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2007-09-17 10:13 AM
in reply to: #967390

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tired from last Tri???
Episcopit - 2007-09-17 9:19 AM

nancylee - 2007-09-16 1:03 PM I am starting to think I am wasting valuable time on this sport although I do love the training.

If you love the training, then train - it's not a waste of time to maintain fitness. Some people think racing is fun and motivating. Some people don't. There a plenty of people who run for fitness and never race. The same for swimming and biking. Triathlete carries the connotation of racing in a way the individual disciplines don't. So rename yourself a linear sportsman (or come up with your own moniker, and explain to anyone who asks that it refers to someone who bikes, swims, and runs for fun and fitness) and keep doing what you enjoy.

It is possible that you're still tired from you event two weeks ago. Take a few days off and see how you feel.

I am going to take a few extra days off this week. I have a tri on Sunday, and I am going to only do 3 workouts this week. Thanks,

2007-09-20 11:29 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

looks like I have some race reports to catch up on!

I have experienced a travel-for-work miracle of losing 8 lbs while away 2 weeks!  

That's my news.   

And I can run for 40 minutes without stopping now.    I don';t think I run much faster than I walk, but still.    My chi must be aligned.

2007-09-20 11:34 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I have those thoughts all the time. ALL THE TIME.

I've been running ALOT. I'm no faster... I'm just sore. I don't feel as though I'm improving at all. I have no speed. I do have endurance... but nothing (and I mean NOTHING) in the speed department.  And it bums me out. Plus my "good" knee is hurting now. I have no idea what's going on.

My race report still isn't finished. Hope to get to that at some point this week... Like tomorrow... maybe.

Going to bed now... tired. Up too late... (!!!!)  


2007-09-23 9:17 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
My race report is up - read it and be glad you are not as slow, with such a high HR, as me.
2007-09-28 10:18 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hi all. I've been MIA out of town for awhile, but I'm back and ready to really hit the IM training, and keep up with what all of you are doing. RTT and I are hoping to get fitted on our new rides next week. Just in time for some fall riding on the IM Wisconsin course.
2007-09-28 11:57 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi Guys!

My GC race report was nearly FINISHED... when I hit a wrong button and erased the ENTIRE THING. I tried to get it back, but it was already gone. So very very bummed out... had to give up before I broke my mouse banging it on the desk.  Frown

Am having a hard time getting motivated to make a second attempt. But, I will. Also a little sidetracked with nervousness re: the marathon... EEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!


2007-10-08 5:28 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

so bummed for you Wizzzzz.    Enjoy your break!

My RR is posted.  nothing glamorous.....


2007-10-21 1:35 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

peaking at everyone's logs, I see some runs for RTR, a marathon for Episcopit, but otherwise it looks like we are nearlly officially "off season".

What are your plans for winter?  I am tring to get one.

2007-10-21 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1017583

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!


1. Take care of shoulder

2. Take time for other activities: possibilities include indoor rock climbing, roller blading, geocaching, wii sports, aikido, and darts. 

3. Maintain weight

4. Spend quality time on bike trainer

5. Focus on speedwork in the pool

6. Work on strength training and core

2007-10-22 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1017643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
You sound like you are going to be busy this weekend. The only things I can do right now is swim and weights. Unfortunately, my chest is still burning, so I am doing nothing.

Have fun!!
2007-10-22 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1019577

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

nancylee - 2007-10-22 7:47 PM You sound like you are going to be busy this weekend. The only things I can do right now is swim and weights. Unfortunately, my chest is still burning, so I am doing nothing. Have fun!!


2007-10-23 10:01 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi guys!

I'm your absentee mentor! How are you all? It looks as though you guys have had GREAT seasons!

And there are big big big plans in the works for NEXT season for Lori and Eric!!! EEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!

So, now that we are all decompressing... have you given a teeny tiny thought to anything that may appear on the docket for next year? Or if you haven't thought that far ahead, let's take a cue from Laura and list our off season goals... here are mine:

  • Run
  • Run
  • Run
  • Run

So there you go. I will be working on"speed" not distance. So my longest runs will be 10K. I'm looking forward to that.


