BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-03-07 10:08 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
30 min in the pool. I am getting more comfortable with breathing and gaining strength / yet always humbled when men and women twice my age smoke past me.

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 03:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 5:20:00
Lisa 3 3:12:34

2014-03-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
45 minute runch

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 04:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 5:20:00
Lisa 3 3:12:34

Edited by JBacarella 2014-03-07 12:48 PM
2014-03-07 5:59 PM
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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
32' laborious swim. Only reason I made it waste be accountable to the forum.

Big weekend at the homestead as it is my eldest daughter's bat mitzvah - a big deal for us hebrews and a great opportunity to be thankful. Lots of family, friends, food and good times. Have a great weekend all.

Joe 7 6:34:13
Gabe 4 6:22:15
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 04:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 5:20:00
Lisa 3 3:12:34

Edited by JoePetto 2014-03-07 6:00 PM
2014-03-07 10:25 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Yesterday I had to skip my workouts due to a crazy work day. Today I had to cut my run short due to severe ITB pain again.  Just when I though I was ok, it hits me again with a vengeance.  I returned home to do 50 min on the drainer.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Joe 6 6:02:13 
Gabe 5 7:42:58 
Mark 5 6:30:00 
Matt 4 5:45:26 
Jim 5 03:28:00 
Mitch 4 05:10:18 
Bruno 5 4:50:00 
Lisa 3 3:12:34 

2014-03-08 1:50 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
4 miles on the treadmill, done.

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 5 7:42:58
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 03:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 5 4:50:00
Lisa 4 3:53:32

@Joe: the 8 miles was start to finish. It looked like this: 1.5 warm-up, 7 drills + 3 strides (about .6M when done), 2x2M @8:37 pace with 2-min recovery, 1.5 cool down. I'm using RunCoach and pretty happy with it. I say this now, but next week I may not be considering that Tuesday's track workout will cover 10-11 miles when all is said and done. :P I did appreciate the option to recalculate stuff this week after missing four days last week due to whatever viral crud took me out.
2014-03-08 9:49 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

70 min on the drainer

Joe 6 6:02:13 
Gabe 6 8:53:01 
Mark 5 6:30:00 
Matt 4 5:45:26 
Jim 5 03:28:00 
Mitch 4 05:10:18 
Bruno 5 4:50:00 
Lisa 4 3:53:32 

2014-03-08 2:16 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Gabe- ITB pain is sharp and annoying. A PT friend gave me a few stretches to do throughout the week and it's improved over time - Hope yours heals and strengthens!
Joe - awesome to hear about your family celebrating the bat mitzvah: great history, great tradition, wonderful milestone in a family.

I hit the bike (90 min) and swim today (30 min).

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 5 03:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 6:50:00
Lisa 4 3:53:32
2014-03-08 7:50 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
1 hour on the drainer. A little time with The Sufferfest.

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 6 04:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 6:50:00
Lisa 4 3:53:32

Edited by JBacarella 2014-03-08 8:08 PM
2014-03-08 8:07 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Joe- Tell your daughter Mozel Tov for me. What a wonderful event. I hope her special day was perfect for her.

Gabe- Itb band pain is a pain. I can't believe how it lingers.

For us this is the first weekend we had nothing scheduled. It is our 1 week off before HS Spring sports start and nobody can be in the same sport. Our oldest was home for a few days over her Spring Break. It was nice to spend time with her.
2014-03-08 11:07 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
10 miles done. It was a short long run as things go, but this weekend is so crunched for time that I was grateful for it.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Joe 6 6:02:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 6 04:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 6:50:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06
2014-03-09 3:15 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Joe, Mozel Tov for me as well.

Good to see you're all doing something active!
For me - nothing, as I'm battling fever at night, unusual weakness during the day and decided to take it easy without worrying about it too much. Hope it goes away soon.

2014-03-09 4:11 PM
in reply to: markz

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
47' run on Sat, 42' run on Sunday.

Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 4 5:45:26
Jim 6 04:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 6:50:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06
2014-03-09 5:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Sound like an interesting few days by some members. Wishing you all well and get better soon so you can continue training.

For me i had a day off on Friday so a longish ride and then a brick session on Saturday - Joined in my 1st park fun run. Very well run event and enjoyed it and happy with my time of 22:50. Finish 21/244 and 4th in my AG. - Very happy. 1st every running race since I left school 20+ yrs ago.

Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 6 9:04:40
Jim 6 04:28:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 6:50:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06

Edited by Matthews 2014-03-09 10:21 PM
2014-03-10 2:19 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
45 minute runch on the dreadmill

Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 6 9:04:40
Jim 7 05:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 6 6:50:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06
2014-03-10 2:27 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
40 minutes doing laps. Happy Monday

Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 6 9:04:40
Jim 7 05:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06
2014-03-10 5:06 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 6 8:53:01
Mark 5 6:30:00
Matt 7 10:00:40
Jim 7 05:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06

2014-03-10 5:39 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Joe, Mazel Tov as well from me, very exciting milestone!

I'm really bummed out with this ITB injury on my right knee.  Just when I thought I was doing better it comes back with a vengeance.  It seems like it did not like the Olympic distance tri I did a few weeks ago.  The biggest concern is that I'm 10 weeks away from my Iron distance race - Challenge AC, and have not been able to run more than 5-6 times since Dec 1.  On top of that I have a couple of business trips before the race which will affect my training for 2-3 weeks.  I only hope that the distance between the mental part of wanting it really bad and the actual physical condition at race day are not impossible to connect :-

Adding a 90 min drainer from yesterday and a 60 min drainer today morning

Joe 8 7:33:13 
Gabe 8 11:26:04 
Mark 5 6:30:00 
Matt 7 10:00:40 
Jim 7 05:13:00 
Mitch 4 05:10:18 
Bruno 7 7:30:00 
Lisa 5 5:35:06

Edited by trigabe 2014-03-10 5:42 PM
2014-03-10 9:42 PM
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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Matthew, glad to see another parkrunner here! You know, you get a free t-shirt when you complete 50 of them..? I think I did 20 something already. Agree, well run event and pleasant way to start the weekend.

