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2009-06-23 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

The reason i am asking is this is my 1st year. I have an addictive personality abd when I committ , I committ.
Its June 23rd in Canada (i know insert joke here- i just mean its early in the season!!)..but I've done 4sprints, 1 10k and an Olympic already. When I look back at my goals from January-- they were to do a total of 5 tri's with maybe an Oly near the end of the year. So obviously I've done that now. I felt great after the Olympic as well.
The 70.3 series has an event in Calgary August 2nd and still has a few spots left. I don't know if I am getting sucked into the hype around it, as its the inaugural one here. But, I really want to enter it. My wife thinks I'm crazy and should wait until next year.  I'm pretty sure I can finish it, but strongly?? probably not. I'm really torn on it.
Back in January when I set my goals, I thought "WOW if I can do an Olympic by the end of the season I'll will be pumped."

Edited by TrevorC 2009-06-23 4:41 PM

2009-06-23 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Trevor if you think your are goal driven, and are at a "loss" for things to do, then go for it.  You have time.  I just fear that you may end up getting burned out come mid August because you feel like you really need to RAMP UP your mileage?

It is doable that's for sure.   I don't think it would hurt for you to wait another year, but if your "bored," then go for it. 

I think Tracy hit the nail on the head.  It's just a natural progression.  9 years ago I had to walk 1 mile into a 5k run (let's just say I didn't know anything about pacing and went out like a Kenyan).  Now a days I have a good understanding of what I am capable of both mentally and physically.  I think this is where the waiting a year may pay off? 

You have my support either way!
2009-06-23 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
I won't even pretend to know what's going on in here lately.  I'm about 20 pages behind - you guys talk too much, lol!  Anyway, I'll try to get caught up over the next day or so.  I took this week off work so have time to just hang around here.  My plan was to get in some good training but the weather and my body have not cooperated.  We're under a heat warning all week with temps in the 90's and heat indexes in the 100's.  This doesn't normally happen until July around here so I'm afraid to see what July is actually going to be like.  I'll have to do whatever training I can indoors. 

As for my body - just when I thought things were looking up with my leg, my lower back decided to lock up on me.  It usually happens about once every year, but why did it have to pick this week to do it?Undecided  I spent yesterday in bed with a bottle of Aleve and a heating pad.  It's better today - still some tightness esp on the left side, but at least I can move today.  I even went to the gym for a swim this afternoon.  Getting in and out of the pool (and in and out of my car) was a bit of a challenge, but the swim went well.  I guess I'll find out by tomorrow if it was a good idea or not.  I just couldn't spend another day of my vacation laying in bed!
2009-06-23 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2237932

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-06-23 3:46 PM

Caution: serious question ahead:

SO those of you in your 1st/2nd years: John,Suzie,Tracy,Rob,etc:

Those of you that have completed (tracy) or are competing a 1/2 ironman this year. How did you know you ready to do it? Or attempt it?

Trevor, I think the only thing in life that I knew I was ready for before I signed up for it was getting married.  Some days I might even scoff at that.  I'm not sure if this will answer your question but I do hope it sheds some light on your journey.

The challenge for which I needed to be ready for in this adventure isn't crossing the finish line.  Its the training, the suffering, the days you walk a few hundred yards with your wrecked bike over your shoulder cursing this damn sport till all hours of the night but then you get up at 0430 to hit the pool, the days when my only "play" time with the kids was rocking June to sleep.

I got into the office yesterday morning and pulled my weeks training schedule up.  I've looked at this last week, taper week, a 100 times.  But yesterday it really hit home that I had no more 0430 mornings left, no more 10 milers in the heat, no wake up at 0 dark thirty to drive an hour just to ride in some hills.  I began reflecting back on the last few months of training for a few minutes and found I was actually sad that this journey is just about over. 

Am I ready for the bike.  we'll find out.  Am I ready for the heat.  we'll find out. Am I ready to finish in 8 hours. we'll find out.  But those feeling of being sad are just one more indicator that tells me I am ready...and that might make zero sense to you right now.  But it will soon enough.   

Look deep within yourself and ask yourself this same question.  Spend some time talking to yourself and your wife.  You may not get an honest answer in just one day or even a week.  Try to understand the commitment required by the team.  The answer is there and it very well may be no, I'm not ready yet. But if that answer is yes then you go for it.  You go for with everything you have.

