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2011-07-08 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3586453

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
swbkrun - 2011-07-08 10:12 AM
TrevorC - 2011-07-07 8:19 PM

Hey all.....I'm pulling a "Trevor" - no RR from weekend.

In a nutshell, had a good swim, good bike, and 1st 5k of run. I noticed on the bike that my stomach started tightening, but didn't think too much of it. Once I hit about 5k, i couldn't really pull in calories. As i slowed down my speed, I had figured my HR would drop. But it didn't. I think that I didnt mix my Infinit with enough water and it was too strong....Or at least i think. So I ended up 12 minutes slower than last year, in very similar conditions. It sucks because that was my tune-up race before the big one, and I was going to use it as a practice session.

Been busy. Let someone go at work. Looking at another job possibility. Oh and training. Glad my IMC partner is still with me here.

I'm stating to feel what John was telling me a few months ago. 7 weeks out from the race, and it feels like I have 4000 balls in the air. Lots of juggling.

We actually hit the mid 80's here today. First real long run in 'heat.' I went for a 2 hr run after work. With my 4 bottle fuel belt. I weighed myself when i got home and had lost 6lbs!! I didn't feel dehydrated or anything like that. That blew me away.


Tune up for the big one is right.... Doesn't matter how you did vs. last year.  Different types of training this year going for the "longer/slower" workouts vs. some more higher intensity stuff.  Things didn't go your way, but you learned from your "mistakes."  This was race was probably more valuable than you think.  I wouldn't be concerned!!!

I have to agree with Birdy on this one.

One of the things I learned last year, is if you're stomach is starting to rebel on the bike it's time to slow down and get your HR DOWN so your digestive system can get back on track.  Once you feel better you can go back to your normal plan.  You might have a slower bike split, but so won't be walking the run wishing you could find a bathroom.

I don't know anything about your formula, but I did learn that my SE/Gel concentrate was too concentrated for my gut to handle easily.  I tweaked my SE/Gel formula and am intaking more water and so far, so good.  It's all trial and error and that's what they long rides and races are for....power on!

2011-07-08 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3586696

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-07-08 11:41 AM
badgerintx - 2011-07-07 5:05 PM

Serious Input Question:

I have been approached by the GM of the Gym that I have been a member of for several years to see if I was at all interested in becoming a Spin Class Instructor.  Anybody been through any of this training before?  (Rob??)  They would require me to get a Group Fitness License within the first year (online testing) along with getting my Spin Instructor license at the next workshop (1 night a week for 8 weeks).

They would reimburse me for the class/test fees, if I passed.  Free Gym membership ($60 / mo) as long as I am working and some pay for the classes.  

Seems like a lot of class work up front, trying to figure out if it is worth it in long run?  He would like me to pick up a couple of classes a week in the early AM with a Tri emphasis?  This whole conversation kind of took me by surprise as he just asked if I had a few minutes as I was walking out of the gym, so I didn't have a lot of questions because I hadn't wrapped my head around the whole idea at that time.  Class prep and musicality scare me more than any other part of this offer?      

What says you MG?  


Dino,  it is great that they are willing to pay for your certifications but I would have lots of questions about your contract with the gym and the concerns you mentioned.  I've heard some gyms require crazy class commitments from their instructors, don't pay very well, don't provide music, etc; while others are the complete opposite.  I'd ask about flexibility with working at multiple gyms, is there assistance with music etc, (my spin instructor plays Ironman and pro bike races during class which is great - it would be nice to know if they would pay for that etc) and what are their expectations on your time.  However this is a very nice complement and congratulations. 

Given your crazy schedule with your job, the apartments and the family, I would only do it if it was lucrative financially.  You may get some benefit from it physically, but you probably could do more in less time on your own.

2011-07-08 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3586790

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-07-08 1:21 PM
swbkrun - 2011-07-08 10:12 AM
TrevorC - 2011-07-07 8:19 PM

Hey all.....I'm pulling a "Trevor" - no RR from weekend.

