BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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of 34
2014-03-05 1:00 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: March Challenge
Jim, interesting picture, brings back memories from Chicago.

1hr run in 30+c again. Had to walk a bit on the way back.

Gabe 3 5:21:44
Mark 4 6:00:00
Joe 4 4:06:13
Matt 3 4:33:26
Jim 2 01:39:00
Mitch 3 03:30:11
Bruno 3 3:15:00

2014-03-05 1:48 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Can I join? I just discovered a new triathlon that I can't pass up this summer. The shortest distance is Olympic so that will be a new one for me. I'm mostly a runner (currently training for the Colfax Marathon in Denver, hoping to go sub-4 for the first time; last year's time was 4:00:42) but have done three sprint-distance tris in the past few years. Last summer was the first time I did one with an open-water swim and it wasn't as hard as I expected. Swimming is not my strong point.

If you'll have me, I'll post a longer bio. I'm not much good on the exercise challenge front this month so far, having been hit by some sort of nasty viral crud that took me out for four days.

ETA: I just saw my profile pic and in full disclosure, the tiny one on the left turns 4 in less than a week. I look mostly the same but plan to sell that jogger in a few weeks. :D

Edited by realrellim 2014-03-05 1:49 AM
2014-03-05 7:51 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by realrellim

Can I join? I just discovered a new triathlon that I can't pass up this summer. The shortest distance is Olympic so that will be a new one for me. I'm mostly a runner (currently training for the Colfax Marathon in Denver, hoping to go sub-4 for the first time; last year's time was 4:00:42) but have done three sprint-distance tris in the past few years. Last summer was the first time I did one with an open-water swim and it wasn't as hard as I expected. Swimming is not my strong point.

If you'll have me, I'll post a longer bio. I'm not much good on the exercise challenge front this month so far, having been hit by some sort of nasty viral crud that took me out for four days.

ETA: I just saw my profile pic and in full disclosure, the tiny one on the left turns 4 in less than a week. I look mostly the same but plan to sell that jogger in a few weeks. :D

realrellim- Welcome, just post your bio and any questions. We are doing a just keep in shape challenge. 1 point per day you do any of the 3 disciplines the tie breaker is time. If you do more than one discipline, it is still only one point per day, but add in the time.
2014-03-05 8:00 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Mitch- I had to quit at 2 Paczki's a third over the course of the day would have had ugly results .

When Joe asked about the ice, I couldn't resist showing what I wake up to every morning. I think its going to be a late thaw, so I may have to go to the inland lakes to swim this spring. Otherwise, I may not hit the water until July.
2014-03-05 8:10 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by realrellim

Can I join? I just discovered a new triathlon that I can't pass up this summer. The shortest distance is Olympic so that will be a new one for me. I'm mostly a runner (currently training for the Colfax Marathon in Denver, hoping to go sub-4 for the first time; last year's time was 4:00:42) but have done three sprint-distance tris in the past few years. Last summer was the first time I did one with an open-water swim and it wasn't as hard as I expected. Swimming is not my strong point.

If you'll have me, I'll post a longer bio. I'm not much good on the exercise challenge front this month so far, having been hit by some sort of nasty viral crud that took me out for four days.

ETA: I just saw my profile pic and in full disclosure, the tiny one on the left turns 4 in less than a week. I look mostly the same but plan to sell that jogger in a few weeks. :D

realrellim- Welcome, just post your bio and any questions. We are doing a just keep in shape challenge. 1 point per day you do any of the 3 disciplines the tie breaker is time. If you do more than one discipline, it is still only one point per day, but add in the time.

I echo Jim's comments. Also, fire away with any questions or things you just want to know more about. There are a lot of experienced folks here that would be happy to share.
2014-03-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JBacarella

Mitch- I had to quit at 2 Paczki's a third over the course of the day would have had ugly results .

I had one (custard) as soon as I got to the car after leaving the bakery yesterday. 1/2 of an apple one upon arriving at home after work. 1 custard filled for desert with a decaf after dinner. 1 rasberry filled for breakfast this morning. I hope there are none left after I get home tonight.

Paczki Challenge
Mitch 3.5
Jim 2.0

2014-03-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: March Challenge
30 minutes on the dreadmill this morning.

Gabe 3 5:21:44
Mark 4 6:00:00
Joe 4 4:06:13
Matt 3 4:33:26
Jim 2 01:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 3 3:15:00
2014-03-05 12:52 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: March Challenge
1 hr on the dreadmill for runch.

Gabe 3 5:21:44
Mark 4 6:00:00
Joe 4 4:06:13
Matt 3 4:33:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 3 3:15:00
2014-03-05 12:56 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by JBacarella

Mitch- I had to quit at 2 Paczki's a third over the course of the day would have had ugly results .

I had one (custard) as soon as I got to the car after leaving the bakery yesterday. 1/2 of an apple one upon arriving at home after work. 1 custard filled for desert with a decaf after dinner. 1 rasberry filled for breakfast this morning. I hope there are none left after I get home tonight.