"Keep asking questions."  SWBKRUN

2009-06-23 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!


What you just said makes perfect sense, but the Journey isn't over.  It is just starting.  You have come a long way, and come race day you will learn something new about yourself that you will FOREVER hold onto.  Like I have talked to you about (in email) when you are second guessing yourself 8 miles into the run.... Remeber those times you drove 1hr each way to do something, or the times you gave up one more beer (ok... Maybe not you) so you can wake up early the next day for your long run.  This is all part of the journey.  Remember this come race day.  YOU HAVE BUSTED your off and your ready for this.  Enjoy every second of it, and be happy, and proud of yourself that you are even able to attempt this!  Those last 500 yards will forever be engrained in your head!  It's like a drug.  You are going to want to find a way to duplicate that last 500 yards somewhere else down the road!  MARK MY WORDS!!!!

2009-06-23 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2238210

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
fattyfatfat - 2009-06-23 6:56 PM
TrevorC - 2009-06-23 3:46 PM

Caution: serious question ahead:

SO those of you in your 1st/2nd years: John,Suzie,Tracy,Rob,etc:

Those of you that have completed (tracy) or are competing a 1/2 ironman this year. How did you know you ready to do it? Or attempt it?

Trevor, I think the only thing in life that I knew I was ready for before I signed up for it was getting married.  Some days I might even scoff at that.  I'm not sure if this will answer your question but I do hope it sheds some light on your journey.

The challenge for which I needed to be ready for in this adventure isn't crossing the finish line.  Its the training, the suffering, the days you walk a few hundred yards with your wrecked bike over your shoulder cursing this damn sport till all hours of the night but then you get up at 0430 to hit the pool, the days when my only "play" time with the kids was rocking June to sleep.

I got into the office yesterday morning and pulled my weeks training schedule up.  I've looked at this last week, taper week, a 100 times.  But yesterday it really hit home that I had no more 0430 mornings left, no more 10 milers in the heat, no wake up at 0 dark thirty to drive an hour just to ride in some hills.  I began reflecting back on the last few months of training for a few minutes and found I was actually sad that this journey is just about over. 

Am I ready for the bike.  we'll find out.  Am I ready for the heat.  we'll find out. Am I ready to finish in 8 hours. we'll find out.  But those feeling of being sad are just one more indicator that tells me I am ready...and that might make zero sense to you right now.  But it will soon enough.   

Look deep within yourself and ask yourself this same question.  Spend some time talking to yourself and your wife.  You may not get an honest answer in just one day or even a week.  Try to understand the commitment required by the team.  The answer is there and it very well may be no, I'm not ready yet. But if that answer is yes then you go for it.  You go for with everything you have.

"Keep asking questions."  SWBKRUN

Damm John ... That was DEEP

2009-06-23 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2237932

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-06-23 3:46 PM

Caution: serious question ahead:

SO those of you in your 1st/2nd years: John,Suzie,Tracy,Rob,etc:

Those of you that have completed (tracy) or are competing a 1/2 ironman this year. How did you know you ready to do it? Or attempt it?

Yes Trevor you can call me etc.  ... I have been called worse. 

I have my HIM coming up in Sept.  I can't really say that I dug deep to find it in me to do this, or that it was a progression in my race career.  Truth is...I have always loved a good party, and one morning after my wife and I had been out for a "good portion" of the evening, we woke up the next morning a "little" hungover.  There just happened to be one of the Ironman documentaries on TV that morning ( or afternoon ) and it was quite moving.

After watching the stories of some of the challenged athletes, and with a tear rolling down my cheek (sorry John ... didn't mean to go deep like you just did) I looked over and said to my wife " I am going to do a HIM".  Sorta like when one guy says to another..."Hey, Watch this".

So, the next week on Sept 16 2008 I went over to the park, and Ran/walked a mile. Same week I went and joined the Masters swim group at the University to LEARN how to swim.  On the bright side though, I did already own and ride the bike some.  I will add one other thing to getting me to this point where I actually think I can do this by Sept. ... This forum and Mentor group has been HUGE.  Sometime I train just to keep from having a blank on my logs just in case one of you guys check up on me.  (sorry about getting deep again John).  Really there is more support here than you can get from family and friends that just don't know the deal. 