In a nutshell, had a good swim, good bike, and 1st 5k of run. I noticed on the bike that my stomach started tightening, but didn't think too much of it. Once I hit about 5k, i couldn't really pull in calories. As i slowed down my speed, I had figured my HR would drop. But it didn't. I think that I didnt mix my Infinit with enough water and it was too strong....Or at least i think. So I ended up 12 minutes slower than last year, in very similar conditions. It sucks because that was my tune-up race before the big one, and I was going to use it as a practice session.

Been busy. Let someone go at work. Looking at another job possibility. Oh and training. Glad my IMC partner is still with me here.

I'm stating to feel what John was telling me a few months ago. 7 weeks out from the race, and it feels like I have 4000 balls in the air. Lots of juggling.

We actually hit the mid 80's here today. First real long run in 'heat.' I went for a 2 hr run after work. With my 4 bottle fuel belt. I weighed myself when i got home and had lost 6lbs!! I didn't feel dehydrated or anything like that. That blew me away.


Tune up for the big one is right.... Doesn't matter how you did vs. last year.  Different types of training this year going for the "longer/slower" workouts vs. some more higher intensity stuff.  Things didn't go your way, but you learned from your "mistakes."  This was race was probably more valuable than you think.  I wouldn't be concerned!!!

I have to agree with Birdy on this one.

One of the things I learned last year, is if you're stomach is starting to rebel on the bike it's time to slow down and get your HR DOWN so your digestive system can get back on track.  Once you feel better you can go back to your normal plan.  You might have a slower bike split, but so won't be walking the run wishing you could find a bathroom.

I don't know anything about your formula, but I did learn that my SE/Gel concentrate was too concentrated for my gut to handle easily.  I tweaked my SE/Gel formula and am intaking more water and so far, so good.  It's all trial and error and that's what they long rides and races are for....power on!

Having just finished Macca's book" I'm Here to Win," I thought I would add something he brought up. As you know Macca had cramping issues in Kona the first 4 years he raced. That includes 2006 when he had s very detailed nutrition plan made for him by experts. Raleart told him to drinl Coke on the run and it worked. From that Macca theorizes that as you go through the IM your body's ability to digest food decreases  because the blood is needed elsewhere. The more more complex the food you ingest is the harder it will be to actually break it down in these conditions. Therefore you should eat simpler and simpler foods as you go. He starts with solids and Ensure before the race, takes gels on the bike and then switches to Coke and water on the run. It will be interesting to see if anyone does some scientific testing on this in the future.

2011-07-08 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3586822

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-07-08 1:36 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-07-08 1:21 PM
swbkrun - 2011-07-08 10:12 AM
TrevorC - 2011-07-07 8:19 PM

Hey all.....I'm pulling a "Trevor" - no RR from weekend.

In a nutshell, had a good swim, good bike, and 1st 5k of run. I noticed on the bike that my stomach started tightening, but didn't think too much of it. Once I hit about 5k, i couldn't really pull in calories. As i slowed down my speed, I had figured my HR would drop. But it didn't. I think that I didnt mix my Infinit with enough water and it was too strong....Or at least i think. So I ended up 12 minutes slower than last year, in very similar conditions. It sucks because that was my tune-up race before the big one, and I was going to use it as a practice session.

Been busy. Let someone go at work. Looking at another job possibility. Oh and training. Glad my IMC partner is still with me here.

I'm stating to feel what John was telling me a few months ago. 7 weeks out from the race, and it feels like I have 4000 balls in the air. Lots of juggling.

We actually hit the mid 80's here today. First real long run in 'heat.' I went for a 2 hr run after work. With my 4 bottle fuel belt. I weighed myself when i got home and had lost 6lbs!! I didn't feel dehydrated or anything like that. That blew me away.


Tune up for the big one is right.... Doesn't matter how you did vs. last year.  Different types of training this year going for the "longer/slower" workouts vs. some more higher intensity stuff.  Things didn't go your way, but you learned from your "mistakes."  This was race was probably more valuable than you think.  I wouldn't be concerned!!!

I have to agree with Birdy on this one.

One of the things I learned last year, is if you're stomach is starting to rebel on the bike it's time to slow down and get your HR DOWN so your digestive system can get back on track.  Once you feel better you can go back to your normal plan.  You might have a slower bike split, but so won't be walking the run wishing you could find a bathroom.