Paczki Challenge
Mitch 3.5
Jim 2.0

You win the challenge! We have 3 strawberry left, but I fast today. I am hoping they will be gone before tomorrow. Custard is my favorite, strawberry is a close second.
2014-03-05 1:16 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: March Challenge
Thanks Jim and Matt for the Swim Cap advice / wisdom

Ran today for the first time in weeks - felt good. (My IT band was injured a bit in the last Marathon.) 35 min on the treadmill changing the incline often so I don't get bored out of my mind.

Gabe 3 5:21:44
Mark 4 6:00:00
Joe 4 4:06:13
Matt 3 4:33:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 4 3:50:00
2014-03-05 1:59 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

I'm Lisa from Colorado, who mostly defines herself as a runner but has done a few sprint-distance tris. I have two girls: one who turns 4 next week. The other is 9. Usually I'd write that I'm a musicologist who teaches part-time, but enrollment has dropped, my fall class was cancelled, and there weren't enough spring classes to go around. So, I'm seeking some other form of part-time work, probably in academic publishing. Also, this is the year I join the masters age groups.

I've been a runner since 2001, when I decided to see whether the Bolder Boulder 10K's motto "oh yes you can" was true. Turns out it was and that I loved running. I didn't follow a plan back then--just figured I'd started with easy running 'til I needed to stop, walk, and repeat. At the time we lived on top of a good-sized hill (think a mile of climbing on either side) so the BB course seemed easy the first time I ran it. Since then there's been the usual combo of 10ks and half-marys and marathons. I ran my first marathon when my oldest was about 19 months old (Boulder Backroads), my second when my youngest was 2 (Steamboat Springs--oh my that is a hilly course!), my third last year (Colfax) and will run my fourth this year (Colfax again). My favorite distance is the half, mostly because it doesn't take as much training time but still feels worthwhile. My jogging strollers were my best friends for many many years, not least because often my oldest wouldn't nap unless I was pushing her in the jogger. I ran that one into the ground (had bought it used; had more than 1000 miles on it five years later) so I got a "new" used one after child #2 was born. That one has nearly 600 miles on it and the double jogger (also bought used) has 400. Child #1 is too big for the double jogger so it's time to sell it. Sidenote: I'm tiny and my children are likewise, so we were able to use the double jogger long past the usual time frame. Child #1 still mostly fit in it last year, when I was still using it for an occasional school pick-up run rather than driving the car. Also, child #1 managed to break her arm twice when she was 7, so that jogger saw a lot of unexpected use that summer because mama wasn't going to get her miles in otherwise. Child #1 (finally) learned to ride a bike last year, so she can ride along while I push her sister in the jogger this summer, at least for the shorter runs. We try to run to the library and a few other places when the weather cooperates.

I got into triathlons in 2011 in part because a running friend was doing a bunch and I thought, eh, why not? I did two that year, both with pool swims (a combination of being wimpy and also of not having $ in the budget for a wetsuit, the fact that my youngest was a year old, etc). I also did both tris on a hybrid bike. That worked out ok for the second one which was in the Denver 'burbs, but was less than ideal for the first one in the mountains that actually included a pretty good climb.

Last year a bought a road bike (yay!) so obviously, needed to do another tri to try it out. This time I did one with an open-water swim (the same friend talked me into this one because she was doing it), so I rented a wetsuit and basically did my first open-water swim at the tri. That worked out ok. (I'd half-done an OWS a few weeks earlier while we were in the mountains, but I didn't have a wetsuit and mountain lakes are c-o-l-d so I don't think I stayed in for more than 5 minutes, tops.

This year, apparently I'll be buying a wetsuit and putting in a LOT of miles on the bike. I'm a slightly below-average biker because I just haven't had the time to put in the miles, but I'm an above-average runner which makes the end of the triathlon fun. I'm hoping to improve my biking this summer, and really, really hoping I have the time to do it. Fitting the miles in is a struggle with a family who has other plans....

2014-03-05 4:17 PM
in reply to: realrellim

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Gabe 3 5:21:44
Mark 4 6:00:00
Joe 4 4:06:13
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 4 3:50:00
2014-03-05 7:38 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
66' run on the treadmill today. 8 miles @sub MAF. Finally feeling some of the endurance come back. Going to be hard to make a workout tomorrow as I am traveling for work.

Gabe 3 5:21:44
Mark 4 6:00:00
Joe 5 5:12:13
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 4 3:50:00
2014-03-05 10:20 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Hello Lisa from Colorado and welcome to the group!

Today 1hr in the drainer after a crazy long day including TV interviews (talking about the challenges and opportunities of the education system in Guatemala as a member of the private sector). Tomorrow I start the day again very early with another TV interview which is killing my training time

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 4 6:00:00 
Matt 4 5:45:26 
Jim 3 02:39:00 
Mitch 4 04:00:11 
Bruno 4 3:50:00

2014-03-06 1:39 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hi Lisa, welcome, good to see new enthusiastic people!

Did 30min on the bike today just to get a point.

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 4 3:50:00
2014-03-06 2:28 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
5 miles on the treadmill, done. Also added in yesterday's pathetic first-run-back-after-illness track workout.