2009-06-23 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2238045

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-06-23 4:41 PM

The reason i am asking is this is my 1st year. I have an addictive personality abd when I committ , I committ.
Its June 23rd in Canada (i know insert joke here- i just mean its early in the season!!)..but I've done 4sprints, 1 10k and an Olympic already. When I look back at my goals from January-- they were to do a total of 5 tri's with maybe an Oly near the end of the year. So obviously I've done that now. I felt great after the Olympic as well.
The 70.3 series has an event in Calgary August 2nd and still has a few spots left. I don't know if I am getting sucked into the hype around it, as its the inaugural one here. But, I really want to enter it. My wife thinks I'm crazy and should wait until next year.  I'm pretty sure I can finish it, but strongly?? probably not. I'm really torn on it.
Back in January when I set my goals, I thought "WOW if I can do an Olympic by the end of the season I'll will be pumped."


Ok, you all can call me a party pooper, but August 2nd is 5 weeks away which means you maybe can get three good weeks of training before a taper.  Look at a HIM plan and see what those last few weeks look like.  Are you doing the volume?  I think you might be setting yourself up for a really long day that is not all that fun. Is that what you want?  If it it is ok with you, then go for it!   Wouldn't it be better to find another Oly and really nail those areas you want to improve?  pick an early HIM like LoneStar (Hint,hint) and give yourself some time to blossom.  Please don't take this as I don't have faith in you.  I want you to have a great first experience.

My two cents.
2009-06-23 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2238262

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-06-23 7:32 PM


What you just said makes perfect sense, but the Journey isn't over.  It is just starting.  You have come a long way, and come race day you will learn something new about yourself that you will FOREVER hold onto.  Like I have talked to you about (in email) when you are second guessing yourself 8 miles into the run.... Remeber those times you drove 1hr each way to do something, or the times you gave up one more beer (ok... Maybe not you) so you can wake up early the next day for your long run.  This is all part of the journey.  Remember this come race day.  YOU HAVE BUSTED your off and your ready for this.  Enjoy every second of it, and be happy, and proud of yourself that you are even able to attempt this!  Those last 500 yards will forever be engrained in your head!  It's like a drug.  You are going to want to find a way to duplicate that last 500 yards somewhere else down the road!  MARK MY WORDS!!!!

Right on!  Thanks Steve.
2009-06-23 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2238304

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Plainsman AU - 2009-06-23 7:56 PM
Damm John ... That was DEEP

taper week.  no beer.   Wink
2009-06-23 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2238045

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

TrevorC - 2009-06-23 2:41 PM

The reason i am asking is this is my 1st year. I have an addictive personality abd when I committ , I committ.
Its June 23rd in Canada (i know insert joke here- i just mean its early in the season!!)..but I've done 4sprints, 1 10k and an Olympic already. When I look back at my goals from January-- they were to do a total of 5 tri's with maybe an Oly near the end of the year. So obviously I've done that now. I felt great after the Olympic as well.
The 70.3 series has an event in Calgary August 2nd and still has a few spots left. I don't know if I am getting sucked into the hype around it, as its the inaugural one here. But, I really want to enter it. My wife thinks I'm crazy and should wait until next year.  I'm pretty sure I can finish it, but strongly?? probably not. I'm really torn on it.
Back in January when I set my goals, I thought "WOW if I can do an Olympic by the end of the season I'll will be pumped."

hey trev-  I know it's exciting to get caught up in the hype...but what if you amended your goals to say "Wow, if I can do 3 olympics by the end of the season and improve in each one, I'll be pumped!"  I don't know how I'll do at my race in 3 1/2 weeks but I have been putting in some seriously long run mileage (and bike mileage for that matter) for the past 16 weeks...and I am hoping that it will be enough to carry me through a good half mary at the end of it all.  August 2 is in just 5 1/2 weeks.  That's really soon!  If there was one maybe end of September, you would have time to build up your mileage and not risk injury.  Just my 2 cents.  I think you are a really talented triathlete, sub 3 on your first olympic!  Good luck on your decision...this was definitely not meant to bring you down (to earth)...  

