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2012-04-06 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4134295

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-06 11:53 AM
SSMinnow - 2012-04-06 11:40 AM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-06 10:25 AM

for those not familiar with the dog story, here's the original post from a few years ago.

a note at the other end of the spectrum, justin mentioned a good friend of ours passed away earlier this week, his name was justin also.  all of you guys that raced lone star met him, there's pictures somewhere of suzy, tony and i think trev with him... he was Houstonrider here on BT.  cancer took him before he could age up to 40-44.  he posted in the link above, i hear his voice when i read his posts.   sucks.   

Can you find the picture? And yes, Cancer Sucks. 

justin is to your right.     SAMMY!!!!


John, remember you owe me an email.

Great pic of him and you. Surprised he waited around for you to finish. Innocent

like this pic too - Suz holding court. Paul seems thrilled!!

2012-04-06 7:47 PM
in reply to: #4134539

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-06 4:33 PM
jfought - 2012-04-06 12:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-06 11:25 AM

for those not familiar with the dog story, here's the original post from a few years ago.

a note at the other end of the spectrum, justin mentioned a good friend of ours passed away earlier this week, his name was justin also.  all of you guys that raced lone star met him, there's pictures somewhere of suzy, tony and i think trev with him... he was Houstonrider here on BT.  cancer took him before he could age up to 40-44.  he posted in the link above, i hear his voice when i read his posts.   sucks.   

OMG!! You guys are great.  I haven't laughed that hard since I watched the drunk Canadian singing Bohemian Rhapsody.  "20 miles b!tch!!"  LOL  I had to watch it 3 times just to hear Fatty laughing. 

Sorry for the loss of your friend.  Cancer sucks.  Just buried a friend this week who was only 46.  Sad stuff.

Yes indeed, the best part of the video is fatty's dam laugh!  ha!

That's a great pic of John & Justin! 

Awesome story. And classic footage by John. Even funnier than Tracy's rooster!

It's so sad to hear of the loss of two people so early in life. 

2012-04-06 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Ran tonight's 5k at 27:32 (unofficial) that a PR by more than 3 minutes! Laughing  Smiling here.

Spent the last mile with my hand on my side fighting through another side stitch, but was able to keep going and run through it. 

I wore the garmin, but after I pushed the start button I never looked at it again until the end of the race.  Splits were: 8:28, 9:03, 9:11  (wish they were in the opposite order, but now I have something to work on).  I'm still learning.

Hubby ran a 23:34.  He's getting slower and I'm getting faster--wink wink.  I've been talking trash to him all day!

2012-04-06 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4134843

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-06 9:01 PM

Ran tonight's 5k at 27:32 (unofficial) that a PR by more than 3 minutes! Laughing  Smiling here.

Spent the last mile with my hand on my side fighting through another side stitch, but was able to keep going and run through it. 

I wore the garmin, but after I pushed the start button I never looked at it again until the end of the race.  Splits were: 8:28, 9:03, 9:11  (wish they were in the opposite order, but now I have something to work on).  I'm still learning.

Hubby ran a 23:34.  He's getting slower and I'm getting faster--wink wink.  I've been talking trash to him all day!

Congrats to you Jayne and your husband! Getting faster and faster!

2012-04-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #4134836

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
gotta run - 2012-04-06 8:47 PM
JustWood - 2012-04-06 4:33 PM
jfought - 2012-04-06 12:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-06 11:25 AM

for those not familiar with the dog story, here's the original post from a few years ago.

a note at the other end of the spectrum, justin mentioned a good friend of ours passed away earlier this week, his name was justin also.  all of you guys that raced lone star met him, there's pictures somewhere of suzy, tony and i think trev with him... he was Houstonrider here on BT.  cancer took him before he could age up to 40-44.  he posted in the link above, i hear his voice when i read his posts.   sucks.   

OMG!! You guys are great.  I haven't laughed that hard since I watched the drunk Canadian singing Bohemian Rhapsody.  "20 miles b!tch!!"  LOL  I had to watch it 3 times just to hear Fatty laughing. 

