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2007-09-06 9:57 AM
in reply to: #898191

New user

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Hey Deanna!!!
You may or may not remember me from when we were little kids running around at the Yacht Club but, I'm Kaitlyn Haglund. my mom emails me updates pretty much everyday and I'm AMAZED but each one of them!!! and SO HAPPY!!! Not a day goes by that I don't think about and pray for you! I hope your progress continues to climb and I'm absolutly sure it will! I just moved to Mount Pleasant to go to Central and me and my roomates and the building I live in are working on putting together a 5k race or run...and donating to the DOLLARS FOR DEANNA!! Its just on paper right now but hopefully we can get everything together really soon! Keep positive because theres a TON of people on your team!!! Also keep surprising people!!
Godspeed and God Bless!!


2007-09-06 11:03 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Very inspiring; the spirit of brotherhood displayed by BT members here. I am reminded why I liked this site and this sport so much.  It's good to be back.

I wish you all the best Deanna.

2007-09-06 11:14 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
wow.. i am all teary-eyed and touched.
2007-09-06 2:20 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Welcome to BT, Deanna!!!  It's great to have you posting here. 
2007-09-06 3:14 PM
in reply to: #898191

New user

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Deanna, my name is Robert Key and I am the founder of Faithful Soles, a web site dedicated to inspiring athletes of all ages and abilities. I have read your posts and replies and am truly inspired. What I wanted to share with you is a story on my web site entitled "The Greatest Marathoner" about an event I witnessed at the 2000 Boston Marathon that I believe you personally will find incredibly inspirational. If you go to the web site at you will see a link to the story to the right of my photo on the home page. God bless you and my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you.

Edited by Faithful Soles 2007-09-06 3:23 PM
2007-09-06 4:36 PM
in reply to: #898191


Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
have not been able to access the site for the last 2 days due to computer glitches. How wonderful it was to read the note from Deanna. You are definitely a miracle in the works. I have never met you but knew your dad and uncle from growing up in Tawas. They new my brothers fairly well. i will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. I was thrilled to hear about your GREAT ESCAPE. I'm only sorry that none of the nurses helped you to make an escape earlier in your stay.

Good luck in REHAB and keep right on surprising the nurses and therapists. Surprises are good for the soul

MaryAnn (Mac Murray) Ray
Beulah, CO

2007-09-06 4:50 PM
in reply to: #954426

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Hey, Deanna again. 

 Today was my first whole day in rehab.  I did well.  I had 1.5 hours of speech therapy, during which a lady assessed my cognitive functioning.  Ha.  Not to brag or anything, but I can name T words, alphabetize four-letter words, AND pick out the big yellow squares from the other confusing shapes (by that I mean red circles and blue triangles).  I'm also not fooled when my therapist tries to hide objects and make me remember where she put them (I got to look and she told me for heavens sake).  Anyway, she said that there's nothing she can do for me, so I don't need to go to speech therapy again.  Apparently its not unusual for people that had traumatic brain injuries to experience problems with cognitive functioning when they "wake up," but again, I think the prayer came in handy here.  So thanks for that.

 On the physical front, well, I may not be quite up for the long swims, bikes, and runs I was doing 9 weeks ago, but my strength, balance, and endurance are improving continuously.  Currently my primary forms of mobility are scooting and wheelchairing, but give it, mmm, three days and I'll get walkering on my own.

I also get a green dot to replace the red dot on my wheelchair.  I'm not really sure what this means, but it's a good thing.