I don't know anything about your formula, but I did learn that my SE/Gel concentrate was too concentrated for my gut to handle easily.  I tweaked my SE/Gel formula and am intaking more water and so far, so good.  It's all trial and error and that's what they long rides and races are for....power on!

Having just finished Macca's book" I'm Here to Win," I thought I would add something he brought up. As you know Macca had cramping issues in Kona the first 4 years he raced. That includes 2006 when he had s very detailed nutrition plan made for him by experts. Raleart told him to drinl Coke on the run and it worked. From that Macca theorizes that as you go through the IM your body's ability to digest food decreases  because the blood is needed elsewhere. The more more complex the food you ingest is the harder it will be to actually break it down in these conditions. Therefore you should eat simpler and simpler foods as you go. He starts with solids and Ensure before the race, takes gels on the bike and then switches to Coke and water on the run. It will be interesting to see if anyone does some scientific testing on this in the future.


That's interesting and makes sense.  I've met several people that have the same issue and end up falling into that pattern, although I don't think they did it consciously.  My coach says once you make the switch to coke on the run you can't really switch back.  Once you've gotten to the point where you are relying on the simple sugars in coke your body has stopped processing the more complex fuels and the coke gets you from aide station to aide station.  Personally I have started packing the entire kitchen pantry on my long rides (apple slices, peanut butter crackers, trail mix, power bars, gels etc) b/c each time my stomach does different things and I never know what will sound good.  I have learned that if something sounds good it is your body's way of telling you what it needs so eat it!!!!   BTW, beef jerky has become my new best friend. 

2011-07-08 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3586256

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-07-08 9:52 AM
GrapeJuice - 2011-07-08 9:51 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-07 2:12 PM
dalessit - 2011-07-07 2:52 PM
GrapeJuice - 2011-07-07 2:33 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-07-06 3:38 PM It's the BOZO checking in!!!!!  Good grief, someone had to remind me that today was WEDNESDAY (thanks Dineen)!!!!  So..........who's got a little date with some SBR racing fun they want to brag about.  Don't be shy!!

Mossman Sprint Tri on Sunday, I have been MIA from the board and I tried catching up but just quit. I did read the previous 3 pages though. I took all of last week off from training as I just felt drained. I dont know how people train for an ironman as there 1st triathlon because training for an olympic takes a mental toll on me

Good luck, Sam did the half there and I did the Oly a few years ago.  Cold water, hilly bike and run but it was a nice race.

he's racing mossman in connecticut.  not mooseman in new hampshire. 

calf pasture is flat grape!  at least from what i remember of it.

Yea Sam you had me confused for a lil bit there Smile. Thanks for the heads up John, hopefully I can make up ground on the bike and run.

Sorry, was reading a thread on Mooseman over on ST then saw yours so I had it on the brain I guess.

Mooseman took place a month ago.  That would've been very unfortunate.

2011-07-08 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3585843

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-07-07 10:48 PM
DougRob - 2011-07-07 5:40 PM

Here is a picture of the overall winner of the Triangle triathlon from last year. Bear in mind he looked normal before he entered the water. I though he should have been DQ'd for not wearing his bib number!



hmmm....and I thought maybe this was a more advanced case of what George Hincapie has.

That made me LOL for realz.  Whatever George has going on with his leg is nasty!

2011-07-08 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Tracy- so glad you are ok and it was only your van that was damaged.  Sometimes you've got to be thankful for what didn't happen.  Sorry there is still no luck on the job front.  Fingers crossed for you.  Sounds like it's benefitting your training though. 

So glad to hear I'm not the only one bike maintainence averse.  I lost my bike bag with repair kit about 10 yrs ago and have yet to replace it.  I suppose I should get on that.  Also, my gears keep shifting spontaneously.  I know I should bring it in to a lbs but ugh, I hate having to deal with it.

2011-07-08 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3586925

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-07-08 2:40 PM
DougRob - 2011-07-08 1:36 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-07-08 1:21 PM
swbkrun - 2011-07-08 10:12 AM
TrevorC - 2011-07-07 8:19 PM

Hey all.....I'm pulling a "Trevor" - no RR from weekend.