Sorry for the loss of your friend.  Cancer sucks.  Just buried a friend this week who was only 46.  Sad stuff.

Yes indeed, the best part of the video is fatty's dam laugh!  ha!

That's a great pic of John & Justin! 

Awesome story. And classic footage by John. Even funnier than Tracy's rooster!

It's so sad to hear of the loss of two people so early in life. 

The rooster video was exactly what I was thinking about while watching that.  Fatty laughing the whole time!


2012-04-06 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4134843

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-06 9:01 PM

Ran tonight's 5k at 27:32 (unofficial) that a PR by more than 3 minutes! Laughing  Smiling here.

Spent the last mile with my hand on my side fighting through another side stitch, but was able to keep going and run through it. 

I wore the garmin, but after I pushed the start button I never looked at it again until the end of the race.  Splits were: 8:28, 9:03, 9:11  (wish they were in the opposite order, but now I have something to work on).  I'm still learning.

Hubby ran a 23:34.  He's getting slower and I'm getting faster--wink wink.  I've been talking trash to him all day!

You are rocking the run!  Nice job!


2012-04-06 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Still in SF, but thought I would throw the bio out again:

Name and stuff: Doug Robinson, 6' tall. Sixth time with this MG.

Location: Raleigh, NC (for now)

Background: 51 years old. Quit playing ice hockey three years ago after playing for decades.  Was a road cyclist in the late 70's and early 80's and cycling is my strongest event. I was a bike mechanic off and on for 6 years starting in high school.

I am a patent attorney and an electrical engineer. My other hobby is woodworking. Married 15 years with an 11 year old son and a 13 year old daughter. I have lived in Mass, Conn. NY (born and raised), DC, VA and now NC.

Past Races: In '09 I did sprints and one olympic. '10 I did sprints, 2 olympics and Augusta Half. Did sprints, olympics an one half in '11.

'12 Races: Sprints and Olympics, The FS100 (100 miler) and IMFL.

What I bring to the MG: I have a lot of cycling knowledge and am improving my swimming. I have a column on about intellectual property as it relates to triathlon. I just signed a sponsorship deal with Epix Gear. I try to understand different training philosophies without drinking the Kool Aid of each as things change all the time. I have a local coach who makes my training plan.



2012-04-06 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

NAME:  gdale/George

STORY:  This will be my fourth season.  Started a few years ago after running for a few years for fitness and feeling like I had plateaued.  A lot of folks at the Y I worked out at were doing tris and I figured I could do that.  Signed up for a sprint in 2009 and did an OLY that same year.  Got a little longer in 2011 with my first HIM and my first marathon.  Been around the MG for a while but not quite as long as some of the elder statesmen.

FAMILY:  Married nearly 14 years this month to Kris.  She got into tris last year so now we have to fit in two training schedules.  Three rugrats - all boys - Jeremy (12), Tommy (10), Cody (5).  Tommy has done two tris also so this is turning into a family affair!

Kris and I both work full time so that makes fitting in training extra hard.  We have to be creative at times.  I am a project manager and lately have had to do a lot of overseas traveling - haven't gotten good yet at training with jet lag.

HOBBIES:  Whatever my kids are doing.  I run a youth wrestling program in our area.  I help to coach baseball and soccer when I can get to the practices.  I do some charity work.

TRAINING:  I do a lot of my training at lunch during the week and then often at night after the kids are in bed.  Had a long lull late last year and in Jan and Feb of this year but have come back strong in March.

2011 RACES:  A couple of half marathons, the Musselman HIM (with a disappointing run due to stomach issues), the Wineglass Marathon

2012 RACES:  The Tough Mudder in May in the Poconos, Musselman HIM in July (I need redemption).  After that, not sure.  Most of the local races are full so I need to find something!

WHAT I BRING TO THE MG:  I like to let the suspense build up before I post my race reports.  I like to be a wise azz but actually I am pretty tame compared to fatty and Trevor.  I am still building experience, so I take more than I give but they haven't kicked me out yet for that!!

WEIGHT:  I have gotten good at putting the pounds on.  My fastest races were in my first season and I was the lightest at that time.  I am down about 7 pounds but would like to drop 10+ more.

