skeptical, but decided to give it a try.  One tape job was designed to reduce lingering swelling.  Well, it could have been total coincidence because the swelling of the ankle was going up and down depending on my activity, but for the two+ days the tape lasted, it had substantially less swelling.  I even took picture of it for my PT.  We tried it again a week later with the same results.  Like I said, it could have been coincidence, but I was working the ankle relatively hard and the swelling was staying away.

The other tape job was just a simple one designed to help support an issue I was having with a muscle on the inside of my shin.  Again, could have been coincidence, but that muscle had been a problem for weeks and it's return to normalcy occurred at the same time we tried that tape job several times.  

So does it really work?  I don't know, but I don't see the harm in trying.


My PT swears by KT tape. I used it for a marathon that I'd been having knee issues with and it helped. I also used it in training as well and learned how to apply it. Check out this link which has other links to you tube videos of how to apply for various injuries. Whether it's muscular or mental, who cares if it works?

2011-05-23 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3006331

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Just need to confirm a few details in my plan with the more experinced guys:

1. Based on I can check in for the race on Friday between 10am and 4pm, so if I will plan to be in CdA in Friday around noon I should be ok, right ?

2. Based on google map the drive from Seattle to CdA is a bit over 5 hours. Is the accurate ? So if I leave Seattle at 7am I can expect to be in CdA around noon ?



2011-05-23 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3515078

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
zivp - 2011-05-23 8:18 PM

Just need to confirm a few details in my plan with the more experinced guys:

1. Based on I can check in for the race on Friday between 10am and 4pm, so if I will plan to be in CdA in Friday around noon I should be ok, right ?

2. Based on google map the drive from Seattle to CdA is a bit over 5 hours. Is the accurate ? So if I leave Seattle at 7am I can expect to be in CdA around noon ?




I always think the trip from Seattle to CDA should be less than 5 hours, but it always takes longer.  You're safer to give yourself between 5 1/2 and 6 hours.  Even though Seattle traffic is light(er) on Friday mornings, you'll probably get hung-up a bit just getting east past Issaquah.  Factor in a stop for fuel, food, and/or bathroom, some slow-down going through Spokane, and the time it'll take to get from I-90 to Lake CDA -- it adds up.

2011-05-24 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
How many of you are going with a disc or wheel cover?

I have a cover but it might have to be a game day decision looking at the wind that has been around Cd'A the last few weeks?!?
2011-05-24 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3514595

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-05-23 5:16 PM

Selachophobia - 2011-05-23 11:30 AM Anyone ever used Kinesio Tape before??  Does it work??
Thinking about applying some to my neck and shoulder for the race....

My physical therapist has tried a couple of different variations to deal with swelling and support during my ankle rehab.  Honestly, we were both pretty skeptical, but decided to give it a try.  One tape job was designed to reduce lingering swelling.  Well, it could have been total coincidence because the swelling of the ankle was going up and down depending on my activity, but for the two+ days the tape lasted, it had substantially less swelling.  I even took picture of it for my PT.  We tried it again a week later with the same results.  Like I said, it could have been coincidence, but I was working the ankle relatively hard and the swelling was staying away.

The other tape job was just a simple one designed to help support an issue I was having with a muscle on the inside of my shin.  Again, could have been coincidence, but that muscle had been a problem for weeks and it's return to normalcy occurred at the same time we tried that tape job several times.  

So does it really work?  I don't know, but I don't see the harm in trying.


That's great you got some relief.  Is your plan still to do an AquaVelo CDA?  Hope you have a quick recovery.

2011-05-24 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

So I just got back from volunteering at IMTX. Great day, and it was great to see an IM event up close! It was HOT HOT HOT.....oh so hot. I was a bike catcher, and my friend had her garmin on and said we ran over 5 miles racking all those bikes! It was an awesome day and it was inspiring to see all the "regular" people out there tearing up the course. I am back and ready for more training....not long to go now. I will not be doing IMTX, but had a lot of friends racing and thought it would be good for me to see an event in person

Happy Tuesday all....its almost June....its almost June!

2011-05-24 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3515305

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
gus - 2011-05-24 4:48 AM How many of you are going with a disc or wheel cover? I have a cover but it might have to be a game day decision looking at the wind that has been around Cd'A the last few weeks?!?