In a nutshell, had a good swim, good bike, and 1st 5k of run. I noticed on the bike that my stomach started tightening, but didn't think too much of it. Once I hit about 5k, i couldn't really pull in calories. As i slowed down my speed, I had figured my HR would drop. But it didn't. I think that I didnt mix my Infinit with enough water and it was too strong....Or at least i think. So I ended up 12 minutes slower than last year, in very similar conditions. It sucks because that was my tune-up race before the big one, and I was going to use it as a practice session.

Been busy. Let someone go at work. Looking at another job possibility. Oh and training. Glad my IMC partner is still with me here.

I'm stating to feel what John was telling me a few months ago. 7 weeks out from the race, and it feels like I have 4000 balls in the air. Lots of juggling.

We actually hit the mid 80's here today. First real long run in 'heat.' I went for a 2 hr run after work. With my 4 bottle fuel belt. I weighed myself when i got home and had lost 6lbs!! I didn't feel dehydrated or anything like that. That blew me away.


Tune up for the big one is right.... Doesn't matter how you did vs. last year.  Different types of training this year going for the "longer/slower" workouts vs. some more higher intensity stuff.  Things didn't go your way, but you learned from your "mistakes."  This was race was probably more valuable than you think.  I wouldn't be concerned!!!

I have to agree with Birdy on this one.

One of the things I learned last year, is if you're stomach is starting to rebel on the bike it's time to slow down and get your HR DOWN so your digestive system can get back on track.  Once you feel better you can go back to your normal plan.  You might have a slower bike split, but so won't be walking the run wishing you could find a bathroom.

I don't know anything about your formula, but I did learn that my SE/Gel concentrate was too concentrated for my gut to handle easily.  I tweaked my SE/Gel formula and am intaking more water and so far, so good.  It's all trial and error and that's what they long rides and races are for....power on!

Having just finished Macca's book" I'm Here to Win," I thought I would add something he brought up. As you know Macca had cramping issues in Kona the first 4 years he raced. That includes 2006 when he had s very detailed nutrition plan made for him by experts. Raleart told him to drinl Coke on the run and it worked. From that Macca theorizes that as you go through the IM your body's ability to digest food decreases  because the blood is needed elsewhere. The more more complex the food you ingest is the harder it will be to actually break it down in these conditions. Therefore you should eat simpler and simpler foods as you go. He starts with solids and Ensure before the race, takes gels on the bike and then switches to Coke and water on the run. It will be interesting to see if anyone does some scientific testing on this in the future.


That's interesting and makes sense.  I've met several people that have the same issue and end up falling into that pattern, although I don't think they did it consciously.  My coach says once you make the switch to coke on the run you can't really switch back.  Once you've gotten to the point where you are relying on the simple sugars in coke your body has stopped processing the more complex fuels and the coke gets you from aide station to aide station.  Personally I have started packing the entire kitchen pantry on my long rides (apple slices, peanut butter crackers, trail mix, power bars, gels etc) b/c each time my stomach does different things and I never know what will sound good.  I have learned that if something sounds good it is your body's way of telling you what it needs so eat it!!!!   BTW, beef jerky has become my new best friend. 

My body keeps saying that about cheeseburgers!  However, I think that's what got me into this mess.

2011-07-08 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

William and kate drove past my building at work this morning prior to our parade.

She =hot

2011-07-08 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3587313

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-07-08 5:35 PM

William and kate drove past my building at work this morning prior to our parade.

She =hot

Are they in charge of Canada again? 

2011-07-08 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3587313

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-07-08 2:35 PM

William and kate drove past my building at work this morning prior to our parade.

She =hot

Just for fun, we can look at 3 pictures of the lovely Princess.  And try to erase the images of the gruesome varicose veins on George's leg.

Hope everyone is having a gorgeous Friday...I know I am!  Only one shower today!!!!  Laughing

2011-07-08 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3587340

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-07-08 3:54 PM
TrevorC - 2011-07-08 5:35 PM

William and kate drove past my building at work this morning prior to our parade.

She =hot

Are they in charge of Canada again? 

