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2021-06-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Ran the last 2 days! The weather finally turned yesterday, so I squeezed in about a 4 mile run before heading to a friend's place to go stand up paddle boarding (I bought an inflatable board during the pandemic last year). She lives right on the water, so we can launch from her backyard (I'm quite jealous tbh). The volleyball courts were under water after all the rain so didn't get to play vball as planned.

This morning ran 3.25 miles before heading to PT. I felt good on both, and have been feeling really strong. It took me awhile to get to this point, so I'm really happy. We have a qualifier for the Ragnar at the end of this month (there are enough for 2 teams so we're going to have a competitive team and a more casual one), and I'm determined to make the competitive team! It's going to be my motivation for the summer for sure.

Need to get back in the pool, and get some bike rides in, in preparation for my tri in October. Going to start working those into my weekly plan, even if it's just once a week.

2021-06-01 2:29 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Found a gym near the hotel with spin bikes and an indoor running track. Yay! I decided to do a brick since I won’t have access to a bike tomorrow. I did an hour on the bike then ran 20 minutes on the indoor track then did some upper body work. Off to nap then to work!
2021-06-01 2:35 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Bah. I meant to write Nathalie, not Nicole (new). I’m in Houston right now so it made me think of the other Nicole. Haha

That would be me

Sweden is easing up on restrictions and are allowing 150 participants in outdoor sports, which means that my little village tri at the end of August should be able to go ahead (although they are very quiet so far).

Trainingwise, the golf season is in full swing (haha) so not much SBR other than my weekly 10k run, that’s why I haven’t been posting.

Nicole, I am considering getting a paddle board, I’m thinking it would be a great core workout. Is it hard? I tried once on the sea and could not stay on the thing but maybe it’s easier on a lake, no waves....
2021-06-02 6:24 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hi, everyone. We've been on vacation down here in Florida the last 11 days and it's been awesome. We had a great beach week in Palm Beach and now we're in Orlando chasing around Universal (BTW...the pandemic is apparently gone in FL LOL). Both resorts have had pelotons and lap pools so I've gotten some good workouts in. Also lots of walking.I've had to work a bit the last couple of days so the girls have had fun without me. BOOOO!!!@Jenn/Nicole: that would be cool if we could get the stars to align and meet up@Andrew: work travel - that's both awesome and horrible, I suppose; we're still not there yet and we likely will have a very different approach to travel in the future more towards team building vs. project meetings but I guess we'll see@DQ: so sorry about your family situation; it seems to be a vicious circle you're going through; all I can say is you're one decision to workout from establishing a pattern, and keep getting in those walks outside@Nathalie: great your local tri is happening, and yes SUP is a good workout if you put some effort into itOff to the pool with me!
2021-06-02 7:11 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Bah. I meant to write Nathalie, not Nicole (new). I’m in Houston right now so it made me think of the other Nicole. Haha

Nicole, I am considering getting a paddle board, I’m thinking it would be a great core workout. Is it hard? I tried once on the sea and could not stay on the thing but maybe it’s easier on a lake, no waves....

It's definitely easier when there aren't waves! I'd say that's the biggest challenge, but the more you practice the better you get at staying up in waves too. It's definitely a challenge, but can also be very lovely and relaxing. I highly recommend it. Early mornings the water is usually calmer, especially if you get out before the boaters.
2021-06-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Just got back from the gym. I'm exhausted but also feel really good. Found my groove, but like I said yesterday, it took me awhile to get here. I skipped some workouts for sure over the last few months, but my goals stayed consistent and the better I feel, the more consistent I am.

DQ, keep that in mind. It's not going to happen overnight. One thing that really helped me kick it into gear is my gym workouts. They provide a great base for any activity. They are HIIT classes with strength and cardio. There are tons of shorter HIIT workout options that would be a good starting point for you. Start with 10 minutes a day. Do it in the morning, before you do anything else and before you can make excuses for why you can't do it. Find youtube videos to guide you and tell you what to do. You will get there! You just gotta push through this hard part. And remember your why. Do it so you can bond with your son in the marathon. Show him that it doesn't matter your age or how long it's been since you've had a consistent routine. It's never too late. Health is a lifelong pursuit. And you are the one in control. Channel all the negativity from your divorce and make it positive. Every time you think about skipping a workout, remember how you felt the last time you did.

