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2009-12-15 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2560475

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

TrevorC - 2009-12-15 2:16 PM
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 10:19 AM

DougRob - 2009-12-15 10:48 AM
kickitinok - 2009-12-15 11:18 AM Hey everyone - I have nothing to add to the present conversation because I'm a true "beginner." However, I do HAVE to listen to my ipod when spinning. Anything else and I get bored.

I have a question for all you experts: I've been reading a lot about delaying the running portion of your training program if you have a lot of weight to lose. I am kind of feeling not too comfortable while running (jogging) right now, as I've currently got a lot of junk bouncing around (lol!), and I certainly don't want to injure myself!! I have 50lbs to lose. What do you guys think would be the best approach for me regarding the run? Should I concentrate on my swim, bike, and diet right now then add running in the last 8-10 weeks of my training program? Is that enough time? (Training for a sprint only)

I would NOT delay running due to weight. I find that nothing brings down weight more than running. It does NOT have to intense. LSD (long slow distance) works and will help you build your base. Run/wlak if you have to until you can run the entire time. With biking and running build slowly. Many injuries are caused by overdoing it.

Also, I neeeeeeed a good diet plan. If I'm going to delay my running training, I need to make sure that I lose weight in the interim. Will the increased swimming and cycling be enough, or do I need to make sure I'm on a strict diet also? If so, anyone have ideas on diets?

I have used Weight Watchers and lost 85 lbs on it in just under a year. It teaches you when to eat and what to eat first as well as how to balance your foods and most of all to track what you eat. It works for me but I am not being paid by them to say this. Laughing


x2 On Doug's response - go with a walk - jog program.  The ratio is not all that important - you can walk 3-5 min and jog 1 min for 20 min or so to start.  Just try to start making small improvement each week.  If you can get 1% better everyday then in 3 months you are almost 100% better...  Also, go find someone to give you a little training in proper running form - most people run wrong (heel strike) which puts a lot of extra stress on the body...


Here is an example of the fun we have in this group..................................
Technically if you improve 1% every day(with compounding) you would be 100% faster in 70 days....
Love ya Andy

Dang it Trevor - I almost put in - ignoring the effects of compounding -   I should have just used the rule of 72 and all would have been cool...

2009-12-15 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2560140

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
kickitinok - 2009-12-15 12:27 PM Thanks for the input everyone. I will continue with my walk/run program. It wasn't hurting per se, it I said I am bouncing around quite a bit and it's embarrassing. I also became a bit paranoid when I read where you should wait to run until you've lost a lot of your excess weight. The strange thing is, I think a lot of my weight is muscle because I've exercised consistently for years....I have huge thighs that are as hard as rocks. Eliptical machine and cycling to thank for that. My fat is mostly stored in my butt and boobs...with a little bit around the middle, too.

I'm still kicking around what eating plan to go with. I did WW a few years ago and had marginal success, but then again I wasn't training for a marathon, either. Best weight loss I've ever had is with Body for Life eating plan. I'll go to the weight loss forum and get feedback there.

Again, thanks everyone! You are all so kind!


mine is in my gut and man boobs.  x 2 what andy said. screw caring what other people think about your bouncing. 

as far as diet.  maybe just try something simple first like focusing on portion size as you ramp up the training for next season.  that's it.   i lost 50 that way.   one thing to keep in mind down here is in the summer you'll "lose" some crazy weight on long runs and rides in the summer.   on my last short run before my first him last year i lost three pounds.  that was a thirty minute run.  of course my percentage is a lot lower than say suzy or tracy but you get the picture i think.
2009-12-15 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2560403

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
workerbee - 2009-12-15 2:52 PM I have longish hair and love silicon swim caps. Should anyone else have a freakishly small head, like myself, they do make them in child size in a variety of colors. I religiously apply conditioner before getting in the pool unless I am doing some type of odd brick workout, where I don't have the time... After showering off, I apply Moroccan oil to my hair and it seems to help with the brittleness from the chlorine...

Thanks to the energy here, my butt was planted on my trainer for 2 days now. I will read, watch tv, FB--and my latest fav, do interval training with youtube videos. Time when they are on--I push, when searching, its easy time... I do like having a mirror so I can periodically check form and remind myself that I train, so I can feel great!

Does anyone have any idea of calorie trackers that would allow you to put weight on? I am a walking garbage disposal, eating every 45 minutes--but am having problems putting on muscle mass and getting the benefits of the associated power from it...

