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2008-01-13 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I was actualy thinking about that one. I want to get in 2 half mary's and an oly tri if I can work out the whole swim thing. The march one I am thinking of is the Shamrock something in Sacramento.

I hope to do the avenue of the giants in the spring if I can coerce a friend to go, or maybe even if she doesn't go. I know 1 person in all my family and friends that runs, or exercises.

I am really trying to find some decent search engins or lists of endurance events. Many of the places I look have just wrong info on them. I am really suprised how rare half mary and full marithons are in the US. Many states appear to have 1 per year in the entire state. Oh well, training for now and searching the web.

The humbolt one is definately in my top 5 list though for half marys. Maybe we could both hit it 8). I am not completely ruling out a fully mary in the fall/winter if I can build up enough by then.

Edited by Baowolf 2008-01-13 1:32 PM

2008-01-13 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
hey wolf i dont know how close you want to find a race to you but Elite Racing puts on great events . they are so much fun the crowwds are great and they have bands every mile . and after the race they put on a big concert . my first race ever was the rock n roll VA Beach . and i had so much fun there i went 2 weeks later and ran the Philly Distance run (another 1/2) just cause elite racing puts it on too . my son wants to run the va beach this year so im starting to make plans for that . the one i really want to run is the san diego i have tried for the last two years to make it but something always comes up . but the only bad thing there is its only a full . where have you been looking as far as web sites ?
2008-01-13 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1153073

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-01-13 11:31 AM I was actualy thinking about that one. I want to get in 2 half mary's and an oly tri if I can work out the whole swim thing. The march one I am thinking of is the Shamrock something in Sacramento. I hope to do the avenue of the giants in the spring if I can coerce a friend to go, or maybe even if she doesn't go. I know 1 person in all my family and friends that runs, or exercises. I am really trying to find some decent search engins or lists of endurance events. Many of the places I look have just wrong info on them. I am really suprised how rare half mary and full marithons are in the US. Many states appear to have 1 per year in the entire state. Oh well, training for now and searching the web. The humbolt one is definately in my top 5 list though for half marys. Maybe we could both hit it 8). I am not completely ruling out a fully mary in the fall/winter if I can build up enough by then.

Hey Steve.  Check out Race Center.  They are pretty good.

I'll let you know about a couple of others when I get my own computer hooked up.  I have them on my favorites list.

Avenue of the Giants half mary in May is deceivingly difficult.  There are lots of short, steep hills and the road is pretty rough with lots of redwood roots poking through the road.  It is also very crowded so you need to start at the front of the pack so you don't get caught behind walkers.  (I made that mistake and payed dearly.)

Humboldt Redwoods half mary in October is flat and fast.  I liked it.  It also brings some crazy fast people that are competing for prize money.

I have done both races.  I am going to do Avenue of the Giants again this year.  I may make Humboldt Redwoods a marathon attempt this year.  (I'll definitely do the half mary!)

2008-01-13 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1153231

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-01-13 2:13 PM hey wolf i dont know how close you want to find a race to you but Elite Racing puts on great events . they are so much fun the crowwds are great and they have bands every mile . and after the race they put on a big concert . my first race ever was the rock n roll VA Beach . and i had so much fun there i went 2 weeks later and ran the Philly Distance run (another 1/2) just cause elite racing puts it on too . my son wants to run the va beach this year so im starting to make plans for that . the one i really want to run is the san diego i have tried for the last two years to make it but something always comes up . but the only bad thing there is its only a full . where have you been looking as far as web sites ?

I've also been wanting to do the San Diego race.  It does fall at a bad time of year.  I've been trying to do it for several years.  I've heard that it is a blast!

2008-01-13 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

What does everyone have on tap for the week?  I am beginning Half Ironman Training!  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  Who else is going to be starting a strict training plan soon?

Let's discuss swim training and racing this week.  I'm sure our resident expert swimmer, Sarah, will be able to help us all out in this department.  Shoot out your swimming questions!!!!  Cheers to everyone!!!!

2008-01-13 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
My training is just run and bike for now, 30-35 miles run and 90 to 100 miles biked per week. Pretty much an every other day thing, with one long one mid and one lite workout on each with one brick, so I can have a rest day and get in a 4th lite run day.

Am at 60 ish run 170 ish biked for the year.

Oh and throw out some wetsuit name brands yall like, is my next purchase, I need to start researching them, outboard moter options welcom.

