BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-07-08 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Since talking about tires....
So this past weekend I put a hole in the sidewall of my tire... It's toast!  Here is the question/options (we are talking strictly for looks):

1) Do I put on the new Orange/Black Maxxis (on the front and back)tires I have in the garage?
2) Do I go buy a new black and keep them black?
3) Do I swap tires with my other bike and have that be w/ Orange/Black?

(Maxxis 002.jpg)

(Maxxis 003.jpg)

(Maxxis 001.jpg)

Maxxis 002.jpg (46KB - 16 downloads)
Maxxis 003.jpg (28KB - 13 downloads)
Maxxis 001.jpg (27KB - 23 downloads)

2009-07-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2269891

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

fattyfatfat - 2009-07-08 9:51 AM I've been a little disappointed about my ride last week. I know I'm slow, but not avg 14.5 slow, even on that course.   I knew something just wasn't right.   During the race I had a hard time keeping my arms in the cups on the aero bars.  My arms just kept on falling out of them to the outside.  This caused me to be out of the bars way to much during the race.  Not good any day but especially in the wind right. 

This also led to a bit of discomfort out there.   During the training rides it really wasn't bad.  But during the race, lol.  For example, somewhere around mile 36 I could no longer use my right thumb to shift.  Just too numb and I couldn't get any pressure on it.  So I had to use my index finger and middle finger.  Even the next day I couldn't start my truck normally.  I had to turn the key with my fingers.

So I've been playing on the trainer since the race and trying to figure out what was up.  Finally I wised up and called the shop to set up a re-fit. Went in yesterday.  I explain to my fitter whats going on up front on the bars and he suggested a few adjustments.  He takes the pads off the cups and goes to get another set. 

As I'm standing there I notice a little crack in the cup.  A closer look and the entire cup is cracked in between the two screws that attach to the bars all the way to the edge.  I look at the other one and same thing.  They were both broken. Almost in half.  I assume the crack's gotten progressively worse which was why I was ok during training but not so much during the race.  He replaced them and its night and day. 

LOL.... right. 

These bars came off the first bike.   So I'm guessing this was a result of the wreck. 

I also put a Cobb V Flow + on her to so my butt feels good.

Dude, you should write a book about the bike issues you have had - glad the problem was found in the shop and not going down a hill at 35mph...

2009-07-08 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Steve, put the new Maxis tires on! 
2009-07-08 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2270231

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-08 10:24 AM

soccermom15 - 2009-07-08 10:22 AM

Morning all!  I took the new bike out for a real ride last night.  I went to an area that's pretty flat and didn't have a lot of traffic (parking lots, side streets).  I don't know that I'm ready for the busier roads just yet, but I had a good ride.  It was a little slow but I feel really good on it.  I'm sure I'll be able to speed up some the more I get used to riding it.  Here's a picture of it:


Like I said, not fancy, but so much nicer than my old one!  Since we're talking bikes hereSmile, I have a question.  I want to make sure that I keep it in good working order, so what should I be doing maintenance-wise to keep it running smoothly.  I know to check the tires before every ride, but how often shoudl I clean/lube the chain and things like that?  I think one of the biggest problems with my old bike was that it was never maintained and has a lot of dirt and rust that I can't get off.  I don't want this one to end up that way.  Any advice on maintenance?

Nice ride!  Your LBS should offer a class on basic maintenance.  If not, check the videos here on BT or on you tube.  Most importantly, when it gets wet, dry it off and re-lube the chain...

I have the Zinn and the art of whatever bike. Its pretty good as well.
2009-07-08 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2270244

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-08 10:28 AM

fattyfatfat - 2009-07-08 9:51 AM I've been a little disappointed about my ride last week. I know I'm slow, but not avg 14.5 slow, even on that course.   I knew something just wasn't right.   During the race I had a hard time keeping my arms in the cups on the aero bars.  My arms just kept on falling out of them to the outside.  This caused me to be out of the bars way to much during the race.  Not good any day but especially in the wind right. 

This also led to a bit of discomfort out there.   During the training rides it really wasn't bad.  But during the race, lol.  For example, somewhere around mile 36 I could no longer use my right thumb to shift.  Just too numb and I couldn't get any pressure on it.  So I had to use my index finger and middle finger.  Even the next day I couldn't start my truck normally.  I had to turn the key with my fingers.