In terms of uploading workouts to the logs--I have a Garmin 305 that I upload to the Garmin Training center, is there a method for batch uploading it in one shot? Also, I only really use the Garmin for my runs--for biking or swimming should I manually enter time and ballpark distances?

Thanks all--this is going to flipping rock!

Start using your Garmin 305 for your runs and biking too. It is great.  Unfortunately TC and BT can't talk to each other. But uploading onto BT is very easy. At the bottom of each specific sport should be a Garmin Upload button (or something to that effect) Just click it and it will search your Garmin for the date/sport specific data and you select the workout.  With BTs latest update it can now sort out your workouts when you use the multisport feature on the Garmin - very nice feature. It will upload cadance, speed, distance, heart rate, lap data, route.  However it doesn't get cadance like TC, that you will have to steal off of TC and write into your BT log.
2009-12-15 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2560485

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

TrevorC - 2009-12-15 2:18 PM

Started my plan yesterday. By all accounts....I slacked off big time the last few weeks. The off-season we'll call it.
I ran at lunch today for the 1st time since Nov 25. 5km's - felt like 25km. Wow.
One thing I really need to work on is the mental part of training. I know that I shouldn't be able to run like I did back in the summer. but wow starting back up again sucks when you know how fast you could run in the summer.

You're preaching to the choir on that one...  just now starting to get back to even in the pool....

2009-12-15 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2560495

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
TrevorC - 2009-12-15 2:24 PM
workerbee - 2009-12-15 12:52 PM I have longish hair and love silicon swim caps. Should anyone else have a freakishly small head, like myself, they do make them in child size in a variety of colors. I religiously apply conditioner before getting in the pool unless I am doing some type of odd brick workout, where I don't have the time... After showering off, I apply Moroccan oil to my hair and it seems to help with the brittleness from the chlorine...

Thanks to the energy here, my butt was planted on my trainer for 2 days now. I will read, watch tv, FB--and my latest fav, do interval training with youtube videos. Time when they are on--I push, when searching, its easy time... I do like having a mirror so I can periodically check form and remind myself that I train, so I can feel great!

Does anyone have any idea of calorie trackers that would allow you to put weight on? I am a walking garbage disposal, eating every 45 minutes--but am having problems putting on muscle mass and getting the benefits of the associated power from it...

In terms of uploading workouts to the logs--I have a Garmin 305 that I upload to the Garmin Training center, is there a method for batch uploading it in one shot? Also, I only really use the Garmin for my runs--for biking or swimming should I manually enter time and ballpark distances?

Thanks all--this is going to flipping rock!

If you are concerned about distance get a garmin cadense sensor and throw it on the bike. ( I have one. I like tracking time and distance. Although trainer miles are so different than road miles.)
If you have a 305 wear your HRM and that should help with calories burnt,etc,etc.

pos.  broke mine on the first ride.  sensor arm got caught in the wheel and that was that.  probably made in canada.
2009-12-15 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2560481

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Swim Caps
ryanp100 - 2009-12-15 2:18 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-12-15 11:32 AM
ryanp100 - 2009-12-15 1:24 PM Hi there... I'll chime in: I prefer the silicone caps since they're a little more heavy-duty and last longer. I feel like the latex can tear more easily. I don't have long hair, but for the ladies (and Birdy back in his college days), I would imagine that the silicone would be a bit easier to put on/take off.

Must be because you process your hair alot, right Ryan?
Ha! And if by process, you mean when I'll get all fancy-like and use a two-in-one conditioner and shampoo... On another note, I'm supposed to meet Birdy for a "swim" (yep, there's a reason that's in quotes...) in a couple of hours. This is not going to be good for my ego.

I have an idea.  Challenge him to a TT on the CT afterwards.  Who will have a problem with their ego then? Bye, bye Birdy....

2009-12-15 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2560310

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Subject: RE: Swim Caps
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-15 1:20 PM Okay, I've bought two swimsuits, specifically for doing laps. I was going to use my old one, but it's a beach type and way too big. :-)

   Now, swim caps - should I go for latex or silicone? I've heard that silicone is much better than latex. I've heard otherwise. So...what do you think?   I basically really want to try to keep my hair "dry" because my hair gets so brittle and very dry when it's in pool water.   I haven't done any races, so unfortunately, I never get any "freebies". :-(

I have always used the cheapies/freebies. I don't think a cap will make much difference in terms of hair protection -- I think it's comfort all the way. I *do* dry and baby-powder my cap after EVERY swim. Makes 'em last a lot longer and also helps to have it slide easily on the head. If you want to protect your hair, wash it thoroughly after every swim. That's the best thing you can do. So I'd say buy one of each cap and see which one you are more comfy in. You might find you prefer one in a pool and another in open water because of the temp differences...