Edited by Baowolf 2008-01-13 11:07 PM

2008-01-14 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i looked at wetsuits for for sometime and a couple months ago i bought a Quintana Roo . i really like it . i have used it a few times down at the beach just to get some time in it . i went over to miami to the tri village store so i could try some on . i seemed to always fall in the middle of sizes when looking at them on web sites but the QR fits true to size . another was i didnt know should i go with a full or not . i talked to as many people i could to find out the pro and cons . i ended up with a full and i am glad i did my big thing was i didnt want to feel all tied up but the suit moves real good through the shoulders. plus my florida butt dont deal real good with the cold so if they say its legel to wear i am going full suit .
2008-01-14 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

My weeks are pretty much all the same:

  • Swim: Monday and Thursday
  • Run: Tuesday and Friday
  • Bike: Wednesday and Saturday

I did 2000m this morning, 1200m straight, and then some shorter sets. I have my first triathlon this year in April, so I'll start doing shorter, faster sets soon. I bought a used wetsuit a few months back and finally tried it on last night. It wasn't as hard to get into as I was expecting, so I hope that doesn't mean that it's too big. How tight does it need to be around the neck to keep it from filling up with water? A wetsuit will be a must for my first tri.

2008-01-14 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi everyone,

I just got into Portland late last night, and haven't had a chance to check the board for a few days. So, I'm trying to catch up now. I had a great 13 mile run in Hood River on Saturday. (For any of you familiar with the area, my husband and I ran the old highway from Hood River then into Mosier and back) There were some pretty good hills, and I'm still a little sore. I rarely get sore from running anymore, but those long uphills sure got me. One of the things I planned to do while in Hood River was try on ProMotion wetsuits (since they are located in Hood River), but we didn't get to the store until 4:15 on Saturday, and the sign on the door told us their Winter hours were closed at 4:00 on Saturday and all day Sunday Oh well, I guess I'll have to find some while I'm here in Portland.

2008-01-14 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1148459

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-01-10 1:23 PM Mac, cyclops fluid 2 trainer for the win. You can read reviews if you want but everyone on the boards pretty much has that one. $150 delivered and you need a speedo hooked up to your rear wheel.

This is the one I use too. I like it, but I haven't used any others so I don't have any comparison. It's pretty easy to set up though and works well. It makes me work alot harder than when I'm out on the road, I like to coast

2008-01-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1150213

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-01-11 9:39 AM

Baowolf - 2008-01-11 11:28 AM Ok spill what bike did you get, road or tri, brand, etc., don't be coy.

Well, it's in my log for yesterday, with pictures:

The frame is a 2005 Specialized Allez Comp and the components are all Ultegra, with a Ritchey stem, Sala Poco bars, and a Terry Falcon X saddle. The wheels are Cane Creek Volos with Specialized Mondo Pro tires. I need to mount the bottle cages and Garmin cadence senor. I'll add the aero bars later, after I'm used to how she handles.

I had them weigh it and it tips the scales at a little more than 18lbs, about 4 pounds lighter than the Specialized Sequoia I've been riding. Oh boy!

I'm jealous! And, happy for you all at the same time A road bike is on my wish list (any ideas on a cheap way to get one?) I'm still riding my hybrid Trek, and I know it's killing my bike times. I can't afford to get a road bike just yet, so I'm thinking about  getting slicks and peg pedals put on the hybrid. Any thoughts on this? I've actually never used pegs before, so I'm a little afraid of getting in and out of them.

2008-01-14 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1152277

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

owl_girl - 2008-01-12 3:28 PM Roni, how is the Chi Running working for you?

I love it! It's going to take some time to really get the form down, but I have already seen an improvement in my perceived exertion and speed. Of course, I'm also at lower elevation and out of the snow now so it will be hard to compare for awhile.

2008-01-14 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Hi everyone! I've been a little MIA from the boards lately, sorry. Thanks for the trainer info -- I am debating whether to get one for home, but am afraid that I won't use it enough. I'll probably stick with hauling my bike to the gym for now.

Expert swimmer -- hah! I'm no expert, but I have learned a lot this past year. I'll try to answer any questions you all have! I've made couple of break throughs recently with my speed. I owe a lot of that to strength training. And I can actually see a muscle when I flex. :-)

On another note, I had my "coach" (actually the gym owner who has been AWESOME helping me get back into shape) take my body fat % and some hip/waist measurements this morning. The upside was that I'm at 173.4 pounds (yay), the downside is that I'm at 37.8% body fat. That was really hard to hear. Hopefully I'll be able to post better numbers in a few months...

