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2007-06-11 8:10 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hee, hee, I never had them to begin with!

Ok, here is the deal. We did a 38-mile ride on Saturday (hilly) and my sit bones are very sore. I am currently using a Selle Italia Lady Gel Flow roady bike seat. Eric bought a Fizik Vitesse seat for me as a Christmas present (man is that thing narrow and no cutout). Several cyclists we know swear by the Fizik seats because of the flex.

Those of you that have ridden centuries and long rides--what kind of saddle do you have on your bike? I know T.I.T.S. definitely counts but I should be more comfortable than I am at this point. The engine was ready to keep going Saturday however, the butt doth protest!

Any suggestions?

2007-06-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I have a Terry Butterfly seat with the cut out. It was a huge improvement over my Fizik seat from 2 years ago... but even last year, it wasn't that comfortable.

Went in and got refit. (the 3rd time... 3 different people fit me) and now I could ride my bike for days on end. Sure, there's a bit of discomfort, but nothing more than the minimum of what might be expected from sitting on a very small seat for a very long time. Seat got moved down. Handlebars moved down. I think the ratio stayed the same, everything just got lower.

If you haven't been fit on your bike, I'd encourage you to go get fit right away. If you HAVE been fit, try moving the seat down a smidgeon. Not too much. But just enough to relieve some of the pressure.

When you say butt, do you mean the actual butt or the girl parts? I'm assuming you mean butt is this correct?

If chafing is an issue, use some of that butt butter/butt paste/Assos cream. I never wanted to use it because I was leery of the squishy feeling in my shorts... but I tell you, it works. It does feel a little squishy, but the benefits outweigh the squish factor.  Tongue out

2007-06-12 10:59 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Oh yeah, I mean the butt--the sit bones, nothing else.

Eric commented that my hips were rocking a little bit so your suggestion (and his) to lower the seat a smidge might solve the problem. Note of caution, I am all over the seat and the handlebars when I ride. Maybe in an effort to get comfortable?

The bike was built for me and fitted after the build. I did switch out seat posts and maybe it might have been a little off after the switch. I will let you know how it works. Which Fizik saddle did you use?

Are you and coredump doing the HHH this weekend? You're gonna love those hills. We may drive out on Saturday schedule permitting.
2007-06-18 1:42 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Grandma's Marathon race report is up. By the way, the last 3 miles of a marathon are a bear!
2007-06-22 12:56 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

hello all - the negligent team member returns.....

I have big girl bike peddles and shoes now!   and a banged up knee and left side booty bruises to show how dorkie I am!

i have been tgaking my class with the olympian - he says things like "not bad.....  I mean not TOO bad" in an eastern european accent. and then tells me helpful things about my left elbow and  following thru.......

I still run like a fat old lady

My only race of the year might be the race in the UP Michigan.   My sister., Houton-tri-mamma AKA Cathleen and I are doing it.  she is gunning to beat me and may well do so - good for her.     but don't tell her that.

2007-06-22 10:11 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

We won't say a word... what happens in the thread, stays in the thread. It's like Las Vegas. Kiss

So! How is everyone doing???

BAMBAM and I are racing this weekend in Naperville... the Subaru women's sprint series. Should be loads of fun. I look forward to meeting you, Beth...

Here's a photo from last weekend... the HHH's.... Holy Moly... what a bike ride. If you feel like punishing yourself.... I highly recommend this. If you've been a bad bad triathlete. You can pay penance by riding your bike straight up hill all day long! Hooray! Wink

I had the pleasure of meeting up with pigfinn and rrt and tribadger! Here are some pictures... they are posted in my log... but not everyone goes to my log... so say hello to your fellow Posse Peeps:


Me, pigfinn, rrt, and tribadger Smile

Hopefully I will have a photo of me and Beth for next week's thread entry!

So, everyone, CATCH ME UP! What's been going on with all y'all (as if I were from the SOUTH or something....)

Todd had a marathon... NICE! Give me the rest of the details, people! How is your season progressing so far and how do you feel???