Happy swimming!!!!!!!!!!
2009-12-15 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2560517

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-15 1:33 PM
TrevorC - 2009-12-15 2:24 PM
workerbee - 2009-12-15 12:52 PM I have longish hair and love silicon swim caps. Should anyone else have a freakishly small head, like myself, they do make them in child size in a variety of colors. I religiously apply conditioner before getting in the pool unless I am doing some type of odd brick workout, where I don't have the time... After showering off, I apply Moroccan oil to my hair and it seems to help with the brittleness from the chlorine...

Thanks to the energy here, my butt was planted on my trainer for 2 days now. I will read, watch tv, FB--and my latest fav, do interval training with youtube videos. Time when they are on--I push, when searching, its easy time... I do like having a mirror so I can periodically check form and remind myself that I train, so I can feel great!

Does anyone have any idea of calorie trackers that would allow you to put weight on? I am a walking garbage disposal, eating every 45 minutes--but am having problems putting on muscle mass and getting the benefits of the associated power from it...

In terms of uploading workouts to the logs--I have a Garmin 305 that I upload to the Garmin Training center, is there a method for batch uploading it in one shot? Also, I only really use the Garmin for my runs--for biking or swimming should I manually enter time and ballpark distances?

Thanks all--this is going to flipping rock!

If you are concerned about distance get a garmin cadense sensor and throw it on the bike. ( I have one. I like tracking time and distance. Although trainer miles are so different than road miles.)
If you have a 305 wear your HRM and that should help with calories burnt,etc,etc.

pos.  broke mine on the first ride.  sensor arm got caught in the wheel and that was that.  probably made in canada.

I busted one in my 1st oly this year. Coming down a hill, it kicked into the spokes. didnt wipe out, 'cause I'm good. But I have since learned to properly tighten it on, use some needlenose pliers and PULL.

man boobs? you mean this thing???
2009-12-15 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

2009-12-15 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
ha!  i'm surprised it took you guys that long to get it over here.
2009-12-15 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2560505

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-15 2:27 PM
kickitinok - 2009-12-15 12:27 PM Thanks for the input everyone. I will continue with my walk/run program. It wasn't hurting per se, it I said I am bouncing around quite a bit and it's embarrassing. I also became a bit paranoid when I read where you should wait to run until you've lost a lot of your excess weight. The strange thing is, I think a lot of my weight is muscle because I've exercised consistently for years....I have huge thighs that are as hard as rocks. Eliptical machine and cycling to thank for that. My fat is mostly stored in my butt and boobs...with a little bit around the middle, too.

I'm still kicking around what eating plan to go with. I did WW a few years ago and had marginal success, but then again I wasn't training for a marathon, either. Best weight loss I've ever had is with Body for Life eating plan. I'll go to the weight loss forum and get feedback there.

Again, thanks everyone! You are all so kind!


mine is in my gut and man boobs.  x 2 what andy said. screw caring what other people think about your bouncing. 

as far as diet.  maybe just try something simple first like focusing on portion size as you ramp up the training for next season.  that's it.   i lost 50 that way.   one thing to keep in mind down here is in the summer you'll "lose" some crazy weight on long runs and rides in the summer.   on my last short run before my first him last year i lost three pounds.  that was a thirty minute run.  of course my percentage is a lot lower than say suzy or tracy but you get the picture i think.

Losing weight on a long run or ride isn't a great thing, right?  Guaranteed you will lose some due to dehydration, but 2% of your BW will definitely affect performance and you don't want that or someone in the forum will make fun of you.....

Even low levels of dehydration have physiological consequences. A loss of 2% bodyweight (just 1kg for a 50kg person) causes an increase in perceived effort and is claimed to reduce performance by 10-20% A fluid loss exceeding 3-5% bodyweight reduces aerobic exercise performance noticeably and impairs reaction time, judgement, concentration and decision making - vital elements in all sports.

