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2009-06-22 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Congrats Suzy! Way to podium in a "training" race!!!

Great job on the fundraising and ride! You seem to be a hail and storm magnet... please let me know what races you are planning so I can avoid them

2009-06-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Suzy way to go. You could have been my pace booty

2009-06-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2234124

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

tahrens - 2009-06-22 10:04 AM
cadmus - 2009-06-22 12:15 PM

Good job to everyone that raced this weekend!  Hold your head high Rob, there is a lot to be proud of finsihing an Oly - not all of us are Suzy

So apparently I'm not racing this weekend.  I thought I'd registered, but apparently did not.  I was registering on-line during a conference call (most of my meetings are that exciting) - I don't know if I got distracted and didn't hit submit or got some info wrong.  Anyway, they don't have a record of it and our bank statements don't reflect the charges. 

I guess that might is a blessing in disguise, since I can't run anyway.  I've been having issues with my foot, internet diagnosis says it's peroneal tendonitis .  The pain is along the bottom, outer part of my foot.  It's been two weeks since the onset and I'm able to walk and have even done some 'sprints' with Lily in the stroller without pain.  I attempted to run this morning and made it .29 miles before the pain returned to my foot.  I'm so FRUSTRATED right now, I never thought I'd miss running like this.  It doesn't hurt when I ride my bike, so I should be doing more of that, but not being able to run is affecting my whole motivation to train - it's like workout depression.

Has anyone ever had this injury before?  There isn't much online about rehabing this, other than rest and ice - gee thanks.  I think it's time to see a doc.


I had that. I agree go to the doctor and have it confirmed, but the symptoms sound exactly the same.  I too stayed off of it for 2 weeks with lots of ice.  Then did the HIM and even though I walked half the run the foot was okay.   Have you been ramping up your milage too quickly?  Are the shoes okay?  I loosened my laces and that helped quite a bit as well.    Swimming and biking on it were fine so I did that.  Hang in there and keep us posted. 

Steve, beautiful.    I participate in a LAF ride through my LBS every year.  Last year I raised $1000 and did the 60mile ride.   This year they've added a 15 mile loop for beginners and I decided to ride that with my 8year old.  I thought it was a safe way to teach her group riding and a lesson in charity as well.

I made an appt w/ my doc right after posting.  I do think it was caused by new shoes.  I had 17 miles on them and the onset was after a 6 mile run (8 hrs later, weird).  Once the pain subsided a bit and I was able to walk normally in all of my other shoes, I tried on the running shoes and just standing in them was painful.  I've sent them back to the manufacturer for inspection/replacement because the seller was less than helpful. 

I've spent so much time with my feet up at work the last couple weeks, I'm kinda surprised I still have a job.

I had an awesome Father's Day yesterday.  My wife bought tickets to the Seattle Mariners game, the first for both kids.  They did great, the older one had an absolute blast and was still talking about it when she woke up this morning.  Her only disappointment was that she couldn't go down on the field

2009-06-22 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2234284

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
cadmus - 2009-06-22 1:47 PM

I had an awesome Father's Day yesterday.  My wife bought tickets to the Seattle Mariners game, the first for both kids.  They did great, the older one had an absolute blast and was still talking about it when she woke up this morning.  Her only disappointment was that she couldn't go down on the field

Very cool, Funny I have a picture of me at a Mariners game when I was 5 or 6, they had a photo day at the stadium and kids actually sat on players laps to get a picture taken.  Could you imagine them doing that now?
2009-06-22 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Chris, Trevor, Suzy, and Rob (did I miss anyone)...great races to you all.  You all fought and won.  Hell, IMO, starting this sport and entering a race is a victory.  Finishing a race, no matter the length, is something to be proud of - I'll join you all soon.

