Other Resources Challenge Me! » Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays Rss Feed  
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2011-12-15 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Something to consider....to make paste at home you need water and flour.  Other than yeast, the 2 main ingredients in bread are water and flour!! 

2011-12-15 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I tried the Paleo and didn't make it past 3 days. Weak, lol!

So, I'm up a bit to 141.8, but that's down from the 144 (YIKES!!) I got up to. Not too bad, and now that I'm on a regular 3x a week swim schedule, plus a bike ride with the rest of my team training for an Xterra,  should be firming up quite a bit.

You know what, I was just really looking at my legs because my pants are feeling so snug. I see definition in parts of my upper leg that I've never seen before. Being a soccer player, my lower legs, and hammies usually are biggest looking of my leg muscles. With the biking, my quads have gotten bigger, and the tops of them in front (don't know what it's called), are solid and bulging. I think it's from the swimming! My tops are getting tight in the shoulders, which has to be from swimming too. Pretty neat!

Edited by Blanda 2011-12-15 6:55 PM
2011-12-15 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3746842

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Was really on track for the first portion of the month, but ran a marathon last Saturday and have had a zillion things going on since then and eating has been bad.  Need to regroup and salvage this month and the progress I made.
2011-12-16 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Laura posted a really funny note in my blog:


I think the number will come down fairly easily, though ... at least I find that when I initially puff up, that weight comes off.

Of course, in my case, I've been feeding the fat for awhile now... and it's settled in and started decorating for the holidays, so I'm going to have to work my off to get it to leave!

Fortunately nothing is sticking around and decorating for the holidays!!  I'm still up 1 pound since the beginning of the challenge and no where close to my goal. 

2011-12-16 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Good morning, and happy Friday.  The good news is I am down 2.2 pounds from last week.  The bad news I am up .2 pounds from the start, and I think 5 or more since the beginning of Nov.  I guess that isn't bad for 3 workouts in the month.  1 run and two nights of Y league (30 and over) basketball.  I have no explanation for why I'm not working out.  I don't get it.  Middle of the day I'm jazzed to do it - early evening the same - I get home and it just doesn't happen.  Alarm goes off at 4:30 with good intentions and I can't seem to pull myself out of the sack.    I hope you guys' day/training etc is going much better.
2011-12-16 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3941004

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

crimefighter2 - 2011-12-16 9:54 AM Good morning, and happy Friday.  The good news is I am down 2.2 pounds from last week.  The bad news I am up .2 pounds from the start, and I think 5 or more since the beginning of Nov.  I guess that isn't bad for 3 workouts in the month.  1 run and two nights of Y league (30 and over) basketball.  I have no explanation for why I'm not working out.  I don't get it.  Middle of the day I'm jazzed to do it - early evening the same - I get home and it just doesn't happen.  Alarm goes off at 4:30 with good intentions and I can't seem to pull myself out of the sack.    I hope you guys' day/training etc is going much better.

I'm the same with evening workouts.  Once homework and dinner are done and the family is settled in the family room doing their thing - the thought of leaving to go outside in the dark... ya it never happens.  I'm successful in the morning.  4:50am every day - the alarm goes off and I tuck and roll out of bed, stumble to the washroom and throw my clothes on and by the time I'm downstairs I'm awake and so there's no going back.  Personally I think the trick is to move the body in to action before the brain has a chance to wake up and start negotiating

2011-12-16 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3941004

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2011-12-16 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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2011-12-16 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
I'm 132 this morning, I think that's what I started this thing at?!  I'm ok with that...for this week   Although next Wednesday I leave for a week with the family in Southern California....ugggg they have tons of snack food and candy!  At home I'm fine, I don't bring it in the house so no big deal.  But in someone else's home....grrr.
2011-12-16 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3941034

Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
wgraves7582 - 2011-12-16 9:10 AM

Any chance of working out in the morning?


I always used to - not sure what is going on and why I just can't get going.

2011-12-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I'm at 151.2 ... down from last week, still up almost 5 pounds from the beginning of this.

But - doing better.  Anally counting calories and forcing my roommate to be my nutrition dictator.  Trying to get in more cardio as well.

I'm determined to at least get back to where I started by the end of the year.  I refuse to start 2012 in the 150's.

2011-12-17 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I am still up in weight but I would bet I have a greater muscle mass than before.  These days right before the winter solstice have historically brought me very low.  I hate SHORT days!

Wow I missed 3 days o f workouts and was having an awesome streak.  My dark side reared its ugly head, grabbed me, took me down, and beat the out of me.  Well I kept fighting and I am winning.  Today's sunshine and run really helped.

I retitled my log:  Demons:  Find them and beat them.  That is what I am going to focus on until IM training starts Jan 7th!

2011-12-18 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Christmas gluttony!
2011-12-19 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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2011-12-20 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3746842

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

SO MANY goodies hanging around!  There's piles of them here at work... and now home is a landmine as well.  My roommate is a personal trainer, and ironically, she gets a TON of home-baked goodies from her clients.  Which are now sitting on my kitchen table... a pile that will surely grow before the end of the week.  

