BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-12 10:33 AM
in reply to: Kris67

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Challenge update

I am confused on dates.  What day was starting weigh in and then which day for next weigh in? Sat 1/4 or Sun 1/5? We are not counting weight loss since the New Year just since first weigh in day? Also which days do I count workouts for.  Sorry to be so slow I just need to now the dates to include in the report.  I am assuming you want 7 days of workouts.... 

2014-01-12 10:53 AM
in reply to: KOM

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Challenge update

Originally posted by KOM

I am confused on dates.  What day was starting weigh in and then which day for next weigh in? Sat 1/4 or Sun 1/5? We are not counting weight loss since the New Year just since first weigh in day? Also which days do I count workouts for.  Sorry to be so slow I just need to now the dates to include in the report.  I am assuming you want 7 days of workouts.... 


I think he posted Sunday through Saturday for the weight and exercise.  If I am wrong I need to recalculate after my workouts d=today.

2014-01-12 12:25 PM
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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: My swim issues
Scott - You may have fielded this question before but what are your thoughts on master classes?

It seems they are tailored more for short pool races as opposed to open water.

My coaches are very good and they know my goal of wanting to swim a mile non-stop by end of summer for my Oly but I am doing quite a bit of the kickboard, pull bouy and fin drills.

Time is precious and I want to use my workout time more efficiently in 2014. Would I be better off with a monthly one on one training session and swimming 3 times per week working on things by myself?


Edited by JREDFLY 2014-01-12 12:42 PM
2014-01-12 12:41 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: My swim issues
Modest contest start for me this week.

lost .6lbs (0 points) and did 240 minutes of work, so 8 points this week.

Good news is that yesterday's rain washed away the snow here. I was able to get in an 80 minute run this morning. Felt great to run outside after two weeks on the treadmill.
2014-01-12 1:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: My swim issues
On the contest, I (personally) don't think it matters too much whether it is Sun-Sat or Mon-Sun, or Sat-Fri, so long as you are consistent about it (and get the info to James by Monday morning. For me, it is important to have both weekend days as part of the same week as I often trade off one day for the other and my weeks seemed very unbalanced if I happened to have a long Sunday workout one week followed by a long Saturday workout the following week (but it would wind up in the same week). For me, Monday am is reset day. (Also, since we play music on Sunday nights and drink beer, it is good incentive for me to know I have to get on the scale on Monday am!)

Also, don't forget about the 5 point bonus for not gaining any weight. This is an important motivational technique if you don't weigh yourself but once / week. For me, anyway, my big challenge is going overboard now and then (too much now, not enough then) and I find that if I have that little extra incentive not to go there, it helps. So, if your weight loss is 0 or 2.5 lbs, doesn't matter - you get the bonus!

So good to see the sun today. Had a nice run!


Edited by juneapple 2014-01-12 2:00 PM
2014-01-12 1:25 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Newport News
Subject: RE: Challenge update
No weight this week s this week. Training for the week totals 847 minutes all most all swimming. Leaving on Tuesday for LA so next week will have no weight report will get back on the scale in two weeks and hope to start full training program then too.

2014-01-12 4:03 PM
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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Challenge update
Originally posted by tkatzhyman

No weight this week s this week. Training for the week totals 847 minutes all most all swimming. Leaving on Tuesday for LA so next week will have no weight report will get back on the scale in two weeks and hope to start full training program then too.

WOW! 847 that's over 14 hours of workout time for the week that is has to be a new GGG record. Very impressive.

Hey Tsvi, this a big group so if you could you give your number of points along with your time and weight so I don't have to do the calculations for everyone it would be helpful. Thanks! James

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-01-12 4:06 PM
2014-01-12 4:15 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge update

Sorry, double post.

Edited by k9car363 2014-01-12 4:26 PM
2014-01-12 4:16 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge update

The Black Dog, resting in the grass on a cool 67 degree day in sunny Southern California!

Thank you all (Steve, Stu) for slacking during the last challenge so the mug could come here!