2007-06-22 8:00 PM
in reply to: #855744

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey, Whizzz,
You are a hottie!!! YOu are in great shape - this is my goal - to look like you!
2007-06-25 7:34 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

So, we got Beth through her first "real" triathlon...She did great, by the way... better than she thought on the swim, a nice bike split, and a very respectable run. Laughing

BETH: Anything you'd like to share with the rest of us in regard to your experience?

  • Do's?
  • Don'ts?
  • What worked
  • What didn't?
  • What did you think would be a good idea and wasn't?
  • Your general feelings about the whole entire schmear.
Fill us in! It's not very often we get to see the whole thing again through the eyes of a first timer. Are you wearing your medal today!??!?! Kiss

2007-06-25 8:05 AM
in reply to: #858232

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-06-25 7:34 AM

So, we got Beth through her first "real" triathlon...She did great, by the way... better than she thought on the swim, a nice bike split, and a very respectable run. Laughing

BETH: Anything you'd like to share with the rest of us in regard to your experience?

  • Do's?  Enjoy the day!!! Make sure you get to the race early enough to soak in all the atmosphere.  This was something that I wish I had done better.  Getting there at 6 made me feel rushed.
  • Don'ts? Second guess your training!  All the way up to the day of the race I knew that I was fully capable of doing this in under 2 hours.  As I stood and watched the elite athletes go off I started to second guess myself.  When I did that I forgot what I had been saying to myself all week--plan your race and race your plan!!!
  • What worked Still not sure what actually worked.  I'll know more after my next race--in August!
  • What didn't? I need to spend less time in T1.  Thought it would be better if I spent a little extra time rinsing off my feet before the bike.  In hindsight I should have just wiped off with a towel not spent time rinsing off with water too. 
  • What did you think would be a good idea and wasn't? See above about T1. 
  • Your general feelings about the whole entire schmear. I had a really good time!  I'm so glad that I picked an all-female race for my first!  The atmosphere at the end was chaotic.  There were so many people!  I'm glad that Whizzz and startingtotri were there!  I think I would have felt lost if I hadn't been able to see a familiar face.  When we first talked about doing this race my boys weren't going to go and I told them that it was their choice.  I didn't think that it would make a difference to me.  McFuzz has been a great motivator and husband.  He has kept me going!  I knew that he would be there when I finished!  What I hadn't expected was the feeling of pride I would have when my Austin joined me at the end of the run telling me that I better not let my son beat me.  As he ran with me his twin brother, Trevor, joined and they ran with me across the finish line.  I think they dragged me because I had nothing left when they took off on a full sprint!!! I was OK with the swim and the bike and felt like the run was a disaster.  I remember thinkning at about the 1 mile mark that I was NEVER going to do this again.  I was tired and didn't want to do anymore.  That lasted about 1 mile then I realized that I was almost to the end!!  I know what I need to work on now for my race in August (bike without sox, spend less time in T1) and I have told my family that I want to do this one again next year.  
Fill us in! It's not very often we get to see the whole thing again through the eyes of a first timer. Are you wearing your medal today!??!?! Kiss

2007-06-25 12:37 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Again, well done Beth (and you too Whizzzzz). I love the part about your boys motivating you through the final part of the run. My sister did that for me during the last mile of my marathon and it was amazing how all the muscle cramps and aching joints seemed to subside for just a brief moment. Sounds like you have an OUTSTANDING support team.

Whizzzz - maybe you should aim to pick up the pace a little on the bike. I agree with tupuppy that the only time I don't get passed is when I start last.
2007-06-25 4:28 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Whizzz thought it would be a good idea for me to post these here as well in order to keep me honest!!!  

Training Goals


  • To the pool at least  2x week
  • ABS Challenge of 2x week
  • Longer bike rides (1 hour per week uninterrupted by city nuisances)

Race Goals

  • Firecracker 07/04  5K > 35 min  Did not get signed up in time and didn't want to pay the late fee.  The race fee will go into my bike fund!!!
  • Elmwood Tri  08/11 1hr.45 min.