2009-06-23 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Wow good thoughts you guys (Steve,John, Tracy,Suzy,Kim, and ETC) oh I mean Barry rightWink
Interesting thoughts for sure. Its not that I'm not feel 'challenged' by an Oly or anything like that. I'm sure the next one I'll get my A$$ handed to me. I'm really leaning to what Suzy said and waiting until next year to do it. Lonestar???
It's true that I could probably go out there and complete a HIM, but it probably wouldn't be a lot of fun. More suffering than fun. But I'm the type of guy who wants to keep going further. I'm not a very patient guy. It's not the best trait to have sometimes. I do have to realize that I'm way ahead of where I thought I could be when I look back to December/January. I think I look at others now and think 'Frig I could do that'. I can't remember the last time I thought that of myself. I'm completely proud of my accomplishments so far in this journey. I've s/b/r over 1500km(1k miles) this year so far. That blows me away! Me, the former fatboy. A few years ago I used to play 1st base in softball 'cause it was easier than running around playing the outfield. I kept hurting my groin when I attempted to run the bases. I think sometimes I discount my accomplishments because it's so much easier to criticize yourself, than pat yourself on the back. I know that.
 I'm starting to think that maybe what I will do is run a half marathon instead. With running being my weakest disipline by far, killing a 1/2 marathon to end the year may be better for me....Stay tuned....

As ETCWink said earlier, this group has been invaluable for me as well. As much as I like to joke around and poke fun sometimes, and not really contribute alot of valuable posts, I truly love what this group has given me. It's my sounding board. It's my accountablility. There are some of us within this group that may never meet in our lifetimes, but I can't thank you all so much for just being 'here'. The information I have gotten from here has been a lifesaver. I am getting a bit sappy here I know, but you guys all know what we go through wanting this lifestyle. My wife get 'it' to a certain degree and as I'm new to the scene in my hometown, I don't really have any buddies in the sport yet.  But you all get 'it.'
 There are a few of us here that got into Tri's as we were sliding down a slippery slope with our health prior to this discovery and you understand where I'm coming from I bet. The weight was only going to come off when we were ready to do it for ourselves. But it's nice to be in a place where you communicate with others who have been the same place as you have. Steve- your an amazing mentor and dam$it I'm signing up again under you again when we need to start the group over, but from what I know of you, you've always been a healthy guy. Led a healthy life. You've given me great advice. But you've never been sick of yourself fat. Thanks to our group I can talk to others who can relate to me as well.
Wow deep thoughts tonight everyone. Blame John...He started it! Sorry for the long post, but feeling it tonight.
I debating whether i was going to hit send or not, but I don't want John calling me out for 'pulling a Chet'

Edited by TrevorC 2009-06-23 9:46 PM
2009-06-23 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2238262

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-06-23 8:32 PM


What you just said makes perfect sense, but the Journey isn't over.  It is just starting.  You have come a long way, and come race day you will learn something new about yourself that you will FOREVER hold onto.  Like I have talked to you about (in email) when you are second guessing yourself 8 miles into the run.... Remeber those times you drove 1hr each way to do something, or the times you gave up one more beer (ok... Maybe not you) so you can wake up early the next day for your long run.  This is all part of the journey.  Remember this come race day.  YOU HAVE BUSTED your off and your ready for this.  Enjoy every second of it, and be happy, and proud of yourself that you are even able to attempt this!  Those last 500 yards will forever be engrained in your head!  It's like a drug.  You are going to want to find a way to duplicate that last 500 yards somewhere else down the road!  MARK MY WORDS!!!!

I totally second this.  Those few miles of walking during my race when I was crying, I was also thinking how wonderful the whole experience was and I couldn't wait to try again.  That is what keeps me coming back.  I don't think of my half experience as being over.  Quite the opposite.  Doing the half has opened doors for me I never thought I could go through.  For example, I came back from a bike ride a week ago telling the hubby I averaged XYZ mph and that was a good speed for me.  He looked me square in the eyes and said, "no, that is an average speed for you.  Now that you've done a Half don't sell yourself short on what you can do."  That is what completing the challenge has given me. It wasn't about doing a half, it was about setting a goal and achieving it.   And I hope it gives all of you the same inner fire and unbelievable joy

2009-06-23 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I agree with waiting on the half.  Don't think of races as "once and done, move up."  No two races are the same - even if they are the same distances.  Every race has new lessons to be learned and new goals to achieve.  Gain experience from your first year of sprints and olympics.  Get familiar with your racing body.  Learn nutrition, transitions, race strategies, training schedules.  There are so many challenges out there.  Enjoy your new world. 