One of the traps I found myself in early on is thinking I could eat whatever I wanted because I was exercising.  Not so, especially at 4'10".  I too am muscular, (my husband calls my thighs "drumsticks"), but I have learned to love those thighs because they power me on the bike and run.  If you want/need to lose weight, I  think the Body for Life plan makes sense if it works for you.  Me, I am a volume eater....I consume lots of volume at lower calorie levels-big salads, lots of soups, eggs and some lean proteins including PB.  I don't eat a lot of grains unless I am in season and training my brains out.  I find that the more grains I eat, especially unrefined ones make me crazy for more of them....just me.

2009-12-15 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
How many of you eat a snack before bed?  This is not something I do but my Tri-club had a speaker who has competed at Kona several times and he said you should have a snack before you go to bed if you work out in the morning.
2009-12-15 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2560560

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
SSMinnow - 2009-12-15 2:49 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-15 2:27 PM
kickitinok - 2009-12-15 12:27 PM Thanks for the input everyone. I will continue with my walk/run program. It wasn't hurting per se, it I said I am bouncing around quite a bit and it's embarrassing. I also became a bit paranoid when I read where you should wait to run until you've lost a lot of your excess weight. The strange thing is, I think a lot of my weight is muscle because I've exercised consistently for years....I have huge thighs that are as hard as rocks. Eliptical machine and cycling to thank for that. My fat is mostly stored in my butt and boobs...with a little bit around the middle, too.

I'm still kicking around what eating plan to go with. I did WW a few years ago and had marginal success, but then again I wasn't training for a marathon, either. Best weight loss I've ever had is with Body for Life eating plan. I'll go to the weight loss forum and get feedback there.

Again, thanks everyone! You are all so kind!


mine is in my gut and man boobs.  x 2 what andy said. screw caring what other people think about your bouncing. 

as far as diet.  maybe just try something simple first like focusing on portion size as you ramp up the training for next season.  that's it.   i lost 50 that way.   one thing to keep in mind down here is in the summer you'll "lose" some crazy weight on long runs and rides in the summer.   on my last short run before my first him last year i lost three pounds.  that was a thirty minute run.  of course my percentage is a lot lower than say suzy or tracy but you get the picture i think.

Losing weight on a long run or ride isn't a great thing, right?  Guaranteed you will lose some due to dehydration, but 2% of your BW will definitely affect performance and you don't want that or someone in the forum will make fun of you.....

Even low levels of dehydration have physiological consequences. A loss of 2% bodyweight (just 1kg for a 50kg person) causes an increase in perceived effort and is claimed to reduce performance by 10-20% A fluid loss exceeding 3-5% bodyweight reduces aerobic exercise performance noticeably and impairs reaction time, judgement, concentration and decision making - vital elements in all sports.

One of the traps I found myself in early on is thinking I could eat whatever I wanted because I was exercising.  Not so, especially at 4'10".  I too am muscular, (my husband calls my thighs "drumsticks"), but I have learned to love those thighs because they power me on the bike and run.  If you want/need to lose weight, I  think the Body for Life plan makes sense if it works for you.  Me, I am a volume eater....I consume lots of volume at lower calorie levels-big salads, lots of soups, eggs and some lean proteins including PB.  I don't eat a lot of grains unless I am in season and training my brains out.  I find that the more grains I eat, especially unrefined ones make me crazy for more of them....just me.

totally agree.  my bad if that was lost in the last paragraph with the " ".  btw the day i did that run was the day ryan posted that calculator.   found it..

"and thus determining your fluid loss. Make sure that you're staying within good levels of hydration (too much can be as detrimental as too little)." from ryans 6.24 post.

yeah, i wasn't to clear in my post of what i was getting at.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-12-15 3:22 PM
2009-12-15 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2560495

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

WorkerBee...putting weight on.  I had the same problem when I was IM training.  Alas, it's NOT an issue anymore.  

Do you do smoothies?  Whey protein can be your friend.  Eat brown rice and whole wheat pasta as well.  Both will help fill you up.  Other than that ENJOY!! Peanutbutter on a spoon with chocolate chips were my favorite.   One word of caution though.  When in training mode it's also not just what you eat but when you eat that will make or break your performance.

Seriously, go by the nutrition forumn and ask Marni the BT nutrionist for suggestions.


TrevorC - 2009-12-15 2:24 PM
workerbee - 2009-12-15 12:52 PM I have longish hair and love silicon swim caps. Should anyone else have a freakishly small head, like myself, they do make them in child size in a variety of colors. I religiously apply conditioner before getting in the pool unless I am doing some type of odd brick workout, where I don't have the time... After showering off, I apply Moroccan oil to my hair and it seems to help with the brittleness from the chlorine...