Wetsuits -- ProMotion wetsuits are awesome. I'm lucky enough to live close by to the retail store so I got personally fitted for one. It fits great, and they will take in the seams...or let them out...if your body size changes. They are also on the less expensive side, but are top quality.

Roni -- how long are you in PDX for? Or are you still in Hood River? There is a 5-miler on Sunday in Vancouver that I plan on doing.
2008-01-14 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1154447

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
ronislye - 2008-01-14 11:11 AM

I'm jealous! And, happy for you all at the same time A road bike is on my wish list (any ideas on a cheap way to get one?) I'm still riding my hybrid Trek, and I know it's killing my bike times. I can't afford to get a road bike just yet, so I'm thinking about getting slicks and peg pedals put on the hybrid. Any thoughts on this? I've actually never used pegs before, so I'm a little afraid of getting in and out of them.

Anyone trying to race on a hybrid, mtb, etc will benefit from using slicks. I'm not sure how huge a difference it makes, but you will definitely roll easier.

Are you currently riding in bike shoes? If not, consider mtb shoes with or without toe clips. The stiffer soles of bike shoes will also translate into extra speed. Of course, you will also lose some time in transition with having to change into running shoes.

Cheap way to get a road bike? Borrow one from a friend! Craig's list, and possibly Ebay if you know what size you'd need. 

2008-01-14 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1154617

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-01-14 10:05 AM Hi everyone! I've been a little MIA from the boards lately, sorry. Thanks for the trainer info -- I am debating whether to get one for home, but am afraid that I won't use it enough. I'll probably stick with hauling my bike to the gym for now. Expert swimmer -- hah! I'm no expert, but I have learned a lot this past year. I'll try to answer any questions you all have! I've made couple of break throughs recently with my speed. I owe a lot of that to strength training. And I can actually see a muscle when I flex. :-) On another note, I had my "coach" (actually the gym owner who has been AWESOME helping me get back into shape) take my body fat % and some hip/waist measurements this morning. The upside was that I'm at 173.4 pounds (yay), the downside is that I'm at 37.8% body fat. That was really hard to hear. Hopefully I'll be able to post better numbers in a few months... Wetsuits -- ProMotion wetsuits are awesome. I'm lucky enough to live close by to the retail store so I got personally fitted for one. It fits great, and they will take in the seams...or let them out...if your body size changes. They are also on the less expensive side, but are top quality. Roni -- how long are you in PDX for? Or are you still in Hood River? There is a 5-miler on Sunday in Vancouver that I plan on doing.

I'm in PDX until Friday. Hopefully, we'll be able to get out of town early enough Friday to stop in Hood River at ProMotion. I was really looking forward to getting my wetsuit on this trip. Good luck on your run Sunday! I wish I was staying long enough to do it, but we have a long drive back to Montana.

2008-01-14 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Oh, and no worries about the body fat %. A year ago I was at 39% body fat and now I'm at 24% on my way to my goal of 20%. Just keep training and food journaling and it will come off! I have to remind myself of that too, especially the food journaling. (it's sooo hard when traveling!)

2008-01-14 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I have a sleeveless Orca wetsuit.  I get really hot really easy so the sleeveless works perfect for me.  I rented a full wetsuit (Blue Seventy) and used it in a triathlon before I bought this one.  I was just too hot in the full suit.  Orca wetsuits run on the small size.  Add 10 pounds to your current weight and you will find the right size suit.
2008-01-14 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1154236

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-01-14 6:32 AM

My weeks are pretty much all the same:

  • Swim: Monday and Thursday
  • Run: Tuesday and Friday
  • Bike: Wednesday and Saturday

I did 2000m this morning, 1200m straight, and then some shorter sets. I have my first triathlon this year in April, so I'll start doing shorter, faster sets soon. I bought a used wetsuit a few months back and finally tried it on last night. It wasn't as hard to get into as I was expecting, so I hope that doesn't mean that it's too big. How tight does it need to be around the neck to keep it from filling up with water? A wetsuit will be a must for my first tri.