So I've been playing on the trainer since the race and trying to figure out what was up.  Finally I wised up and called the shop to set up a re-fit. Went in yesterday.  I explain to my fitter whats going on up front on the bars and he suggested a few adjustments.  He takes the pads off the cups and goes to get another set. 

As I'm standing there I notice a little crack in the cup.  A closer look and the entire cup is cracked in between the two screws that attach to the bars all the way to the edge.  I look at the other one and same thing.  They were both broken. Almost in half.  I assume the crack's gotten progressively worse which was why I was ok during training but not so much during the race.  He replaced them and its night and day. 

LOL.... right. 

These bars came off the first bike.   So I'm guessing this was a result of the wreck. 

I also put a Cobb V Flow + on her to so my butt feels good.

Dude, you should write a book about the bike issues you have had - glad the problem was found in the shop and not going down a hill at 35mph...

ANdy don't kid yourself....That WILL happen with the new pads in place. It's John we are talking about.
2009-07-08 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2270254

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-07-08 10:30 AM Steve, put the new Maxis tires on! 


2009-07-08 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2270254

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

JHagerman - 2009-07-08 11:30 AM Steve, put the new Maxis tires on! 

x3 - The stealth look is over-rated - mix it up with some color....

However, you will need to find an orange and black helmet to coordinate correctly...

Edited by ashort33 2009-07-08 11:43 AM
2009-07-08 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2262469

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Redknight - 2009-07-05 6:56 AM

Roni where's your monthy updated picture. We're all weighting (how puny of me) to see it. I has become a staple of this group and a a great way to start off the month.  I hope everyone is having a great weekend. long one if you're south of the border.

Sorry Rob... it's not happening this month. Just too much going on. I'll make sure I have a good one for you in August
2009-07-08 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Congratulations Steve! It is all well deserved! Oh... and x4 on putting the maxxis on.

Love the new bike Janet!

Congrats to all the racers last weekend! Can't wait to read the reports!

I'm running a marathon this weekend that I am not prepared for. I plan to take my time, walk when I need to, and enjoy the day! It will not be a PR day for me, but I figure it will be good mental prep for getting through a tough mary. After all, it can't be as hard as getting through a mary after swimming 2.4 and biking 112 miles

Edited by roni_runnw 2009-07-08 12:39 PM
2009-07-08 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2270265

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-07-08 11:34 AM
ashort33 - 2009-07-08 10:28 AM

fattyfatfat - 2009-07-08 9:51 AM I've been a little disappointed about my ride last week. I know I'm slow, but not avg 14.5 slow, even on that course.   I knew something just wasn't right.   During the race I had a hard time keeping my arms in the cups on the aero bars.  My arms just kept on falling out of them to the outside.  This caused me to be out of the bars way to much during the race.  Not good any day but especially in the wind right. 

This also led to a bit of discomfort out there.   During the training rides it really wasn't bad.  But during the race, lol.  For example, somewhere around mile 36 I could no longer use my right thumb to shift.  Just too numb and I couldn't get any pressure on it.  So I had to use my index finger and middle finger.  Even the next day I couldn't start my truck normally.  I had to turn the key with my fingers.

So I've been playing on the trainer since the race and trying to figure out what was up.  Finally I wised up and called the shop to set up a re-fit. Went in yesterday.  I explain to my fitter whats going on up front on the bars and he suggested a few adjustments.  He takes the pads off the cups and goes to get another set. 

As I'm standing there I notice a little crack in the cup.  A closer look and the entire cup is cracked in between the two screws that attach to the bars all the way to the edge.  I look at the other one and same thing.  They were both broken. Almost in half.  I assume the crack's gotten progressively worse which was why I was ok during training but not so much during the race.  He replaced them and its night and day. 

LOL.... right. 

These bars came off the first bike.   So I'm guessing this was a result of the wreck. 

I also put a Cobb V Flow + on her to so my butt feels good.

Dude, you should write a book about the bike issues you have had - glad the problem was found in the shop and not going down a hill at 35mph...

ANdy don't kid yourself....That WILL happen with the new pads in place. It's John we are talking about.