Being strong so far.  The stuff at work, I can usually alter my route so I don't walk past it.  And at home?  I will think of all that as HER stuff... not mine.  Hand's off!

This certainly isn't going to get any easier, though...

2011-12-20 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Tomorrow I leave for my brother's house for a week......they have some much processed stuff in the house!  It's also hard because they eat on a different schedule than me, I have small meals every 3 hours and they eat 2 big ones with a snack someplace in the middle.  Going to hit the grocery store when I get there.

2011-12-20 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

My wife just informed me that I have a swim lesson with Dave Scott on Thursday.  I am so grossly out of shape and then I have to go to the Flat Irons Fitness Club (I think that is the name) for a REAL swim lesson with a legendary triathlete.  No time like the present to start getting ready for IM CDA. 

This will be fun--I have 6 lessons with him next year too.  I was hoping to postpone my lessons until I had at least a month of training in.  NO go.  Yikes!

2011-12-20 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3946981

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
cayrip - 2011-12-20 7:58 PM

My wife just informed me that I have a swim lesson with Dave Scott on Thursday.  I am so grossly out of shape and then I have to go to the Flat Irons Fitness Club (I think that is the name) for a REAL swim lesson with a legendary triathlete.  No time like the present to start getting ready for IM CDA. 

This will be fun--I have 6 lessons with him next year too.  I was hoping to postpone my lessons until I had at least a month of training in.  NO go.  Yikes!

No time like the present!!  That'll be a great way to jumpstart your training.    I think I had a quote recently on my blog that was something like, "A year from now you won't regret having started today."

2011-12-20 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3946166

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

AbbieR - 2011-12-20 1:38 PM Tomorrow I leave for my brother's house for a week......they have some much processed stuff in the house!  It's also hard because they eat on a different schedule than me, I have small meals every 3 hours and they eat 2 big ones with a snack someplace in the middle.  Going to hit the grocery store when I get there.

Good plan, Abbie!!  Get food you can eat and know you won't feel bad about eating.

Enjoy spending Hanukah with your brother!1

2011-12-20 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3946981

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
cayrip - 2011-12-20 8:58 PM

My wife just informed me that I have a swim lesson with Dave Scott on Thursday.  I am so grossly out of shape and then I have to go to the Flat Irons Fitness Club (I think that is the name) for a REAL swim lesson with a legendary triathlete.  No time like the present to start getting ready for IM CDA. 

This will be fun--I have 6 lessons with him next year too.  I was hoping to postpone my lessons until I had at least a month of training in.  NO go.  Yikes!

iMy fear would be how much he would tear apart my swim stroke cause THAT is a given for me!
2011-12-20 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Cameron, that's awesome! Take notes and share!

2011-12-21 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3947137

Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Cam - Thats a fantastic gift.  Have fun.  Just think how much you'll improve pver the next 6 sessions.  You add the fitness, he helps with technique.  That sounds like a winner.

2011-12-21 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3948644

Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Today was 'Taste of the holiday's' at the office.  I manage to walk the gauntlet twice and return with ice cold water.  I tell myself dosen't that look nice and move on.


I wanted to share my thoughts on traveling and eating this holiday season.  Take an anchor with you.  An anchor can be a phrase you can recite, a stone in you pocket you can touch to remember to eat well, or a piece of ironman jewelery that provide strong memories.  It only takes a couple of seconds to resist the sugars and you're free.  But once the sugar passes you lips, the desire grows and is much harder to resist.  It's the chemistry of simple sugars.

Merry Christmas,

2011-12-21 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3948858

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Fit4Infinity - 2011-12-21 7:38 PM

Today was 'Taste of the holiday's' at the office.  I manage to walk the gauntlet twice and return with ice cold water.  I tell myself dosen't that look nice and move on.


I wanted to share my thoughts on traveling and eating this holiday season.  Take an anchor with you.  An anchor can be a phrase you can recite, a stone in you pocket you can touch to remember to eat well, or a piece of ironman jewelery that provide strong memories.  It only takes a couple of seconds to resist the sugars and you're free.  But once the sugar passes you lips, the desire grows and is much harder to resist.  It's the chemistry of simple sugars.

Merry Christmas,

I like the idea of an "anchor" to hold firm with!
2011-12-22 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3948877

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
QueenZipp - 2011-12-21 8:01 PM
Fit4Infinity - 2011-12-21 7:38 PM

Today was 'Taste of the holiday's' at the office.  I manage to walk the gauntlet twice and return with ice cold water.  I tell myself dosen't that look nice and move on.


I wanted to share my thoughts on traveling and eating this holiday season.  Take an anchor with you.  An anchor can be a phrase you can recite, a stone in you pocket you can touch to remember to eat well, or a piece of ironman jewelery that provide strong memories.  It only takes a couple of seconds to resist the sugars and you're free.  But once the sugar passes you lips, the desire grows and is much harder to resist.  It's the chemistry of simple sugars.

Merry Christmas,

I like the idea of an "anchor" to hold firm with!

x2! But I think I'll carry mine for a lot longer than just the holidays!

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