2009-06-23 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
HA!   Just noticed the thread name update.   NICE!!!!
2009-06-24 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Wow! Lots of awesome insight from you all. I don't really have anything to add, but I do know about being goal driven. I think a half mary may be just the thing to keep you motivated without getting burnt out. I usually train for a road race in the Winter and do a couple days of swim/bike crosstraining along with it. It's just different enough from tri training to keep me from getting burnt out on never ending training. 

I can relate to coming back from being fat and out of shape, and realizing how much you're really capable of. Sometimes it's hard to curb the excitement and not try to do everything NOW.   

2009-06-24 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Speaking of wanting to do everything now The training plan I found for the two weeks between marathons (HIM to marathon for me) has me running 8 miles tomorrow. The marathon is Saturday. Does this make sense to anyone? It seems like a pretty long run to do two days before. I'm thinking of doing 3 miles instead, or should I do the 8?
2009-06-24 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2238198

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
soccermom15 - 2009-06-23 7:47 PM I won't even pretend to know what's going on in here lately.  I'm about 20 pages behind - you guys talk too much, lol!  Anyway, I'll try to get caught up over the next day or so.  I took this week off work so have time to just hang around here.  My plan was to get in some good training but the weather and my body have not cooperated.  We're under a heat warning all week with temps in the 90's and heat indexes in the 100's.  This doesn't normally happen until July around here so I'm afraid to see what July is actually going to be like.  I'll have to do whatever training I can indoors. 

As for my body - just when I thought things were looking up with my leg, my lower back decided to lock up on me.  It usually happens about once every year, but why did it have to pick this week to do it?Undecided  I spent yesterday in bed with a bottle of Aleve and a heating pad.  It's better today - still some tightness esp on the left side, but at least I can move today.  I even went to the gym for a swim this afternoon.  Getting in and out of the pool (and in and out of my car) was a bit of a challenge, but the swim went well.  I guess I'll find out by tomorrow if it was a good idea or not.  I just couldn't spend another day of my vacation laying in bed!

Hey there Janet, welcome back!

Trevor as far as the HIM, it's really up to you.  Can you do the distance, sure, will you be happy with your results?  that's up to you.

For me it comes down to being happy with my results, just finishing isn't what I am shooting for in my races.  I think we have talked about this quite a few times in here.  Neither way of approaching races is right or wrong, just personal preferences.  That being said I am doing my first HIM at Lonestar next year for a couple of reasons. 

First I am still not happy with my Oly times and I am hoping that by focusing on training for a longer distance it will help my shorter course skills.  I am hoping it's like how my 1/2 marathon training has helped my shorter course running (not in tri's sadly but in stand along races).

Second reason it when I plugged numbers into that spreadsheet I posted I was happy with the end time using numbers that I should be able to do for a HIM.

This is what I want to do

Swim Pace per 100MT1Bike Pace MPHT2Run Pace per Mile 
PaceTotal SwimTimeMPHTotal BikeTimePaceTotal RunTotal Time

I feel pretty good about those numbers until I get to the run, but hoping my marathon training will let me get there.
2009-06-24 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good morning everyone. Today after work I am meeting some other local triathletes and doing my first OWS in Lake Jordan, west of Raleigh. I think I have eveything I need int he truck. Should be fun. Whiile I have a sprint this sunday it is a pool swim. On July 12 I have my first sprint with an OWS so I need the practice. I firmly beleive that I should not try something for the first time in a race. Wish me luck.

Edited by DougRob 2009-06-24 9:03 AM
2009-06-24 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2238903

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
roni_runnw - 2009-06-24 6:13 AM

Wow! Lots of awesome insight from you all. I don't really have anything to add, but I do know about being goal driven. I think a half mary may be just the thing to keep you motivated without getting burnt out. I usually train for a road race in the Winter and do a couple days of swim/bike crosstraining along with it. It's just different enough from tri training to keep me from getting burnt out on never ending training. 