I did the ride/run (27 mile ride, 2.9 mile run) thing this weekend.  The dude who set it up has a strange definition of "rolling" hills.  On one I was in 1st gear (of 27, I try to avoid the small ring, but couldn't here).  At the top I was doing 3.6 mph and my HR was 172.  My goal was to not get out of the saddle and I did that.  A couple others I kept it in the middle ring, but did have to stand on the peddles.
Had a blast.  Looking forward to getting my swimming in shape to put them all together. 
2009-06-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2233996

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-06-22 10:33 AM
cadmus - 2009-06-22 9:15 AM

Good job to everyone that raced this weekend!  Hold your head high Rob, there is a lot to be proud of finsihing an Oly - not all of us are Suzy

So apparently I'm not racing this weekend.  I thought I'd registered, but apparently did not.  I was registering on-line during a conference call (most of my meetings are that exciting) - I don't know if I got distracted and didn't hit submit or got some info wrong.  Anyway, they don't have a record of it and our bank statements don't reflect the charges. 

I guess that might is a blessing in disguise, since I can't run anyway.  I've been having issues with my foot, internet diagnosis says it's peroneal tendonitis .  The pain is along the bottom, outer part of my foot.  It's been two weeks since the onset and I'm able to walk and have even done some 'sprints' with Lily in the stroller without pain.  I attempted to run this morning and made it .29 miles before the pain returned to my foot.  I'm so FRUSTRATED right now, I never thought I'd miss running like this.  It doesn't hurt when I ride my bike, so I should be doing more of that, but not being able to run is affecting my whole motivation to train - it's like workout depression.

Has anyone ever had this injury before?  There isn't much online about rehabing this, other than rest and ice - gee thanks.  I think it's time to see a doc.

Sucks about the race... On the injury front, why don't you just go to a doctor or therapist instead of using the internet.  You will recover a whole lot quicker.  My 2cents

Are you trying to say that the internet isn't accurate? Oh oh!

Totally Matt go see a Doctor!


2009-06-22 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2233661

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
tahrens - 2009-06-22 9:56 AM

I don't think I'll be able to do the Texas race next year.  Cry I'm so bumbed!!  That is one week out from my HIM and the hubby wants to try it next year as well.  If any of you are interested in forming a team for B2B I am renting a beach house.  Granted a beach house in November is not nearly as cool as April in Texas, but the rates are off season so they are very cheap.  Let me know if you are interested .  Chet, if you need to escape the sister's house you are welcome!

Suzy - I'll take your "easy practice races" for my A game any day!!   Way to go girl.  If you are looking for a challenging course with some hills, check out the Savageman!  Either the International or the Half. Either will test your womanhood.  I did it last year and will back to punish myself again. Tony and his wife road some of the course and said it was "quite a challenge" as well.  Below is the bike profile for the international.

Rob - my hero.   You did such a great job. Hold your head high.  Besides, the BOP is where all the cool people and myself hang out.  More beer back there. Wink



Hey Tracy--Forgive me, when reading the elevation what is a k ft?  Is that big hill a 500ft climb? cause there is no way I would sign up for that race! 

This was my elevation yesterday and it nearly killed me (not really, but I sounded like I had emphysma).  Plenty of tricked out boys on bikes spun past me and they all had really skinny butts and legs, maybe that's my problem???

I'm up for a race somewhere, but November is not such good timing, neither is April for that matter, but I can make it work.  I won't have been in OW for months so someone talk to me about the swim venue.  I'm game.  I think our fearless leader and Doug should just commit.  Let your other races revolve around the team.  I mean really.

You guys are too kind on my performance yesterday.  It really sucked. I'm just really old and there are so few people competitive at my age that you virtually get hardware by breathing, showing up and throwing yourself across the finish line.  In the grand scheme of things I am a mid packer at best in triathlon (which is ok for now).

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-06-22 2:12 PM
2009-06-22 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2234176

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

fattyfatfat - 2009-06-22 12:19 PM Sorry but I couldn't resist!

nope.  got it right.  39.5 / day or every 36 minutes.  btw i'm eating leftover pasta salad out of a ziplock bag listening to Woody Guthrie.  It seems I should be walking down the tracks in my sock and shorts waiting to hop a train to Georgia.  hmmmm.


All that means is that you have too much time on your hands at work....

2009-06-22 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2234581

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-06-22 2:10 PM I won't have been in OW for months so someone talk to me about the swim venue.  I'm game. 