Health Goals

     Working out does NOT give me the right to eat junk food


  • calories burned are greater than caloric intake
  • I commit to workout the next day too!!!


    My weight will fall off!!!

  • I will eat something for breakfast each day!!
  • I will not munch while studying
  • I will drink more water and less pop
  • I will weigh in officially once a week.
  • GOAL: 118 by Thanksgiving!!!

School Goals
  •  ETE 360 Teaching Reading in the Content Field  A

I also set some monetary goals in my race report thread.  These are posted as well.

McFuzz and I just had lunch and went over the race again!!! I think I'm starting to obsess over it.  The bike at the LBS is a Felt and runs about $700 + gadgets.  We talked about how to get it and came up with a game plan. 

Every time I decide to NOT eat on campus ($5 each time) but go home and fix a sandwich or something I can put the money saved from that into a bike jar.  Every time my friends want to go out after APO for dinner and drinks  and I don't go ($15) I can put the money I would have spent in the bike jar.  Betweent his and saving all my change (which I already do) I should be able to afford a bike as a Christmas present to me.   APO meetings are every Wednesday and I was eating lunch on campus 3-4 times a week.  Mathematically, 5*3=15/week=60/month (lunch) and 15*4=60/month (APO).  This would start in September but for now I can opt to stay home instead of going out for lunch.  I can choose to NOT have popcorn at the concert in the park along with a pop (that would help my new health goals) that would save me about $3 per week.  I haven't included the times that I opt to get a drink at home instead of going to the student center for a fountain drink ($1.5). 

Edited by BAMBAM66 2007-07-02 7:20 AM

2007-07-01 11:20 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

sounds good, bambam.


here are mine, newly minted for July

2007 - leaner, faster, happier


Axsis any color but pink shoes, Specialized Roubaix Elite bike - now with big girl peddles and shoes, swim cap, promotion sleeveless wet suit, tri shorts, bras called "wired and ready for action", and an iron, I mean, tin, or rather, bamboo will to compete and win, I mean finish. I like bamboo - it is a grass, so it is flexible and renewable.

Short term goals

Newly updated....... just for July! 

New short term goal:   Get 500 minute weeks - all the cool kids are doing it!  

Copperman Tri Aug 4, 2007 (longer than a sprint, shorter than an oly, Whizzz calls it a SprOly)

Eat breakfast and take a walk every work day morning, or my short bike ride, or swim, or somthing.   which actually means get up earlier....   which actually means going to bed before 10 EVERY night, cause if I don't on one night, the week's pattern is set....   Tuesday affects Friday.....

Go to gym 120 times this year to get rebate from health insurance company (logged as gymnastics in seconds)

Long term goals

Get back to Fall Chill, 2004 condition

To not quit training after Aug 4. 

Do more Core Work

Create Maintain better balance with work and personal life.

To have my long term goals be longer and more profound than my short term goals.....

2007-07-02 6:57 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Good Goals Beth and Mary! Anyone else want to jump in now that we are officially 6 months into this thing?? Laughing

One thing to remember when constructing your goals... and working hard to reach them... Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T.

S: SPECIFIC --- Don't just say "train more" be specific in what you are going to do, so it's easy for you to know if you're doing it or not!

M: MEASURABLE --- Quantify it. HOW are you going to measure whether or not you reached your goal? Is it a time goal? Or is it something like "Keep elbows high during swim?" Either way, it's pretty easy to measure.

A: ATTAINABLE --- Be sure you're not running yourself into the ground and beating yourself up over a goal that is simply not realistic AT THIS JUNCTURE. Nothing is impossible, but if you've yet to try a sprint, save "KONA" for a little later in the goal process.

R: RESULTS ORIENTED --- Does the goal fit in with everything else you are trying to accomplish, or will achieving it throw the rest of your goals (and life) out of whack?

T: TIME --- Is your goal time bound? How will you know if you have or have not reached your goal in your specified time frame? How will you monitor your progress along the way?    