One short run for me yesterday. Still feeling not 100%.

Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 8 11:26:04
Mark 6 7:12:00
Matt 7 10:00:40
Jim 7 05:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 5 5:35:06

Edited by markz 2014-03-10 9:43 PM
2014-03-11 12:26 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
markz--congrats on the run this weekend!

45 minutes on the stationary bike at the gym. It was a beautiful day out and I would have loved to get out on my bike, but the schedule didn't cooperate.

Joe 8 7:33:13
Gabe 8 11:26:04
Mark 6 7:12:00
Matt 7 10:00:40
Jim 7 05:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 6 6:15:06

So, talk to me about trainers. If you have one, can you set it to vary the resistance, do you vary it by hand, or do you set it at a certain resistance and then pedal away? I don't have one, but I'm very curious about how people handle indoor bike workouts.
2014-03-11 2:47 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
^^^ Not a big fan of the trainer. I use it only on the days/nights i can't get out. I will normally use a training video like Sufferfest to stay on the bike for longer then 5 mins. I then follow the on screen instructions other wise it is too boring!!

I'm a long way from the 50 runs Mark - I am off to Sydney next week for work so thinking of doing one there. Its either that or long run over the bridge, but that all depends on the night before and what i get up to!!!

Edited by Matthews 2014-03-11 2:49 AM
2014-03-11 3:36 PM
in reply to: realrellim

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
90' run/bike brick.

Joe 9: 9:03:13
Gabe 8 11:26:04
Mark 6 7:12:00
Matt 7 10:00:40
Jim 7 05:13:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 6 6:15:06

I increasingly rely on my trainer for most of my riding. The last HIM I trained for, I'd say that 85% of my rides were inside. Basically, I only ride outside on weekends weather permitting. Since I train early mornings, there's not enough light to make outside training worthwhile, plus the safety issues. Also, with kids, it makes it a lot easier. However, like Matt said - it can be painfully boring and it takes time to male peace with the drainer.

There are various types of trainers at very different price points. Low end trainers use either wind/air or magnets to generate resistance on the roller that attaches to your rear tire. I've seen some with tension adjustments, but never used them. Price point for low end trainers are under $200. Next step up uses an oil cooled cyclinder that creates resistance and is much smoother and quieter to use. The resistance is based on the gearing of your bike at the time and it responds accordingly. You can easily generate enough resistance to get a great workout. Price point is between between $300-$500. There's a class of trainers above $500 that have bells and whistles, calculate power, etc. They all do the same ultimately, but it is worth spending a bit more as they hold up longer and are generally more quiet.

Besides being convenient to use, on a trainer, there is no coasting, so you are constantly pedaling. The longest I have spent on the trainer is 3.5 hours, which was painful, but I supplemented the time watching movies. Also, cycling specific training videos create structured workouts and can be fun.

2014-03-11 4:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
55 minutes on the drainer

Joe 9: 9:03:13
Gabe 8 11:26:04
Mark 6 7:12:00
Matt 7 10:00:40
Jim 8 06:08:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 6 6:15:06

I have no choice but to use the trainer between November and April, the cold and wintery weather make riding outside hell/impossible. Once Spring hits, I only ride outside. My job makes riding outside possible and where I live makes riding outside when the weather is nice a pure joy. Clean air, good roads, light traffic, and beautiful scenery.
I credit my time on the trainer for my improvement on the bike. It is efficient and a great workout. I have to use The Sufferfest video's to get through the workout. Without those, after 15 minutes, I want to start beating my head against the basement wall.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-03-11 4:52 PM
2014-03-11 5:30 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Drainer time and swim yesterday - Went to a very dark place (sufferfest) and Extra shot - It hurt

Joe 9: 9:03:13
Gabe 8 11:26:04
Mark 6 7:12:00
Matt 8 11:51:40
Jim 8 06:08:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 6 6:15:06
2014-03-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

I think all the basics on trainers have been well covered by Joe and team.  I also don't get excited about the drainer, but have been doing most of my rides on it due to time constraints.  I just got a Cycleops Fluid 2 about a month ago and am very happy with it.  I use some sufferfest videos or TrainerRoad with movies to take the boredom out of it as much as possible

Adding a 4000m swim from last night and a 1hr drainer workout at lunch

Joe 9: 9:03:13 
Gabe 9 13:39:44 
Mark 6 7:12:00 
Matt 8 11:51:40 
Jim 8 06:08:00 
Mitch 4 05:10:18 
Bruno 7 7:30:00 
Lisa 6 6:15:06 

2014-03-12 12:36 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
12k run today after work. First half was the trail behind the dunes, on the way back took the beach, it was a bit cooler with the ocean breeze. Had to walk few times and stopped to refill the water bottle. It was 30c again. I so miss the early morning runs before work, but starting work at 7am it is just not practical.

Joe 9: 9:03:13
Gabe 9 13:39:44
Mark 7 8:24:00
Matt 8 11:51:40
Jim 8 06:08:00
Mitch 4 05:10:18
Bruno 7 7:30:00
Lisa 6 6:15:06
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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