Its named Offats Bayou but is not a real bayou.  More like a small bay.  Wind should be down that time of day.  It's a single loop course. If I remember right, you'll swim north then west then south so sun really isn't an issue even if you only breathe out of one side.   Its a deep water start.  Siting is fine as they have huge bright orage buoys marking the turns with smaller ones in between.  There is a big paddewheeler at the finish that you can site off your left side as you get close.  FYI for those thinking about the OLY or the sprint, you can site off this ~100m before the last turn and all the way home.  The water is very salty, good for speed bad for taste if you are not used to it. 

I remember looking at the course thinking THAT is a long way.  Now its not so bad. 
2009-06-22 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2234606

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

All that means is that you have too much time on your hands at work....

babysitting again.  smaller geodatabase this time.  maybe only a week.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-06-22 2:32 PM
2009-06-22 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2234672

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-22 1:29 PM

All that means is that you have too much time on your hands at work....

babysitting again.  smaller geodatabase this time.  maybe only a week.

Smaller geodatabase this time? Don't get all Star Trekkie on us. Just get to work!
By the way, I discovered Italics.
And congrats on being our 3000th post. I wonder what you'll receive from Steve?

Edited by TrevorC 2009-06-22 2:47 PM

2009-06-22 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

I know I am slow keeping up but... I'm trying!

Tracy, I may take you up on your offer.  We are set for the trip but it would be nice to find something close the night before the race.  Let me know what you find and if you need me to look around.

Trevor, I am definitely less grumpy and lighter than I was.  I like it when my clothes fit!

All those that raced last weekend, GREAT JOB!  You guys are just doing it! 

2009-06-22 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Show us your ride time!!!
2009-06-22 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2234659

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-22 2:27 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-06-22 2:10 PM I won't have been in OW for months so someone talk to me about the swim venue.  I'm game. 

Its named Offats Bayou but is not a real bayou.  More like a small bay.  Wind should be down that time of day.  It's a single loop course. If I remember right, you'll swim north then west then south so sun really isn't an issue even if you only breathe out of one side.   Its a deep water start.  Siting is fine as they have huge bright orage buoys marking the turns with smaller ones in between.  There is a big paddewheeler at the finish that you can site off your left side as you get close.  FYI for those thinking about the OLY or the sprint, you can site off this ~100m before the last turn and all the way home.  The water is very salty, good for speed bad for taste if you are not used to it. 

I remember looking at the course thinking THAT is a long way.  Now its not so bad. 

Salty?  I'm having second thoughts......
2009-06-22 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2234423

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

TrevorC - 2009-06-22 11:25 AM
swbkrun - 2009-06-22 10:33 AM
cadmus - 2009-06-22 9:15 AM

Good job to everyone that raced this weekend!  Hold your head high Rob, there is a lot to be proud of finsihing an Oly - not all of us are Suzy

So apparently I'm not racing this weekend.  I thought I'd registered, but apparently did not.  I was registering on-line during a conference call (most of my meetings are that exciting) - I don't know if I got distracted and didn't hit submit or got some info wrong.  Anyway, they don't have a record of it and our bank statements don't reflect the charges. 

I guess that might is a blessing in disguise, since I can't run anyway.  I've been having issues with my foot, internet diagnosis says it's peroneal tendonitis .  The pain is along the bottom, outer part of my foot.  It's been two weeks since the onset and I'm able to walk and have even done some 'sprints' with Lily in the stroller without pain.  I attempted to run this morning and made it .29 miles before the pain returned to my foot.  I'm so FRUSTRATED right now, I never thought I'd miss running like this.  It doesn't hurt when I ride my bike, so I should be doing more of that, but not being able to run is affecting my whole motivation to train - it's like workout depression.

Has anyone ever had this injury before?  There isn't much online about rehabing this, other than rest and ice - gee thanks.  I think it's time to see a doc.

Sucks about the race... On the injury front, why don't you just go to a doctor or therapist instead of using the internet.  You will recover a whole lot quicker.  My 2cents

Are you trying to say that the internet isn't accurate? Oh oh!

Totally Matt go see a Doctor!


Actually there can be a lot of value in input from others that have had and recovered from an injury.  A clinician isn't always the best source of information, expically if they have not treated many patients with the injury.  From what I've read, on reliable, decision-support services that the  hospital system I work for subscribes to, this is not a common injury and I would put the advice of someone that had revovered from it on par with that of a clinician that had not.