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 04:00:11
Bruno 4 3:50:00
Lisa 2 1:50:20

2014-03-06 7:48 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by trigabe

>Today 1hr in the drainer after a crazy long day including TV interviews (talking about the challenges and opportunities of the education system in Guatemala as a member of the private sector). Tomorrow I start the day again very early with another TV interview which is killing my training time

Gabe: If you can, post the interviews on FB. My Spanish is rusty, but I would love to see them.
2014-03-06 7:54 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
"Sticking to steady-state cardio

A study published in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal shows that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more fat—abdominal fat in particular—than steady-state cardio routines (e.g., zoning out on the treadmill). Combining cardio and strength training, and switching between upper- and lower-body exercises, is an ideal way to keep your heart rate up and boost your body's fat-burning potential."

I saw this little blurb on the MSN homepage this morning and thought it interesting, especially since all of my time is spent on steady cardio. I gained 10 lbs after my HIM in the fall and it does not want to go away. I am sure that eating too much might be contributing to the problem. Does anyone mix things up or are you like me and almost everything is steady cardio in one of the 3 disciplines?
2014-03-06 8:21 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JBacarella

"Sticking to steady-state cardio

A study published in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal shows that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more fat—abdominal fat in particular—than steady-state cardio routines (e.g., zoning out on the treadmill). Combining cardio and strength training, and switching between upper- and lower-body exercises, is an ideal way to keep your heart rate up and boost your body's fat-burning potential."

I saw this little blurb on the MSN homepage this morning and thought it interesting, especially since all of my time is spent on steady cardio. I gained 10 lbs after my HIM in the fall and it does not want to go away. I am sure that eating too much might be contributing to the problem. Does anyone mix things up or are you like me and almost everything is steady cardio in one of the 3 disciplines?

Define steady state cardio? Swimming I only know one speed - slow - but it doesnt feel slow to me. So I'm actually probably always working hard in the pool. Running and cycling I have lots of zone 2 efforts but have intervals that get the HR up. With my cycling focus I'm seeing an increased difficulty in raising my HR. Running-wise, if I do speed intervals I can always boost things. I do need to start doing some upper body strength exercises though.
2014-03-06 8:25 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: March Challenge
This morning, 6x5' @ FTP on the drainer. Total ride was 70 minutes.

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 4 3:50:00
Lisa 2 1:50:20
2014-03-06 9:34 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by trigabe >Today 1hr in the drainer after a crazy long day including TV interviews (talking about the challenges and opportunities of the education system in Guatemala as a member of the private sector). Tomorrow I start the day again very early with another TV interview which is killing my training time
Gabe: If you can, post the interviews on FB. My Spanish is rusty, but I would love to see them.

Hey Jim, it went on for about 15 minutes so I will see if I can get a copy.  Here is a quote from one of my key messages:

"No se vale que el sindicato de maestros haga manifestaciones exigiendo aumento salarial si no hay un compromiso con la calidad; estamos promoviendo la mediocridad y no la meritocracia"

"It is unacceptable that the Teachers Union conduct demonstrations demanding wage increases without a commitment towards the quality of the education, we are promoting mediocrity and not meritocracy"

2014-03-06 12:08 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: March Challenge

1 hour on the Bike

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 3 02:39:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 5 4:50:00
Lisa 2 1:50:20
2014-03-06 12:38 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: March Challenge
49 minutes on the drainer

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 03:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 5 4:50:00
Lisa 2 1:50:20
2014-03-06 2:58 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
8 miles of speedwork, done.

Joe 5 5:12:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 03:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 5 4:50:00
Lisa 3 3:12:34

Re steady cardio vs high-intensity stuff: I usually do at least one running speedwork session per week. On this marathon training plan, I'm doing two and they're not short workouts either. I see people at the gym who do the super-cool bit of doing some core/strength work, jumping up to run around the track, doing another exercise, etc. I don't do that but I probably should.

I haven't done intervals on the bike (on purpose at least), but it's Colorado so it's not like I'm biking on flat ground. There are always hills. Haven't for swimming because I'm not that good.
2014-03-06 6:38 PM
in reply to: realrellim

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Got in my 52' drainer ride after a 5 am wake up and quick biz trip to Manhattan.

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 03:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 5 4:50:00
Lisa 3 3:12:34

@ Lisa: What marathon plan are you following? I saw you did an 8 mile speed workout today - wow! Longest speed interval work out I did during mary training was 6 x 1600M @ slightly above 10K pace.

@ Jim: I think speed training absolutely has a place in all 3 disciplines. The frequency and duration depend on targeted race distances. I like doing speed running workouts during road racing and marathon training, But they increase the risk of injury greatly. In cycling, there's a huge benefit to interval training at threshold and dipping into VO2 max and you don't need to spend a lot of time there, but wouldn't focus on them if I'm racing long or full course tris. In terms of swimming, I think that's where you get the best bang for your buck. I had a coach tell me that the only way to learn to swim fast is to swim fast, but that also means - swim with good form and not thrashing around. You'd be much better off swimming 10 x 50 yds with good form fast than doing 1 x 500 yds when you break down.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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