A wet suit is supposed to fill with water....a little.  That is what helps insulate you.  Make sure the neck is comfortably snug.  You don't want to have any gaps that will rub on your neck while swimming.  Smear Bodyglide all around your neck, too.  Take your suit to the pool and do a few hundred yards.  I know it will be hot, but suck it up so you can get a clear picture of what the wetsuit is going to do to your body.  Take note of any drag which might indicate that the suit is too big.  Also, pay attention to behind your knees.  That seems to be a trouble spot for me if a suit is too large.

2008-01-14 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1154617

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-01-14 9:05 AM Hi everyone! I've been a little MIA from the boards lately, sorry. Thanks for the trainer info -- I am debating whether to get one for home, but am afraid that I won't use it enough. I'll probably stick with hauling my bike to the gym for now. Expert swimmer -- hah! I'm no expert, but I have learned a lot this past year. I'll try to answer any questions you all have! I've made couple of break throughs recently with my speed. I owe a lot of that to strength training. And I can actually see a muscle when I flex. :-) On another note, I had my "coach" (actually the gym owner who has been AWESOME helping me get back into shape) take my body fat % and some hip/waist measurements this morning. The upside was that I'm at 173.4 pounds (yay), the downside is that I'm at 37.8% body fat. That was really hard to hear. Hopefully I'll be able to post better numbers in a few months... Wetsuits -- ProMotion wetsuits are awesome. I'm lucky enough to live close by to the retail store so I got personally fitted for one. It fits great, and they will take in the seams...or let them out...if your body size changes. They are also on the less expensive side, but are top quality. Roni -- how long are you in PDX for? Or are you still in Hood River? There is a 5-miler on Sunday in Vancouver that I plan on doing.

What muscle groups have you been focusing on in regards to helping your swim speed?  I want to get faster, too.  I feel like I'm in a holding pattern again.  Ugh!

2008-01-14 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Lifting for swimming... there are 3 main ones that I think help the most:
1) My gym has something called a Vasa Trainer. It's like an incline bench that you lay face-down on, and you use your arms to pull the bench up and down the incline with a swimming motion. You can use just your body weight, or add weights to it. It works mostly my triceps and lats, and this itty-bitty muscle behind my shoulder blades that my boyfriend loves to poke at because it makes me scream.
2) Pull ups. I use a machine that assists me with those -- there is NO WAY I can lift my body weight!
3) Dips. Sometimes I use the machine, once in awhile I try unassisted. That usually doesn't last long. Haha.

I also use the circuit machines, or if I have time some free weights. Typical lifts like bicep curls, tricep thingy behind your head, and butterfly thingy where your arms go out wide(shoulder). I'm super technical, huh.
2008-01-14 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1153813

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I think I made a personal swim break-through. I found after my hand hits the water and cock my cupped-hand (turn it toward my forearm) and then pull, I can pull more water. This not only seems to propel me quicker but seems to keep me higher in the water. I haven't timed myself but it seems quicker. What I used to do was keep my cupped hand straight and in-line with my forearm throughout the stroke; it kinda looked like a question mark.

My workout schedule for the rest of the month is:

Mon., Wed., Friday: swim

Mon., Wed. (optional), Friday: bike

Tues., Thurs., Sat.: Run

Tues., Thurs., Fri. (optional), Sat.: Strength and abdominal work

2008-01-14 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I am Back home now. I had a nice trip

had an amasing run on Sat 5 kms in under 40 mins it felt good  but paid for it Sunday a whole day of recovery

I don't own a wet suit and have no plan to get one any time soon the water at my 1 race is warm water. but if i choice to stay with this  I will need get one  the ocean here is cold.

nice to see every one is in the grove  


2008-01-14 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
today at the pool it hit me the whole hip rotation thing . i had been reading about it and had tried it but could not get it down . but it came to me today well almost alot closer than it ever was . so i was working along with spotting im happy with the improvment . the spotting i had down but found in the open water i was getting a lot of water down the wrong tube i cant wait to hit the beach and try it out
2008-01-14 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
oh hey i forgot i figured out the album thing on here . ok call me slow but it did take me a little time . but i got a few pics on there if ya care to take a look just a couple from some races , my bike ,and a big ol beer glass i won for 3rd place at the 5 miler
2008-01-14 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Bah major fatigue day. I stuggred through a 5 mile run and had a twing in my right knee that I didn't like. It is possible that I have been overdoing things for my fitness level. I guess it is easy back a little and hold time.
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