BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-05-07 9:07 AM
in reply to: #4730874

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Philothea0806 - 2013-05-07 8:49 AM

Trainer and stretching this morning, hoping for an OWS this afternoon but might be a pool swim if I can't find anyone to go to the lake with me. I am hoping to get 1000 yds in before my hamstring/knee issue flares up.  (Has anyone swam with a knee sleeve?)

Anyone have experience with getting over a pulled hamstring and/or baker's cyst. I am not 100% sure if I have the later but from previous experience I am thinking I have a baker's cyst as well as the pulled hamstring. 

Plan to go to the sports medcine doctor tomorrow morning to see what I can do about racing this weekend. (Probably not a PR but just race experience, esp. the OWS swim part.)

Last year I hurt my left hamstring very badly and rather then letting it heal properly, I tried to continue running.  Bad choice; it only delayed the healing process.  I couldn't run for almost 3 months.  Once I was able to run, I was very conservative ramping the run back up.

So, my advise is to take the injury seriously and don't push things!

2013-05-07 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
hour run this morning.  2500yd swim at lunch.  and some threshold work on the bike this evening...looking like on the trainer. 
2013-05-07 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

My favorite workout is probably just a standard tempo run.  Or any workout that I get someone to go with me.

Least favorite is easily runs with the double jogging stroller.  :shudder:


Today I'm definitely going to get in a 4 or 5 mile run, and if I find the time a 1-1.5 hour bike.

2013-05-07 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4730635

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fred D - 2013-05-07 5:21 AM Morning everyone. I have a few more hours of work left and then I hope to do my run heavy brick. It's funny I don't like doing many bricks in general but always liked the one that I had mentioned above. Question for all the group?? What's your most and least favorite workout?

Favorite is probably the tempo run (of any distance).  Least favorite, by far, is either run or bike FTP test.  The dreaded 30 minutes of hell is just not something I particularly enjoy but I am always happy I did it afterward!

2013-05-07 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
I have a 26-30 mile group ride with my local TRIWI team this evening.  Always look forward to that!
2013-05-07 9:39 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Least favorite is running in the rain. Gaaah, I hate it so much. I'd rather eat hair.

Most favorite is probably OWS w/a close second as the long run. We have a nice swimming/tri beach here on Lake Michigan and it has mile marker buoys so you can get in a nice workout. But it's bad the the day after holidays like Memorial Day, 4th of July or Labor Day bc all of the drunkos on their boats trash the lake. Respect the beach!!

Busy day for me: Today I have a hill run at lunchtime (and since we don't have hills here it's got to be on the treadmill) and then group swim tonight.

2013-05-07 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Tonight is a long run - hoping to get 12 miles in unless work runs late.
2013-05-07 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Heading out for a morning ez run, then a hard group ride after work.  Tuesday group rides are by far my most favorite workout of the week.  I'm a glutton for punishment on the bike, especially when I get to dish out some punishment of my own.

Swimming is also my least favorite.  I think I'd enjoy it more if my schedule allowed me more time to swim OW...I just hate the boredom of the pool, and unless I've got a coach motivating me to push the workout in the pool (masters), it's difficult for me to stay focused or motivated.

I've actually got my last brick coming up this weekend in prep for Honu.  Same 2.5 hours on the bike and 4.5 mile run at HIM effort.  Last time I pushed 213 watts and held 7:45 pace on the run which felt okay, but borderline too hard when I thought about the task of running 9 more miles at that pace.  I'm pretty certain that 213-215 will be my absolute cap on race day, so my goal for this brick is to ride a hair easier and see how that affects my run.  It could be I've gained some bike fitness recently, so 213 may feel easier on the bike...but I want to see if I can run 7:45's again a little more comfortably.  Honu is going to be hot and the course isn't all pavement, so 7:45's on my brick would be closer to 8:00-8:10 on race day.

