BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL Rss Feed  
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2014-02-12 8:53 PM
in reply to: michmich

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Nothing to report today. I was MORE under the weather today so I didn't swim or run as planned. I'm feeling a bit better this evening so I'm hopeful I can get going again tomorrow. Especially since we have some really nice weather just now (13C/55F and sunny). My dinner tonight was not what I would consider clean it was maybe a 50/50 at best but I just didn't feel like making anything so it was the easy route. Breakfast and lunch were pretty good though.

* Special Check In - How is everyone in the southeast U.S.? Bad weather? Our weather channel has been showing video clips from North Carolina and Alabama that look pretty bad.

2014-02-13 5:34 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

we had a pretty heavy snow downpour that turned into a slushy warm-ish rain mess.  so i have no good excuse to work from home today

day 4 of whole 30 and just starting the book now, no hangover, so far so good.  

2014-02-13 4:46 PM
in reply to: #4948507

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Did my first 2-a-day for 2014. I have barely worked out since last December from the pain in my hip and then doctor's orders. I did 35 mins on elliptical (not supposed to run so that is my sub) this morning and then 600 metres in pool this afternoon. I feel the old me coming back :-)
2014-02-14 8:59 AM
in reply to: michmich

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by michmich Did my first 2-a-day for 2014. I have barely worked out since last December from the pain in my hip and then doctor's orders. I did 35 mins on elliptical (not supposed to run so that is my sub) this morning and then 600 metres in pool this afternoon. I feel the old me coming back :-)

nice job!!!

2014-02-14 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4949098

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Thank you!!
2014-02-14 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4949611

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Whole30 Day 14
Had eggs, some leftover ground beef and sautéed spinach for breakfast this morning.

Right now I having Curry Shrimp and Monkfish (aka the poor man's lobster) with baked butternut squash. If I had made this pre-W30 there would be cinnamon and a little honey or sugar. Today had it with Cinnamon, Cardamom, cloves and it tastes EXTREMELY sweet. If I had put sugar/honey on this I would have not been able to eat it sweet. My dessert craving had been replaced with the desire for a glass of cold coconut milk.

16 more days of this but I am thinking I am going to add back grains but keep the artificial stuff/dairy as a no. I feel like I could do this way of eating (with those changes) forever even while training.

2014-02-14 2:34 PM
in reply to: michmich

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by michmich Whole30 Day 14 Had eggs, some leftover ground beef and sautéed spinach for breakfast this morning. Right now I having Curry Shrimp and Monkfish (aka the poor man's lobster) with baked butternut squash. If I had made this pre-W30 there would be cinnamon and a little honey or sugar. Today had it with Cinnamon, Cardamom, cloves and it tastes EXTREMELY sweet. If I had put sugar/honey on this I would have not been able to eat it sweet. My dessert craving had been replaced with the desire for a glass of cold coconut milk. 16 more days of this but I am thinking I am going to add back grains but keep the artificial stuff/dairy as a no. I feel like I could do this way of eating (with those changes) forever even while training.

i'm only 5 days in, but i love the food.

but i miss wine.  and today is rough - treats EVERYWHERE I GO at work.

2014-02-14 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4949617

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Several times this week and last I have felt the urge for alcohol due to not wanting to trip a particular co-worker down some stairs ;-) I had coconut milk instead. Can't say it is the same but I just pretended it was coconut rum in there and called it a day :-)
2014-02-14 5:13 PM
in reply to: michmich

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by michmich

Several times this week and last I have felt the urge for alcohol due to not wanting to trip a particular co-worker down some stairs ;-) I had coconut milk instead. Can't say it is the same but I just pretended it was coconut rum in there and called it a day :-)

I wonder if you put some pineapple juice in there you can pretend it's a pina colada? I'm glad you avoided tripping your co-worker down the stairs.
2014-02-14 5:14 PM
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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
double post

Edited by enders_shadow 2014-02-14 5:15 PM
2014-02-14 5:14 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by michmich Whole30 Day 14 Had eggs, some leftover ground beef and sautéed spinach for breakfast this morning. Right now I having Curry Shrimp and Monkfish (aka the poor man's lobster) with baked butternut squash. If I had made this pre-W30 there would be cinnamon and a little honey or sugar. Today had it with Cinnamon, Cardamom, cloves and it tastes EXTREMELY sweet. If I had put sugar/honey on this I would have not been able to eat it sweet. My dessert craving had been replaced with the desire for a glass of cold coconut milk. 16 more days of this but I am thinking I am going to add back grains but keep the artificial stuff/dairy as a no. I feel like I could do this way of eating (with those changes) forever even while training.

i'm only 5 days in, but i love the food.

but i miss wine.  and today is rough - treats EVERYWHERE I GO at work.