IMG_0699.JPG (162KB - 3 downloads)
2014-01-12 4:23 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge update

Lost 0.8 pounds - 8 pts

No gain - 5 pts

498 minutes training - 16.6 pts

Total - 29.6 pts

Wow!  Seems to me, with the numbers Judi and Tsvi are putting up, we are all playing for third place!!!

Edited by k9car363 2014-01-12 4:25 PM
2014-01-12 5:50 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Let's Talk About the Kick, Shall We?

A couple days ago when I responded to a post, I said I would write something up about the kick. I think the kick is fairly important, but probably not for the reasons you think.

Before I really get started, I want to clarify something. When I talk about freestyle here in the BT forums, I am speaking about ‘Triathlon Freestyle.’ If we were talking about ‘Swim Meet Freestyle’ my comments often would be different. I believe that ‘Triathlon Freestyle’ and ‘Swim Meet Freestyle,’ while they appear to be the same and indeed have many similarities, are very different. Perhaps the biggest difference is that swim meet freestyle, with the possible exception of the longer events is about speed; that is the ONLY consideration. While triathlon freestyle is a study in efficiency and endurance.

In a swim meet, a swimmer is competing at a high zone 5 effort, well above VO2 max, using glycogen for energy, creating a tremendous amount of lactate, and he/she will only be able to sustain that great an effort for a couple of minutes – if that long. Oh, and when that swim meet swimmer is done, he/she will have a couple hours of recovery time to recharge glycogen stores before the next 1-2 minute effort. A triathlon swimmer on the other hand, will generally be exerting a zone 3, perhaps low zone 4 effort; using oxygen, fat and a small amount of glycogen for energy and will be able to sustain the effort for a very long period of time. When the triathlon swimmer is done swimming, he/she gets to hop on a bike and ride – maybe upwards of 6-8 hours depending upon the race distance and then will run a LONG ways. NO RECOVERY allowed! It is important to appreciate that distinction as we talk about the kick.

The first thing you need to understand is that you are not looking to get much, if ANY propulsion from your kick.

Even the most elite freestyle swimmers get less than 10% of their forward propulsion from their kick efforts; and that is at what can be considered a sprint distance (100M, 200M). In a triathlon, even at the sprint triathlon distance, you are swimming a considerably longer distance.

In case I wasn’t clear enough - the VAST majority of triathletes gain next to NO propulsion from their leg kick. Accept it and move past it!

Let’s look past the fact that most swimmers get very little propulsion from their kick and examine why it simply is not practical or realistic to attempt to sustain a high kick effort. Remember earlier I talked about the swim meet freestyle swimmer’s exertion level up in zone 5, while the triathlon freestyler’s effort was zone 3-4? The triathlete is conserving energy. Consider what happens however if you decide you want to have a VERY strong kick. You up your kick to an 8-12 beat kick, you look like a little speed boat going across the water. You increase your pace by, let’s be REALLY generous, maybe 1.0 seconds/100 yards. Let’s see, that works out to saving 7.5 seconds in a sprint triathlon, or 42 seconds in a full ironman distance. Unfortunately, your increased kick effort has raised your heart rate and put you into high zone 4 or zone 5 and you will have burned up a great deal of the glycogen stored in your legs. As you know, glycogen is a local energy source, it is stored in the muscle that is using it. You can’t replace glycogen while you are exercising so when it’s gone – it’s gone! You will soon get out of the water, still have over 98% of your race remaining, and already be at a serious energy deficit in your legs.

The vast majority of triathletes gain next to NO propulsion from their leg kick. Accept it and move past it!

So if my kick isn’t to help me move forward, what is it for?

  • Your kick should help drive body rotation, not HINDER it
  • A good kick will help to achieve proper body position by lifting your legs up - thereby increasing pace
  • A good kick creates proper balance in the water
  • A good kick will help eliminate drag
  • Your kick should be EXTREMELY low effort so it minimizes energy expenditure

Most triathletes I have worked with have poor, ineffective kick technique. Working to improve your kick technique will help to increase your speed and lower your swim splits by reducing your drag through the water and improving your overall stoke efficiency.