I'll definitely be using a wheel cover.  My front wheel isn't very deep so winds shouldn't be a factor for me. 
2011-05-24 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3515736

Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I am confused by the event schedule and the cutoff times.

Cut off for the bike is 10.5 hrs after race start, per the FAQ's, but the event schedule has

 9:20 a.m. Swim Course Closes

1:30 p.m. 1st Lap of Bike Course Must be Completed

4:00 p.m. 2

nd Lap of Bike Course Must be Completed

5:30 p.m. Bike Course Closes



What do they mean by the 4:00 2nd lap must be completed?  That's too close for my comfort.



2011-05-24 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3516085

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PollyG - 2011-05-24 9:50 AM

I am confused by the event schedule and the cutoff times.

The cutoff for the bike is 5:30PM. The lap one cutoff is basically there to prevent folks who won't be able to finish the second lap in time from heading out. Not sure what the statement about 4:00PM means; but the cutoff is 5:30PM. 

If you can stay in front of the sweeper and get into transition before the 5:30 PM cutoff, you are golden. 

Edited by WaterDog66 2011-05-24 12:24 PM
2011-05-24 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

We address this earlier.  It is believed the 4PM cutoff was a typo left over from a 3 loop course.

You must be out on your second lap by 1:30

5:30 is the cutoff for the second lap of the bike.

2011-05-24 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

OK crazy idea time....

I was talking to a co-worker about the cold swim.  He's a scuba diver and told me about this trick.

He suggested bringing a gallon or two of room temp water (warm if you can keep it so) and pouring it down your suit just before you get it.  Your body will warm this water and limit the shock of the cold water.  Sounds like a good idea.  Sure it'll look weird but hey.. we're triathletes... What do you think?

2011-05-24 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3516313

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - 2011-05-24 11:18 AM

OK crazy idea time....

I was talking to a co-worker about the cold swim.  He's a scuba diver and told me about this trick.

He suggested bringing a gallon or two of room temp water (warm if you can keep it so) and pouring it down your suit just before you get it.  Your body will warm this water and limit the shock of the cold water.  Sounds like a good idea.  Sure it'll look weird but hey.. we're triathletes... What do you think?

I seem to recall a similar crazy notion I learned as a kid growing up surfing in the winter time here in SoCal but it did not require anything extra. 

Now it is so automatic during the warmup swim that I don't even think about it Surprised

Seriously: The idea sounds like a good one. 

I remember in 2008, the RD set up Jaccuzzi's by the changing tents and I bet you could do a full plunge before the swim to "Charge" the suit. 

Edited by WaterDog66 2011-05-24 1:27 PM
2011-05-24 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3516333

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
WaterDog66 - 2011-05-24 11:26 AM
TriRSquared - 2011-05-24 11:18 AM

OK crazy idea time....

I was talking to a co-worker about the cold swim.  He's a scuba diver and told me about this trick.

He suggested bringing a gallon or two of room temp water (warm if you can keep it so) and pouring it down your suit just before you get it.  Your body will warm this water and limit the shock of the cold water.  Sounds like a good idea.  Sure it'll look weird but hey.. we're triathletes... What do you think?

I seem to recall a similar crazy notion I learned as a kid growing up surfing in the winter time here in SoCal but it did not require anything extra. 

Now it is so automatic during the warmup swim that I don't even think about it Surprised

Seriously: The idea sounds like a good one. 

I remember in 2008, the RD set up Jaccuzzi's by the changing tents and I bet you could do a full plunge before the swim to "Charge" the suit. 

Ummm. The other "crazy notion" isn't room temp though...a wee bit warmer.
2011-05-24 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3515305

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

gus - 2011-05-24 7:48 AM How many of you are going with a disc or wheel cover? I have a cover but it might have to be a game day decision looking at the wind that has been around Cd'A the last few weeks?!?


I will have my HED disc and tri spoke or at least that is the plan as of today.

2011-05-24 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Just ordered my neoprene cap and some new goggles.  I getting my self ready for some cold water practice.   I bought blue seventy goggles.  Anybody elese try these yet?
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