Isn't it funny how fast your tastebuds change? I couldn't believe how sweet fruit started to taste!

Thankfully hubby knows better than to get me chocolate (or roses - I hate roses) for Valentines - and it was a snow day AGAIN for my kids, so I wasn't at work with all the sweets.

2014-02-14 5:17 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Nothing to report today. I was MORE under the weather today so I didn't swim or run as planned. I'm feeling a bit better this evening so I'm hopeful I can get going again tomorrow. Especially since we have some really nice weather just now (13C/55F and sunny). My dinner tonight was not what I would consider clean it was maybe a 50/50 at best but I just didn't feel like making anything so it was the easy route. Breakfast and lunch were pretty good though.

* Special Check In - How is everyone in the southeast U.S.? Bad weather? Our weather channel has been showing video clips from North Carolina and Alabama that look pretty bad.

Hope you're feeling better!

Here in VA we got a good bit of snow & freezing rain. No serious damage, we didn't lose power or trees, and my husband and daughter were able to fly out this morning - which was what I was really worried about. She's playing in a tournament in Kansas this weekend and would have been so disappointed to be snowed in.
2014-02-14 11:26 PM
in reply to: michmich

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by michmich

Did my first 2-a-day for 2014. I have barely worked out since last December from the pain in my hip and then doctor's orders. I did 35 mins on elliptical (not supposed to run so that is my sub) this morning and then 600 metres in pool this afternoon. I feel the old me coming back :-)

Glad you're feeling like your old self again. I love it when I have a good workout day.
2014-02-15 12:02 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Originally posted by wenceslasz

Nothing to report today. I was MORE under the weather today so I didn't swim or run as planned. I'm feeling a bit better this evening so I'm hopeful I can get going again tomorrow. Especially since we have some really nice weather just now (13C/55F and sunny). My dinner tonight was not what I would consider clean it was maybe a 50/50 at best but I just didn't feel like making anything so it was the easy route. Breakfast and lunch were pretty good though.

* Special Check In - How is everyone in the southeast U.S.? Bad weather? Our weather channel has been showing video clips from North Carolina and Alabama that look pretty bad.

Hope you're feeling better!

Here in VA we got a good bit of snow & freezing rain. No serious damage, we didn't lose power or trees, and my husband and daughter were able to fly out this morning - which was what I was really worried about. She's playing in a tournament in Kansas this weekend and would have been so disappointed to be snowed in.

Glad you and Marilyn weren't to bad off given the weather conditions. Although, snow and freezing rain are never a good combination.

I'm feeling pretty good through the day then I'm worse through the night but worse being not too bad, just a nuisance. I was able to swim this morning and run this afternoon (in bright sunshine and about 55F). Crazy but once I warmed up it felt like summer.

All of a sudden I find I've been eating badly yesterday and today plus I've realized I've slackened off in my veggie consumption. I'll have to get myself back under control starting tomorrow. We went out for dinner tonight and I ate too much. Hopefully it won't set me back too much.

2014-02-15 7:36 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

i'm already starting to consider my "diet" after whole 30 is over.

i'm OK with no dairy - i went dairy-free for almost a year just because (except for the occasional pizza or milkshake with friends).
i'm OK with no legumes - i really don't MISS beans or peanuts or soy right now and could easily avoid them.
i'm OK with no added/processed sugars - but i feel like i will add honey back in.

grains/gluten is the hardest to restrict going forward - i like the occasional pasta dish or wrap.  i really like rice.  this is the one thing i want to test in the proper "reintroduction" protocol - if there are no effects i will probably continue with low amounts of grains/gluten.

as for alcohol - i have quit it for extended periods of time in the past, i plan to try to get pregnant in the next year-ish, so i am ok with quitting it.  or limiting myself to a single drink in social situations only (while not pregnant, of course).  i KNOW how much better i feel and perform athletically without it - it is REALLY a stress-crutch for me a lot of the time.  which, knowing i have 2 alcoholic parents, should be a big red flag - right?

2014-02-15 4:39 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
I don't know about you all, but I need a RESET and I need it badly. This weekend has gone off the rails - sweets, pizza, fast food, and donuts. (And the beer I'm drinking now while I cook mac & cheese...yeah, it's been that kind of weekend.)

Tomorrow I need to get back to business in a serious way. I'm a month away from my marathon, and after that it only gets tougher. I plan on checking in with my food more often. Anyone else who wants to reset with me???