2009-06-22 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2234741

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
LOL!  I've been called called a lot of things but Trekkie isnt one of em' and I can assure you it probably never will.  There are 4 people and 3 dogs in my house and I'm the dumbest of em' all!

For 3000 I got a very cool image of Magali Tisseyre peddling her heart out in the rain on the way to win Boise! 

Since I wasted a post earlier I'll group this one..... 

Maybe you read about this already, my apologies if you have.... along the line's of being aware of your surroundings in training or racing... This was on a closed course at an intersection manned by police.  Thankfully the guy is going to be ok.


2009-06-22 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2234851

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-06-22 4:08 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-22 2:27 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-06-22 2:10 PM I won't have been in OW for months so someone talk to me about the swim venue.  I'm game. 

Its named Offats Bayou but is not a real bayou.  More like a small bay.  Wind should be down that time of day.  It's a single loop course. If I remember right, you'll swim north then west then south so sun really isn't an issue even if you only breathe out of one side.   Its a deep water start.  Siting is fine as they have huge bright orage buoys marking the turns with smaller ones in between.  There is a big paddewheeler at the finish that you can site off your left side as you get close.  FYI for those thinking about the OLY or the sprint, you can site off this ~100m before the last turn and all the way home.  The water is very salty, good for speed bad for taste if you are not used to it. 

I remember looking at the course thinking THAT is a long way.  Now its not so bad. 

More salt = more buoyant.  Lonestar is run by the same folks that do Mooseman and Timberman.  The swim had more buoys on it than I have ever seen, very easy to sight, I just swam from Buoy to Buoy.

Also awesome volunteers and they give out a lot of schwag, at Mooseman for the 1/2 you got Technical Long sleeve shirt, hat, finishers towel, metal water bottle, and organic cotton t-shirt.  I have yet to see anything bad written about one of their events.

It's a long way away, registration doesn't even open until October, but wife and I are planning on being there.

Salty?  I'm having second thoughts......
2009-06-22 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2234855

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
cadmus - 2009-06-22 2:08 PM

TrevorC - 2009-06-22 11:25 AM
swbkrun - 2009-06-22 10:33 AM
cadmus - 2009-06-22 9:15 AM

Good job to everyone that raced this weekend!  Hold your head high Rob, there is a lot to be proud of finsihing an Oly - not all of us are Suzy

So apparently I'm not racing this weekend.  I thought I'd registered, but apparently did not.  I was registering on-line during a conference call (most of my meetings are that exciting) - I don't know if I got distracted and didn't hit submit or got some info wrong.  Anyway, they don't have a record of it and our bank statements don't reflect the charges. 

I guess that might is a blessing in disguise, since I can't run anyway.  I've been having issues with my foot, internet diagnosis says it's peroneal tendonitis .  The pain is along the bottom, outer part of my foot.  It's been two weeks since the onset and I'm able to walk and have even done some 'sprints' with Lily in the stroller without pain.  I attempted to run this morning and made it .29 miles before the pain returned to my foot.  I'm so FRUSTRATED right now, I never thought I'd miss running like this.  It doesn't hurt when I ride my bike, so I should be doing more of that, but not being able to run is affecting my whole motivation to train - it's like workout depression.

Has anyone ever had this injury before?  There isn't much online about rehabing this, other than rest and ice - gee thanks.  I think it's time to see a doc.

Sucks about the race... On the injury front, why don't you just go to a doctor or therapist instead of using the internet.  You will recover a whole lot quicker.  My 2cents

Are you trying to say that the internet isn't accurate? Oh oh!

Totally Matt go see a Doctor!

Actually there can be a lot of value in input from others that have had and recovered from an injury.  A clinician isn't always the best source of information, expically if they have not treated many patients with the injury.  From what I've read, on reliable, decision-support services that the  hospital system I work for subscribes to, this is not a common injury and I would put the advice of someone that had revovered from it on par with that of a clinician that had not.

Oh I agree...Sometimes you get in with your family doctor, and they have no idea...."Take an Advil" is their logic.
Really depends on who you get. We have a great familky doctor, we are lucky. She is very thorough and caring.