Thanks to the energy here, my butt was planted on my trainer for 2 days now. I will read, watch tv, FB--and my latest fav, do interval training with youtube videos. Time when they are on--I push, when searching, its easy time... I do like having a mirror so I can periodically check form and remind myself that I train, so I can feel great!

Does anyone have any idea of calorie trackers that would allow you to put weight on? I am a walking garbage disposal, eating every 45 minutes--but am having problems putting on muscle mass and getting the benefits of the associated power from it...

In terms of uploading workouts to the logs--I have a Garmin 305 that I upload to the Garmin Training center, is there a method for batch uploading it in one shot? Also, I only really use the Garmin for my runs--for biking or swimming should I manually enter time and ballpark distances?

Thanks all--this is going to flipping rock!

2009-12-15 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2560599

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
nothing to see here.  keep moving.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-12-15 3:21 PM
2009-12-15 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Drawing on the coversation of old planes yesterday, check out the paint job on this Equinox!!   Follow the link for the ebay site and a collection of pictures. Enlarge the photo and look closely at the 6th picture.  That is really impressive how they got the brushed stainless steel look of an old WWII aircraft.

(ttx poto.jpg)

ttx poto.jpg (41KB - 25 downloads)

2009-12-15 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2560545

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 3:43 PM

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

I have it! Works great for me. I'm not the best swimmer so I might have appreciated the buoyancy of full sleeves, but I also didn't want to put out a ton of cash upfront. I also read a couple articles that say sleeves on a newb swimmer are discouraged because it will affect your (still developing) stroke.
2009-12-15 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2560545

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 3:43 PM

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

I have the 2008 version that I purchased this time last year.  I wore it for 2 tris and several OWS with no issues.  I don't have anything else to compare it to so I can't say it is better than...

There have been several threads on BT talking about the customer service.  My sense is the majority have had good service and a few have had terrible service.  Fortunately, I haven't had to test it out!

My wife is considering a tri this year and if she wants a wetsuit, I will buy one of these for her.
2009-12-15 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2560719

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
trysprintolympic - 2009-12-15 2:45 PM
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 3:43 PM

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

I have it! Works great for me. I'm not the best swimmer so I might have appreciated the buoyancy of full sleeves, but I also didn't want to put out a ton of cash upfront. I also read a couple articles that say sleeves on a newb swimmer are discouraged because it will affect your (still developing) stroke.

You are one tough Canadian to be wearing a sleeveless. I love me my nineteen full sleeve. If you get it properly fit, I think it actually helps keep your stroke in-line. just me though.
2009-12-15 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2560815

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
TrevorC - 2009-12-15 4:27 PM
trysprintolympic - 2009-12-15 2:45 PM
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 3:43 PM

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

I have it! Works great for me. I'm not the best swimmer so I might have appreciated the buoyancy of full sleeves, but I also didn't want to put out a ton of cash upfront. I also read a couple articles that say sleeves on a newb swimmer are discouraged because it will affect your (still developing) stroke.

You are one tough Canadian to be wearing a sleeveless. I love me my nineteen full sleeve. If you get it properly fit, I think it actually helps keep your stroke in-line. just me though.

I got the $99 sleeveless Xterra last year also.  It is the only suit I have ever owned, but can't imagine a better one.  Of course, if I had to train in one alot, it might be a different story, but just for the occasional race.  AWESOME>
2009-12-15 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2560569

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Terps421 - 2009-12-15 2:55 PMHow many of you eat a snack before bed?  This is not something I do but my Tri-club had a speaker who has competed at Kona several times and he said you should have a snack before you go to bed if you work out in the morning.
I usually do as I get hungry late in the evening, especially if I am on track with training. This is the first time I have heard that is ok to snack before bed, but it kind of makes sense. I had a trainer tell me if I am training well, to go ahead and eat when I am hungry, as long it is not junk. It seems to be working as I have not gained any weight back.

2009-12-15 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2560560

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
SSMinnow - 2009-12-15 9:49 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-15 2:27 PM
kickitinok - 2009-12-15 12:27 PM Thanks for the input everyone. I will continue with my walk/run program. It wasn't hurting per se, it I said I am bouncing around quite a bit and it's embarrassing. I also became a bit paranoid when I read where you should wait to run until you've lost a lot of your excess weight. The strange thing is, I think a lot of my weight is muscle because I've exercised consistently for years....I have huge thighs that are as hard as rocks. Eliptical machine and cycling to thank for that. My fat is mostly stored in my butt and boobs...with a little bit around the middle, too.