2014-02-15 4:39 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
And yes, George - I need VEGGIES! I have been terrible about eating them. Definitely gotta figure into my reset.
2014-02-16 5:52 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

cooking plan today:

butternut squash soup

egg muffins (easier breakfast)


re-do the italian chili and spaghetti squash i made last week - so easy, so good!

2014-02-16 7:55 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by mehaner


butternut squash soup



everyone go make this today:

2014-02-16 7:49 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
That looks good! I bought some butternut squash today. Definitely putting that on my list.

Had a good day today (mostly) - daughter and I did order Chinese tonight, but I got soup instead of an egg roll and I only ate half the portion of the stirfry and the rice - will eat the rest tomorrow.

I've started logging my food again in MFP. It's a pain in the backside, but I really do think it keeps me more focused.
2014-02-17 6:57 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by enders_shadow That looks good! I bought some butternut squash today. Definitely putting that on my list. Had a good day today (mostly) - daughter and I did order Chinese tonight, but I got soup instead of an egg roll and I only ate half the portion of the stirfry and the rice - will eat the rest tomorrow. I've started logging my food again in MFP. It's a pain in the backside, but I really do think it keeps me more focused.

I am loving the strict rules of Whole 30, it makes it almost easier for me to eat well, cause I'm not on this sliding scale of "oh i eat clean enough, a cookie is OK!" etc.  i'm 10 for 10 all last week and feeling pretty decent going into this week.  got kind of sick after my long run yesterday so feeling a little run down, but food-wise, i am ok.

and as much as i hate logging, it DOES help.  how obnoxious.  :-P

2014-02-17 10:27 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Hi everyone.  Looks like the Whole30 folks are doing well !

Marilyn - that butternut squash soup recipe looks good.  I make a similar one from one of the Eat Clean Diet books.  Its so easy and yummy. I have a squash ready for the next batch and still have a couple servings in the freezer to use up.

I did pretty good with the eating this past week, although we got take out pizza last night that was SOOOO good.  My weight today is 139, right where I wanted to be and my 'tight' jeans are now comfortable to wear again.

Today is Family Day, a recognized holiday here.  Taking my 2 year old granddaughter to the town festivities this afternoon which include her first time skating, and later a big community bonfire with chili, hot dogs and hot chocolate - I will skip the food, promise .. lol

How is everyone feeling about your food choices, body comp changes etc ?

PS>  although I am doing well with food I am not doing well with running, MUST get back on track with the training!

2014-02-17 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4915315

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Thank you guys for messages above. I am mobile and haven't figured out the quoting thing as yet. Either way thank you :-)

Now some news...I went to the orthopedic doctor today and I was released from my restrictions *happy dance*. He said don't go wild...listen to your body, keep doing the stuff I learned in PT and slowly move into it.

Confession: I walked/jogged a 5k on Saturday against orders but I wasn't missing another race I already paid for.I was Iin pain but I did what was needed and am okay today. Told the doctor this and he was okay with it. He was surprised I lasted this long.

Now I am waiting for work to be OVER so I can go do something XD
2014-02-17 2:45 PM
in reply to: #4950913

Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
How is it going witg food?
Pretty good. I break one W30 rule...well 2...I weigh myself and I track my calories. I only started the weighing of myself last week. I was feeling extra plump and checked. This led me to start properly measuring my food again vs. "Eyeballing" it. Since last week Monday, still eating W30 foods, I dropped 3lbs.

I started a 100 days challenge with myself. Basically I am going to hit my numbers for next 100 days (96 left) and workout as best as I can. Basically bring it. I need to decide a "prize" other than personal satisfaction as I am better driven that way. Thinking a waterproof ipod to swim with.
2014-02-18 5:23 AM
in reply to: michmich

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Originally posted by michmich How is it going witg food? Pretty good. I break one W30 rule...well 2...I weigh myself and I track my calories. I only started the weighing of myself last week. I was feeling extra plump and checked. This led me to start properly measuring my food again vs. "Eyeballing" it. Since last week Monday, still eating W30 foods, I dropped 3lbs. I started a 100 days challenge with myself. Basically I am going to hit my numbers for next 100 days (96 left) and workout as best as I can. Basically bring it. I need to decide a "prize" other than personal satisfaction as I am better driven that way. Thinking a waterproof ipod to swim with.

how much did your portions really change?  i am using the template right now -- palm size servings of protein, fill plate with veg, etc.  my meals are filling, but i am definitely hungry again by my next meal time.  were you really overeating by a lot or were?  how many days into whole 30 were you when you started measuring?  it takes a while to see results sometimes.

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