My comment about the internet was more in jest. I got an email from a coworker today that showed pics from the Air France flight that crashed last month. I told her they were fake, she said " but it was on the internet!!" We went to and sure enough "Fake."
I just know there is some reputable info out there and some unbelievable stuff as we all know.
Suzie gave a website a while ago.........
check that site out.(Its not a hoax!!)

Edited by TrevorC 2009-06-22 3:50 PM
2009-06-22 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

I just had my first Matrix (aka the movie) moment.  I was on my way home from a long ride (for me long ride = 32 miles) this morning and I was on the West Side highway in NYC in the bike lane.  I was going around 16-17 miles per hr when a police tow truck made an illegal right hand turn off the highway into a parking lot.  I know it was illegal because the bike lane has its own traffic light and it was green.  I slammed on my breaks and the bike stopped but my momentum of my body had me go forward over my handle bars while my feet were clipped in causing the rear of the bike go in the air.  In mid-air somehow both my feet became unclipped and my feet landed on the ground as i ran forward and I some how caught the seat of my bike over my left shoulder.  It seemed like it was going in slow motion, as the tow truck pulled in front of me all I could think of is "oh no not my new bike!"  Luckily only the tips of my aero bars are a scratched (they're plastic are replaceable) and my rear quick release has a small scuff from when i put down the bike.  A few runners asked if I was OK and how I did what I did.   All I could say was I was lucky..  The part that pissed me off the most was the police tow truck just drove away.  I'm thinking about reporting this, you would think the people that should respect traffic signals and public safety are cops/people who work for the police department.

anyway my ride was good, I'm getting used to the aero bars.  My legs are getting used to the different geometry... It's odd though, my quads are sore, more sore than when I rode my road bike.  I thought the more forward position is supposed to save my quads more..  Maybe my technique is off?  I went for a 4.5 mile run afterwords and they were all crampy..

2009-06-22 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2234792

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
cbarnes1 - 2009-06-22 3:58 PM Show us your ride time!!!


Mine was 1:57:50 for 27.22 miles.  If I continue riding these kind of distances I may have a tri bike sooner rather than later.  I'm not exactly aero.  I'm big enough I could tell a difference when descending between laying down and sitting up.  On a positive note I save some money on brake pads.
2009-06-22 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2235173

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
trying1 - 2009-06-22 5:26 PM

I just had my first Matrix (aka the movie) moment.  I was on my way home from a long ride (for me long ride = 32 miles) this morning and I was on the West Side highway in NYC in the bike lane.  I was going around 16-17 miles per hr when a police tow truck made an illegal right hand turn off the highway into a parking lot.  I know it was illegal because the bike lane has its own traffic light and it was green.  I slammed on my breaks and the bike stopped but my momentum of my body had me go forward over my handle bars while my feet were clipped in causing the rear of the bike go in the air.  In mid-air somehow both my feet became unclipped and my feet landed on the ground as i ran forward and I some how caught the seat of my bike over my left shoulder.  It seemed like it was going in slow motion, as the tow truck pulled in front of me all I could think of is "oh no not my new bike!"  Luckily only the tips of my aero bars are a scratched (they're plastic are replaceable) and my rear quick release has a small scuff from when i put down the bike.  A few runners asked if I was OK and how I did what I did.   All I could say was I was lucky..  The part that pissed me off the most was the police tow truck just drove away.  I'm thinking about reporting this, you would think the people that should respect traffic signals and public safety are cops/people who work for the police department.

anyway my ride was good, I'm getting used to the aero bars.  My legs are getting used to the different geometry... It's odd though, my quads are sore, more sore than when I rode my road bike.  I thought the more forward position is supposed to save my quads more..  Maybe my technique is off?  I went for a 4.5 mile run afterwords and they were all crampy..

That sounds totally awesome!  Scary way to come up with a cool dismount though.  I say report it.  Even if you don't have an ID on the truck the police should be able to determine who was in that area.  Glad you're OK!!!