Most swimmers kick with the proper timing naturally. The key element of good timing is that as your hand enters the water at the beginning of the stroke, the opposite leg kicks. I believe there is entirely too much focus on the speed of the kick – 2, 4, or 6 beat kicking. If you accept the premise that there is very little propulsion to be gained from the kick, then the rate of the kick becomes irrelevant. Kick at the rate that is most comfortable and natural.

Focus on pointing your toes and kicking from the hip. Those are the aspects of the kick that are most likely to be holding you back.

Hope that helps. I go into more detail on my website if you are interested.

Just my humble two cents.

2014-01-12 6:35 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Newport News
Subject: RE: Challenge update
My bad! A dyslexia error should be 487 hours.
2014-01-12 7:07 PM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2014-01-12 7:18 PM
in reply to: juneapple

Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: My swim issues
Originally posted by juneapple

For me, it is important to have both weekend days as part of the same week as I often trade off one day for the other and my weeks seemed very unbalanced if I happened to have a long Sunday workout one week followed by a long Saturday workout the following week (but it would wind up in the same week)....

Also, don't forget about the 5 point bonus for not gaining any weight. ..... So, if your weight loss is 0 or 2.5 lbs, doesn't matter - you get the bonus!

So good to see the sun today. Had a nice run!


Guess I was short changing myself..forgot about the 5 point "no weight gain" bonus. Thanks, Stu.


My corrected point total should be: Workout minutes = 8 pts, no weight gain = 5 pts, total is 13 pts. this week.

2014-01-12 7:51 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: My swim issues

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Scott - You may have fielded this question before but what are your thoughts on master classes?

It seems they are tailored more for short pool races as opposed to open water. My coaches are very good and they know my goal of wanting to swim a mile non-stop by end of summer for my Oly but I am doing quite a bit of the kickboard, pull bouy and fin drills.

Time is precious and I want to use my workout time more efficiently in 2014. Would I be better off with a monthly one on one training session and swimming 3 times per week working on things by myself?


Hi James,

Good questions.

My opinion of masters swimming is that it is good news/bad news.  Assuming a coach that half way knows what he/she is doing (from a technique standpoint), the good news is that the novice swimmer will get good technique instruction and will get a decent introduction to swim training.  For someone who is not self-motivating, a masters program will help achieve somewhat consistent training.  The bad news is that most masters programs are geared towards training for a swim meet, not a triathlon (those of you that are with a masters program specifically training for a triathlon, you are the exception, not the rule).

With masters programs, you typically see a lot of kickboard, pull buoy, and swim fin work/drills.  To put that in perspective, back when I was swimming, we were putting in over 350,000 meters/month and I don't recall that we ever did more than 500 meters of that on a kickboard.  We NEVER EVER, not once, used fins.  We used pull buoys during the couple weeks of technique focus at the beginning of each season.  The belief back then was that if you want to swim fast, you swim lots and lots of laps, and when you got done, you swim some more.  Have training techniques changed in the time since I hung up my swimming speedo?  Undoubtedly, however nobody has EVER been able to counter my arguments.  I hear that kicking on a kickboard builds muscle and increases flexibility.  While that may be true, you can do the same thing, more rapidly, with targeted training in the gym.  Using a kickboard, in my opinion, can create more problems than it solves.  So much of freestyle is timing, and the timing of the kick is crucial to proper body roll. Using a kickboard does NOT help to develop timing or body roll. In fact, it can help to develop bad habits as the kickboard promotes NO body roll.

As to swim fins, artificially increasing your speed through the water with fins alters the catch – a very important aspect of the stroke. Additionally, the artificially increased speed alters the pull and push, again altering important aspects of the stroke. Never mind the argument that fins increase ankle strength and flexibility, as I already said, you can do the same thing in the gym.

Pull buoys and swim paddles have their place, however they are overused by most programs and often are used for the wrong thing.  I hear about how they increase strength.  Perhaps, but you can do the same thing, much more effectively, in the gym.  The greatest value of paddles is they force proper technique, but most coaches/athletes don't use them that way.