SMART goals provide focus and define exactly what the “future state” looks like and how it will be measured.  Often, SMART goals are the “big, hairy audacious, critical-few” goals that need to be worked on (The Most Important Ones!).   Goals should focus on the greatest areas in need of improvement.  In other words...  If all you did was spend time on the identified SMART goals, the time would be well-spent.

Ha! I knew I'd be able to use that Learning & Development stuff eventually. Smile

I am not suggesting that you go back and redo your goals or change anything. Just use the SMART format as a guideline and most importantly, have fun and celebrate yourself when you attain one of your goals! Let us all know!

Happy Monday!

2007-07-03 3:35 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Here are my goals for this season:

Race Goals 


  • Finish Philadelphia Women's Tri & North East Triathlon
  • Improve time on The Nation's Tri
  • Finish the Army 10-Miler in 1:45
  • Finish the MCM in 4:30

Maintain proper fluid and electrolyte balance

  • Drink water throughout the day in 8 oz servings
  • Drink Heed during all workouts
  • Take Endurolytes before and during workouts over 1 hour
  • Drink Gatorade x2 at work on days I commute by bike

Eat to train

  • Pack food for work 6 of 7 days
  • Eat fruit or vegetable with every meal/snack at home
  • Lose no more than ½ lb a week
  • Enjoy meals at church and out with friends

Take rest seriously

  • Sleep at least 6 hours a day on work days
  • Sleep 8 hours a day on off days
  • Follow scheduled rest days
  • Ride bus to work on rest days


  • Achieve negative splits on freestyle sets
  • Swim with Master's program 1x week except during taper


  • Long rides completed on routes w/o traffic lights
  • Improve cadence to 80-90 rpm
  • Ride 50% of time in areo on long rides


  • Run by HR for training runs
  • Run with HHH on Wendesday's off work for fun (may be replaced by group run with tri club)


  • Stretch after each swim workout
  • Stretch before bed


  • 2 core workouts a week


  • Start training for PUs & SUs in August


2007-07-07 11:20 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hi Everybody!
I am doing my first triathlon next weekend - I can't remember if it is Saturday or Sunday - I think I am blocking it out!! Any advice much appreciated, especially about the bike!
2007-07-07 10:53 PM
in reply to: #875594

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

General advice: Enjoy the experience. Take it all in. Smile for the cameras!

Bike advice: Ride like the wind!

2007-07-08 8:21 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!


 Don't forget  to smile for the camera at the end!!! If you have to pretend that you are the first finisher across the finish line.  As you finish each leg remind yourself that you are 1/3rd done, 2/3rd done, etc.  If you have one area that isn't as strong as the others DON'T set goals that are unrealistic.  For the area that is your absolute strongest, reach for that goal and don't set it too low.  PRACTICE YOUR BRICKS!!!!  Remember your nutrition (gatorade, water, gels, gus, etc.).  PLAN YOUR RACE & RACE YOUR PLAN!!!


Oh yeah---



2007-07-08 1:28 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi Nancy!

Hmmmmm advice? Words of wisdom? Let me think...

  1. Have faith in your training... from what I can see looking at your totals, you are pretty much ready to race this thing. Laughing You've done the training, now just go out there and execute!
  2. Try to have fun! Talk with other participants, share experiences, talk with the people around your transition area before the race... soak it all in.
  3. Take loads of photos! It's not that often we get to do something totally NEW for the very first time!
  4. Don't set time goals, necessarily... I always advocate setting "process" goals... for example... "I'm going to keep my elbows high and glide while swimming". Or... "I'm going to keep my pedaling cadence or speed @ XX" Then, you can be proud of yourself for reaching those goals, and ultimately, they should produce a faster time on the other end.
  5. Like BAMBAM said... SMILE when you cross the finish line! YAY!!!
  6. Write a race report and tell us all about it!

PS Your race is on SUNDAY, July 15.