2007-10-29 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1019588

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I have bronchitis and I still have it. I am wheezing at night, too, but I am too stubborn to go to the doctor's. I don't want to sit and wait for 3 hours. I have major ADD recently, especially since I haven't been working out. GRRRRRRRR>>>>>
2007-10-29 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1029137

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

nancylee - 2007-10-29 9:22 PM I have bronchitis and I still have it. I am wheezing at night, too, but I am too stubborn to go to the doctor's. I don't want to sit and wait for 3 hours. I have major ADD recently, especially since I haven't been working out. GRRRRRRRR>>>>>

 well.....  I think you know what you should do.....  but I know what you mean.  I am new to Reno and dread getting sick as I have no doc.   get in, see a doc.   3 hours of wait vs what, 3 more weeks of being sick?    sometimes you just gotta.

I still don't have a goal.....      I would be willing to take suggestions.

2007-10-29 9:43 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Nancy, get yourself into see a Doctor. Go to one of those urgent care places... they will fix you right up with a Z-pack or something equivalent, and you will be on your way!

Mary, what do you hope to accomplish next season? Anyone wanna work on run speed with me? I'm going to be running alot this off season... (!!!!!!!) Laughing

2007-10-29 10:32 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I'm not all that fond of seeing docs, but sometimes they are necessary. I prefer DOs or NPs, but only if they admit what they are and don't try to be MDs. I saw a very nice doc today mainly because I wanted to call in sick to work - I can't just call in, I have to get the necessary paperwork (Army thing). I have a respiratory infection and the required paperwork to stay home until Wednesday morning.

I'm not going to focus much on running during the off season as my first event of the season is another marathon, so I'm taking a break for a bit.

Race report for the Marine Corps Marathon is posted.  

2007-10-30 12:47 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Off season for me is about the same as Whizzzzz's:

Run, run, run.

Miracle of miracles: I seem to be getting faster!

Lots of running races for January through Mai - anything from 5 miles to 20 miles. For anyone in the Chicago/Wisconsin area that enjoys a little post race drinkie-poo, the S-No-W Fun Run (list on my 2008 schedule) is hard to beat. May comes to a head with Syttende Mai and its 20 miles of hills. I may shoot for 2 marathons this year: Madison and Grandma's. We'll see.
2007-10-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1029157

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-10-29 9:43 PM

Nancy, get yourself into see a Doctor. Go to one of those urgent care places... they will fix you right up with a Z-pack or something equivalent, and you will be on your way!

Mary, what do you hope to accomplish next season? Anyone wanna work on run speed with me? I'm going to be running alot this off season... (!!!!!!!) Laughing

Working on speed sounds good to me! What do you have in mind?
2007-11-09 3:34 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

There's enough of a theme running through our logs that I decided to post here:

Rest - how and why?

My coach posted workouts for me starting the day after my marathon. I pretty much laughed at them the first week because I exceeded them, at least in duration if not intensity, for the simple fact that walking and biking are my primary means of transport.  (Yesterday there was a 20m walk on my schedule, so I timed myself. I walked a total of 56 minutes getting around)

This week, I've paid more attention to the posted workouts. Partly because I don't run as a normal part of my day and there were a couple of runs posted, but more as a guide to activity levels. Without training to take up my time, I'm prone to find other physical activities to occupy me. The past 3 days, I've talked myself out of one swim session with friends, going exploring by bike to find Henderson Hall (I figure this will end up being at least a 15 mile ride), and roller blading any number of times.  Inconsistently, I haven't talked myself out of rock climbing, which I log as half the time we're actually at the gym. So, for me the structured plan as helped me keep myself in check.

As I get further out from the marathon, I'm adding in more additional activities - bike commuting to work and going back to daily Mass at my home parish (I gave this up this week to keep a consistent sleep schedule and avoid the extra bike time).

After I recover physically, I can see some positives of having a totally blank schedule for a couple of weeks doing things as I feel. It might provide a mental break from training if I didn't use the down time to engage in academic reading about triathlons (I like having internet access to sports medicine journals from home, but I'm not sure it's good for me).