For the new peeps.  This is an awesome group.  Lots of people willing to share their knowledge and experience, several people who will be very direct when needed, and people who care when you don't show up to the MG for a little while!  And some incredible athletes!

2012-04-06 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Alright so it was OWS night, I love these longer days.  I'm training for the Wildflower Oly, my first,  so I am spending more time in the ocean than the pool these days.


Tonights swim was 1600 yards in 28:48, I'm trying to be closer to 25 minutes in the race so I have a little ways to go but hoping adrenaline will help out.


Tomorrow will be a Brick.

Edited by STut 2012-04-06 8:50 PM
2012-04-06 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4134843

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-06 8:01 PM

Ran tonight's 5k at 27:32 (unofficial) that a PR by more than 3 minutes! Laughing  Smiling here.

Spent the last mile with my hand on my side fighting through another side stitch, but was able to keep going and run through it. 

I wore the garmin, but after I pushed the start button I never looked at it again until the end of the race.  Splits were: 8:28, 9:03, 9:11  (wish they were in the opposite order, but now I have something to work on).  I'm still learning.

Hubby ran a 23:34.  He's getting slower and I'm getting faster--wink wink.  I've been talking trash to him all day!

Woo-Hoo!!!  Great job Jayne!  You're on a roll!

2012-04-06 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Name:  Linda - at 48, a stay-at-home mom (translation, for John's benefit - 24/7 job!!) and one of the more elder members of this group!

Background: Did this all in reverse order.  After a doctor told my that my RA wasn't gonna get any better, I should focus on maintaining the status quo with  meds, I decided to take a different approach.  I signed up to do IMMOO in September of 2008.  Started running the next day.  Cleaned up an old bike and started cycling a few weeks later.  Ran my first race, Rock & Roll half in 10/08.  Did my first mary 4/09.  My first tri was the Wildflower Long Course in 5/09, and I raced IMMOO in September of 2009!  did a few more in between, and raced IMCdA in June of 2010 (with Kyla!!).  2011 brought the Big Sur Marathon, the SV Oly (with Kim!)  Vineman HIM (with Kim, again!  Actually, way behind her, but whatever!). the Pacific Grove Oly where my youngest destroyed me.  (See a trend here?).  I finished up 2011 with IMAZ - a race I was happy with! 

Family Status:
Married to Jeff (4-time Ironman, gonna be 5 with IMSG in 4 weeks!) for almost 26 years, have 3 kids (22, a recent college grad and in grad school (CSULB); college freshman, 18 (Whittier) and 16, HS sophomore) and one very fat dog (boxer).  I've got Dino beat on teenage angst in this house!!

'12 Races:
  I STILL need to get on this.  BIGGIE is Boston in 10 DAYS!!! Rev3 is coming up in Portland with several MG people, my hubby and my youngest (who will, at his first HIM, kick my tushy)  Pacific Grove will also happen, I'm sure.

other essentials:  SF Giants; SJ Sharks (PLAYOFF BOUND!!); SF 49ers.  Oh, and I live in Northern California - just south of Kim!  Way south of all them Canadians, and west of everyone else!!!

Love this MG......they keep me sane, and they keep me training.  And more than once, the thought of being tracked has kept me running through the long races!!  One by one, I get to meet people - and it's wonderful!  Let's see.....Kyla, Trevor, Kim -   Christina's next, in Boston!!


Not posting a picture, because after umpteen tries, I still can't figure it out.

2012-04-06 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4134891

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
STut - 2012-04-06 6:49 PM

Alright so it was OWS night, I love these longer days.  I'm training for the Wildflower Oly, my first,  so I am spending more time in the ocean than the pool these days.


Tonights swim was 1600 yards in 28:48, I'm trying to be closer to 25 minutes in the race so I have a little ways to go but hoping adrenaline will help out.


Tomorrow will be a Brick.

Yeah!   WF long course was my first, back in 2009.  It's an amazing experience, you'll love AND hate it. 