2007-09-06 5:14 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Yeah for Green Dots!! green sounds better than Red... Whooo hoo, you just got me completely pumped for my workout tonight with your email. I feel like doing cartwheels (but i better not... i will pull something and not be able to do tonights run.. age, ya know.) Kick some in therapy this week!
2007-09-06 7:14 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Woodland Park, CO
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
I know many people are in the same boat - lots have already said so. BUT, I couldn't keep reading this and not say that all of you are such wonderful teammates in this sport of triathlon, but also this thread truly is a testament to the value of so many wonderful things about prayer, pulling for one another, and simply bearing each other's burdens. Kudos to all of you, and especially to Deanna, whose posts strike me as so matter-of-fact when the truth is that her recovery is so anything but. I'm struck by how small our world is with random posters telling about how they are connected to Deanna and the BT community. Welcome all, and allow Deanna with her spirit and intense drive to inspire you to do bigger and better things. I know this has done that for me. Thank you - as cheesy as it may sound. I just felt that it just needed to go no longer unsaid by me (that is just how I feel!). I'm praying for you, Deanna, and I know that God has big things in store for you - He won't bring you through all of this for anything less.
2007-09-06 7:37 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Let's see - red dot =stop, yellow dot = caution, green dot must mean go!  When do you get the checkered dot?
2007-09-06 8:35 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

AWESOME DEANNA!!!! Girl, you are so sassy and funny- keep it up and you will show up everyone in rehab....

I'm sure the green dot means you can go wherever you want in the wheelchair, at least that's the excuse you should give them the next time they catch you escaping!!!

I'm telling everyone I know about your amazing progress! 

2007-09-06 9:29 PM
in reply to: #898191

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Well, in my daughter's class red means you're in trouble and you miss recess.  Green means you've been good and get to pick out of the treasure box.  So - I guess you're out of trouble for escaping and can go pick a treasure now!
2007-09-06 10:20 PM
in reply to: #898191


Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
D$!!! Haha, I joined this because I don't know any other way to contact you right now. However, I just wanted to say hey and congrats on causing a ruckus in rehab. If you are in dire need to gain weight, I know just the cookies to help you out (buttery, chocolatey, toffee delishiousnesses). Anywho, up here in Madison they have the Ironman Wisconsin on Saturday, and I finagled my way into the swim and am going to be donating some dollaz to your cause.

Keep doing your thing--sounds like you are doing your best to surprise everyone!

p.s. this is Lisa C if my trail name "fly swatter" didn't give me away...(that's a whole nother story)
2007-09-06 10:24 PM
in reply to: #952354

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang tough kiddo...He is all ready using you in a mighty way

Edited by CoachH 2007-09-06 10:25 PM
2007-09-06 11:07 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Congrats Deanna.  Keep up the good work!
2007-09-07 8:15 AM
in reply to: #898191

New user

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Deanna you rock!!! I love your attitude and smart b*tt sense of humor. Every morning before any work gets done, I immediately check this thread to see how you're doing and everyday I sign off with a smile. Your progress is such a testimony to prayer!

2007-09-07 8:56 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Maybe the red dots are GPS-tracking devices, in case you try to run away again. I guess green means they trust you now to stay put!

Glad to hear you're up and around. Thanks for the inspiration.
2007-09-08 12:13 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, SC
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

You are amazing! Your great attitiude will get you far.
2007-09-08 12:42 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Kauai, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Aloha Deanna,

You are doing awesome, keep your therapist on their toes!

I was just thinking and wondering if you knew that in your blog you can add links to your website.

we all love to leave inspires and it is an easy way for someone to drop a donation, I noticed you already have a few! FYI this site is addicting!

A Hui ho,                                                                                                                            Nancy