Sadly, I think that too many swim coaches today rely on kickboards, swim fins, pull buoys, and drills in place of good technique instruction.  Either they don't know how, they do what they 'have always heard,' or they really don't care.  On top of that, many swim coaches today do NOT fully understand the needs of a triathlete and specifically the differences between swim meet freestyle and triathlon freestyle (see my post of a couple hours ago on the kick).  Or, if they do understand the triathlete's needs, they do not have the time or inclination to properly coach them.

So, while a masters program is better than nothing, I am a fan of getting the 'biggest bang for my buck.'  With that in mind, either a) finding/joining a team specifically geared towards triathlon, coached by someone who FULLY understands the needs of a triathlete, and whose workouts are specifically geared towards triathlon; or b) finding someone that can meet with you on a regular basis to coach stroke technique and make sure your technique is correct, and then create your own workouts.

Plan 'B' is the way I conduct my swim training. 

In your case specifically, as I have said repeatedly, it is VERY, VERY important that your technique is correct!  As a relatively new swimmer, you need someone on deck frequently enough to make sure your swimming with proper technique.  Ideally, that person will be there occasionally near the end of a workout to see your technique when you are fatigued.  How frequently does that need to be?  I don't know where your technique is at today so that is a bit difficult to answer.  Certainly 2-3 times a month, maybe weekly?  That is a question for the coach on deck.

As to your actual workouts (this is exactly what I told Melanie a couple weeks ago), you should start with several weeks of “Extensive Endurance Training,” by which I mean sets of repetitions that, in total, are longer than your planned swim race distance at a steady, comfortable pace with 1:00 rest between intervals. You want the rest period to be sufficiently long that your HR can return to what I term the “base heart rate.” You can determine your base heart rate by taking your pulse at the end of an EASY warm-up. Over time, you will notice your HR returning to the base rate much more rapidly, an indication that your endurance is improving. Most HR monitors don’t work underwater so learning to take your carotid pulse is a handy skill to have. In this phase, switch things up, maybe alternate between [200 easy warm-up, then 10 x 200 with 1:00 rest, followed by 200 cool-down – 2,400 total yards], and then next time maybe [200 easy warm-up, then 10 x 100 with 1:00 rest, followed by easy 200 swim, followed by another 10 x 100 with 1:00 rest, then 200 easy cool-down – 2,600 total yards]. If need be, as you start out you can shorten to less repetitions and add repetitions back in as your fitness improves. During this phase, the primary focus is building endurance and stroke technique. Note there is not a repetition time, rather a rest time. If you fatigue to the point that your technique begins to break down, take a longer rest period. If that does not restore your technique, get out of the water, go home, and try again tomorrow.

I am working on a new article for my blog in which I talk about endurance swim training.  I should have that done in the next week or so and that may help you formulate workouts beyond the next few weeks.

The short answer to your questions is, I think you may be able to do better than masters programs, although masters programs are better than nothing; and if you are self motivating, I think you probably can get a bigger bang for your buck by forming an intelligent training plan on your own.

Hope that answers the questions.  Just my humble two cents.

Edited by k9car363 2014-01-13 9:28 AM
2014-01-12 8:57 PM
in reply to: k9car363

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: My swim issues
Originally posted by k9car363


The short answer to your questions is, I think you may be able to do better than masters programs, although masters programs are better than nothing; and if you are self motivating, I think you probably can get a bigger bang for your buck by forming an intelligent training plan on your own.

Hope that answers the questions.  Just my humble two cents.

Thanks Scott you just saved me from getting up at 5:00 AM tomorrow!

Just kidding - Thank you for your very thorough answer. It will be hard though to stop my master classes because of the friends I have made and I really like my instructors but I know I have to do what is is best for me. As always thanks for your hel[p. James

2014-01-12 9:04 PM
in reply to: 0

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Challenge update
My weekly numbers are:

Weight = 5 pts no weight gain

Work out points = 6 for 180 minutes

total for week = 11 pts

Had car issues earlier in the week and couldn't make it to the pool. At least that is my story and I am sticking with it. Hoping for better numbers next week.