Glad you saw my plane Weds!  Signed papers to purchase a condo in Huntington Beach.  Spent more time at SNA than in town, though!

2012-04-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: #4134843

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-06 9:01 PM

Ran tonight's 5k at 27:32 (unofficial) that a PR by more than 3 minutes! Laughing  Smiling here.

Spent the last mile with my hand on my side fighting through another side stitch, but was able to keep going and run through it. 

I wore the garmin, but after I pushed the start button I never looked at it again until the end of the race.  Splits were: 8:28, 9:03, 9:11  (wish they were in the opposite order, but now I have something to work on).  I'm still learning.

Hubby ran a 23:34.  He's getting slower and I'm getting faster--wink wink.  I've been talking trash to him all day!

Congrats, Jayne!  Great job!

2012-04-06 9:11 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

I looked long and hard for a pic of me that was as good as GrapeJuice's...I think I found it.  I am on the right...


2012-04-06 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4134891

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
STut - 2012-04-06 9:49 PM

Alright so it was OWS night, I love these longer days.  I'm training for the Wildflower Oly, my first,  so I am spending more time in the ocean than the pool these days.


Tonights swim was 1600 yards in 28:48, I'm trying to be closer to 25 minutes in the race so I have a little ways to go but hoping adrenaline will help out.


Tomorrow will be a Brick.

Nice swim Scott.  Welcome to the group!


2012-04-06 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4134931

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
gdale - 2012-04-06 10:11 PM

I looked long and hard for a pic of me that was as good as GrapeJuice's...I think I found it.  I am on the right...


Good that you pointed out which one was you.  The plant on the left could use some water.

2012-04-06 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

I got a new toy... It is pretty fun to be able to go from the road to the mud, back to the road again.  A great adventure!  A perfect "toy!"


... And probably my most recent race photo?! 

Edited by swbkrun 2012-04-06 9:56 PM

(cross bike.JPG)


cross bike.JPG (68KB - 20 downloads)
Chelanman2.jpg (89KB - 21 downloads)
2012-04-06 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
2012-04-06 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4134891

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
STut - 2012-04-06 6:49 PM

Alright so it was OWS night, I love these longer days.  I'm training for the Wildflower Oly, my first,  so I am spending more time in the ocean than the pool these days.


Tonights swim was 1600 yards in 28:48, I'm trying to be closer to 25 minutes in the race so I have a little ways to go but hoping adrenaline will help out.


Tomorrow will be a Brick.


That is great!  And WILDFLOWER.... That is a bucket list race for me.  I don't think i have ever heard 1 bad thing about that race (except that it can hurt !)

2012-04-06 10:22 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Here are some after my hair cut...

2010 Swim

2011 Bike

2011 Run


2012-04-06 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4134905

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

velcromom - 2012-04-06 9:56 PM Not posting a picture, because after umpteen tries, I still can't figure it out.

I post one for you...don't know if you would have picked this one but great smile!

Edited by gdale 2012-04-06 10:34 PM

2012-04-06 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4134875

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
gdale - 2012-04-06 8:32 PM

NAME:  gdale/George

STORY:  This will be my fourth season.  Started a few years ago after running for a few years for fitness and feeling like I had plateaued.  A lot of folks at the Y I worked out at were doing tris and I figured I could do that.  Signed up for a sprint in 2009 and did an OLY that same year.  Got a little longer in 2011 with my first HIM and my first marathon.  Been around the MG for a while but not quite as long as some of the elder statesmen.

FAMILY:  Married nearly 14 years this month to Kris.  She got into tris last year so now we have to fit in two training schedules.  Three rugrats - all boys - Jeremy (12), Tommy (10), Cody (5).  Tommy has done two tris also so this is turning into a family affair!

Kris and I both work full time so that makes fitting in training extra hard.  We have to be creative at times.  I am a project manager and lately have had to do a lot of overseas traveling - haven't gotten good yet at training with jet lag.

HOBBIES:  Whatever my kids are doing.  I run a youth wrestling program in our area.  I help to coach baseball and soccer when I can get to the practices.  I do some charity work.