2007-09-08 8:12 PM
in reply to: #952354

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

dlb3830 - 2007-09-05 8:26 AM Hey, this is Deanna. Thanks for all of your prayers and support. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I'm alive right now. I continue to be amazed when I get cards and flowers from people that I don't even know. Today I get to go to rehab (my mom says not the Hollywood kind). I'm pretty excited for that. I have to get measured for a leg and learn how to walk. I also lost a considerable amount of weight (had to be all muscle) in the last few weeks, so I'm working on putting that back on. I think that as I gain weight I'll continue to get stronger. This will help with my mobility. Yesterday I hopped around with a walker; twice as far as my therapists thought I was going. My goal is to continue to surprise the people working with me. I think I already surprise my nurses too much - except nurses don't like surprises. One day they had to call security on me because my mom helped me escape outside in a wheelchair; I was supposed to not leave the floor I was on. What did they expect? As soon as I wasn't wired to the bed, I made my getaway. I joked that they would never be able to find me because I'm so inconspicuous. I have blond hair, blue eyes, am missing a leg, wearing one red sock, and at one point I was carrying a balloon. They had no chance of spotting me. But really, I had technically been inside for over 6 weeks - what did they expect? Anyway, I'm doing better everyday. I tell people that they need to warn rehab that I'm coming. I guess when I was in a coma I saved up some sass. I had my physical therapist call me a smart arse , so I think I'm doing good so far. Also, my left arm is getting better from when they put in my AICD, so I'm self-propelled and very dangerous in a wheelchair. Again, thanks for your support. Deanna

my goodness... I think you are probably my first witness to a miracle.  Your typing is suberb, which means your mind must be as well... however, I somehow knew you were smart from the very beginning

Hmmmm... it's really amazing to read your post straight from you.  It is probably the best gift you can give any stranger.. and I guess that your gift would be that good things do happen.... you are a testament to that.

and about that leg... OMG, girl... you are going to be one sexy woman with a prosthetic.  You're probably going to change the world when it comes to prosthetic's... you watch.  It takes people like you, people with courage and strength and commitment to change the worlds view when it comes to these's kinds of challenges.

You are great... I'm so happy you are better.  I'm so happy you are posting.  I'm so happy for your family!   You did great, and I know you will do great from here on out.

You really made my day by reading your very own post... that so rocks

Your friend Kat
Chicago, IL!

Keep up the good work woman!!!

2007-09-10 1:53 PM
in reply to: #898191

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Any new news Deanna?  We all love reading your updates!  Or did you escaoe already?

2007-09-10 10:06 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
So it's been three days, I bet you are walkering all over the place now, Dee!
2007-09-12 7:18 AM
in reply to: #959315

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Well, today is the day I've been waiting for ever since I woke up and realized that I hated being in the hospital: I get to go home. Since we're all athletes and we log progress in hours, minutes, and seconds, I thought a quantitative summary of my hospital stay would be appropriate.


1,324,498: times nurses ripped tape/tegaderm/electrodes off my body


1,759: times my oxygen saturation, pulse, and blood pressure were taken


400: approximate distance in feet I can cover on crutches without falling/becoming fatigued


55: length in days of my total hospital stay


35: pounds of weight I lost, including a missing leg


14: holes in my body that were not meant to be holes


10: doctors I had throughout my stay


7: number of surgeries I had


5: weeks I was in a coma


4: times I was cognitively evaluated and found to be completely normal


3: good meals consisting of hospital food, or approximately 5% rate of edibility


2: times I went missing and caused my nurses to make phone calls to find me


1: time I was called a smart a$$ by my therapist, random 3:30am Jamaican sponge bath, leg I

now have


Right. So I leave with a pretty sweet gold prosthetic leg; I've yet to figure out how to use it. My primary form of mobility will be wheelchairing, supplemented with crutching as my balance improves. I intend to go back to school this semester on research and independent study credits. I told one of my co-workers that I would race him (and beat him) at the White Lake half ironman in early May, so I better figure out how to run and bike ride by February or so. We'll see how that goes. I'll probably start small with a plain 5k race and go from there.


Again, thanks for the support and encouragement.



Edited by dlb3830 2007-09-12 7:22 AM
2007-09-12 7:39 AM
in reply to: #898191

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Congrats on getting to go home!! Make sure you skip the breakfast at the hospital this morning and get something on the way home!! We will be looking for you at the races next year!!
2007-09-12 7:48 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Jamestown, NC
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Great post Deanna, thanks for the cool updates that show your humor and spirit. See you at White Lake in May, please don't beat me though.
(See this threead for more info on that (
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