Going to try and get more consistent with my fitness pal.

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-01-12 9:16 PM
2014-01-12 9:15 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: My swim issues

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Thanks Scott you just saved me from getting up at 5:00 AM tomorrow! Just kidding - Thank you for your very thorough answer. It will be hard though to stop my master classes because of the friends I have made and I really like my instructors but I know I have to do what is is best for me. As always thanks for your help.



Maybe if you chat with the coach, you can go off on your own and do your own thing - meaning working on the things YOU need to work on, not what a swim team needs to work on.  Then you would kind of have the best of both worlds - your friends, and technique input, while you are able to get the endurance work you need.

Just a thought.

2014-01-12 9:17 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge update

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Had car issues earlier in the week . . .

I hate when that happens!

2014-01-12 9:19 PM
in reply to: k9car363

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: My swim issues
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Thanks Scott you just saved me from getting up at 5:00 AM tomorrow! Just kidding - Thank you for your very thorough answer. It will be hard though to stop my master classes because of the friends I have made and I really like my instructors but I know I have to do what is is best for me. As always thanks for your help.



Maybe if you chat with the coach, you can go off on your own and do your own thing - meaning working on the things YOU need to work on, not what a swim team needs to work on.  Then you would kind of have the best of both worlds - your friends, and technique input, while you are able to get the endurance work you need.

Just a thought.

Crap, that means I have to get up at 5:00 tomorrow. I better go to bed. Thanks again Scott.
2014-01-12 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4915093

East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED
This has been an emotionally challenging week. My MIL passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday. My hubby and his sister (who lives on Cape Cod) flew down to FL on Wednesday and have been getting my FIL through things. I have been trying to keep everything moving forward at home and help our 2 daughters grieve. I think that without this group and challenge I doubt that I would have gotten any workouts in. I am hoping next week is better but will have to see. FIL my be moving in for a short while....

Workout time: 283 minutes= 9 points
No weight gain= 5 points
I think I lost a 1/2 pound but it is late, I need to be up at 6 and I don't want to change screens to look up what that is worth

Have a not too Manic Monday!!

2014-01-13 4:20 AM
in reply to: KOM

Falls Church
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED
I didn't weigh myself this weekend, so I will use this mornings weight. Gained 2 pounds. 529 minutes training.
2014-01-13 5:59 AM
in reply to: KOM

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED

Originally posted by KOM

This has been an emotionally challenging week. My MIL passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday.

So sorry.  Thoughts and prayers with you and your family.

2014-01-13 6:16 AM
in reply to: KOM

Dublin, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED
Originally posted by KOM

This has been an emotionally challenging week. My MIL passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday. My hubby and his sister (who lives on Cape Cod) flew down to FL on Wednesday and have been getting my FIL through things. I have been trying to keep everything moving forward at home and help our 2 daughters grieve. I think that without this group and challenge I doubt that I would have gotten any workouts in. I am hoping next week is better but will have to see. FIL my be moving in for a short while....

Workout time: 283 minutes= 9 points
No weight gain= 5 points
I think I lost a 1/2 pound but it is late, I need to be up at 6 and I don't want to change screens to look up what that is worth

Have a not too Manic Monday!!

Heartbreaking! Big hugs!
2014-01-13 7:39 AM
in reply to: wsummerhill

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum (all levels welcome)--CLOSED
Contest Points: 330 min training = 11 points. 1 lb weight loss + bonus = 15 points. Total for week 26. Had hoped to do better on the weight loss, but still too many leftover chocolate truffles floating around the office and house (though surprisingly, fewer now than at the beginning of last week... hmmm... wonder how that happened...)

So sorry to hear of your news, Kathy. Thoughts and prayers are with you this week.

Scott, can't wait to read your upcoming post on training for endurance!


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Views: 18744 Posts: 190

2014-04-02 11:34 AM lsousa
date : October 24, 2012
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 3
I didn’t used to like to run slow. You begin to recalibrate your needs and wants and if-only you could jog an easy two miles, three times per week. Running is a gift.
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