I can relate to coming back from being fat and out of shape, and realizing how much you're really capable of. Sometimes it's hard to curb the excitement and not try to do everything NOW.   

That is a good way of saying it. I think that is my issue, with not having patience. I want it NOW all the time. Sometimes the best reward can be in waiting.
Decided I am going to wait until next year for the HIM, but going to do a 1/2 marathon around the end of the season.
Good insight from everyone.

2009-06-24 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2239186

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-06-24 9:00 AM

That is a good way of saying it. I think that is my issue, with not having patience. I want it NOW all the time. Sometimes the best reward can be in waiting.

Decided I am going to wait until next year for the HIM, but going to do a 1/2 marathon around the end of the season.
Good insight from everyone.

careful there groin puller.  you are starting to sound American.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-06-24 9:30 AM

2009-06-24 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2238903

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
roni_runnw - 2009-06-24 7:13 AM

Wow! Lots of awesome insight from you all. I don't really have anything to add, but I do know about being goal driven. I think a half mary may be just the thing to keep you motivated without getting burnt out. I usually train for a road race in the Winter and do a couple days of swim/bike crosstraining along with it. It's just different enough from tri training to keep me from getting burnt out on never ending training. 

I can relate to coming back from being fat and out of shape, and realizing how much you're really capable of. Sometimes it's hard to curb the excitement and not try to do everything NOW.   

Hey Roni

You mean like a HIM followed by two marathons within three weeks? 
2009-06-24 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2238531

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-06-23 10:45 PM

A few years ago I used to play 1st base in softball 'cause it was easier than running around playing the outfield.

Wait a minute...I play 1st for my softball team.  You trying to tell me something.

Seriously, all the testimonies here are very inspirational.  I can remember being fat (and I still don't consider myself trim, but it's not embarrassing anymore).  I lost about 40 lbs one winter several years ago and am now trimming it off slowly as I train.

I can also remember talking to my kid's principal occasionally as he trained for his first IM and thinking he's nuts.  Then we became better and better friends and then neighbors.  We went to watch him finish.  I knew then I was stuck.  I was thinking these people are complete idiots... I have to try it.

That was last August.  I started running in November finally.  Did the half-mary in May and plan on Aug 8 as my first sprint (come on swimmingCry).

Trevor, I'm the same...I want it all now.  Holding back is really tough on me.  The reason this tri stuff will be a slow progression for me is my family will control my schedule. 
On the other hand, from my personal experience, if I can honestly ask myself if I am ready, or when I strongly consider that next step, in any endeavor, and that though hangs around more than half a day, then I am ready.
2009-06-24 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2239251

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-06-24 10:20 AM

You mean like a HIM followed by two marathons within three weeks? 

You are one crazy chic!
2009-06-24 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2239356

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-06-24 9:52 AM
TrevorC - 2009-06-23 10:45 PM

A few years ago I used to play 1st base in softball 'cause it was easier than running around playing the outfield.

Wait a minute...I play 1st for my softball team.  You trying to tell me something.

Seriously, all the testimonies here are very inspirational.  I can remember being fat (and I still don't consider myself trim, but it's not embarrassing anymore).  I lost about 40 lbs one winter several years ago and am now trimming it off slowly as I train.

I can also remember talking to my kid's principal occasionally as he trained for his first IM and thinking he's nuts.  Then we became better and better friends and then neighbors.  We went to watch him finish.  I knew then I was stuck.  I was thinking these people are complete idiots... I have to try it.

That was last August.  I started running in November finally.  Did the half-mary in May and plan on Aug 8 as my first sprint (come on swimmingCry).

Trevor, I'm the same...I want it all now.  Holding back is really tough on me.  The reason this tri stuff will be a slow progression for me is my family will control my schedule. 
On the other hand, from my personal experience, if I can honestly ask myself if I am ready, or when I strongly consider that next step, in any endeavor, and that though hangs around more than half a day, then I am ready.

Hey Reuben

Attitude shift......BRING ON THE SWIMMING!  You have gotten so much better and the more time you spend the better you will get.   As someone who has spent 2 YEARS, not months trying to improve you are on a really good track.  Keep going.
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