2013-05-07 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4730902

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2013-05-07 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4730874

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2013-05-07 11:55 AM
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2013-05-07 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4723777

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2013-05-07 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4730902

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
amd723 - 2013-05-07 9:59 AM

Sorry I've been AWOL.  This past weekend I went down to Miami for a sprint tri.  Got a massive cold on Saturday and almost bailed on the race Sunday.  Decided to start the swim, just take it easy and see how I felt.  Well, the cool water did wonders and I was able to push a bit on the bike and run and managed to place 2d in my AG.  

My cold has been pretty bad the last couple of days, so I've stayed home and haven't done anything but sleep and watch bad day time TV.  So, no training for me today, but tomorrow I expect to be back at it with a morning swim and evening TRX class.

PODIUM!  Well done, and congrats.  Hope you feel better shortly.

2013-05-07 12:22 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Favorite workout is a long run with my wife, or a track session (they hurt, but just feel so nicely hardcore).  Also test races (they're still workouts if training through them, but FUN).

<'Course, I also like riding my bike.  Oh, and swimming.  And running in general.  All.  A lot.>

Least favorite has to be medium, hard swim efforts.  As a non-fish, I can FEEL my form falling apart and it's just flippin' frustrating.  In some ways I actually like these workouts, though, as it reminds me that there are fairly large improvements ahead with the appropriate work...

2013-05-07 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4731316

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Fred D - 2013-05-07 6:53 AM
amd723 - 2013-05-07 9:59 AM

Sorry I've been AWOL.  This past weekend I went down to Miami for a sprint tri.  Got a massive cold on Saturday and almost bailed on the race Sunday.  Decided to start the swim, just take it easy and see how I felt.  Well, the cool water did wonders and I was able to push a bit on the bike and run and managed to place 2d in my AG.  

My cold has been pretty bad the last couple of days, so I've stayed home and haven't done anything but sleep and watch bad day time TV.  So, no training for me today, but tomorrow I expect to be back at it with a morning swim and evening TRX class.

. Congrats on 2nd place!

x2...Way to hit the podium

2013-05-07 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Today started with a hill run on the way to the track, then 4x800's at about 5k pace and then home.

Then off to the pool for a form/anaerobic set/aerobic set (which I had to cut a bit short to be only a little late to a meeting) swim.

Later, I'm going for a 60-90' recovery ride with a buddy from work (so I'll be constantly remind him it's NOT a hammerfest, which is what most of our "recovery" rides look like - but I just can't today and still hit tomorrow's bike numbers).

Too nice NOT to be outside for a good portion of the day today!

Have fun getting after it!


2013-05-07 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4731336

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fred D - 2013-05-07 12:57 PM Had a great brick session today! Very pleased how it felt to run after a HIM effort on the bike. It's almost as I get older I need te brick to warm up the legs for running....maybe I should be doing more bricks, hmmmmmm.

Sounds like a good discussion topic!

Although it's been discussed extensively, do any of you have a particular take on bricks for HIM distance races?  Shorter/longer/easier/harder, etc. for HIM than for Oly or IM?

Myself, I really like brick workouts - total epinephrine fix!


2013-05-07 12:30 PM
in reply to: #4731384

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
mcmanusclan5 - 2013-05-07 12:15 PM
amd723 - 2013-05-07 9:59 AM

Sorry I've been AWOL.  This past weekend I went down to Miami for a sprint tri.  Got a massive cold on Saturday and almost bailed on the race Sunday.  Decided to start the swim, just take it easy and see how I felt.  Well, the cool water did wonders and I was able to push a bit on the bike and run and managed to place 2d in my AG.  

My cold has been pretty bad the last couple of days, so I've stayed home and haven't done anything but sleep and watch bad day time TV.  So, no training for me today, but tomorrow I expect to be back at it with a morning swim and evening TRX class.

PODIUM!  Well done, and congrats.  Hope you feel better shortly.