Looks like I will have to pull the whole 100 miles on the 19th...  I think I am too scared to let John in front of me - he's liable to take us both out in some freak bicycling accident...

2009-07-08 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2270292

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-08 11:42 AM

JHagerman - 2009-07-08 11:30 AM Steve, put the new Maxis tires on! 

x3 - The stealth look is over-rated - mix it up with some color....

However, you will need to find an orange and black helmet to coordinate correctly...

X4.  add a bell and start yelling "Ice Cream.... get yer Ice Cream"

2009-07-08 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2270112

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

SSMinnow - 2009-07-08 10:53 AM HELP!!   I need some insight from the bike brainiacs.  When I was cleaning off my rear tire last night, I noticed this little divet in the center (towards the bottom of the image).  It doesn't seem to be too deep, but do I still need to replace the tire?  I wouldn't want this to be an issue on Saturday, but I kind of hate losing the tire if people think it is ok. 


2 things:

1. If you are comfortable changing a tire, you might want to turn the tire around. The "divet" looks like it is directional and might get larger over time if it faces the way it is. In reverse the road should not tear it up so much.

2. Take a little superglue (What we call CA glue in woodworking) and put some in the divet. The stuff cannot hurt the tie and may keep it from deteriorating.

Good luck,


2009-07-08 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2270541

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-07-08 12:49 PM
ashort33 - 2009-07-08 11:42 AM

JHagerman - 2009-07-08 11:30 AM Steve, put the new Maxis tires on! 

x3 - The stealth look is over-rated - mix it up with some color....

However, you will need to find an orange and black helmet to coordinate correctly...

X4.  add a bell and start yelling "Ice Cream.... get yer Ice Cream"

x5 and use the old black as a spare.
2009-07-08 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Kauai girl now in MIll Creek/Silver Firs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
hey all,

First day with the Masters group today - loved it but bet I'll be a bit sore tomorrow. The drills were fantastic but there's no way I could keep track of all the distances for my BT training log. ha ha - guess I'll just track the time.  There's a lot to be said for training with a group - the time went by much quicker than just swimming on my own.  I signed up to do the swim leg of an Oly relay in September so figure I better get as much swim time in as possible.

Good luck to all racing this weekend!

Edited by KauaiShan 2009-07-08 12:56 PM
2009-07-08 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

So I took my ride to the LBS at lunch today for a bike fit. I have not been entirely comfortable in my saddle. We raised the seat and moved it forward and moved the pads on my bars outward as much as possible. I do NOT have the narrow shoulder of a cyclists, just the big thighs, LOL.

It feels lots better, I can feel like I am getting more power. The only problem is the fork stem is too short to raise the bars more. I ordered a stem that will give me 1.5-2 cm rise which should help. They did not have an oversize one needed for my Easton bars.

When I go back I am bring my unopened set of Bontrager bars to see if they are a better fit. Apparaently the pads on the Bontrager are more adjustable as the pads on the Easton can not be moved forwards and backwards.

When I go to longer distances I may have to replace the fork to achieve a better position. Can you say $400. Cry .

Anyway the good news is I feel better and will ride it tongiht for 17.5 miles, plus he only charged me $50 for t he fit.


2009-07-08 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Pics from this weekend's race...  I did beat the guy!

2009-07-08 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2270622

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I'll be the lone dissenter Steve, go with Black, otherwise it makes it look like a Halloween bike...
2009-07-08 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2270577

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

DougRob - 2009-07-08 1:01 PM

So I took my ride to the LBS at lunch today for a bike fit. I have not been entirely comfortable in my saddle. We raised the seat and moved it forward and moved the pads on my bars outward as much as possible. I do NOT have the narrow shoulder of a cyclists, just the big thighs, LOL.

It feels lots better, I can feel like I am getting more power. The only problem is the fork stem is too short to raise the bars more. I ordered a stem that will give me 1.5-2 cm rise which should help. They did not have an oversize one needed for my Easton bars.

When I go back I am bring my unopened set of Bontrager bars to see if they are a better fit. Apparaently the pads on the Bontrager are more adjustable as the pads on the Easton can not be moved forwards and backwards.

When I go to longer distances I may have to replace the fork to achieve a better position. Can you say $400. Cry .