Actually, I just had an idea. This is something I did in a behavioral psych class in college (I stopped biting my nails because of this process!). I want you to keep a log. It's an ABC log (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence). Your Antecedent will be the things you did before either working out or not working out (ex: did you lay your clothes out in advance, did you set an alarm, did you plan your workout, are you tired, are you hungry, does your leg hurt, did you not sleep well the night before, etc). The behavior is either working out or not working out. The consequence is how you felt after (ex: pride/excitement for having a good workout, guilt/shame for not working out, upset if the workout didn't go as planned, etc). The idea here is not necessarily to change the behavior yet, but to identify the behaviors, feelings and deterrents around the behavior.

The next step would be problem solving ways to avoid the things that cause you to skip workouts, and increase the things that get you to do them. Sorry this ended up being a super long post. Let me know if this is something you're interested in doing. I'm happy to work with you on it and be your accountability person!

2021-06-02 11:03 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hi All:

Yesterday I got in my biking workout in the afternoon. It was the first time I had used my Garmin since I lost the charging cable for it and it was cool to have more info about speed and distance as I rode along the bike trail.

I'm hoping to get a 45 minute walk in today - slowly making headway towards completing Boston for the second time. This time with my son - that what I'll be reminding myself of as I head out the door.

Hope everyone else is getting in good workouts and chasing their dreams!

2021-06-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Just got back from the gym. I'm exhausted but also feel really good. Found my groove, but like I said yesterday, it took me awhile to get here. I skipped some workouts for sure over the last few months, but my goals stayed consistent and the better I feel, the more consistent I am.

DQ, keep that in mind. It's not going to happen overnight. One thing that really helped me kick it into gear is my gym workouts. They provide a great base for any activity. They are HIIT classes with strength and cardio. There are tons of shorter HIIT workout options that would be a good starting point for you. Start with 10 minutes a day. Do it in the morning, before you do anything else and before you can make excuses for why you can't do it. Find youtube videos to guide you and tell you what to do. You will get there! You just gotta push through this hard part. And remember your why. Do it so you can bond with your son in the marathon. Show him that it doesn't matter your age or how long it's been since you've had a consistent routine. It's never too late. Health is a lifelong pursuit. And you are the one in control. Channel all the negativity from your divorce and make it positive. Every time you think about skipping a workout, remember how you felt the last time you did.

Actually, I just had an idea. This is something I did in a behavioral psych class in college (I stopped biting my nails because of this process!). I want you to keep a log. It's an ABC log (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence). Your Antecedent will be the things you did before either working out or not working out (ex: did you lay your clothes out in advance, did you set an alarm, did you plan your workout, are you tired, are you hungry, does your leg hurt, did you not sleep well the night before, etc). The behavior is either working out or not working out. The consequence is how you felt after (ex: pride/excitement for having a good workout, guilt/shame for not working out, upset if the workout didn't go as planned, etc). The idea here is not necessarily to change the behavior yet, but to identify the behaviors, feelings and deterrents around the behavior.

The next step would be problem solving ways to avoid the things that cause you to skip workouts, and increase the things that get you to do them. Sorry this ended up being a super long post. Let me know if this is something you're interested in doing. I'm happy to work with you on it and be your accountability person!

Nicole - Thanks so much for the email. I agree I need to eliminate the reasons that prevent me from heading out for a workout. Right now - the biggest thing is getting out of the house. I will often miss a workout because there are so many steps to getting out the door. So yesterday, I timed myself - from bed to bike. I thought it was taking me 20 minutes to get out the door - which I feel is a long time. But the actual time was 12 minutes - that's not too long. Hopefully this test/realization will help get me out the door more often. But I am keen on buying a notebook and doing an ABC log. Thanks for the suggestions!
2021-06-02 11:11 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Found a gym near the hotel with spin bikes and an indoor running track. Yay! I decided to do a brick since I won’t have access to a bike tomorrow. I did an hour on the bike then ran 20 minutes on the indoor track then did some upper body work. Off to nap then to work!

I love how you go out of your way to get your workouts in Jenn. You are an inspiration.
2021-06-03 8:41 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Yesterday I skipped my 45 minutes walking workout. I gotta say I'm not too happy about this because missing workouts not only moves me away from my goals of 1)running with my son in this year's Boston Marathon 2) Getting Happy and Healthy 3) Resume my life as a triathlete. I'm still trying to get my workout in during the afternoon after work and it's just not working out. When I get home, I'm totally frazzled and all I want to do is hit the couch. So I've got to move back to exercising in the morning before work.

For years - I was one of the early risers in this group. I usually got up at 430 so I could hit the gym by 5. Now I can't seem to pull the trigger on this. My counselor thinks it's because I have so much going on in my life right now that it's hard for me to focus my energies on one thing. But if I'm going to consistently get workouts in - then I have to figure out a way to make getting up at 5 (maybe even a quarter of 5 so I can get dressed and still get in an hour ride. I'm really going to try this tomorrow.