Here's the weblink: Pine Bush Triathlon 

2007-07-08 4:21 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Have fun

Thank the volenteers

My race report is up - and though it may not come through, I had fun *grin*



2007-07-09 9:02 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Thanks for the advice, everybody. I am wearing my tri-shorts for the first time and wondering - why??? They are so uncomfortable and tight, pushing my fat up over the top band. Also, delicate question, do you shave the "bike seat" area? I have issues with this area getting uncomfortable because of not shaving too much, just my bikini line, and was wondering if shaving is the answer??
2007-07-09 9:30 AM
in reply to: #876997

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I'd wonder why too. If they're that uncomfortable, they don't fit - either because of cut or sizing. What have you been training in and can you adapt that to wear in your race?

I suggest some type of lube for the comfort factor.  I use Chamois Butt'r, but KY works if that's all you can find at this point.

2007-07-09 8:48 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

You can shave that whole entire area, but at this stage of the game, I'd leave it be and use chamois butter like Laura said... or even Bodyglide works in a pinch. Put it all over the chamois area of the bike shorts, and then all over yourself. Your inner thighs, the areas that typically have been getting chafed.

Maybe take your tri shorts for a short bike ride... see if they are that uncomfortable on the bike... if they are unbearable, you might want to skip the padded shorts all together and just go with some lycra running shorts if you have them... you can swim/bike/run in those too, without a problem... you will have to forgo the pad... though.

What are you wearing on top? What kind of shorts are these? Description? Did you order them? Can you return/exchange them in time for the race??

2007-07-10 5:47 AM
in reply to: #878268

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
The shorts are the pearl tri shorts. I am wearing a regular lycra top with a running bra. That is comfortable, although I haven't tried it under the wetsuit yet. The shorts are an XL, I am just still too fat for them. They push my waist fat up. I rode in them last night, and they are not as bad as they were at first, but I don't know if I will wear them or not. Thanks for the advice!

Also, I got on a road bike yesterday - a Specialized Dolce and a Trek. Wow!! No wonder I hate biking, using my mountain bike with skinnier tires on it!! I can't swing a new bike right now, but I have a goal in mind. The bike shop was not sold on tri bikes for someone at my ability level - what do you think about that??

2007-07-10 6:51 AM
in reply to: #878512

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

nancylee - 2007-07-10 5:47 AM The shorts are the pearl tri shorts. I am wearing a regular lycra top with a running bra. That is comfortable, although I haven't tried it under the wetsuit yet. The shorts are an XL, I am just still too fat for them. They push my waist fat up. I rode in them last night, and they are not as bad as they were at first, but I don't know if I will wear them or not. Thanks for the advice! Also, I got on a road bike yesterday - a Specialized Dolce and a Trek. Wow!! No wonder I hate biking, using my mountain bike with skinnier tires on it!! I can't swing a new bike right now, but I have a goal in mind. The bike shop was not sold on tri bikes for someone at my ability level - what do you think about that?? Thanks, Nancy

It should be OK under the wetsuit... you aren't going to be wearing it for THAT long, so even if it is a bit wonky (I was reading Bridget Jones... heh) you'll be taking the wetsuit off before too long and your issue will be solved.

In my experience, the Pearl Izumi shorts have run SMALL. I ordered some... I typically wear a MEDIUM in their cycling shorts, etc... the tri shorts came and there was NO WAY I was getting into them. I think they are made out of different material. It's not as stretchy or something.

RE: Road v. tri bike... I agree... at this stage in the game, a road bike (with aerobars if you want) is going to be more versatile and practical while you build up your cycling mileage. It's a bit more comfortable to ride a road bike... it's easier to handle and maneuver, and it's probably less expensive too.

Once you've gotten the miles in, and if you think you want a specific time trial/triathlon bike... THEN take the plunge.

The geometry is different on a tri v. a road bike...and if you're just starting out, a road bike is more practical.   Laughing

2007-07-10 3:37 PM
in reply to: #878557

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Thanks, again, for the benefit of all your experience!
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