I'm still kicking around what eating plan to go with. I did WW a few years ago and had marginal success, but then again I wasn't training for a marathon, either. Best weight loss I've ever had is with Body for Life eating plan. I'll go to the weight loss forum and get feedback there.

Again, thanks everyone! You are all so kind!


mine is in my gut and man boobs.  x 2 what andy said. screw caring what other people think about your bouncing. 

as far as diet.  maybe just try something simple first like focusing on portion size as you ramp up the training for next season.  that's it.   i lost 50 that way.   one thing to keep in mind down here is in the summer you'll "lose" some crazy weight on long runs and rides in the summer.   on my last short run before my first him last year i lost three pounds.  that was a thirty minute run.  of course my percentage is a lot lower than say suzy or tracy but you get the picture i think.

Losing weight on a long run or ride isn't a great thing, right?  Guaranteed you will lose some due to dehydration, but 2% of your BW will definitely affect performance and you don't want that or someone in the forum will make fun of you.....

Even low levels of dehydration have physiological consequences. A loss of 2% bodyweight (just 1kg for a 50kg person) causes an increase in perceived effort and is claimed to reduce performance by 10-20% A fluid loss exceeding 3-5% bodyweight reduces aerobic exercise performance noticeably and impairs reaction time, judgement, concentration and decision making - vital elements in all sports.

One of the traps I found myself in early on is thinking I could eat whatever I wanted because I was exercising.  Not so, especially at 4'10".  I too am muscular, (my husband calls my thighs "drumsticks"), but I have learned to love those thighs because they power me on the bike and run.  If you want/need to lose weight, I  think the Body for Life plan makes sense if it works for you.  Me, I am a volume eater....I consume lots of volume at lower calorie levels-big salads, lots of soups, eggs and some lean proteins including PB.  I don't eat a lot of grains unless I am in season and training my brains out.  I find that the more grains I eat, especially unrefined ones make me crazy for more of them....just me.

I have to agree with Suzy on the grains thing.  I also find the more unrefined grains and sugars I eat, the more I want/crave them.  I have found that eating a balanced diet overall with whole grains and one day where I'll allow myself to splurge a bit works best for me ~ which is basically what Body for Life preaches.  However, I think it takes a lot of experimentation for YOU to find what will work as we each respond differently and have different weaknesses!  I recently did the no sugar thing (eating absolutely nothing with sugar of any kind in the first 3 ingredients) and found that after several months of this, my cravings are GONE!
2009-12-15 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2560569

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Terps421 - 2009-12-15 9:55 AM How many of you eat a snack before bed?  This is not something I do but my Tri-club had a speaker who has competed at Kona several times and he said you should have a snack before you go to bed if you work out in the morning.

I too have wondered about this as I have a "rule" that I don't eat after 8pm!!  It's something that I started quite a while ago and its more habit than anything now!
2009-12-15 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2560824

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Plainsman AU - 2009-12-15 3:32 PM
TrevorC - 2009-12-15 4:27 PM
trysprintolympic - 2009-12-15 2:45 PM
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 3:43 PM

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

I have it! Works great for me. I'm not the best swimmer so I might have appreciated the buoyancy of full sleeves, but I also didn't want to put out a ton of cash upfront. I also read a couple articles that say sleeves on a newb swimmer are discouraged because it will affect your (still developing) stroke.

You are one tough Canadian to be wearing a sleeveless. I love me my nineteen full sleeve. If you get it properly fit, I think it actually helps keep your stroke in-line. just me though.

I got the $99 sleeveless Xterra last year also.  It is the only suit I have ever owned, but can't imagine a better one.  Of course, if I had to train in one alot, it might be a different story, but just for the occasional race.  AWESOME>

NIce new avatar--- but barry one day we need a nonblurry pic from you!!! Tongue out **snickers***

yep im stealing it from my new vegas friend.
2009-12-15 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2560545

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
ashort33 - 2009-12-15 3:43 PM

Xterra $99 sleeveless wetsuit  - anyone got one?  Opinions?  Seems to be the right price for as often as I need a wetsuit down here....

Bought one in August and I LOVE IT.  Used it for Augusta 70.3 plus about 5 OWS's and it is much better than the other suit I have. 

Great suit at a great price.

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