2009-06-22 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2235173

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
trying1 - 2009-06-22 5:26 PM

I just had my first Matrix (aka the movie) moment.  I was on my way home from a long ride (for me long ride = 32 miles) this morning and I was on the West Side highway in NYC in the bike lane.  I was going around 16-17 miles per hr when a police tow truck made an illegal right hand turn off the highway into a parking lot.  I know it was illegal because the bike lane has its own traffic light and it was green.  I slammed on my breaks and the bike stopped but my momentum of my body had me go forward over my handle bars while my feet were clipped in causing the rear of the bike go in the air.  In mid-air somehow both my feet became unclipped and my feet landed on the ground as i ran forward and I some how caught the seat of my bike over my left shoulder.  It seemed like it was going in slow motion, as the tow truck pulled in front of me all I could think of is "oh no not my new bike!"  Luckily only the tips of my aero bars are a scratched (they're plastic are replaceable) and my rear quick release has a small scuff from when i put down the bike.  A few runners asked if I was OK and how I did what I did.   All I could say was I was lucky..  The part that pissed me off the most was the police tow truck just drove away.  I'm thinking about reporting this, you would think the people that should respect traffic signals and public safety are cops/people who work for the police department.

anyway my ride was good, I'm getting used to the aero bars.  My legs are getting used to the different geometry... It's odd though, my quads are sore, more sore than when I rode my road bike.  I thought the more forward position is supposed to save my quads more..  Maybe my technique is off?  I went for a 4.5 mile run afterwords and they were all crampy..

Wow, lucky, lol when I first started reading I said "oh, damn on his new bike too..."  good thing you and the bike are ok.

It will take some time to get used to the TT position, actually using the muscles differently I believe so it should get better with more Time in the Saddle.
2009-06-22 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2235173

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
trying1 - 2009-06-22 4:26 PM

I just had my first Matrix (aka the movie) moment.  I was on my way home from a long ride (for me long ride = 32 miles) this morning and I was on the West Side highway in NYC in the bike lane.  I was going around 16-17 miles per hr when a police tow truck made an illegal right hand turn off the highway into a parking lot.  I know it was illegal because the bike lane has its own traffic light and it was green.  I slammed on my breaks and the bike stopped but my momentum of my body had me go forward over my handle bars while my feet were clipped in causing the rear of the bike go in the air.  In mid-air somehow both my feet became unclipped and my feet landed on the ground as i ran forward and I some how caught the seat of my bike over my left shoulder.  It seemed like it was going in slow motion, as the tow truck pulled in front of me all I could think of is "oh no not my new bike!"  Luckily only the tips of my aero bars are a scratched (they're plastic are replaceable) and my rear quick release has a small scuff from when i put down the bike.  A few runners asked if I was OK and how I did what I did.   All I could say was I was lucky..  The part that pissed me off the most was the police tow truck just drove away.  I'm thinking about reporting this, you would think the people that should respect traffic signals and public safety are cops/people who work for the police department.

anyway my ride was good, I'm getting used to the aero bars.  My legs are getting used to the different geometry... It's odd though, my quads are sore, more sore than when I rode my road bike.  I thought the more forward position is supposed to save my quads more..  Maybe my technique is off?  I went for a 4.5 mile run afterwords and they were all crampy..

man you got some good moves.  glad you and bike are good to go! 
2009-06-22 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2235174

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
BigReub - 2009-06-22 2:27 PM
cbarnes1 - 2009-06-22 3:58 PM Show us your ride time!!!


Mine was 1:57:50 for 27.22 miles.  If I continue riding these kind of distances I may have a tri bike sooner rather than later.  I'm not exactly aero.  I'm big enough I could tell a difference when descending between laying down and sitting up.  On a positive note I save some money on brake pads.

I might be missing something?  But does this mean pictures of your bike?  Or just "ride times?"  When?

As for the race in November, April?  I have no commitments, just a flake not commiting to anything yet.  That is a long ways away.  I think it would be a blast though!
2009-06-22 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Hey.... Check it out... I manage to contact Magali (the girl that won Boise) regarding the picture I made of her, and got a pretty cool response!!
Your thought is so inspiring. I will cherish this picture with your note on it. It means alot to me.
Boise was my first big win. And I will never forget it...or the elements I had to fight to get through it.
I hope you also conquered the elements that day. Did you have fun? What are the other races you will do this year?
I was about to go swimming. Now I will be even more motivated with that image on the back of my mind.
Thank you so much. Hope to keep in touch. My blog is if ever you want to follow my adventures!
Hope to meet you one day at a race.
Train hard!

Edited by swbkrun 2009-06-22 5:44 PM
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