Anyway the good news is I feel better and will ride it tongiht for 17.5 miles, plus he only charged me $50 for t he fit.


$50 is not too bad for a fit, my was $75 two weeks ago - and I bought a new stem and saddle for another $120...  Never get off easy at the LBS..

2009-07-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2270680

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-07-08 1:29 PM

DougRob - 2009-07-08 1:01 PM

So I took my ride to the LBS at lunch today for a bike fit. I have not been entirely comfortable in my saddle. We raised the seat and moved it forward and moved the pads on my bars outward as much as possible. I do NOT have the narrow shoulder of a cyclists, just the big thighs, LOL.

It feels lots better, I can feel like I am getting more power. The only problem is the fork stem is too short to raise the bars more. I ordered a stem that will give me 1.5-2 cm rise which should help. They did not have an oversize one needed for my Easton bars.

When I go back I am bring my unopened set of Bontrager bars to see if they are a better fit. Apparaently the pads on the Bontrager are more adjustable as the pads on the Easton can not be moved forwards and backwards.

When I go to longer distances I may have to replace the fork to achieve a better position. Can you say $400. Cry .

Anyway the good news is I feel better and will ride it tongiht for 17.5 miles, plus he only charged me $50 for t he fit.


$50 is not too bad for a fit, my was $75 two weeks ago - and I bought a new stem and saddle for another $120...  Never get off easy at the LBS..

It is normally $75, he told the guy at the register to only charge me $50. Nice pics. That guy behind you looks like he is about to puke.
2009-07-08 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2270549

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-07-08 12:52 PM

SSMinnow - 2009-07-08 10:53 AM HELP!!   I need some insight from the bike brainiacs.  When I was cleaning off my rear tire last night, I noticed this little divet in the center (towards the bottom of the image).  It doesn't seem to be too deep, but do I still need to replace the tire?  I wouldn't want this to be an issue on Saturday, but I kind of hate losing the tire if people think it is ok. 


2 things:

1. If you are comfortable changing a tire, you might want to turn the tire around. The "divet" looks like it is directional and might get larger over time if it faces the way it is. In reverse the road should not tear it up so much.

2. Take a little superglue (What we call CA glue in woodworking) and put some in the divet. The stuff cannot hurt the tie and may keep it from deteriorating.

Good luck,


Hey Doug--Can you come over and change my tire?  I'll let you swim in my lake!  I am off to buy some super glue. All we have is Gorilla Glue (WTF?).

Andy--Nice pics. I feel for the friend behind you.  He looks fried while you look fab!

Steve--All black is my vote. I like the striped tires, but your whole bike is black.  Looks a lot more manly

Roni-good luck this weekend.   Assuming you stick to your "have fun" plan I am sure you will have a great day.

2009-07-08 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Suzy I'll be right over!

Gorilla Glue is terrible. It is water activated and foams up. Its bonding strength is not nearly as good as hide glue (normal wood glue from Titebond for example). BTW if ou have a woodcraft store in your neck of the woods go there for the "super" or "crazy" glue. It is called CA glue and you will get a lot more glue for a lot less money! (CA stands for Cyanactrylate or something like that. I use it to put a finish on wooden pend I turn on my lathe).


2009-07-08 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

FWIW: There is a Woodcraft store in MAdison, WI: at 616 Westgate Mall, Madison, WI. 53711, (608) 273 - 8868.
2009-07-08 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
So I was looking at my Garmin log's from June... Over 30k of Elevatoin Gain.... I climbed Everest!


June.JPG (84KB - 28 downloads)
2009-07-08 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2271337

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

swbkrun - 2009-07-08 3:03 PM So I was looking at my Garmin log's from June... Over 30k of Elevatoin Gain.... I climbed Everest!

That is very cool, Steve!  I need to download my Garmin workouts...What software program do you use?  I had the Garmin training center on my old pc laptop, but ever since I got my mac (sometime in March), I have just been using the connection as a charge.  I can't find the cd that came with my watch! 

2009-07-08 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2271337

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-07-08 6:03 PM So I was looking at my Garmin log's from June... Over 30k of Elevatoin Gain.... I climbed Everest!

That's crazy!

You use SportTracks right?  How did you get to that screen?
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