TRAINING:  I do a lot of my training at lunch during the week and then often at night after the kids are in bed.  Had a long lull late last year and in Jan and Feb of this year but have come back strong in March.

2011 RACES:  A couple of half marathons, the Musselman HIM (with a disappointing run due to stomach issues), the Wineglass Marathon

2012 RACES:  The Tough Mudder in May in the Poconos, Musselman HIM in July (I need redemption).  After that, not sure.  Most of the local races are full so I need to find something!

WHAT I BRING TO THE MG:  I like to let the suspense build up before I post my race reports.  I like to be a wise azz but actually I am pretty tame compared to fatty and Trevor.  I am still building experience, so I take more than I give but they haven't kicked me out yet for that!!

WEIGHT:  I have gotten good at putting the pounds on.  My fastest races were in my first season and I was the lightest at that time.  I am down about 7 pounds but would like to drop 10+ more.

For the new peeps.  This is an awesome group.  Lots of people willing to share their knowledge and experience, several people who will be very direct when needed, and people who care when you don't show up to the MG for a little while!  And some incredible athletes!

I am doing that one too!

2012-04-06 10:46 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Thanks for sharing the puppy video.  That was one big puppy to be stuffing inside the jersey.   I wonder if there was a "peeing on the bike" story to go with it.  

Here's my bio:



STORY: I'm 53 and live in Sendai, Japan. I was part of a staff reduction at the end of 2007 and have given myself a few years off to a) catch up on life, i.e., things I like to do besides work b) see how far I can get with triathlons - ideally I want to do an IM, but I'm not in a hurry and thinking the earliest that will happen is 2013. 

In 2008 I struggled with learning to swim and bike again. I hadn't really done either for 30-35 years and only knew how to swim with my face out of the water (which is still the way I swam all my races this year). I also struggled with getting my running going again. I'm still struggling with swimming and have lots of room for improvement on the bike and run (or so I like to believe).

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two sons from my wife's previous marriage. We have 3 grandchildren.

CURRENT TRAINING: trying to build up to 6 runs/week ala Barry P and ramp up my weekly distances to 50 km, but it isn't quite working out and I'm thinking I'll have to settle for 5 runs/week.  I've been hitting the trainer 3-4 times/week and getting in a little more intensity than I was able to last year. lesson a week, lots of drills and I think my balance is finally getting better.  Now if I can only get this breathing stuff to work (I said this about 6 months ago and I'm still saying of these days).

2011 RACES: 3 Olys, an HIM, a couple of HMs.  I had my fastest Oly, 10K (in the Oly) and HM this year.   The HIM was my first.

2012 RACES: It is looking like 2 Olys and one HIM again along with 2-3 HMs.

INSEAM: 28 inches 

Weightloss: not a problem as long as I keep my beer/wine consumption up.


2012-04-06 11:02 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

And here are a couple photos from last year.  The post-swim photo is by far the best post-swim photo I have.  The run shot below is from a half-marathon I did last November.  It was about 38 degrees.  I'm okay with running in a t-shirt and shorts, but I need gloves when it gets that cold.   


Edited by dcon 2012-04-06 11:11 PM

(swim 1.JPG)


swim 1.JPG (49KB - 20 downloads)
tome.jpg (57KB - 21 downloads)
2012-04-06 11:19 PM
in reply to: #4134988

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
swbkrun - 2012-04-06 7:58 PM
STut - 2012-04-06 6:49 PM

Alright so it was OWS night, I love these longer days.  I'm training for the Wildflower Oly, my first,  so I am spending more time in the ocean than the pool these days.


Tonights swim was 1600 yards in 28:48, I'm trying to be closer to 25 minutes in the race so I have a little ways to go but hoping adrenaline will help out.


Tomorrow will be a Brick.


That is great!  And WILDFLOWER.... That is a bucket list race for me.  I don't think i have ever heard 1 bad thing about that race (except that it can hurt !)

Well, there's that whole camping thing.  And the complete lack of shade.  Heat.  Sun.  Hills.  Dirt.  Nasty Grade.  Polar Hill.  On the flip side, there's the Cal Poly coeds at aid station the guys say.

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