Next year I'll look into partcipating in NaNoWriMo to take time off from training (see, there I go planning again). I have created some nifty training aides for TBIs the last couple of weeks with the decreased training volume.

Rest is defiantly good - reduces burnout and injury. I'm just not sure what's the best way for me to go about it - using a schedule to make sure I get the physical rest or dumping the schedule for the mental break and seeing what pans out.

2007-11-09 3:25 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Rest, hmmmmmm, we all need to do it at some point.  I don't want to get carried away with doing a plan before the IM plan (I think 30 weeks of a schedule with 7-9 workouts a week is enough).

So, I am opting for ensuring I have the proper base built for the first week of the IM plan.  I will be happy with keeping my runs at 40 minutes, swims at 1800-2200 yards, and bikes at 1-2 hours.  If I am tired, I will skip a workout.  Weight training will shift to a strength focus--low reps, increased weights.  The piriformis is healing nicely thanks to the addition of rehab stretches and some work with lateral stability.

Swimming is by far my weakest sport--no missed swim workouts starting this week.

Work is going to be absolutely crazy through mid-January.  Training time will be easy to find starting in May, perfect for IM prep!  Lots of time off as I march toward retirement.  Retire to Tri, not to leisure!

What does everyone have planned for the off season?  Any running events, indoor tris, etc.?  Berbee Derby is on tap for me, I will be running a very slow 10K.

2007-11-09 4:40 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

My coach made me promise NO organized swim/bike/run for at least 3 weeks, preferably 4 weeks after the Chicago debacle. I needed a BREAK. I'd never taken a full and total break like that. It felt GUUUUUUUD. Laughing

I did a little bike riding, a little running (a very little running) and basically only did athletic things if they were somehow tied into my social life. Or if they involved food.  Kiss I did NO swimming at all... because I just didn't feel like getting wet.

My motivation was very VERY low. And I was just tired. And DONE. DONE. DONE. DONE.

Little by little, I found my motivation returning. It took all of the 4 weeks.

I am recharged, recovered, and ready to start on my offseason maintenance/run speed plan.

(Now, understand, when I say SPEED.... I'm meaning RELATIVE speed. I need to get my per mile average into the low 11's or high 10's so I can train for a marathon and not have my long run take the better half of a day.)

That's it. I will be running. Running. Running. More than I ran before. Probably more than I want to. The goal is to be faster, stronger and uninjured come April-ish. Laughing We'll see!

Rest = Good.
Rest = Good.
Rest = Good.

Don't burn out. It's only November! We should be on the downswing now. Rediscover your friends! Your family. Your pets! Your other hobbies. (Are there other hobbies?)


SMILE, guys. I'm so proud of each and every one of you. You all had a GREAT year and you inspired me with your accomplishments and the way you pushed yourselves. Congratulations on a job well done in 2007.

2007-11-10 6:47 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I, too, have been on a break. I have been sick for a month, with some kind of cold/flu. And I have NO motivation to do anything. I have a walking cast for my PF, and it is NOT working. I am going to go to yoga tomorrow morning, which will be the first thing I have done in a month.

I am trying to find the motivation to get into the pool and do time trials. Working on it.
2007-11-10 2:09 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

OMG -   I made a plan.  and posted it.....  even on my fridge

2007-12-25 12:05 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Bumpity, Bump.  Happy holidays everyone! 

Enjoy good health, time with your families, peace, and joy this holiday season.

Are we going to keep this mentor group going?  Are we going to abandon it?  I have hooked up with someone doing IM Arizona but more as a "compare notes" kind of arrangement as opposed to someone answering my questions.

So, what do you all think?  Laura, do you still want to keep this going?

We all have a week to decide how to attack the upcoming new year.

2007-12-25 2:04 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Regardless of whether we keep the band together, I have all of your links on my training page.

My goal for the next week is to run 38 more miles to attain my first ever 1000 mile running year. Over the past 8 days I have run 58 miles and am treating it more as a challenge than a workout plan. My goal is to finish no later than 12/30 to give my legs a full 1.5 days rest before my first run of the year - a 5 mile race on New Year's Day in Middleton.
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