Thanks for the support. One of these days I know I will get going.

Last night for dinner - it was date night - so I took my smokin hot girlfriend to an amazing beer restaurant. Beer advocate has named this place the best place to grab a beer in america. I don't know about that - but their selection wasd impressive (I had a Red Ale from Belgium, a Gose, and a tasty lager for dessert.) It was so nice to be out and about - and not have to worry about masks.

Onward my friends!

2021-06-03 2:23 PM
in reply to: #5274075

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hey all! I slept like a rock yesterday! Hahaha. In my world, that is a win. Day sleeping is hard so when I was able to get around 7 hours of sleep I was ecstatic. My colleague wanted to grab dinner early so I went along which meant no workout for me yesterday but sleep is a priority so I took it. Today I’m in Oakland, CA and just waking up. My old college roommate is out here visiting her daughters and she’s going to swing by in an hour and a half and meet up with me. Ironically we both are still in VT but it took us traveling 3000 miles to finally link up. Haha. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to workout but maybe even a ten minute core right before work will do. When I finish working tomorrow I get to head home (home around midnight), and will have about ten days off. I’m so excited for good weather and outside biking. Eek!

2021-06-03 10:36 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Not a brilliant week for me, 40 minute runs Wednesday and Friday mornings so far this week. So that's matched last weeks effort. The IT band continues to be a pain, but it is slowly improving I think, although pre run dynamic stretching, and post run stretches and foam rolling have added quite a bit of time to a 30-40 minute run. My intention is to run both Saturday and Sunday mornings over the coming weekend. Sunday with a friend along the waterfront to be followed with coffee.

I have been super tired this week, the little girl has been struggling to sleep consistently with her move to her own room. Mrs Bullfrog does most of it, so I can't complain. But still not good sleeps for any of us. I had a quite the negotiation with myself at 5:30 this morning to get out the door and run. I had actually made the decision to stay in bed before talking myself into it. Just like you DQ, it's a constant battle at the moment.

DQ Good job getting your 45 minute ride in! Take the wins when you get them. That ABC log sounds like a great idea. I vote you let Nicole be your conscience/accountability buddy and take up that offer. In engineering, we talk about what can be measured can be improved. Recording your successes and failures sounds like a great step to having more successes.

Jenn and Nicole Awesome job getting those workouts in. Especially when you're travelling Jenn, that's dedication.

Saph I know you're a rugby fan, but are you following the test match at lords? After the 2nd day its looking like a tight one.

We've got a 3 day weekend coming up. As said above, my plan is Sat and Sun morning runs, followed by a sleep in Monday (kids will be at Grandparents as we have a birthday party to go to Sunday evening) Have a good weekend everyone.

2021-06-04 12:17 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Dave, reading you, I was thinking that there is enough stress in your life with the divorce and all that, exercice should be a relief from stress, not add to it by worrying about making workouts and feeling down for not making them.

If I was you I’d ditch the training plan and just go for runs and enjoy them, the motivation will quickly come back.

That said, I have never trained for a marathon, let alone sprang one, I may be talking boll0cks. I guess it’ a lot easier to turn up for a sprint or an oly without much training....

2021-06-05 1:11 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Managed a ride after work yday; 7 miles just round by mine. good to get out and stretch the legs a bit. Final proper rugby training of the season tomorrow until August. Gonna be a mad one I think!


@dave I concur with Nathalie that maybe a breather from formal exercise plans might do you good whilst things ease up emotionally? When my depression kicks in I do not have the capacity commit to a lot of structured/formal things. But gentle exercise, ride, swim, run, yoga, walk etc eases my low mood. Could Boston be postponed if necessary or could you give yourself a break from training for say a few weeks and then go into the plan then? Nurturing doesn't come easy but is crucial when things are sh*t.



2021-06-05 1:14 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

@bulfrog - the cricket has been 'interesting'; i wish both Conway and Burns had carried their bats. I also wish that Robinson hadn't been picked as he is obviously a total muppet. Due to the rain I think we might sneak an undeserved draw.

2021-06-07 4:47 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

@bulfrog - the cricket has been 'interesting'; i wish both Conway and Burns had carried their bats. I also wish that Robinson hadn't been picked as he is obviously a total muppet. Due to the rain I think we might sneak an undeserved draw.