2013-05-07 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4731398

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
tri808 - 2013-05-07 12:23 PM
Fred D - 2013-05-07 6:53 AM
amd723 - 2013-05-07 9:59 AM

Sorry I've been AWOL.  This past weekend I went down to Miami for a sprint tri.  Got a massive cold on Saturday and almost bailed on the race Sunday.  Decided to start the swim, just take it easy and see how I felt.  Well, the cool water did wonders and I was able to push a bit on the bike and run and managed to place 2d in my AG.  

My cold has been pretty bad the last couple of days, so I've stayed home and haven't done anything but sleep and watch bad day time TV.  So, no training for me today, but tomorrow I expect to be back at it with a morning swim and evening TRX class.

. Congrats on 2nd place!

x2...Way to hit the podium

Thanks guys!
2013-05-07 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4731411

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
mcmanusclan5 - 2013-05-07 12:27 PM

Fred D - 2013-05-07 12:57 PM Had a great brick session today! Very pleased how it felt to run after a HIM effort on the bike. It's almost as I get older I need te brick to warm up the legs for running....maybe I should be doing more bricks, hmmmmmm.

Sounds like a good discussion topic!

Although it's been discussed extensively, do any of you have a particular take on bricks for HIM distance races?  Shorter/longer/easier/harder, etc. for HIM than for Oly or IM?

Myself, I really like brick workouts - total epinephrine fix!


Ugh, I'm not a fan of bricks, especially after a long bike.
2013-05-07 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
No workout today since its a 14 hour work day   I leave tomorrow afternoon for my week long bike ride so I am going to do a quick and easy swim in the morning before I leave then it will be 4 days of biking!!

2013-05-07 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4731487

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-07 2:01 PM No workout today since its a 14 hour work day   I leave tomorrow afternoon for my week long bike ride so I am going to do a quick and easy swim in the morning before I leave then it will be 4 days of biking!!

Good luck with the ride!!

Looking forward to the RR (if even an unofficial one here). 


2013-05-07 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4731411

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
mcmanusclan5 - 2013-05-07 7:27 AM

Fred D - 2013-05-07 12:57 PM Had a great brick session today! Very pleased how it felt to run after a HIM effort on the bike. It's almost as I get older I need te brick to warm up the legs for running....maybe I should be doing more bricks, hmmmmmm.

Sounds like a good discussion topic!

Although it's been discussed extensively, do any of you have a particular take on bricks for HIM distance races?  Shorter/longer/easier/harder, etc. for HIM than for Oly or IM?

Myself, I really like brick workouts - total epinephrine fix!


I do very few bricks in preparation for triathlon racing.  This year, I'll only do 2 of them...this weekend being my second.

I already run 5-6x a week without doing bricks, so finding time to run isn't an issue for me.  If I was more time crunched, I probably would do a run or two off the bike more regularly.  I already know what it feels like to run off the bike, so I rather ride knowing I can totally gut myself, recover, then run later when my legs will get more out of the run itself.

As for distance of the brick, my goal is to simply ride the estimated time I plan to be out on the bike course at race effort (so about 2.5 hours preceded by a 25ish minute warm up), then follow it up with a race effort run to evaluate things.  I found that for me, I know what I need to know within 4 miles of that's all I do.  I'm checking to see if I biked too hard, if I took in enough calories/hydration, my run pace (making sure I don't start too fast) and general transition practice.  Also a good opportunity to use your race gear such as if you use a specific tri top, shoes, shorts, hat, etc for racing to make sure everything is set right and there are no chafing issues.  I learned from my last brick that I need to tighten my elastic laces on my race shoes a hair.  I'll be testing out my new tri top this weekend as well.

For an Oly, same principles apply that I would bike as long as I expected to be on the course, followed by maybe a 5k run.

For an IM...welll, I haven't done an IM, but I'd probably go 4.5 hours on the bike (about an hour less than I would expect to be biking), and do a 6-8 mile run.  I would extend the run a little longer because the pace would be much slower.  The first 4 miles at IM pace would be pretty managable even if I cooked the bike a little, but would likely start to show more evidence in miles 6-8.  At least that's my guess.

2013-05-07 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4731487

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2013-05-07 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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