She can tell me to do anything.
2011-07-08 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Ok you're right Kate = smoking hot. Best looking royalty I have seen since Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
Had a great Friday. Did some PT training with a client then pick up my grandchildren. I think I more tired today after 3 hours in the pool with the kids than after any of my recent run/swim or bikes.  Life is so tough
On the downside there is something wrong with the bottom bracket on my bike. Bad clicking sound. Went to the LBS and they said couldn't look at it until next Wednesday and don't do any long rides. &(^&*%^%!!!!! They had several of last years models of tri bikes on side but my wife poo pooed an ideas of getting one. Have to wait until I get a few more clients. By the way my business is actually doing reasonably well so maybe by next year at this time I will be able to have my new tri-cycle
2011-07-09 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I came across this article on nutrition and thought I would share. It's written for marathoners, but I'm sure it would apply to cycling as well.  My training is finally getting to the level that I need to take nutrition more seriously.  Didn't enjoy my bonk the other day at all!! LOL  I have a lot to learn. 

On a side note:  I did my first ice bath (10 min) and I am a true believer!  My legs felt great the next day.

Nutrition Article

Trev:  Thanks for the new image to replace those nasty legs.  Yuk.

Go racers, go!!


2011-07-09 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3587913

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

That's a great article, Jayne. Thanks for sharing!! I found some good take-aways in there. Come back and report to us on your trials and errors (or, hopefully, successes) as you try various nutrition strategies. I added fig newtons to my stash of goodies in training for this IM and liked having a bit of real food. I also tried Honey Stinger waffles, which people swear by and love. They are pretty good, but a wee bit too sweet for me -- hard to get the sugary taste out of my mouth.

Julia is out of the water in :35 and change and she's on the bike! Yeah!!!! Go girl!

2011-07-09 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3587947

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
2:54 on Julia's bike!! 19.21mph average. Holy smokes, that's fast!!! Awesome! On to the run!

2011-07-09 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3587973

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-07-09 8:57 AM2:54 on Julia's bike!! 19.21mph average. Holy smokes, that's fast!!! Awesome! On to the run!
She's amazing! Go, Julia!!!
2011-07-09 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3588018

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congratulations, Julia!!! 5:30!!!!




TOTAL SWIM1.2 mi. (35:30)1:52/100m20011
TOTAL BIKE56 mi. (2:54:55)19.21 mph66825
TOTAL RUN13.1 mi. (1:55:02)8:46/mile34815
2011-07-09 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3588089

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-07-09 1:00 PM

Congratulations, Julia!!! 5:30!!!!




TOTAL SWIM1.2 mi. (35:30)1:52/100m20011
TOTAL BIKE56 mi. (2:54:55)19.21 mph66825
TOTAL RUN13.1 mi. (1:55:02)8:46/mile34815


Nice work, impressive.  Thanks for setting the bar so high for all the racers next weekend!!  Foot in mouth

2011-07-09 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3588089

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-07-09 2:00 PM

Congratulations, Julia!!! 5:30!!!!




TOTAL SWIM1.2 mi. (35:30)1:52/100m20011
TOTAL BIKE56 mi. (2:54:55)19.21 mph66825
TOTAL RUN13.1 mi. (1:55:02)8:46/mile34815

X3   That's smokin' fast across the board.  Congrats. Julia!!

2011-07-09 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Great race Julia, not a surprise that you nailed the course today! Congratulations!!

2011-07-09 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3588089

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-07-09 11:00 AM

Congratulations, Julia!!! 5:30!!!!




TOTAL SWIM1.2 mi. (35:30)1:52/100m20011
TOTAL BIKE56 mi. (2:54:55)19.21 mph66825
TOTAL RUN13.1 mi. (1:55:02)8:46/mile34815

Super duper, Congrats, Julia!  My hero(ine)!!!!!!!!!!  Awesome...smokin'!

2011-07-09 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3588243

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Is 5 lbs too much weight to lose on a 5 hr ride?
2011-07-09 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3588089

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-07-09 2:00 PM

Congratulations, Julia!!! 5:30!!!!




TOTAL SWIM1.2 mi. (35:30)1:52/100m20011
TOTAL BIKE56 mi. (2:54:55)19.21 mph66825
TOTAL RUN13.1 mi. (1:55:02)8:46/mile34815

Congrats Julia, that's awesome!

2011-07-09 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Way to Go Julia....
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