Yup, a lost day ends up with a predictable draw. I am surprised they didn't have earlier starts after the lost day tho, that's what they do down here. Anyway, all tied up makes the 2nd test more interesting, looking for NZ's first series win in the UK this century I think. So kind of a big match.

As for Robinson, I haven't seen the offending tweets, but I feel a bit sorry for him. Someone dug through his past, found something offensive and waited till he was playing on test debut to make it a story. Whatever the tweets that's pretty ferral behavior from the media. It could have been dealt with behind closed doors rather than ruining the biggest day of his life.

2021-06-07 5:02 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Finished off the week with a 30 minute run Saturday, and 40 Sunday.

Total for with week
4 runs, 20km, 2hr 30 min. Happy with that. Its pretty much as planned.

This week is looking to be a bit tricky family wise. Its the little boys birthday today, mine tomorrow. With a big party for Mr 4, and his kindy friends on the weekend. And to top it off the little miss has picked up a stomach bug and is not very well... A tricky week ahead for us.
2021-06-08 12:23 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Happy Birthday Andrew!

Went for the first OW swim of the year (and second swim) yesterday. Just 20 minutes but that’s a start.
Need to get on the bike but with no races to train for I lack motivation. My village tri should be allowed to go ahead but they have not made any announcement yet.
There ar 2 more which look like they may be going ahead in August and September, but it’s not 100% sure either.

There is only one which is 100% confirmed but I can’t go.

So I’d rather practice golf. There is a tournament to look forward to all Summer, culminating in August. . Fun, but burns less calories...

Edited by Rollergirl 2021-06-08 12:24 AM
2021-06-08 8:18 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

@bulfrog; the timing of Robinson's thing was appalling but I have seen the tweets and they are odious. Unsure why the ECB didn't do a deep dive before the test. 


Happy all the birthdays!

2021-06-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Had a very busy weekend that involved quite a bit of booze, but also some football and volleyball. It was super hot up here so the vball was pretty rough by the end. Ran the last 2 days, just 30 minute runs both days, and played more vball last night. Today's run was much slower than yesterday, which makes sense b/c of my activities yesterday, and also b/c I was listening to a podcast instead of music (I always run faster with music).
2021-06-09 5:06 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

We're back from Florida and it's hotter here LOL.  I'm gently getting back into cycling with a couple of short rides, plus I got in a short swim at the outdoor pool while avoiding the cicadas.  For everyone not named Nicole, we have an "every 17-year infestation" of the Brood X Cicadas, which are disgusting, loud insects that are EVERYWHERE.  They'll be gone in a few weeks but yuck.  One of the lifeguards was doing nothing but walking around with a pool net getting them out of the pool, dozens at a time.

@Sappho and Andrew - your discussions about rugby and cricket crack me up.  I have NO idea what your'e talking about.  

2021-06-09 10:37 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

We're back from Florida and it's hotter here LOL.  I'm gently getting back into cycling with a couple of short rides, plus I got in a short swim at the outdoor pool while avoiding the cicadas.  For everyone not named Nicole, we have an "every 17-year infestation" of the Brood X Cicadas, which are disgusting, loud insects that are EVERYWHERE.  They'll be gone in a few weeks but yuck.  One of the lifeguards was doing nothing but walking around with a pool net getting them out of the pool, dozens at a time.

@Sappho and Andrew - your discussions about rugby and cricket crack me up.  I have NO idea what your'e talking about.  

Welcome back! It's definitely been super hot, but should be cooling down at least a little starting tomorrow! Low to mid-80s mostly!

I luckily have not seen tooooo many cicadas, although the times I've come up to Towson since the brood started appearing, I definitely see way more of them. I think they sound really cool from a distance, but can't imagine how loud it must be if you have them in your yard or anything.

2021-06-09 12:20 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Went to the gym this morning. I've not slept well the last 2 nights so am hoping for a solid night's sleep tonight.

I hope everyone's doing well and training hard!
2021-06-09 8:42 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93
@Sappho and Andrew - your discussions about rugby and cricket crack me up.  I have NO idea what your'e talking about.  

We're talking about a game that lasts 5 days, often ends in a draw, and has a daily break for afternoon tea.

It doesn't get more fast passed action than that. Haha.
2021-06-10 3:42 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by jmhpsu93 @Sappho and Andrew - your discussions about rugby and cricket crack me up.  I have NO idea what your'e talking about.  
We're talking about a game that lasts 5 days, often ends in a draw, and has a daily break for afternoon tea. It doesn't get more fast passed action than that. Haha.


And cannot be played if it rains; and yet created in a country where it rains a LOT!

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